Villainous Undercover (6)

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As the prey was almost caught, Fu Xi Yu hid all the prey in a sack and concealed it in a dark place. She told Song Xu Yi her plan: she intended to send Song Xu Yi back to the courtyard first and then return to the woods to bring back the prey…

Naturally, Song Xu Yi had no objections.

After all, her body was young, and despite her efforts to stay alert and learn more about Fu Xi Yu, Song Xu Yi eventually couldn’t resist the drowsiness. She leaned on Fu Xi Yu’s shoulder, listening to the sound of the wind rushing by on both sides, unaware of when she fell asleep.

The next day, Song Xu Yi was awakened by the sound of the alarm clock from the system.

Yawning, her body aching all over, and her head throbbing, Song Xu Yi lazily stayed in bed for a while before getting up and dressing to wash up. While Song Xu Yi was washing her face, she heard a familiar knocking sound at the door once again.

Unlike Song Xu Yi’s languid state, Fu Xi Yu appeared as energetic as ever. Song Xu Yi yawned repeatedly and, without much thought, handed Fu Xi Yu a hairband, a comb, and the money for breakfast.

“Wait for me a moment. If we’re really running out of time, use your lightness skill to carry me over,” Song Xu Yi said.

Fu Xi Yu’s expression seemed somewhat surprised, but she nodded and a hint of a smile appeared in her eyes.

Song Xu Yi paid no attention to her and was too sleepy at the moment.

Her movements were slower than usual. She leisurely finished washing her face, applied some anti-freeze balm, and glanced around to ensure she didn’t forget anything before slowly sitting down on her small stool.

As usual, Song Xu Yi rested her head on Fu Xi Yu’s knee and once again dozed off while combing her hair.

When she woke up again, Song Xu Yi found herself already at the practice field. The cold wind blew, and amidst the clamor of fellow disciples, Song Xu Yi regained her senses and resumed her morning training.

After the morning class ended, Song Xu Yi finished her meal in the dining hall, carrying a makeshift lunch box on her way back to the practice field. Worried that the food might get cold, she quickened her pace and suddenly realized something subtle—a change in the relationship between herself and the villain.

The realization peaked when she saw Fu Xi Yu and Song Xu conversing together.

Despite Fu Xi Yu’s cold attitude when Song Xu sought to become her disciple, even though this world hadn’t yet reached the plot where Fu Xi Yu severely injured Song Xu, Song Xu’s first impression of Fu Xi Yu was not a good one.

Therefore, when Song Xu noticed Fu Xi Yu following behind Song Xu Yi, Song Xu’s eyes became guarded, especially when Fu Xi Yu, dragging a bag containing the hunted prey, mentioned wanting to have a private conversation with Song Xu. Song Xu’s face was filled with wariness.

However, this time, whatever Fu Xi Yu and Song Xu discussed on the side, the icy and vigilant expression on Song Xu’s face gradually dissipated. When looking at Fu Xi Yu, there was even a hint of a smile.

What did Fu Xi Yu say to him?

Remembering Fu Xi Yu’s future role as a villain, an alarm bell rang loudly in Song Xu Yi’s mind.

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After all, Fu Xi Yu had numerous responsibilities and tasks to attend to, so she returned to her quarters after a few exchanges with Song Xu. Song Xu Yi tried to inquire about the content of Fu Xi Yu’s conversation from Song Xu, but Song Xu simply smiled and patted Song Xu Yi’s head. “Child, don’t think too much. Eating more will help you grow taller—”


Song Xu Yi pursed her lips.

Throughout this journey, it was mostly Song Xu Yi who took charge of the main tasks. As long as Song Xu Yi could persuade Song Xu, he would obediently follow. Therefore, Song Xu Yi always thought of Song Xu as a well-behaved boy. However, she never expected that after spending just a while with Fu Xi Yu, Song Xu would be assimilated into a mischievous child!

In the future, she must minimize the contact between Song Xu and Fu Xi Yu!

Song Xu Yi gritted her teeth and made a determined resolution in her heart.


Because in this plot summary, the two enemies had a secret without Song Xu Yi’s knowledge, Song Xu Yi felt more and more uncomfortable the more she thought about it. For the following days, she didn’t want to have much to do with Fu Xi Yu. However, Fu Xi Yu seemed oblivious to Song Xu Yi’s distance or intentionally acted ignorant, remaining very close to Song Xu Yi.

