Villainous Undercover (5)

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On this unprecedented day, Fu Xi Yu did not make the disciples practice those improper movements. Instead, she simply instructed them to continue practicing in the training ground after eating and then followed the group of disciples to the dining hall.

The disciples who had finished their morning classes cheered and ran towards the dining hall. Nobody expected Fu Xi Yu to appear there. Seeing Fu Xi Yu queuing up for food, even though she didn’t say anything, everyone couldn’t help but straighten their spines and queue up seriously. The dining hall, usually noisy, was unusually quiet that day, as if you could hear a pin drop.

Even Qian He, who usually didn’t hold back with his words, seemed to have restrained himself and didn’t talk as much. He held his bowl and eagerly scooped rice.

However, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice the emotions of the people around her.

On one hand, she had become accustomed to Fu Xi Yu’s presence, and on the other hand—during this period of intensifying martial arts training, Song Xu Yi felt increasingly unsatisfied with her meals!

Song Xu Yi sighed in her heart, cherished and finished a bowl of porridge as usual, put away her bowl and chopsticks, and was about to leave the dining hall with her steamed buns. Unexpectedly, she heard footsteps behind her, and Fu Xi Yu followed along.

As soon as Fu Xi Yu left the dining hall, a collective sigh of relief could be heard.

However, Song Xu Yi’s gaze fell on the seat where Fu Xi Yu had been sitting before. She saw two leftover steamed buns in Fu Xi Yu’s bowl and couldn’t help but feel a tinge of regret, her mouth watering slightly.

But the one wasting the food was the little villain herself, Song Xu Yi thought, glancing at it and then continued to nibble on her own steamed bun, walking back to the training ground to resume practicing the basic martial arts moves.

She had come out early, and the disciples who were asked by Fu Xi Yu to return to the furnace were still eating and hadn’t come back. For a while, only Song Xu Yi and Fu Xi Yu remained on the training ground.

It was already winter, with a biting cold wind that made Song Xu Yi’s cheeks ache. Her clothes were thin, and standing in the wind made her feel as though she had turned into ice. She could only grit her teeth and practice the movements, barely suppressing the feeling of hunger and cold.

She could sense Fu Xi Yu’s gaze on her, but during this period, Song Xu Yi had already grown accustomed to Fu Xi Yu occasionally scrutinizing her. She had become skilled at ignoring Fu Xi Yu’s gaze, paying her no attention, and focusing on her own practice.

In a daze, Fu Xi Yu had already walked up to Song Xu Yi.

She still had that cold and aloof demeanor. Song Xu Yi wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but she felt that Fu Xi Yu seemed unhappy.

Fu Xi Yu extended her hand and pretended to spar with Song Xu Yi for a few moves. She didn’t use any internal energy, and Song Xu Yi knew she couldn’t defeat her. However, Song Xu Yi cherished every training opportunity and gave her all in the spar with Fu Xi Yu.

However, to Song Xu Yi’s surprise, when she pushed her palm forward, Fu Xi Yu did not evade it. With a crisp “smack,” Song Xu Yi’s palm directly struck Fu Xi Yu’s face–

“Is she… intentionally using a ruse to set you up?” The system in Song Xu Yi’s mind screamed!

Song Xu Yi stared at Fu Xi Yu, but her deep eyes revealed no emotions. Song Xu Yi felt a bit panicked, retracting her hand as she was about to apologize. However, Fu Xi Yu on the other end burst into laughter–

“Junior Sister, let’s reconcile. Consider this slap as an apology from your Senior Sister!” Facing Song Xu Yi’s wary gaze, Fu Xi Yu half-crouched in front of her. “I was wrong before. I shouldn’t have played around with you.”

Evidently, it was the first time Fu Xi Yu had said such words. After saying them, her expression seemed visibly awkward, and she cast her eyes downward.

Song Xu Yi also felt somewhat at a loss.

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She stared at Fu Xi Yu’s eyelashes and noticed that they were long, dark, and shiny, resembling a row of dense little brushes. At this moment, these little brushes were trembling slightly.

In Song Xu Yi’s impression, Fu Xi Yu was a cunning and treacherous villain who would commit all sorts of evil deeds in the future. So, regardless of what wicked things Fu Xi Yu did, Song Xu Yi believed she had mentally prepared herself for them.

However, Song Xu Yi never expected Fu Xi Yu to take the initiative to apologize to her, even willing to endure a slap from her…

All of this completely exceeded Song Xu Yi’s understanding of villains.

