Villainous Undercover (20)

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Song Xu Yi woke up and found herself seven days ahead.

She realized she was back in the Medical Valley, immersed in a massive medicinal pool, surrounded by the bitter aroma of herbs. Her body ached with every movement, as if it were falling apart.

Recalling the events before her unconsciousness, Song Xu Yi felt a deep disgust, unable to resist rubbing her body with the medicinal concoction in her hands.

Being a modern person, she didn’t possess the same stringent views on chastity as people in ancient times. She wouldn’t feel self-reproach or despair due to such circumstances. Throughout history, it had always been the repulsive perpetrator who deserved condemnation, not the innocent victim. Song Xu Yi wouldn’t belittle herself for it; she wouldn’t give up.

However, if one were to describe Song Xu Yi’s temperament as leaning towards a Buddhist outlook before, after this ordeal, she felt an unparalleled loathing towards a person, wishing she could annihilate and obliterate Lu Dun.

Shortly after Song Xu Yi made a sound, there was a slight commotion at the door, and Master Song pushed it open and walked in.

“You’ve really been in great danger this time. You’ve already stepped into the gates of the afterlife with one foot. We almost used all our skills to save you…” Master Song sighed and her gaze fell upon Song Xu Yi. “Especially your Senior Sister, she was terrified. She stayed up all night, continuously administering acupuncture for you. I’ve never seen that child so angry and nervous before! During this time, she has already shattered ten cups. If she continues, she’ll soon break all the cups in my Medical Valley…”

“My Senior Sister has always been good to me.” Song Xu Yi lowered her head, feeling a bit puzzled. She understood Fu Xi Yu’s concern, as Fu Xi Yu had always shown immense care for her. However, Song Xu Yi couldn’t fathom the image of Fu Xi Yu crushing cups. In her impression, Fu Xi Yu was always calm and composed. Song Xu Yi didn’t think Fu Xi Yu would lose control to the point of crushing cups…

“She has been guarding here for too long. I used a bit of medicine yesterday, and she finally managed to fall asleep,” Master Song squatted down, examining Song Xu Yi’s pulse, and she sighed with relief. “You don’t need to worry. Just take good care of yourself and recuperate.”

Song Xu Yi nodded. After Master Song turned around, she took the towel she handed her and wrapped herself up, then slowly stepped out of the medicinal pool…

When Song Xu Yi hadn’t moved, she didn’t feel much, but now that she made a slight movement, she felt like a porcelain doll that had been shattered and forcibly pieced back together. Her whole body ached in every part.

For the next two days, Song Xu Yi remained lying in bed, focusing on her recovery.

She had a good relationship with the people in the Medical Valley over the years, and many came to visit her. However, strangely enough, Fu Xi Yu seemed to have not visited at all in these two days.

At first, Song Xu Yi didn’t pay much attention to it, but after two days had passed, a sense of suspicion started to rise in her mind.

This is really abnormal!

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According to Fu Xi Yu’s care for her, she should have visited a long time ago!

Unless… something happened that she didn’t know about…

Song Xu Yi immediately felt worried.

However, no matter how she questioned Master Song, she evaded the topic, saying that Fu Xi Yu was fine. The more Master Song said this, the more anxious Song Xu Yi became. She could only gather her spirits and make efforts to recover as quickly as possible, hoping to find out about Fu Xi Yu’s situation sooner.

Only the system knew: Every night, after Song Xu Yi fell into a deep sleep, Fu Xi Yu would appear by her bedside, with an enigmatic expression, gazing at Song Xu Yi…

Every time this happened, the system trembled with fear—because at this moment, the villain’s gaze towards Song Xu Yi openly revealed her possessiveness, just like the previous villains who were obsessed with her in different worlds!

What made the system even more anxious was that the villain had shed her disguise, revealing her originally stunning appearance that captivated all.