Unfortunately, Song Xu Yi had a soft-hearted nature. If Fu Xi Yu ignored Song Xu Yi, it would have been fine, but whenever Fu Xi Yu faced Song Xu Yi, she no longer displayed the mischievous demeanor from before. Instead, she was considerate and gentle, behaving like a responsible senior sister…

Song Xu Yi could manage to be cold-faced once or twice, but after being cold for too long, she felt that she might have gone too far. Unconsciously, she eased up on her attitude towards Fu Xi Yu once again.

A few more days passed quickly.

During these days, it rained, and the weather became colder after the rain. Despite wearing multiple layers to combat the cold, Song Xu Yi still felt the bone-chilling cold while standing in the wind.

Only then did Song Xu Yi remember that she had forgotten to remind Song Xu to bring thick clothes for her.

However, they had agreed to meet once a month, and Song Xu had just come down from the mountain…

Song Xu Yi didn’t want to go through the hassle of making a special request to train indoors, so she had to endure the chilling wind, trembling in the gusts.

Song Xu Yi never expected that the gatekeeper would approach her after breakfast and inform her that a family member had come to see her.

—Song Xu was standing beside the mountain gate, carrying a bulging bundle, smiling brightly at Song Xu Yi.

“Do you think it suits you?”

Before Song Xu Yi had a chance to ask, Song Xu had already handed her the bundle.

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On the top layer of the bundle was a glossy fox fur that felt soft and silky to the touch, and beneath it were many winter clothes.

“You’re really something! You didn’t even bother to tell your brother when you felt cold. It was your senior sister Fu who noticed and reminded me.”

“She’s truly a good person. She specifically told me that among her prey, there was a fox she had hunted specifically to exchange for a fox fur for you.” Song Xu scolded Song Xu Yi with a reproachful look, then pulled out a money pouch. “This is the money from the remaining prey. Your senior sister asked me to give you all the money and said that now you’re in charge of both of your meals and livelihood.”

“I used to worry that your senior sister would be cold and difficult to get along with. But seeing how well you two get along, I’m relieved.”

So this is what Fu Xi Yu and Song Xu have been keeping from me?

Song Xu Yi held the bundle in her hands, her heart filled with mixed emotions.

She still knew deep down that Fu Xi Yu was the villain, and that they would likely end up on opposing sides in the future. However, perhaps because Fu Xi Yu disguised herself so well, Song Xu Yi had observed her for a long time and hadn’t found any evidence of her connection to the Demon Sect.

Song Xu Yi even noticed that Fu Xi Yu was taking care of her in her own way.

Song Xu Yi acknowledged her own lack of firmness in willpower. It was only because she had been with Fu Xi Yu for less than a month that she had relaxed her guard. But at this moment, a question couldn’t help but arise in Song Xu Yi’s mind: Could there be hidden motives behind Fu Xi Yu’s transformation into a villain?


Song Xu naturally didn’t think as much as Song Xu Yi did.

After seeing Song Xu Yi accept the bundle, Song Xu went on to nag her once again, instructing her to always inform him if she needed anything and expressing that he would talk to Fu Xi Yu to understand Song Xu Yi’s situation, urging her not to attempt to hide anything…

Only after that did Song Xu reluctantly leave the mountain.

After hearing Song Xu’s words, Song Xu Yi felt a growing sense of complexity in her heart. There was a moment when she felt that Song Xu was like a parent in modern society, seeking to understand their child’s situation at school from the teachers. But there seemed to be a slight difference, and she couldn’t recall exactly what it was at that moment.

Her heart was filled with immense conflict.

Song Xu Yi put the bundle back in her room and hesitated, but in the end, she decided to wear the fox fur and returned to the martial arts field.

With the fur, her body felt warm, as if wrapped in a little stove, and she no longer felt the cold.

Fu Xi Yu went off to attend to other matters, so now only Qian He and the other disciples were practicing martial arts on the field.

Song Xu Yi’s naturally cute appearance was further enhanced by wearing the fox fur. She looked like a white, round little dumpling, and her own gentle and tender temperament made people irresistibly want to pinch her cheeks.

