Villainous Malevolent Ghost (12)

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As if it happened in an instant but also like it lasted for a long time, Bai Yu finally released Song Xu Yi.

It took more than ten seconds for Song Xu Yi to open her eyes. Bai Yu had already put on her clothes again. Song Xu Yi turned her back to Bai Yu, her thin shoulders trembling slightly, and a noticeable blush appeared on her pale cheeks.

“This was just an accident. I know you didn’t mean to.” Even though her face was red enough to burst, thinking of Bai Yu’s shy personality, Song Xu Yi still held onto her rationality and comforted Bai Yu, “You don’t need to worry about it.”

“I…I’ll go change my clothes first.” After saying this, Song Xu Yi reached her limit and dared not look at Bai Yu’s pitiful side face anymore. With a red face, she quickly climbed out of the bathtub, feeling relieved that she didn’t do anything irrational to Bai Yu, and went out of the bathroom.

Song Xu Yi deliberately lingered in her room for a while, took a shower to cool down the residual heat in her body, recited a scripture, and then slowly came out of the room.

And Bai Yu, who had experienced many huge scenes in her life, seemed to have regained her composure. She sat on the sofa with her head slightly lowered, her eyebrows furrowed as if she was thinking about something.

When she saw Song Xu Yi come out of the room, Bai Yu looked up at her, then lowered her head again, her eyes showing some hesitation.

“What’s wrong?” Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but sigh and break the silence.

Bai Yu was good in every way, except that she was too restrained in following the rules of ancient etiquette.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while with her head down, Bai Yu spoke softly, “Xu Yi, I actually have an unpleasant request.”

” We are friends.” Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief as Bai Yu took the initiative to speak. It was a significant improvement, and she encouraged her, “Just say what you need to say.”

“I know you’re in a critical period of study, and I shouldn’t be disturbing you,” Bai Yu pursed her lips and lowered her voice. Her eyes fell, “But I was heavily injured by the Twin Vines yesterday, and my injuries are fluctuating. I may not be able to maintain my form at any time, and it’s inconvenient to live in the protective charm. Can you… can you stay with me in this house during this time?”

After speaking, she seemed to feel ashamed, and Bai Yu lowered her head, “Xu Yi, I’m just saying this presumptuously. You must not force yourself because of me. In fact, it’s okay for me to be alone here. I’ve seen your school, and ordinary evil spirits dare not enter. You’re also safe in school…”

Song Xu Yi pursed her lips, her heart in turmoil. She didn’t expect Bai Yu to consider her safety even in this situation. Bai Yu was so concerned about her. If she left Bai Yu’s injury unattended and returned to school, wouldn’t that be worse than a pig or a dog?

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Moreover, now that she was in her senior year, there were already fewer textbooks to study. Although studying at home lacked the atmosphere of the library, it was still possible. Besides, after Bai Yu recovered from her injuries, she could move back, and Song Xu Yi’s staying in this building for this period would not cause any major problems.

Thinking like this, Song Xu Yi almost immediately agreed without hesitation: “This is just a small matter for me. I’ll move back in tomorrow afternoon after finishing my classes in the morning.”

“As for the Yang energy,” Song Xu Yi looked at Bai Yu seriously, “you can absorb as much as you want. After all, you said it won’t harm my body. At a time like this, don’t be polite with me. The most important thing is to heal your wounds.”

Bai Yu looked up at Song Xu Yi. Song Xu Yi’s eyes were very sincere, without any trace of deception. Bai Yu’s eyes flashed a hint of darkness, and her throat moved. She smiled shyly, “Xu Yi, don’t worry. I won’t be polite with you.”

Upon hearing Bai Yu’s words, Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. After a day of turmoil, she finally let go of her worries. Feeling a little drowsy, Song Xu Yi taught Bai Yu how to recognize modern Chinese characters and how to search for answers on the browser. After a few minutes, she bid Bai Yu goodnight and went back to her room to sleep.

Song Xu Yi had always been good at learning. Even though she felt incredibly tired, in order to deepen her memory, she opened her phone and recited the spells from the PDF. As she recited, she unknowingly fell asleep.

