Villainous Undercover (18)

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Song Xu Yi was momentarily stunned.

She had considered the possibility that Lu Dun had practiced evil techniques, which led him to target Third Senior Brother. She also knew that Lu Dun’s methods of becoming the head of the Taiji Sect were not particularly honorable. Moreover, she felt anxious because she had taken Fu Xi Yu with her, which might have caused Lu Dun to harm others.

However, during this period, there had been very few cases of women disappearing in the martial world. Song Xu Yi’s heart had eased a bit, but she had never thought that her concerns might have been directed in the wrong way: Lu Dun’s sexual orientation being towards men.

Recalling the recent string of men disappearing in the martial world and the traces of the Demon Sect found at the scenes…

Song Xu Yi didn’t know whether she should be shocked by the fact that Lu Dun was involved with the Demon Sect or shocked by Lu Dun’s sexual preferences.

However, Lu Dun’s sexual orientation had already shown some signs. His unusually close relationships with his male disciples and his neglect of the female disciples…

Song Xu Yi stood frozen in place, her fingers trembling uncontrollably even as she held Fu Xi Yu’s pulse. Although she knew she shouldn’t feel guilty about Lu Dun’s misdeeds, the thought that it was because she had brought Fu Xi Yu out that so many people fell victim to Lu Dun’s cruelty made her feel immensely uncomfortable.

Perhaps growing up in a righteous environment had prevented her from thinking in such vile ways. She had never imagined that a person could be so wicked.

“Third Senior Brother was also killed by him,” Fu Xi Yu watched Song Xu Yi’s reaction, a hint of compassion flashing in her eyes. But she felt that since she had spoken up, she needed to make Song Xu Yi aware of the danger Lu Dun posed and prevent her from developing any intentions of confronting him. So she continued speaking.

She would handle the task of confronting Lu Dun and plotting against him. There was no need to burden Song Xu Yi with worries. With her tainted bloodline from Lu Dun, she had the greatest utility in dragging Lu Dun and the filthy Demon Sect down to eternal damnation together.

“He keeps a few disciples by his side, simply because their features resemble those of Mo Wen, whom he once admired. And the reason he killed Third Senior Brother was because Third Senior Brother had feelings for a woman, which he saw as a betrayal he couldn’t tolerate.”

“Xu Yi,” Fu Xi Yu pursed her lips, her cold fingers gripping Song Xu Yi’s wrist with determination as she met her eyes. “Master is far more dangerous than you imagine. I know you’re intelligent enough to have noticed the symptoms I’m experiencing and the connection with Master. You feel sorry for me and want to help me break free from this bondage. Senior Sister has understood your intentions, but it’s all too dangerous. I don’t want you to get involved any further–“

Having said all that, Xu Yi should understand the severity, right?

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Seeing the dazed expression in Song Xu Yi’s eyes, Fu Xi Yu lowered her gaze once again. She couldn’t meet Xu Yi’s eyes openly anymore. Xu Yi had been disoriented last night, and she had taken advantage of her vulnerability. But now she despairingly realized that she did indeed carry the tainted blood of Lu Dun: she despicably couldn’t tell Xu Yi that everything that happened last night wasn’t a dream, fearing Xu Yi’s disgust. She intentionally left no trace, yet she couldn’t help but feel a sinful sense of happiness from Xu Yi’s evident infatuation and satisfaction. She was truly a wretched mess!

Fu Xi Yu fell into self-loathing once again, unable to look at Xu Yi’s expression, unaware that after she finished speaking, a sparkle had ignited in Song Xu Yi’s eyes.

At the beginning, Song Xu Yi was indeed deeply shocked by Lu Dun’s true identity. However, soon after, a sense of excitement welled up in her heart. Over the past two years, Song Xu Yi had been trying to break down Fu Xi Yu’s defenses and get her to confide in her, but she had never succeeded. Song Xu Yi had already planned to take the initiative and confront the situation directly, but she didn’t expect Fu Xi Yu to reveal everything at this moment–

It seemed that her efforts over the past two years had not been in vain.

