Villainous Malevolent Ghost (11)

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Song Xu Yi is returning to school.

She was packing her luggage sluggishly, feeling as if she hadn’t rested well in the latter half of the night. She couldn’t quite catch her breath, as if a rope was tied around her body.

She had planned to catch up on sleep during the flight, but after sitting in her seat, she found that she couldn’t muster any drowsiness. Instead, she kept thinking about the search results from the night before regarding Bai Yu.

After a night of contemplation, Song Xu Yi emerged from the rage she had felt the previous night. She wasn’t sure what had come over her then; perhaps Bai Yu’s memories had triggered her too deeply, causing her to obsess over avenging her.

But what good would it do to find the killer? The murderer had likely turned into a pile of bones by now…

The greatest revenge against the killer would be for Bai Yu to live a better life, even better than before.

With this in mind, Song Xu Yi once again began to contemplate her future plans.

In fact, she had always been puzzled about what ghosts and evil spirits were in this world. Obviously, there were not only Song Xu Yi who had thought about this question. In the physics academic world of this world, there existed a physics discipline specialized in studying the relationship between evil spirits and energy. The reason why Song Xu Yi continued the original owner’s aspiration to apply for graduate studies was also because she had the idea of wanting to apply for this type of discipline.

After experiencing several dangerous situations and seeing the look of Bai Yu’s death, Song Xu Yi became even more determined to apply for related research: not only because she was interested in this field, but also because she wanted to help Bai Yu when she encountered problems, rather than always waiting for Bai Yu to come to rescue her.

To study this area, one must prepare relevant professional foundations. Song Xu Yi decided to self-study some talismanic spells while reading professional books. On the one hand, she could learn some self-protection methods. On the other hand, it could also help her better prepare for the February retest.

Thinking of this, Song Xu Yi immediately found an app that specializes in teaching introductory metaphysics, paid the registration fee, and began learning with the tutorial.

The online course teacher assigned…

As Song Xuyi looked at the cover of the book titled “Founder of Metaphysics: Bai Yu,” she couldn’t help but feel a sense of embarrassment. After all, she was learning the basics of metaphysics in front of Bai Yu, who was living inside the bead on her wrist. When she tried to recite the spells, she felt too self-conscious to speak out loud, so she silently chanted to herself: “In the beginning, there was the heavens and the earth, the universe and chaos…”

Soon, the plane arrived at its destination.

Instead of heading straight back to campus, Song Xu Yi went to the apartment she had purchased near the school.

During her freshman year, Song Xu Yi’s parents had bought her this apartment because they were worried she wouldn’t adjust well to dorm life. But Song Xu Yi got along well with her dormmates, so the apartment remained empty most of the time. A cleaning lady came by regularly to keep the place tidy.

Although she knew that Bai Yu wasn’t afraid of sunlight, Song Xu Yi still closed all the curtains before softly calling out to her: “Bai Yu, are you there?”

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A familiar figure slowly appeared in the air.

Bai Yu lightly stepped on her toes, and gently landed in front of Song Xu Yi.

For some reason, Song Xu Yi suddenly felt nervous.

Bai Yu was still dressed in white, looking stunning as ever, but Song Xu Yi always felt that there seemed to be some changes in her—she seemed to have generated a strange magnetic field that was mysterious and dangerous, making one’s heart tingle, and unconsciously wanting to look at her.

Was it because she saw through the reason of life and death? So her whole temperament changed?

Song Xu Yi didn’t know why, looking at Bai Yu’s appearance, she felt a little dizzy.

“Xu Yi, what are you thinking about?”

It wasn’t until Bai Yu voiced her slightly puzzled question that Song Xu Yi snapped out of her trance. She looked at Bai Yu’s beautiful face, which had somehow moved closer to her cheek, and her heart trembled. She cleared her throat and tried to change the subject casually, “Master Bai, what do you think of this house?”

Bai Yu swept her gaze around the room before resting it back on Song Xu Yi. Her lips curved slightly, and her voice was husky, “Xu Yi’s house is naturally very good.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t know what had come over her, but her gaze couldn’t help but fall on Bai Yu’s red lips. They looked incredibly luscious and moist, and she couldn’t help but recall the soft touch of Bai Yu’s lips when they had come into contact before. She almost didn’t hear what Bai Yu was saying.

Bai Yu looked really enticing today!

But Song Xu Yi quickly regained her senses.

She shook her head, trying to shake off the strange feeling that had suddenly come over her. Taking a deep breath, she dared not look at Bai Yu’s stunning face that had made her heart flutter. She lowered her head and spoke about her plan for Bai Yu: “Master, I promised to help you adapt to modern society. This house has a computer. I’ll teach you how to use modern appliances, including computers and cell phones. With these two things, you’ll be able to look up anything you don’t understand…”

As she spoke, Song Xu Yi turned around in a fluster and walked several steps before realizing that Bai Yu hadn’t followed her. She turned back to look at Bai Yu, but Bai Yu slowly walked up to her side, smiling and taking hold of Song Xu Yi’s arm.