Just like the previous night, not long after Song Xu Yi fell asleep, Bai Yu walked through the seemingly nonexistent bedroom door and stood by Song Xu Yi’s bed.

Darkness was useless to Bai Yu. Her eyesight could clearly see Song Xu Yi’s facial expression and the little spirit cowering in her mind. Thinking about how she had invaded Song Xu Yi’s plan, Bai Yu’s eyes turned cold and a purple flame appeared in her palm, faintly restraining the little spirit, “If you ruin my plan, you know what kind of fate awaits you!”

The little spirit was indeed scared and stared wide-eyed, not daring to move.

Seeing the little spirit so frightened that it seemed about to cry, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment and inexplicably thought of Song Xu Yi. Perhaps because it follows its master, the little spirit’s teary-eyed expression seemed somewhat similar to Song Xu Yi’s.

Bai Yu pursed her lips and ultimately changed her plan to give the little spirit some trouble to make it obedient, lowering her head to look at Song Xu Yi.

At this moment, Bai Yu couldn’t hide her desire for Song Xu Yi. Her gaze swept over Song Xu Yi’s face inch by inch, full of invasion. Even in her sleeping state, Song Xu Yi instinctively felt her body chill and unconsciously shrank her body.

Bai Yu’s gaze fell on the phone that Song Xu Yi was holding in her hand. As usual, she opened Song Xu Yi’s phone as if no one was around.

Looking at the spell page that was lingering on the last page, Bai Yu’s pupils contracted, understanding the reason why Song Xu Yi could hold onto the last bit of clarity. But then, she unconsciously furrowed her brows: What did she want to do by learning spells?

Did she already suspect her…

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As a vengeful spirit, Bai Yu was naturally suspicious. Even though she knew that Song Xu Yi probably didn’t have such strong acting skills, her face still instantly turned cold.

As her suspicions grew, the pressure within her chest continued to rise, and her entire being radiated a visible aura of unease.

The system, which had witnessed everything, trembled uncontrollably, its teeth chattering as it struggled to withstand the mounting pressure and resist fleeing to another world–

Even in her slumber, Song Xu Yi sensed that something was amiss, her brow furrowing as she murmured a sound that suggested she was about to awaken.

But before she could, Bai Yu waved her hand, and Song Xu Yi was plunged once more into a deep sleep…

Bai Yu narrowed her eyes and, as if venting her frustration, leaned down to kiss Song Xu Yi’s lips with abandon. She gave herself over to her anger and panic, savoring the feeling of the kiss and causing Song Xu Yi to choke and gasp for air. In her sleep, she let out a pitiful whimper that sounded like a mixture of sobbing and pleading for mercy–

As she listened to the small animal sobbing of Song Xu Yi, it was like pouring fuel onto a fire, and the desire within Bai Yu surged like flames. She tightened her arms around Song Xu Yi’s waist, and one hand moved to her collar. Just as she was about to tear her shirt open, she suddenly let go and turned away.

Bai Yu didn’t know what had come over her!

Wasn’t she an evil spirit?

Evil spirits did whatever they pleased, and if they wanted to have someone, they would stop at nothing. Besides, Xu Yi was already under her spell, even if she woke up, she would only think it was all a dream and wouldn’t notice anything. So why was she hesitating?

But Bai Yu found that she couldn’t do it: she was the top practitioner of metaphysics in the world, and she had ways to manipulate Xu Yi to respond to her. However… if she used that method to get Xu Yi, all she would get was a body without a soul.

Bai Yu fiercely bit her lip, only then realizing her true desire: she actually yearned for Song Xu Yi to love her back, for them to be mutually in love?!

However, even as she thought this, Bai Yu still couldn’t bring herself to take advantage of the unconscious Song Xu Yi.

She pressed her lips together, inexplicably reminded of Xu Yi’s struggling expression in the bathtub, even as she clearly wanted to make a move. What was the difference between herself now and herself back then?

She was probably going crazy!

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Or perhaps, like the little spirit in Xu Yi’s mind, she had become unconsciously influenced by her…

As for the system in Song Xu Yi’s mind, it was in an unprecedented state of agony. Just as the system was about to risk waking up Song Xu Yi, Bai Yu suddenly turned around.

