Villainous Malevolent Ghost (13)

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Did Bai Yu do something?

After finishing her sentence, Song Xu Yi was momentarily stunned, not quite sure why she had suddenly revealed her innermost thoughts to Bai Yu. She felt embarrassed and confused, and instinctively turned to look at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu seemed to sense Song Xu Yi’s confusion and, biting her lip, her apologetic expression was evident: “Xu Yi, you seemed to have some difficulty expressing yourself earlier. I was worried that you might be facing some problems but were unwilling to tell me, so I used a little trick to get you to speak the truth…”

“I just remembered that our time and space are not the same, and my approach was a bit presumptuous. I apologize for my mistake and promise not to do it again.”

Song Xu Yi was also momentarily stunned.

At first, Song Xu Yi only found the situation strange and her mind was in disarray. She did not expect Bai Yu to admit her mistake so directly, and with such a proper attitude. As a great master of metaphysics, Bai Yu humbled herself before Song Xu Yi, and before she could even get angry, her anger dissipated.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but think of the scene she saw in her dream where Bai Yu interacted with her little brother. At the time, her brother had stolen some honey candies and refused to admit it, but Bai Yu gently touched his head, and then he quickly confessed, blushing with embarrassment.

Bai Yu, being young and in a high position, must have some degree of cunning and strategy to command respect. Perhaps she also regarded Song Xu Yi as her junior, and that’s why she instinctively acted in that manner.

Thinking this way, Song Xu Yi forgave Bai Yu’s behavior. However, she did not forget to emphasize the importance of privacy, sternly reminding Bai Yu, “This time I’ll let it go, but Bai Yu, you must never use such means in modern times again! After all, some things are other people’s privacy, and it’s wrong to pry into them excessively…”

Bai Yu, as always, was obedient and courteous, blinking her eyes and sincerely promising to abide by Song Xu Yi’s words.

As Song Xu Yi continued to pack her things, she felt that Bai Yu had truly recognized her mistake and let the matter go. Bai Yu stood by quietly, contemplating the books for a while before finally crouching down to help Song Xu Yi tidy up.

Although Bai Yu appeared calm on the surface, only she knew that her inner turmoil was far from being as calm as her demeanor suggested.

Joy, happiness, excitement…

It had been a long time since Bai Yu had felt such intense emotions. The last time was when she had killed her first evil spirit long ago. At that time, she experienced the same complex and joyful emotions.

As she grew older, it seemed that the threshold for happiness became higher and higher, and more and more shackles bound Bai Yu. Everyone admired her and called her a genius. They all hoped that Bai Yu could protect them, so she dared not stop, fulfilling her duties to the best of her abilities. She even forgot that she was also a person who needed love and tenderness.

Things that she dared not even hope for in life, but she never expected someone would be willing to give them to her after death.

A smile couldn’t help but creep up on the corner of Bai Yu’s lips.

She told herself that she shouldn’t be smiling at a time like this, but she couldn’t help the upward curve of her mouth as she looked at Song Xu Yi.

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All her suspicions and paranoia were smoothed over, replaced by an even deeper possessiveness for the ghost:

Bai Yu couldn’t help but think of the movie she had seen in Song Xu Yi’s tablet. The scene that had made her feel shy at first now made her blood boil, and she really… wanted to hold Xu Yi in her arms and show her physically how much she really liked her…

“Is something wrong?”

Bai Yu’s gaze was too conspicuous, causing Song Xu Yi to lift her head and see the slight curve of Bai Yu’s lips.

She…was probably mocking her!

All the Taoist masters in the world combined probably couldn’t match her with just one finger. Yet she still dared to say that she would protect her–

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but blush and coughed lightly, “I know my thoughts may sound ridiculous, and I also know that I can’t help you at all right now. So, I can only think about it in my heart. But I really want to learn metaphysics–“

To Song Xu Yi’s surprise, although Bai Yu was still smiling, she earnestly denied her words: “It’s not ridiculous!”

“Xu Yi, I appreciate it.” She lifted her eyes and looked into Song Xu Yi’s clear eyes: “You are diligent and dedicated, with a pure and kind heart. You are a good candidate to learn metaphysics.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect to hear such praise and was surprised, but she couldn’t help feeling excited in her heart: after all, this was affirmation from a character on the level of an ancestor.

“And Xu Yi, you don’t have to wait until later, you can help me now,” Bai Yu lowered her eyes and held Song Xu Yi’s wrist, looking down at the protective charm in her hand: “Few people know that in a symbiotic relationship between two living beings, the one who lives longer is the dominant one. As the relationship between the two deepens, the bond between them becomes stronger. If you are injured, I will also feel pain, and if you die, I will join you in the underworld soon after…”

“So, Xu Yi, the best way to help me is to protect yourself.”