Song Xu Yi always knew that Bai Yu looked beautiful when she smiled, but today’s Bai Yu’s smile was different from usual. If the previous Bai Yu looked like a goddess that people admired, today’s Bai Yu looked like a witch that had fallen into the mortal world, manipulating people’s hearts with every smile and frown.

Once again, Song Xu Yi’s heart beat uncontrollably.

“Xu Yi, after dying once and waking up in modern times, I’ve come to understand some things,” Bai Yu sighed lightly, seeming not to notice Song Xu Yi’s widened eyes as she lowered her gaze.

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At first, Song Xu Yi felt incredibly awkward due to their intimate position. But upon hearing Bai Yu’s words, she subconsciously ignored her discomfort and listened attentively.

“I thought about it all night last night. The things I needed to do before I died have already been done. From now on, I’ve decided to live for myself and pursue the people and things I want.”

Bai Yu seemed determined, once again lifting her head to look at Song Xu Yi with a pleading expression that was both pitiful and charming. “Xu Yi, you’re my only friend in this world. Will you help me, please?”

Song Xu Yi didn’t catch the implication behind Bai Yu’s words. She was still worrying about how to comfort Bai Yu when she suddenly realized that Bai Yu had already figured it out on her own. Upon seeing the expectant look in Bai Yu’s eyes, Song Xu Yi was filled with courage and nodded repeatedly. “Of course, I’ll definitely help you!”

Seeing Song Xu Yi fall into the villain’s trap again, the system in her mind couldn’t bear to watch anymore, but couldn’t speak up to remind her. In frustration, it simply blocked out the outside world, out of sight and out of mind.

However, Song Xu Yi was too immersed in the joy of her words to pay attention to the system’s movements.

As if sensing Song Xu Yi’S pleasure, the corners of Bai Yu’s lips once again curved up, and that electric feeling of tingling and numbness arose in Song Xu Yi’S heart once again.

However, just because she had just agreed to Bai Yu’s words, Song Xu Yi was afraid that if she lowered her head now, it would cause Bai Yu to misunderstand. So she gritted her teeth and maintained her slightly raised posture while looking at Bai Yu.

Obviously, Song Xu Yi overestimated her patience. Bai Yu’s beautiful face was simply too enchanting when seen up close, and despite her efforts to control herself, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but flush red, her head feeling dizzy…

“As friends, using honorifics may feel a little distant. From now on, Xu Yi can just call me ‘Bai Yu’!”

“Xu Yi, are you feeling unwell?”

Bai Yu looked at Song Xu Yi’s pink cheeks with a hint of dark emotions flashing in her eyes. She raised her eyebrows and reached out to touch Song Xu Yi’s cheek.

Perhaps due to their symbiotic relationship, Bai Yu’s hand should have been cold, but as it touched Song Xu Yi’s face and met her caring gaze, Song Xu Yi felt like an electric current had passed through her body. She couldn’t help but shiver, and her legs became inexplicably weak.

Song Xu Yi had originally intended to avoid Bai Yu’s hand, but for some reason, she didn’t move. A secret and shameful thought crossed her mind in that moment: she wanted to lean into Bai Yu’s embrace.

Realizing what she had just thought, Song Xu Yi couldn’t believe it and stared in disbelief. How could she suddenly become like this?

This can’t go on like this!

“I… I’m not sick, I’m just too happy!” Despite having met with Bai Yu several times before and secretly lusting after her beauty, Song Xu Yi had never been so flustered before. She lowered her head in embarrassment, trying to calm her racing heart, but as soon as she spoke, her voice became soft and delicate, causing her even more shame. She felt like crying.

“I’m very happy too,” Bai Yu replied with a smile, looking at Song Xu Yi joyfully. Her tone was so warm and sincere that it stopped her from using the excuse that her hands were too hot and letting go of her hand.

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Song Xu Yi forced a smile, feeling so ashamed that she wanted to cry.

Perhaps not realizing the embarrassment of Song Xu Yi, or perhaps understanding it and tactfully brushing past the situation, Bai Yu continued to hold Song Xu Yi’s hand and explore the house, asking about the uses and principles of various electrical appliances. As she watched Bai Yu, who was curious about everything like a child, Song Xu Yi felt increasingly ashamed and explained everything in greater detail.

After getting used to being led by Bai Yu, the heat on Song Xu Yi’s face finally dissipated.

Song Xu Yi introduced the uses of the TV, lights, range hood, and air conditioner in the living room, then led Bai Yu to the bathroom and explained how to use the shower and bathtub. Just as she was about to take Bai Yu to the kitchen, she saw Bai Yu looking at the bathtub with a hint of embarrassment and asking, “Xu Yi, can I try this?”

As if finding it difficult to speak up, Bai Yu bit her lip slightly and remembered something. With a shy smile, she said, “I want to learn about bathing methods. When I was in your dorm, I heard you…singing while you bathed. Although your singing was off-key, it made me happy, so I wanted to try it too.”