“Don’t look at me like that!” Bai Yu’s eyes turned cold, and her pent-up emotions found an outlet. With a wave of her hand, the system was once again silenced.

“Song Xu Yi, you win.”

Finally, she extinguished her suspicions and desires, and turned around to hold Song Xu Yi in her arms. Even though she knew Song Xu Yi couldn’t hear her, she pressed her forehead against her and said in a heavier voice, “You said I could come and absorb your Yang energy at any time. So, I don’t think I’ve offended you.”

“But Song Xu Yi, you must not deceive me,” Bai Yu paused for a moment before continuing. After a long time, when Song Xu Yi’s chaotic breathing gradually became calm and the blush on his cheeks disappeared completely, her voice sounded again, dissipating like a gentle breeze in the night.

“Otherwise, I will really go crazy.”

As for Song Xu Yi, she slept well that night. However, when she woke up, se felt a bit dazed:

–She actually dreamed of kissing Bai Yu!

What’s more embarrassing to Song Xu Yi was that the dream was incredibly real. In the dream, Bai Yu was more passionate than ever. For a moment, Song Xu Yi even felt that besides kissing, something else indescribable could happen…

Fortunately, even in the dream, she had kept her bottom line and didn’t continue to dream. But as they say, “Idle mind is the devil’s playground.” Since she had dreamt of kissing Bai Yu, Song Xu Yi could no longer deceive herself: she had developed some improper thoughts towards her beautiful and powerful yet tragic ancestor–

Song Xu Yi deeply despised herself. In order to completely eliminate these improper thoughts, she increased the frequency of reciting spells and followed the advice of her online course teacher, buying some related paper books online.

This afternoon, Song Xu Yi moved her things back to the apartment from the dormitory. The room was a mess, and there were many things that needed to be replenished. Song Xu Yi didn’t have time to go out, so she simply ordered online. When the books arrived, Song Xu Yi and Bai Yu were organizing their things.

Thinking it was daily necessities, Song Xu Yi asked the delivery guy to leave the package at the door. Bai Yu went out to pick it up–

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“It’s an introduction to spell-casting?” Bai Yu spoke softly, her eyebrows slightly furrowed as she looked at Song Xu Yi’s expression with unwavering black eyes. “Xu Yi is learning metaphysics?”

Caught red-handed for secretly studying metaphysics, Song Xu Yi felt a bit embarrassed, but the evidence was already in Bai Yu’s hands. She couldn’t deny it and could only admit: “Yes!”


As expected, Bai Yu asked the question. For some reason, her voice sounded extremely relaxed, as if she had just breathed a sigh of relief.

“I…I want to study metaphysics for my postgraduate studies, so I plan to familiarize myself with spell-casting first.” Song Xu Yi pursed her lips and curled her fingers, looking away: After all, as a newcomer to the field, it was too absurd to claim that she would protect the master, and Song Xu Yi found it difficult to speak about it, so she only gave one of the reasons.

She thought the matter was over, and Song Xu Yi was about to continue working, but she found that Bai Yu was staring at her thoughtfully, not looking away for a long time.

What’s wrong with her? Is she testing her own understanding?

Song Xu Yi felt nervous and apprehensive for no apparent reason, and couldn’t help but bite her lip tightly —

As the depth of color in Bai Yu’s eyes grew darker, she looked away at this moment.

She squatted down and handed the book to Song Xu Yi, her fingers inadvertently touching Song Xu Yi’s fingertips…

As if an electric current flowed from her fingertips, Song Xu Yi was stunned, her body alert, and some words came out uncontrollably —

“In fact, the main reason I am learning metaphysics is because of you!”

“Only by mastering metaphysics can I protect you when you are in danger in the future!”

The author has something to say:

(●—●) Little Bai: I want to get close to my wife, but I’m a ghost, waaah, she probably won’t like me (paranoid thoughts…)

Xu Yi: She’s the Grandmaster, waaah, I absolutely cannot disrespect her! (frantically reciting spells…)

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