The system could almost anticipate Song Xu Yi’s reaction upon seeing this beautiful villain…

Fortunately, lately, Song Xu Yi seemed to be too exhausted from her physical condition and hadn’t contacted the system… So the system discreetly concealed everything.

However, the system didn’t expect that after another two days had passed, when Song Xu Yi finally eliminated the pain in her body and received Master Song’s approval to get out of bed, she almost immediately ran into Fu Xi Yu’s room, almost sprinting:

When Song Xu Yi pushed the door open, Fu Xi Yu was in the midst of taking a bath.

Amidst the steam, the first thing Song Xu Yi saw was a back covered in scars. The woman’s skin on her back was incredibly smooth and fair, and the scars didn’t diminish her beauty; instead, they added a touch of mystery to her whole being.

The gracefully shaped scapula of the woman extended down into the mist, leading to a captivating landscape of undulating peaks… At a glance, it stirred one’s imagination.

Startled by the sight, Song Xu Yi quickly closed her eyes, her face turning red involuntarily: She never expected that her Senior Sister, who usually wrapped herself up so securely, would have such beautiful skin…

“Senior Sister, I just came to check on you because I was worried that something had happened. As long as you’re fine, I’ll leave now.”

Song Xu Yi, for some reason, felt an inexplicable awkwardness in the atmosphere. She chuckled, intending to turn around and push the door to leave. However, behind her, she heard Fu Xi Yu’s voice as cold as frost:

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“I have something to tell you.”

“I have been betrayed and abandoned—”


Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but stop in her tracks.

No wonder Fu Xi Yu hadn’t come to see her during this time; she had been heartbroken…

“Senior Sister, please don’t worry. That person doesn’t deserve you,” Song Xu Yi, although immensely curious about who could have hurt Fu Xi Yu like this, considering that Fu Xi Yu rarely interacted with anyone besides herself, realized that it wasn’t the time to dwell on that. For now, the most important thing was to console Fu Xi Yu and alleviate her sorrow.

Song Xu Yi didn’t have much experience in comforting others, so she awkwardly spoke up, “Senior Sister, the person who betrayed and abandoned you is the one at loss—”

“Senior Sister, you are skilled, tactful in your interactions, considerate, and righteous,” Song Xu Yi thought of Fu Xi Yu’s various strengths. If at first she only wanted to comfort Fu Xi Yu, as she pondered, she genuinely became angry: “That person must be blind to have betrayed and abandoned you! Senior Sister, you will definitely find someone who truly appreciates you in the future—”

“She’s not blind; I kept some things from her,” a faint sound of water came from behind as Fu Xi Yu seemed to step out of the bath. Slowly approaching Song Xu Yi from behind, she spoke softly and earnestly, her voice sounding incredibly serious: “In my lifetime, there won’t be anyone who truly appreciates me.”

Even at this point, she still wanted to defend that betraying scumbag?

Song Xu Yi felt frustrated and couldn’t help but turn around to face Fu Xi Yu, intending to continue persuading her. “There are thousands and millions of men in the world. Why should we hang onto a crooked tree—”

However, before Song Xu Yi could finish her sentence, her words got stuck in her throat—she saw a face: a face more enchanting than spring flowers, flawlessly beautiful. Song Xu Yi had experienced heart-pounding nights with the owner of that face. And now, the owner of that face was staring at her with anger on their expression…


In a flash of realization, Song Xu Yi understood: the system didn’t actually tell her that the person from that night was Lu Dun. She had misunderstood the system’s intentions, feeling disgusted and negative, which is why she hadn’t contacted the system to clarify things these past two days…

So… the person she had a second encounter with was actually Fu Xi Yu?

It made sense. Lu Dun’s domineering aura would never treat her with such gentle care and attention…

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After understanding everything, Song Xu Yi felt a weight lifted off her chest. She stared blankly at Fu Xi Yu’s stunning face. Different from her previous resentment, all that remained in Song Xu Yi’s heart now was shame. Heat rushed to her face, and she instinctively wanted to rush out the door. However, Fu Xi Yu moved faster behind her, crossing over and holding onto the door panel.