Song Xu Yi took a deep breath to calm her inner excitement, and she reached out to hold Fu Xi Yu’s wrist, focusing her attention on feeling her pulse. To Song Xu Yi’s surprise, Fu Xi Yu had not lied. This time, Fu Xi Yu’s pulse was much better than before–

But it wasn’t necessarily good news.

Although Fu Xi Yu’s internal qi was not as chaotic as before, it was possible that she had endured other torments that could not be spoken of to outsiders, which led her to suddenly reveal her true feelings to Song Xu Yi.

But no matter the reason, as long as Fu Xi Yu had spoken up, Song Xu Yi had enough reason to accompany her in dealing with Lu Dun.

A smile curved on Song Xu Yi’s lips.

After finishing the pulse examination, Song Xu Yi held Fu Xi Yu’s hand.

“Senior Sister,” Song Xu Yi told a small lie. “I never imagined that Lu Dun could be so wicked, and I never expected you to suffer so much–“

“But don’t be afraid!” Song Xu Yi met Fu Xi Yu’s startled gaze and a smile of determination appeared on her face. “I won’t be afraid either. Let’s figure out a way together to confront Lu Dun!”

For a brief moment, Fu Xi Yu felt like she was hearing things.

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However, what she saw before her were still the warm smile and the absence of fear in Song Xu Yi’s eyes, completely different from what Fu Xi Yu had anticipated.

The warmth transmitted through the hand held by Song Xu Yi gradually reached Fu Xi Yu’s heart. She felt her entire heart heating up, pounding rapidly. Her throat moved, wanting to tell Xu Yi that this reality was too dangerous, that she already had a plan, and Xu Yi didn’t need to get involved. But to her surprise, it seemed like Song Xu Yi knew what she wanted to say and placed a hand over her lips.

“Senior Sister,” Fu Xi Yu, looking at the little girl who had grown up, had an unprecedentedly solemn expression on her face. “I’m not a child anymore. I know you want to protect me, but I have grown up–“

“Senior Sister, I want to protect you too! Besides, it seems that Lu Dun is the leader of the Demon Sect. The massacre of my family may have been orchestrated by Lu Dun himself!”

“Sister,” and even more, Song Xu Yi leaned closer to Fu Xi Yu’s ear. “I’ll tell you a secret– I have a map of the Demon Sect…”


What else could be said? Fu Xi Yu had never expected Xu Yi to reveal even this secret to her.

In that instant, Fu Xi Yu understood the reason behind Xi Yu’s guardedness towards her during their childhood. Xi Yu must have carried the map and distrusted everything outside, which was why she never allowed herself to get close to Fu Xi Yu…

How could someone like herself, with the tainted blood of her family’s enemies flowing through her, deserve this trust?

But Fu Xi Yu couldn’t reveal everything: If Xi Yu knew that she was Lu Dun’s child, she would undoubtedly be heartbroken, and Fu Xi Yu couldn’t bear the look of disgust in Xi Yu’s eyes.

A surge of warmth welled up in her eyes, and Fu Xi Yu hastily lowered her head, unable to utter a word of refusal anymore.

Was this the happiest moment of her life? Fu Xi Yu was willing to die in that instant if it meant preserving this happiness.

With such thoughts in her heart, an unprecedented will to survive ignited within Fu Xi Yu. She couldn’t die yet; Lu Dun had already taken notice of Xu Yi. She had to stay alive, at least to eliminate anyone in the world who harbored ill intentions towards Xu Yi.

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When Song Xu Yi mentioned the map, it was only to alleviate Fu Xi Yu’s burden, to prevent her from sacrificing herself like she had done in the past by joining the Demon Sect.

And evidently, Song Xu Yi’s move was highly effective. Fu Xi Yu remained silent after Song Xu Yi offered her help, and to Song Xu Yi, silence was an acknowledgment.

What made Song Xu Yi even happier was that Fu Xi Yu’s injuries didn’t seem too severe this time. In just a couple of days, Fu Xi Yu’s complexion began to recover.