Song Xu Yi stood still, unsure of how to react.

Perhaps noticing Song Xu Yi’s prolonged silence, Fu Xi Yu lifted her gaze once again.

She looked at Song Xu Yi’s expression, seemingly sensing her confusion, and her own demeanor became more natural.

“I have thought it through carefully,” Fu Xi Yu continued speaking. “You are my Junior Sister, and even though you’re younger, I shouldn’t have teased you. Moreover, with our Master having only the two of us as female disciples, I should take better care of you. I did make a mistake before…”

Song Xu Yi felt even more uncomfortable in her heart for a while.

If Fu Xi Yu had a malicious appearance, Song Xu Yi felt she could ignore her. However, Fu Xi Yu’s tone sounded full of apology, and her attitude seemed genuinely sincere…

This posture made Song Xu Yi have a fleeting feeling: Fu Xi Yu was trying hard to coax her–

But… why did her attitude change so quickly?

“When things go against the norm, there must be something strange!” The system, evidently thinking the same as Song Xu Yi, cautiously spoke up in her mind. “Xu Yi, the villain has seized the opportunity, knowing that you would feel guilty after slapping her, and is now using it to morally manipulate you–“

Is that so?

Sure enough, as soon as the system finished speaking, Fu Xi Yu spoke again. “Junior Sister, I actually need your help.”

With the disdainful voice of the system saying, “As expected!” Fu Xi Yu continued, “I’m busy reprimanding those disciples every day and always don’t have time for breakfast. Sometimes, I get hungry at midnight and can’t sleep because of it, and there’s nothing to eat in our courtyard. I often go hungry.” Fu Xi Yu seemed oblivious to the wariness in Song Xu Yi’s eyes as she once again took out the sachet containing the silver ingot. “Xu Yi, since we both live in the same courtyard, could you bring me breakfast to the training ground?”

“Today, I tried the food from the dining hall, and it’s passable. I’ve been craving the sour jujube cake from the tree outside for a long time. Could you spare some time to pick some sour jujubes and ask the kitchen ladies to make the cake for me?” Fu Xi Yu continued, handing the sachet to Song Xu Yi. “I don’t have much silver ingot left, but I hope you can arrange some food for me in the courtyard every day. I don’t want to bother myself with thinking about it. As compensation, you can keep the remaining money for yourself.”

“Are you willing to take on this task?”

Clearly, it had been a long time since Fu Xi Yu spoke so much. After finishing, she habitually pursed her lips.

“Agree to her!!!” Before Song Xu Yi could even speak, the system urged, “Xu Yi, this is the villain’s money! You shouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to earn it for nothing!”

The system had been feeling sorry for Song Xu Yi’s frugal lifestyle during this time, and now that she had a chance to improve her life, it was naturally eager for her to accept.

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When Fu Xi Yu didn’t mention it earlier, it was fine, but now that she brought it up, Song Xu Yi’s stomach began to growl again.

“Ask for a fair wage, Senior Sister!” Like the system suggested, after thinking for a while, Song Xu Yi decided not to be too polite with the villain. However, she didn’t want to take advantage of the villain too blatantly. Finally, she came up with a compromise.

Fu Xi Yu obviously didn’t expect Song Xu Yi to make such a request. A hint of amusement once again appeared in her eyes. Perhaps she was influenced by Song Xu Yi’s serious attitude. Fu Xi Yu pondered for a moment and looked at Song Xu Yi. “Then… how about three taels of silver per month?”

The price was higher than what Song Xu Yi had expected, but Fu Xi Yu had her reasons. “You know, if I ask someone else, they might help me, but it won’t be willingly. I don’t want to force anyone.”

That was indeed true.

The other disciples mostly came from wealthy backgrounds and wouldn’t care about such a small amount of money.

Fu Xi Yu’s words successfully convinced Song Xu Yi. Song Xu Yi couldn’t refuse such a request. With this errand fee, Song Xu Yi’s life would improve significantly.

“Alright, I will do my best to meet Senior Sister’s expectations.”

After hesitating for a moment, Song Xu Yi cautiously accepted the money pouch.


Although Song Xu Yi knew that she was indeed helping the villain, since she was receiving a higher wage than expected, she felt obligated to do the job well.