Seeing Song Xu Yi in this state, Qian He’s eyes brightened, and his hands instinctively reached out to pinch Song Xu Yi’s cheeks—

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Just then, the elders and other senior disciples were passing through…

Song Xu Yi couldn’t bear being pinched any longer, so she quickly ran away on her short legs, deciding to go and complain to Fu Xi Yu: Only with Fu Xi Yu around would this group of people behave a bit more restrained!

Fu Xi Yu had mentioned that her office was located in the grand hall where Song Xu Yi first met Lu Dun. Fu Xi Yu was always pressed for time, as she had to assist Lu Dun with many administrative matters every day.

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that when she arrived, Lu Dun happened to be there, engaged in conversation with Fu Xi Yu…

Throughout this month, Song Xu Yi had only seen her “cheap master” a few times. She wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but she always felt that Lu Dun’s complexion seemed more haggard with each passing day, and his once jade-like visage was growing increasingly dull…

Although Fu Xi Yu in front of her still wore her usual expressionless face, Song Xu Yi couldn’t shake the feeling that Fu Xi Yu appeared extremely unhappy.

What happened?

Song Xu Yi’s heart tightened, and she desperately wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation. However, the two of them had already noticed Song Xu Yi’s arrival and remained silent, refraining from speaking further.

Song Xu Yi hesitated for a moment, then stopped in her tracks and took a few steps back until she was out of sight of the two. She pretended to squat down on the ground, facing away from them, and began doodling on the ground with a twig…

Sure enough, the two individuals over there no longer regarded Song Xu Yi as a threat and resumed their conversation. Meanwhile, as Song Xu Yi had instructed, the system began its voice broadcast—

“Lu Dun was speaking to the villain: ‘After three days, proceed according to the plan. Be prepared.’

‘Also, there will come a day when you’ll have to choose someone. Otherwise, the toxins in your body will continue to accumulate, and I don’t want to see a black-haired person sending off a gray-haired one. If necessary, you can choose one from among your junior disciples…'”

What toxins? Why does Lu Dun want Fu Xi Yu to choose someone?

The villain replied, ‘I don’t expect anyone to have affection for me in this state of mine. Although my appearance is ugly, like you, I also wish to choose someone whom I find appealing—’

“Lu Dun seemed angered and coldly laughed, ‘Let’s see how long you can hold on!'”

“Lu Dun left, and the villain approached you…”

The system didn’t continue speaking because Fu Xi Yu had already stopped in front of Song Xu Yi.

“Do you need something?” Fu Xi Yu’s familiar voice sounded from above, sounding somewhat hoarse.

Song Xu Yi’s mind was actually in a state of chaos.

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She didn’t understand the meaning behind the words she had just heard, but subconsciously, she felt that those words were related to her mission and were of utmost importance.

And between Lu Dun and Fu Xi Yu, there were obviously some secrets unknown to others…

Why did Fu Xi Yu choose to publicly kill Lu Dun with a single sword in the end? There were clearly more discreet ways to cause someone’s silent death… Unless she was putting on a show for someone…

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but look up at Fu Xi Yu. Fu Xi Yu tightly pursed her lips, her eyes pitch-black and bottomless. She appeared no different from usual, but Song Xu Yi felt that she resembled a restrained, volatile beast at that moment, swallowing all her gloom and anger.

When did Fu Xi Yu become a villain?

Was she born that way, or did it happen because no one ever stopped her from doing evil, and she had no outlet for her sadness, ultimately leading her to self-destruction and exile?


Perhaps she couldn’t stop Fu Xi Yu from becoming the villain in the plot summary.

But Song Xu Yi wanted to give it a try, to comfort Fu Xi Yu who appeared extremely distressed at the moment.

“There’s actually nothing wrong,” Song Xu Yi softly spoke, mustering a smile as she looked at Fu Xi Yu.

In the pitch-black depths of Fu Xi Yu’s eyes, she saw her own reflection, and her forced smile looked truly foolish–

Unconsciously, Song Xu Yi’s face turned red.

“I really like the fox fur you gave me, and I want to repay you—”

Gathering her courage, Song Xu Yi tilted her head up, her eyelashes trembling as she closed her eyes—

“I’ll let you pinch my cheek as much as you want, for as long as you want!”

The author has something to say:

Xu Yi: Allowing you to pinch my cheek was the greatest concession I made. Don’t underestimate me!

Several years later—

Xu: I regret it, truly. I was so focused on protecting my little sister that I never considered that I was pushing her into the arms of that annoying woman. (_)

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