Villainous Undercover (19)

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Song Xu Yi never imagined that she would dream of the enchanting sister once again.

Just like before, Song Xu Yi caught a familiar fragrance and drifted into a deep slumber. Upon waking up, she was greeted by the sight of the beautiful sister, clad only in a silk robe.

The sister’s beauty remained as breathtaking as the first encounter, akin to a celestial being. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a peculiar sensation, as if touching the sister would be a sacrilegious act. She never thought she would muster the courage to entice the beautiful sister in their previous encounter.

The beautiful sister appeared to be somewhat upset, her face contorted with a steely expression.

This furrowed-brow beauty…

Fu Xi Yu shook her muddled mind, as if… she resembled someone she once knew.

A familiar face flashed through her mind, only to disappear in an instant. The familiar tingling sensation surged within her body, threatening to drive her insane.

“Beautiful sister, are you angry with me?”

Though she was afraid to get any closer, Song Xu Yi couldn’t fathom her own actions. She approached the beautiful sister once again, even reaching out and lightly kissing the mole beneath her eye. “I don’t want to disrespect you…”

While saying these words, Song Xu Yi couldn’t control her own movements. Her hands involuntarily tugged at the woman’s clothing, her voice taking on a sobbing tone. “Sister, in the end, this is all just a dream. I never thought I would be so shameless in my dreams, to disrespect you. I don’t know whether to blame your extraordinary beauty or my own lack of self-control…”

The woman gazed at Song Xu Yi with a sorrowful expression in her eyes.

“I won’t be angry with you,” she didn’t stop Song Xu Yi’s actions, closing her eyes with a trembling voice filled with bitterness. “I’m afraid you will hate me…”

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“I could never hate you. It’s because I want to be intimate with you that I keep dreaming of you again and again,” Song Xu Yi recalled the profound tenderness the beautiful sister had shown that night. Perhaps it was because the flames within her body were too fierce, burning away her rationality. Or perhaps it was because she couldn’t bear to see a wounded expression on the beautiful sister’s lovely face. Unable to resist, Song Xu Yi once again kissed the sister’s delicate features, her voice slightly shy but earnest. “In case… in case you do something that makes me angry, being so beautiful, if you just act coquettish towards me, I will definitely forgive you…”

Before encountering the beautiful sister, Song Xu Yi never realized how strong her preference for beauty was. But looking at the beautiful sister’s face up close, Song Xu Yi felt willing to do anything for her.

Caught off guard by Song Xu Yi’s words, the beautiful sister seemed visibly stunned for a moment. Meanwhile, Song Xu Yi’s mind was in disarray, overwhelmed by heat. After struggling to undo the beautiful sister’s clothing for a while, she eventually gave up and instead began to remove her own garments…

A clear struggle flickered in the beautiful sister’s eyes, but her gaze seemed unable to move, sticking tightly to Song Xu Yi’s body. Within the fiery depths of the beautiful sister’s eyes, Song Xu Yi saw her own reflection: flushed cheeks, disheveled hair, a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead, and eyes so moist they seemed on the verge of tears…

Song Xu Yi never expected to look like this at the moment. Her consciousness returned for an instant, and she couldn’t help but shyly turn her head away. Subconsciously, she licked her dry lips, and in the next moment, the world before her spun, and once again, she saw the beautiful sister’s face up close…

Song Xu Yi was awakened by Fu Xi Yu.

It was close to dawn, and the sky hadn’t fully brightened yet. The faint morning light carried a soft glow. From Song Xu Yi’s perspective, Fu Xi Yu’s face, half-hidden in shadow, appeared unbelievably beautiful, almost resembling the dreamlike beauty of the sister.

Thinking of the beautiful sister, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel her body tense. The profound happiness from the dream seemed to linger on her skin, making the recollection feel incredibly real. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but drift into a daze.