Song Xu Yi realized another crucial point. If they were truly in a symbiotic relationship, would that mean that when her life ends, Bai Yu would also go to the underworld? As a guardian deity, Bai Yu could exist in this world for millions of years. Even if Song Xu Yi lived to be a hundred, Bai Yu would only have a few decades left, which was unfair to her.

“Is there a way to break this symbiotic relationship?” Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but ask anxiously.

“…There is,” Bai Yu replied slowly, enjoying the happiness of being wholeheartedly looked upon by Song Xu Yi. She paused for a moment before revealing the truth. “Xu Yi, being a guardian deity in this world is not a kindness to me.”

When Bai Yu first came to be by Song Xu Yi’s side, she had planned to use the symbiotic relationship to heal her wounds before breaking it. However, after realizing her love for Song Xu Yi, she found the symbiotic relationship to be a beautiful contract. What could be better than sharing life and death with the one you love?

Bai Yu knew Song Xu Yi very well. After she spoke, she fell silent for a moment, and did not try to persuade her to break the symbiotic relationship.

“As for your study of metaphysics,” Bai Yu’s eyes darkened, and she suddenly thought of something, narrowing her eyes meaningfully. “I have nothing else to do anyway. Would you like to learn with me?”

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In the following days, after everything was settled, Song Xu Yi began living with Bai Yu in the apartment.

Song Xu Yi still had classes to attend at school, had to prepare her thesis, and also had to study metaphysics and prepare for her exams, so her life became extremely busy.

However, it’s worth mentioning that since becoming Bai Yu’s student, Song Xu Yi’s progress in metaphysics had been advancing rapidly. She had only been practicing for a few days, but she already felt a significant improvement in her physical condition. Even when she was under high academic pressure, she rarely felt tired, and her memory had also improved significantly.

During these days, Bai Yu was also very aware of the situation and was very considerate. Besides speaking up while teaching Song Xu Yi metaphysics, she would remain quiet and play with her phone on the sofa while Song Xu Yi studied other subjects. One time, Song Xu Yi caught a glimpse of Bai Yu apparently watching emotional lecture videos as she walked by, and even though she was very curious about what Bai Yu was watching, she didn’t inquire further out of respect for her privacy.

Moreover, in the past few days, Song Xu Yi had also been avoiding too much physical contact with Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was teaching Song Xu Yi metaphysics, and it was inevitable that there would be some physical contact between them. At first, Song Xu Yi was fine with it, but perhaps because she had been dreaming of kissing Bai Yu every night, whenever Bai Yu touched her skin, Song Xu Yi felt a tingling sensation and her legs would become weak. This symptom became more and more frequent over time, making Song Xu Yi suspicious of herself. So, she doubled down on her studies and couldn’t afford to be distant with Bai Yu.

She couldn’t be cold to Bai Yu either. Bai Yu needed Song Xu Yi’s help to familiarize herself with modern society. They got along very well, and their interactions were very smooth: Bai Yu only added Song Xu Yi as a friend on her social app; the door always opened from the inside before Song Xu Yi could take out her key; and the bathtub was always filled with hot water after Song Xu Yi finished her study.

Bai Yu’s considerate and dependent behavior made Song Xu Yi feel a sense of duty. In Bai Yu’s world, there was only her, and if Song Xu Yi were to be distant from her, Bai Yu’s world would lose its center of gravity.

This routine continued for nearly a month.

Bai Yu was once a revered immortal master, and she must have had great aspirations. She shouldn’t be confined to this apartment.

With this in mind, Song Xu Yi began to inquire indirectly about whether there were any other ways to free the guardian deity from the main family. However, whether it was because she had a guilty conscience or something else, the content of Song Xu Yi’s dream changed on the second night of her inquiry:

At first, Song Xu Yi dreamt of kissing Bai Yu again, but this time Bai Yu seemed particularly angry and even bit Song Xu Yi’s lip uncontrollably–

Song Xu Yi muttered in her sleep, and then fell into a strange dream:

Drums and gongs were clamorous, and Song Xu Yi found herself sitting in a grand red sedan chair, arriving at the Bai family she had seen in her dreams before.

The Bai family was decorated with lanterns and banners, and there were many banquets being held outside. It seemed like a wedding was taking place.

Amidst the noisy guests, Song Xu Yi found herself in the wedding hall.