For example, when it came to delivering breakfast to Fu Xi Yu, it was winter time, and by the time Song Xu Yi brought the breakfast to the martial arts practice field, the food would often be cold. Fu Xi Yu didn’t seem to mind, but Song Xu Yi, being attentive, noticed this and found some lime to make a makeshift insulated container. She would then place the breakfast in the insulated container before delivering it to Fu Xi Yu, ensuring that the food remained hot when it arrived at the practice field.

After successfully completing the task of delivering meals, Song Xu Yi remembered the task of making snacks.

Now that Song Xu Yi had some extra money and didn’t have to go hungry anymore or sneakily eat sour jujubes at midnight, she gathered up the jujubes and took them to the cafeteria, persuading the kitchen aunties to help her make sour jujube cakes.

After all, Fu Xi Yu was highly regarded by the Sect Leader. When Song Xu Yi mentioned that it was Fu Xi Yu’s request to have sour jujube cakes, the kitchen aunties didn’t refuse. However, after completing a meal of sour jujube cakes, Song Xu Yi realized that requesting the assistance of the kitchen aunties to make snacks like this required payment: two taels of silver each time.

The kitchen aunties were giving Song Xu Yi a discounted price because they saw Fu Xi Yu’s favor with the Sect Leader. If it were anyone else, they would have charged more.

Song Xu Yi could only bear the heartache as she paid the money to the kitchen aunties. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this arrangement wasn’t sustainable. If she spent all the money on snacks, excluding her own wages, Fu Xi Yu’s monthly earnings wouldn’t be enough to buy four meals of snacks. Snacks in the town below were much cheaper!

Meanwhile, Fu Xi Yu, the prodigal little villain, who didn’t have to worry about household expenses, ate two pieces of sour jujube cake and then stuffed the rest into Song Xu Yi’s hands, saying it was too sweet for her.

Song Xu Yi took a couple of bites and found the taste to be moderate, not overly sweet. She thought to herself that this villain was really picky. While eating the snacks, she couldn’t help but think that the money wasn’t enough considering the villain’s extravagant spending. She looked at Fu Xi Yu and said, “My brother visits me every month, and he’s coming tomorrow. How about I give him three taels of silver each month, and he can buy some snacks for you from the town below?”

Seeing Fu Xi Yu’s slightly astonished gaze, Song Xu Yi sighed and decided to settle the accounts with her. She began recounting the expenses one by one, using her fingers as a tally, and informed Fu Xi Yu of the costs involved.

After finishing her words, Song Xu Yi initially thought that the oblivious little villain would at least have some understanding of practical matters. But when she glanced over, she realized that the little villain was smiling at her.

This time, the smile emerged entirely from Fu Xi Yu’s eyes, making them shine like starlight…

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Her eyes were truly beautiful!

Song Xu Yi was momentarily stunned, but then quickly regained her composure. After all, it seemed that the little villain had completely failed to grasp her implication and was still mocking her!

However, the little villain seemed to know what Song Xu Yi was thinking and immediately wiped the smile off her face.

“Junior Sister, I’m just happy. I didn’t expect you to be so devoted and wholehearted, setting aside past grievances. It makes me feel like the three to two silver taels are insufficient to reward you.” As she spoke, the little villain seemed like she wanted to laugh, but she quickly restrained the smile on her lips and turned her gaze towards Song Xu Yi. “If you have any plans, go ahead and do them. Don’t worry, if money is not enough, I’ll find a way as your Senior Sister… I’ll always come up with something.”

However, Fu Xi Yu’s words made Song Xu Yi even more worried!

After all, Song Xu Yi knew that Fu Xi Yu came from the Demon Sect, known for their pillaging and ruthless acts. The “ways” mentioned by Fu Xi Yu probably weren’t the righteous methods…

Song Xu Yi didn’t want innocent people to suffer because of her words, but she couldn’t interfere with Fu Xi Yu’s actions either. She could only speak against her own intentions, “Senior Sister, actually, we’re not that poor. The wages you gave me are a bit high. How about I only take two silver taels per month? We can save some money, and it will still be enough for us…”

Fu Xi Yu didn’t respond, but once again looked at Song Xu Yi with a strange smile, which made Song Xu Yi feel even more frustrated in her heart.

“You let me pinch your cheeks,” Fu Xi Yu seemed to see through Song Xu Yi’s intentions once again, squatting in front of her with a hint of laughter in her eyes. “If you let me pinch them, I’ll tell you the method I use to earn money.”

There was no doubt that this was a request Song Xu Yi couldn’t refuse.