“Xu Yi, Master left the house about half an hour ago,” Fu Xi Yu’s calm and serene expression vanished, her eyes locked onto Song Xu Yi’s gaze. “If my anticipation is correct, he’s probably gone to find Li Jin…”

In the past, Fu Xi Yu wouldn’t have cared how many people Lu Dun had killed. But now that she had revealed everything to Xu Yi, if she knew that Lu Dun had gone to find Li Jin and didn’t tell Xu Yi, Fu Xi Yu felt certain that Xu Yi would never forgive her.

Fu Xi Yu didn’t want to do anything that would make Xu Yi unhappy.

Moreover, Fu Xi Yu’s hatred for Lu Dun had reached the depths of her bones at this point. Previously, Fu Xi Yu held animosity towards Lu Dun due to the grievances of the previous generation. But now, Fu Xi Yu’s animosity towards Lu Dun was entirely because of his disrespectful attitude towards Xu Yi. How could the girl she guarded so carefully and held dear be treated by Lu Dun as a mere gift, repeatedly given to someone as lowly and filthy as herself?

The anger and self-abandonment in Fu Xi Yu’s heart reached its peak. She was confident that she could defeat Lu Dun now, and she had no fear of letting go and confronting him head-on.

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As memories of the men who had met unfortunate ends in the Jianghu during this period resurfaced, Song Xu Yi hastily got up, disregarding the increasingly perplexing dreams. Following behind Fu Xi Yu, she headed towards Li Jin’s residence.

Since Fu Xi Yu mentioned the possibility of Lu Dun’s interest in Li Jin, Song Xu Yi had paid a visit to Li Jin during this time. She solemnly informed him about the recent disappearances of men in the Jianghu, urging him to be more cautious. However, it seemed that Li Jin, this unlucky fellow, didn’t take Song Xu Yi’s warning to heart. Instead, he had the idea of inviting Song Xu Yi for a stroll by the lake…

Afterward, news arrived of the Imperial Physician being attacked. Song Xu Yi didn’t contact Li Jin again, but she didn’t expect that Lu Dun, right before leaving, would still be fixated on Li Jin.

Fortunately, Li Jin had disclosed his address, and Song Xu Yi and Fu Xi Yu quickly arrived at his mansion.

Li Jin truly lived up to his reputation as a playboy who never kept his mouth shut, even though he was roughly the same age as Song Xu Yi. He had already taken in two concubines. In the first two rooms, they only encountered sleeping concubines. But upon reaching the third room, as Song Xu Yi pushed open the door, she caught a familiar fragrance in the air…

The fragrance…

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but widen her eyes, holding her breath. In the next moment, Fu Xi Yu forcefully shattered the doors and windows, allowing the air from outside to rush in.

Simultaneously, a surge of powerful internal energy shot towards Song Xu Yi!

Fu Xi Yu was prepared and stepped forward to intercept the incoming attack.

As the door swung open, the dimly lit room instantly revealed its scene before Song Xu Yi: Li Jin, disheveled, embracing Lu Dun tightly and passionately kissing Lu Dun’s cheek, affectionately calling out, “Xu Yi”…

Song Xu Yi was at a loss for words to describe her emotions upon seeing this scene.

She looked at Li Jin’s appearance, recalled the scent she had just smelled, and couldn’t help but think of her own self in the dream.

The familiar fragrance, the hazy demeanor…

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Song Xu Yi’s face turned ashen, and a conjecture involuntarily formed in her mind: Could it be… that it wasn’t just a dream, but a vile act of Lu Dun using some kind of drug to defile her?

The more Song Xu Yi thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. Judging from Li Jin’s appearance, this strange substance seemed capable of causing mistaken identity and even obscuring gender. Perhaps it truly wasn’t just a dream, but Lu Dun had drugged her. And Fu Xi Yu should be aware of this, which is why she warned Song Xu Yi not to resist Lu Dun after he made a move on her…

Song Xu Yi had never imagined that Lu Dun’s sinister claws would reach her, and she felt an overwhelming urge to vomit. It made sense that the system had kept all of this hidden from her, probably out of fear that she would be too disturbed by the truth.