To her surprise, only Bai Yu’s mother was present in the hall, and her father’s seat was empty. But the focus was on Bai Yu herself, who was standing at the altar.

Song Xu Yi had always known that Bai Yu was beautiful, having seen her in her saintly white robes. But in her red wedding dress, Bai Yu was a different kind of beauty: bold and seductive, and utterly captivating.

Someone pushed Song Xu Yi from behind, snapping her out of her trance. “Master Bai Yu is getting married, why don’t you go congratulate her?”

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Song Xu Yi’s heart trembled, and she only realized afterwards: this dream was about Bai Yu’s marriage?

Song Xu Yi noticed that there was a person standing next to Bai Yu, wearing red clothes, but she couldn’t see the person’s appearance clearly.

Realizing that it was Bai Yu’s wedding, even though she knew it was just a dream, Song Xu Yi still felt a strange discomfort in her heart.

Bai Yu would find someone she loves in the future, she was such a good person, she shouldn’t live alone.

Perhaps, this dream was her subconscious reminding her: she shouldn’t continue to be trapped in this situation.

With these thoughts in mind, Song Xu Yi decided to put an end to this dream and, suppressing the discomfort in her heart, took two steps forward and forced a smile. “Congratulations on your wedding, Bai Yu.”

However, on her wedding day, Bai Yu did not look happy at all. She stared coldly at Song Xu Yi, her eyes seeming to burn with flames as she struggled to suppress her anger. Her words were somewhat ambiguous: “Song Xu Yi, are you really that happy to see me getting married?”

“You are such a good person, and you have finally found someone you like. Someone you can spend your life with, so of course I am happy.” Up close with Bai Yu, Song Xu Yi felt even more upset, but she continued to smile on her face, pretending to be happy as she looked at Bai Yu.

Song Xu Yi thought she had preserved her dignity even in her dream, but Bai Yu looked even more unhappy. Her lips were tightly pursed, and Song Xu Yi even felt like Bai Yu’s eyes were about to spew flames at her.

Feeling inexplicably guilty, Song Xu Yi involuntarily shrunk back a bit.

As Bai Yu tightened her lips and narrowed her eyes, the other person in red standing beside her, whose face could not be clearly seen, suddenly spoke up: “Song Xu Yi, what do you really think of Bai Yu? You have been in close contact with her day and night, but have you not been moved at all?”

Perhaps it was the subconscious desire for Bai Yu to like women, so the voice coming from the person in red was that of a woman, and it sounded very familiar, as if it had been heard before…

Sure enough, here she came!

But Song Xu Yi did not inquire about why she felt the voice was familiar. She had already made up her mind: since this was a dream that would sever her desire for Bai Yu, she would naturally face the challenge from Bai Yu’s other half.

However, Song Xu Yi was already prepared for it.

She took a deep breath and lowered her head: “Master Bai Yu’s metaphysics are superb, and her elegance is peerless. I greatly admire her, and I did have some feelings for her before. But I know that I am not worthy of her, and from now on, I will treat her as an elder with the utmost respect, just as I would treat our ancestor–“

Before she could finish saying “I vow,” the perspective suddenly changed, and Bai Yu leaned down and covered her mouth.

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“This is your wedding!” Song Xu Yi was shocked. How could Bai Yu do such a thing in front of the bride?

Even though it was just a dream, Song Xu Yi struggled to push Bai Yu away and even bit her lip. But she realized that the guests around her were all laughing and teasing her: “Haha, the bride is shy!”


Song Xu Yi widened her eyes and realized that she was now in the position of the bride. In a daze, she remembered why the voice sounded familiar just now–it was her own voice!

What was going on with this dream?

Was her desire for Bai Yu already so strong?

Song Xu Yi was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked up at Bai Yu, only to see her looking at her with a dark and angry expression on her face.

Song Xu Yi shrank back, feeling even more guilty. She was about to try to get out of this strange dream when suddenly everything in front of her began to turn into an illusion.

“To hell with your ancestor!”

In a daze, Song Xu Yi seemed to hear a low curse, and then once again fell into the familiar and shameful dream where she was passionately kissed by Bai Yu.

Song Xu Yi felt hot and flustered, and her toes curled up. She had no more thoughts about the strange dream just now.

It must have been just a dream.

Otherwise, how could she have heard the noble and restrained Bai Yu utter such vulgar curses?

The author has something to say:

Little Bai (●—●): I’m in too deep!

She said not to pry into her privacy, so I could only create a dream to ask her. It was her own words, so it doesn’t count as prying into her privacy…

But to hell with ancestor… I really can’t take it anymore!

Oh no, I’m so angry I could cry~

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