As she recalled the random tunes she hummed while taking a shower, Song Xu Yi felt a sense of embarrassment that made her want to crawl into a hole and disappear. Her face turned red once again, and she wished she could vanish into thin air.

“Um…let me teach you how to adjust the switch.”

She kept her head down, unable to ponder whether spirits could bathe or not, and quickly explained the switch’s location to Bai Yu. Just as she finished, the phone rang, and a delivery man arrived with the phone Song Xu Yi bought for Bai Yu. Song Xu Yi, almost as if fleeing for her life, closed the door and rushed out of the bathroom.

After receiving the phone from the delivery man, Song Xu Yi took a few deep breaths in the hallway, but her thoughts were still in disarray. She felt strange today, unable to resist harboring covetous thoughts towards Bai Yu. Song Xu Yi despised herself for this and originally intended to summon the system to recite the Heart Sutra. However, for some reason, the system was blocked, leaving Song Xu Yi no choice but to take out her phone and recite the spells taught by the online course teacher on the metaphysical app.

The online course teacher said that reciting these spells could help focus and calm the mind, and Song Xu Yi was surprised to find that it actually worked. After reciting a few spells, the embarrassment and confusion lingering in her heart dissipated. Song Xu Yi was amazed by this unexpected effect and secretly admired Bai Yu for improving the spells. She made up her mind to treat Bai Yu as a revered ancestor and never again harbor covetous thoughts towards her.

As soon as Song Xu Yi entered the room, she heard a low, muffled moan coming from the bathroom.

Suppressing the urge to call Bai Yu “Xian Shi,” Song Xu Yi walked over to the bathroom door and asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine,” Bai Yu’s voice came from inside the room. Although her voice sounded normal, Song Xu Yi felt that she was trying to hide something.

“Bai Yu?” Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but call out again.

This time, Bai Yu took more than ten seconds to respond, and her voice was clearly filled with pain. “I’m really fine…”

“Hiss–” But then, Bai Yu let out a gasp of cold air.

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Song Xu Yi asked a few more questions, but Bai Yu remained silent…

Did her old injury flare up again?

Song Xu Yi was extremely anxious and finally gritted her teeth and opened the bathroom door.

Bai Yu didn’t seem to know how to lock the door, and as soon as Song Xu Yi turned the doorknob, it opened.

In front of her eyes was the steaming vapor, and the bathtub was already filled with water. Bai Yu had taken off her clothes and was leaning against the edge of the bathtub. The water didn’t wet her body, and she looked like a mermaid floating on the water.

However, Song Xu Yi did not appreciate this rare beauty. Bai Yu’s face looked extremely pale, and she subconsciously looked at her chest: even though she was in a spiritual state, there was a hideous scar on Bai Yu’s chest.

Song Xu Yi remembered Bai Yu’s appearance when she was injured in the haunted house before, and rushed forward anxiously. She was about to cut her finger, but then Bai Yu looked up.

Song Xu Yi’s heart trembled as she looked into her hazy eyes, and she subconsciously wanted to step back. However, Bai Yu stretched out her long arm, and Song Xu Yi fell into the bathtub.

Soft lips kissed her.

This time was completely different from the previous times. If before, Bai Yu was like a clumsy child relying on instinct to grasp Song Xu Yi’s breath, this time Bai Yu was like a tormenting immortal. She pried open Song Xu Yi’s teeth, slightly unfamiliar but dominant, and went straight in, kissing Song Xu Yi until her body turned into a soft, muddy puddle. However, Song Xu Yi dared not struggle at all, as Bai Yu’s state was just too tempting. She was afraid of touching certain places and making their relationship even more awkward.

“She is the ancestor, Song Xu Yi, you absolutely cannot have impure thoughts about her…” Song Xu Yi’s mind became a mess of paste, but she still held onto the last bit of clarity and recited mantras in her mind, preventing herself from doing anything to harm Bai Yu under the seduction of beauty. After all, Bai Yu was already pitiful enough. She regarded herself as a good friend, so how could she do anything beastly to her?!

After what seemed like an eternity, Bai Yu finally released her hold on Song Xu Yi.

“Bai Yu, are you feeling better now?” Song Xu Yi took several deep breaths and coughed violently. She could feel Bai Yu’s gaze on her face, which made her cheeks burn and her eyelashes quiver as she asked in a trembling voice.

But Bai Yu did not answer.

Her gaze was like a tangible thing, sweeping over Song Xu Yi’s wet hair, her cheeks that were red as if about to burst, and her lips that were moist and plump… Her eyes were dark like an abyss.

After several attempts to test the waters, she secretly used some low-level enchantment techniques. She could sense that Xu Yi had already been enchanted by her, so she deliberately struck this pose in the bathroom. She thought Xu Yi wouldn’t be able to resist and they could finally consummate their relationship. However, she didn’t expect that even in this state, Xu Yi’s mind was still very clear.

What happened?

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