“System, these past few nights… it was all his doing, right?” Song Xu Yi had never despised someone so intensely. The memory of her dream made her want to end her life right then and there. Clinging to the last shred of hope, she inquired of the informed system.

The system felt incredibly anxious upon seeing Song Xu Yi’s expression, unable to comprehend why she looked so distressed. Upon hearing her question, it assumed that Song Xu Yi had realized that the scene before her was not just a dream but a reflection of the nights’ events. Feeling guilty, the system reluctantly responded, “Yes… he drugged you.”

Song Xu Yi’s last trace of hope crumbled, and her face turned pale as a result.

Meanwhile, Fu Xi Yu had already engaged in a fight with Lu Dun.

Fu Xi Yu had always disguised herself so well that Lu Dun had never suspected she would turn against him. Discovering Fu Xi Yu’s betrayal now, Lu Dun became truly enraged and showed no mercy in their fight.

“A dog that doesn’t bark but bites. I had no idea I had such a formidable dog by my side!” Lu Dun looked at Fu Xi Yu with a sneering expression.

However, his eyes widened slightly in the next moment. He hadn’t expected Fu Xi Yu to withstand so many moves under his control.

Earlier, Fu Xi Yu had caused a commotion by breaking the doors and windows, attracting attention from outside. It seemed that someone had started knocking on the door, and it was likely that they would break in soon.

Lu Dun couldn’t help but feel a sense of anxiety. He couldn’t let others see his appearance, but leaving Fu Xi Yu behind would only invite endless trouble…

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Lu Dun couldn’t help but intensify his attacks.

After all, he had trained in the Annihilation Immortal Tribulation for many years, and when he exerted his full power, Fu Xi Yu was no match for him. Soon, Fu Xi Yu took a blow to her shoulder.

However, Lu Dun didn’t expect that Song Xu Yi would join the battle like a madwoman, drawing her sword and thrusting it towards him.

Lu Dun was surprised because Song Xu Yi’s skills exceeded his expectations. He hadn’t anticipated that Song Xu Yi could withstand so many moves against him.

Song Xu Yi’s martial arts style was extremely peculiar. Even with her back turned to Lu Dun, she seemed to anticipate his every move and swiftly dodge them.

What made Lu Dun even more troublesome was Song Xu Yi’s attitude. It seemed that she had been deeply affected by something and was attacking him recklessly, showing no regard for her own life.

Seeing Song Xu Yi engaged in a fierce fight with Lu Dun, Fu Xi Yu naturally wouldn’t stand idly by. To protect Xu Yi, she unleashed even greater power, forcing Lu Dun to take two steps back.

With the sound of the gate being forcefully opened from outside, Lu Dun didn’t want to linger any longer. While engaged in combat with Fu Xi Yu, his gaze fell upon the unconscious Li Jin lying on the bed. If he killed Li Jin, he could easily frame Fu Xi Yu and Song Xu Yi for everything.

Lu Dun made a swift decision. He swung his palm towards Li Jin, then quickly retreated backwards. However, he didn’t anticipate that, with the system’s guidance, Song Xu Yi had already anticipated his move. Song Xu Yi flew forward, positioning herself in front of Li Jin, and activated the hidden self-defense mechanisms she had prepared earlier. A barrage of needles pierced into Lu Dun’s body like a rainstorm. Lu Dun’s figure visibly staggered before he broke through the window and escaped.

Song Xu Yi herself took a blow from Lu Dun’s palm. Facing Fu Xu Yi’s widened eyes, Song Xu Yi’s body was like a disconnected kite, falling backward limply.

The author has something to say:

Oh no, the prediction was wrong. It seems that the conclusion will have to wait until tomorrow.

Thank you, little angels, for the birthday wishes. Haha, this wish will hang for seven days, both awkward and joyful.

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