Song Xu Yi hesitated for only two seconds before lifting her head as if facing death, closing her eyes. “Pinch away!”

She had prepared herself for Fu Xi Yu to playfully and thoughtlessly pinch her face, but to her surprise, Fu Xi Yu only gently pinched it and then let go, smiling.

“Alright.” Fu Xi Yu’s voice carried a clear amusement. “Tonight, I’ll take you to see how I earn money.”


For the next half a day, Song Xu Yi was somewhat absent-minded. What could possibly be done in the dark of night, when the wind howled?

Thinking about Fu Xi Yu’s villainous identity, Song Xu Yi naturally recalled a saying – “Under the cover of darkness, all wickedness is unleashed.”

Could it be that Fu Xi Yu intended to drag her onto a criminal path, cultivating her from a young age to become a spy?

There was a possibility, though not ruling out the chance. It would provide an opportunity to infiltrate the ranks of the villains, and once she obtained evidence, she could expose the true face of the villains…

Caught in a conflicting mix of anticipation and fear, Song Xu Yi awaited the arrival of nightfall.

After nightfall, the atmosphere within the Taiji Sect was incredibly calm. Song Xu Yi waited in her room, devoid of any sleepiness.

Almost as soon as she heard a commotion at the door, Song Xu Yi pushed it open.

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Seeing that Song Xu Yi seemed to have been waiting by the door, Fu Xi Yu’s eyes once again brimmed with a smile.

Fu Xi Yu was dressed in a sleek outfit, accentuating her slender waist and long legs. She didn’t carry her usual sword, but instead had a dark and heavy bow slung across her back, while her hair was styled in a high ponytail.

Perhaps due to the darkness of the night, the dim lighting softened the scars on Fu Xi Yu’s face. In that fleeting moment, as Song Xu Yi gazed at Fu Xi Yu’s appearance, she felt as if she were witnessing the embodiment of grace and beauty.

However, Song Xu Yi quickly snapped back to reality.

Fu Xi Yu pulled out a large cloak from her pocket and draped it over Song Xu Yi, wrapping her up like a ball with only her face exposed. Then, she carried Song Xu Yi on her back and swiftly darted through the various pavilions and buildings, entering the rear mountains of the Taiji Sect.

Even though Song Xu Yi knew that this was the legendary lightness skill, listening to the sound of the wind beside her, she instinctively clung to Fu Xi Yu’s neck, fearing she might accidentally fall…

A bright full moon hung high in the sky, casting a cool silver radiance upon the trees, while the forest itself remained cold and gloomy, as if countless ghosts were lurking within.

Fu Xi Yu carried Song Xu Yi into the heart of the woods.

As they listened to the sound of crushed leaves beneath their feet, Song Xu Yi grew increasingly nervous as they ventured deeper. Could it be that Fu Xi Yu was meeting with other spies in the rear mountains?


After an unknown period of time, Fu Xi Yu suddenly stopped and turned to Song Xu Yi, gesturing for her to keep quiet.

Song Xu Yi was taken aback and instinctively held her breath, following Fu Xi Yu’s gaze. There, illuminated by the moonlight filtering through the branches, were two sleek and glossy foxes leisurely feasting on a wild chicken not far ahead.


While Song Xu Yi was still in astonishment, Fu Xi Yu skillfully retrieved two arrows from her waist, took aim, and swiftly shot them towards the foxes with seamless precision.

“Thud!” The two foxes fell to the ground, and immediately, Fu Xi Yu approached them. With practiced movements, she tied ropes around their bodies and hung them discreetly on a tree in a concealed location.

“We’ll take them on our way back,” Fu Xi Yu turned around and explained to Song Xu Yi, a hint of amusement in her eyes. “Today, we got lucky. Normally, animals don’t venture out during winter. I remember one year, during a heavy snowfall, we couldn’t find any food and almost starved in the wooden hut…”

Following that, Fu Xi Yu led Song Xu Yi further into the wilderness, where they came across several more game animals.

Fu Xi Yu displayed great expertise, like a seasoned hunter, explaining various hunting knowledge to Song Xu Yi…

Song Xu Yi listened absentmindedly, as more and more puzzles arose in her mind—

How does Fu Xi Yu possess such knowledge about hunting?

She mentioned nearly starving in her childhood, but wasn’t she an undercover agent for the Demon Sect?

Could this be her experience before joining the Demon Sect?

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