“Song Xu Yi,” when Song Xu Yi looked back again, Fu Xi Yu’s eyes were brimming with tears. In those beautiful eyes, anger was evident, yet even in her anger, Fu Xi Yu still shone brightly like the most dazzling pearl.

“What you said, that I did something wrong and that everything would be fine if I acted cute with you… I shouldn’t have hidden my true self from you—”

Song Xu Yi wanted to retort.

Her posture, pressing against herself like this, seemed incredibly dominant. How could it be mistaken for acting cute?

However, the lingering fragrance of the woman’s freshly bathed body filled her nose. As she gazed at the woman’s face, so stunning that it made everything else pale in comparison, Song Xu Yi’s retort got stuck in her throat, and her legs involuntarily began to weaken.

Song Xu Yi inwardly cursed her own weakness. With her lips tightly pressed together and her head lowered, she couldn’t help but speak softly: “I… let go of me. I don’t blame you anymore…”

To her surprise, before she could react, Fu Xi Yu immediately wrapped her arms around Song Xu Yi’s waist.

“Now that I have apologized for my deceit, shouldn’t Xu Yi also take responsibility for the mistakes she has made?” Fu Xi Yu’s voice carried a cold sneer as she faced Song Xu Yi’s bewildered and confused gaze.

She leaned closer to Song Xu Yi’s ear.

“Some people were telling me how much they adored me just the previous night, but the next day, their life was hanging by a thread because of another man. Is that your definition of adoration?”

Only heaven knows how Fu Xi Yu spent the time when Song Xu Yi was unconscious.

She almost killed Li Jin, who was objectively responsible for implicating Xu Yi.

During these few days, Fu Xi Yu finally realized her true feelings – a terrifying possessiveness towards Xu Yi! If Xu Yi hadn’t endured, she would have willingly descended into hell alongside her, traversing the boundless heavens and the yellow springs. Fu Xi Yu had bound herself to Xu Yi. And if Xu Yi survived, even if she detested her lineage, Fu Xi Yu still possessed the captivating face that could stir Xu Yi’s heart. While she still possessed her beauty, she could surely enchant Xu Yi.

Regardless, Fu Xi Yu would never let go of Xu Yi again!

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Song Xu Yi lowered her head.

She could actually sense Fu Xi Yu’s nervousness. Despite her words of seeking retribution, Fu Xi Yu’s trembling arms betrayed her true feelings. Song Xu Yi understood that if she refused, Fu Xi Yu wouldn’t force her…

But… this was the Fu Xi Yu she had longed for, the one who boldly expressed her affection and no longer suppressed her emotions. Song Xu Yi had hoped to see this side of Fu Xi Yu.


Blushing, Song Xu Yi heard herself speak softly:

“I acted impulsively and treated you poorly due to my shallow desires. I am willing to take responsibility…”


Three years later, no one expected that Lu Dun would be killed by Qian He.

During these three years, Lu Dun had been evading capture by the court and righteous sects, hiding like a homeless dog. In the end, he fell into the hands of Fu Xi Yu, who dealt him a fatal blow.

No one expected that he would seek out Qian He, her second senior brother, before his death. Qian He, too, never expected that he would actually kill Lu Dun…

Only Fu Xi Yu knew the reason: Qian He was the disciple who most resembled Mo Wen.


In this lifetime, Song Xu Yi and Fu Xi Yu eventually inherited the Medical Valley. The two of them traveled the land, upholding justice, and sheltered and treated countless patients. They lived together until their hair turned white and eventually found their final resting place in the century-old cemetery of the Medical Valley.

However, the only one who wasn’t buried in the Medical Valley cemetery was Master Song. Insisting strongly on her request, she passed away in front of Yu Rudi’s tomb and was buried alongside Yu Rudi.

Tl. Ngl, this ending sucks! It feels like a cliffhanger…

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