At that moment, news reached the Imperial Court: the Imperial Physician whom Song Xu Yi had contacted to deliver the news of the Demon Sect’s disturbance had been killed!

Though she hadn’t understood it at first, upon learning that Lu Dun was the sect’s leader, Song Xu Yi quickly realized that his presence here was no coincidence.

With the Imperial Physician’s untimely demise, it didn’t take much reflection to understand the connection between this event and the Demon Sect.

Song Xu Yi had never imagined that Lu Dun would be so audacious, daring even to kill an official appointed by the court. While she knew that the physician’s death would further instill fear of the martial world in the Emperor, Song Xu Yi couldn’t shake the guilt she felt—had she not contacted the physician and revealed the Demon Sect’s plot, he might still be alive.

And the reason why Lu Dun hadn’t killed her—

As Song Xu Yi recalled the peculiar expression on Lu Dun’s face during their encounter and linked it to Fu Xi Yu’s actions of entering Lu Dun’s room that night, she immediately understood: Fu Xi Yu was likely harmed by Lu Dun once again because of her.

Furthermore, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but connect it to the day when the Imperial Physician encountered trouble, and Fu Xi Yu had gone out for a while…

Could it be that Fu Xi Yu was being coerced once again?

Song Xu Yi dared not dwell on the thought, feeling an immense sense of discomfort within her.

Meanwhile, Lu Dun appeared exceptionally pleased that day, showing satisfaction in his words towards Fu Xi Yu. He even informed Song Xu Yi and Fu Xi Yu about the situation in Nanguo County, urging them both to rest and recuperate.

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This further confirmed Song Xu Yi’s speculation: Lu Dun’s arrival in the capital city was likely for the purpose of killing the Imperial Physician.

After some pretense and hesitation between Song Xu Yi and Lu Dun, she finally excused herself, citing discomfort, and returned to her respective room. Shortly after, Fu Xi Yu also entered her room.

“I didn’t kill that Imperial Physician,” Fu Xi Yu sat beside Song Xu Yi, seemingly silent but actually using internal energy to transmit her voice. She said, “He is alive and well now, recuperating in the Emperor’s secluded villa. The news of his death was deliberately spread by the Emperor.”

Fu Xi Yu didn’t tell Song Xu Yi that as a sword in Lu Dun’s hands, she didn’t care about whom she killed. However, before taking action, she thought about Song Xu Yi’s admiration for that Imperial Physician’s words, pondered for a while, and ultimately changed her mind. She secretly sneaked into the palace.

She didn’t expect Song Xu Yi’s plan to actually work. Originally, she only wanted to inform the Emperor about someone wanting to kill the Imperial Physician. However, the Emperor kept her by his side and discussed strategies to deal with the Demon Sect together. It was then that Fu Xi Yu realized that even before Song Xu Yi delivered the message, the Emperor had already taken notice of the chaos in Jiangnan.

The Emperor proposed a collaboration with Fu Xi Yu: the remaining members of the Demon Sect were not a concern, but the Emperor was worried about Lu Dun, who had undergone the Immortal Annihilation Tribulation. To eradicate the Demon Sect, someone needed to restrain Lu Dun.

Fu Xi Yu originally wanted to tell the Emperor about her plan to sacrifice herself to lure Lu Dun and destroy the Demon Sect, thinking that the Emperor didn’t need to go through so much trouble. However, for some reason, when it came to her lips, Fu Xi Yu swallowed her words.

Thinking about the Emperor’s plan, Fu Xi Yu had been somewhat absent-minded. She shared the whereabouts of the Imperial Physician with Song Xu Yi out of concern that she would feel guilty. After seeing Song Xu Yi relax, Fu Xi Yu returned to her room and accelerated her cultivation progress. The Emperor’s plan, although a bit slow, was indeed feasible, provided she could restrain Lu Dun.

However, Fu Xi Yu didn’t expect that in the middle of the night, she once again received a voice transmission from Lu Dun next door.

“You did a good job with this matter.”

“Xi Yu, I have prepared a great gift for you in Heaven’s Number One Restaurant…”

The author has something to say:

This little world is likely to come to an end tomorrow~

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