Villainous Zombie King (1)

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When Song Xu Yi woke up again, her gaze met a pair of eyes that resembled dead fish.

Those eyes had excessive whites, with the pupils contracted to tiny dots, lacking any sense of focus despite staring directly at Song Xu Yi.

After clearly seeing the face behind those eyes, Song Xu Yi involuntarily took a sharp breath and stepped back.

Through the glass, the beings in front of her could no longer be called humans. Their cheeks and bodies had started to decay, exposing the white bones wrapped within the flesh. The group of “people” were gnashing their blood-stained teeth, pounding on the glass with a sickening and horrifying appearance.

Song Xu Yi struggled to calm her astonishment, eventually regaining her composure.

She had seen some movies and TV shows about zombies before and had a basic understanding of these creatures. She thought it was just for entertainment, but she never expected to find herself in such a world.

At this moment, the system remained silent. Song Xu Yi looked at the zombies outside the glass. After overcoming the initial disgust, she began to assess her surroundings.

Fortunately, the glass door seemed incredibly sturdy. Despite the zombies relentlessly pounding on it, they hadn’t managed to break through. As Song Xu Yi observed her white lab coat, adorned with various bottles, jars, and petri dishes, she formed a rough guess about her original identity.

On the table, Song Xu Yi found a notebook with messy handwriting:

“This is simply incredible! Overnight, many people began to experience cellular decay, turning into lifeless beings that chase and bite pedestrians on the streets. The whole world has turned into a living hell. There must be a brilliant biologist behind all this. I really want to meet this person…”

Next, the notebook contained a series of research notes about the zombie virus.

“Indeed, these zombies are indeed caused by a virus. It’s truly remarkable; I have never seen cells replicate endlessly like this! But something seems off. It appears that I have also been infected with the zombie virus. Will I be able to wake up and complete my mission?”

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The notes abruptly ended at this point.

At that moment, the voice of the system resounded in Song Xu Yi’s mind.

“Xu Yi, something is not right in this world.” The tone of the system’s voice sounded extremely grave.

Song Xu Yi softly murmured, “I’ve already seen it.”

The system glanced at the pounding zombies outside, its tone momentarily faltering, and its voice suddenly carried a hint of despair.

“I never expected to come to this world!” The system’s voice sounded on the verge of tears. “However, the recent onslaught of unknown attacks has become increasingly intense. For self-preservation, we were forced to land in this world…”

Both of them tacitly avoided mentioning the Lord God. The system feared that mentioning the Lord God would further diminish their position in Song Xu Yi’s heart. Now that Song Xu Yi had defied the Lord God in every world and even started falling in love, if she learned of the unreliable nature of the Lord God, she might become even more audacious. As for Song Xu Yi, she had grown tired of the capricious and indifferent Lord God, who had set up time rewinding functions and then turned a blind eye to everything.

After the system vented its frustrations, Song Xu Yi received the plot summary of this world:

Before the outbreak of the zombie virus, this was a modern world no different from reality.

The female protagonist, Zhao Ningning, was an ordinary college student. During her high school years, she developed a love at first sight for her senior, Li Sibai, when he returned to give a speech. To get closer to Li Sibai, Zhao Ningning worked tirelessly and eventually earned admission to the same university, University A.

After entering University A, Zhao Ningning discovered that Li Sibai was a popular figure in the Biology Department, with many people pursuing him. However, Li Sibai was deeply devoted to his research and showed no interest in romantic relationships.

After a failed confession, Zhao Ningning made up her mind to let go of her feelings for Li Sibai and focus on her studies. It was during this time that the zombie virus suddenly broke out, plunging the entire campus into a living hell.

On that fateful day, many people inexplicably fell into a coma. When they woke up, some had turned into zombies, while others awakened extraordinary abilities.

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Zhao Ningning was among the first group of people to awaken extraordinary abilities, specifically the power of water manipulation.

After the outbreak of the zombie virus, Li Sibai and a few classmates took refuge in their dormitory. Initially, everything seemed normal for Li Sibai, but on the third day, he suddenly fell into a coma. His roommates agonized over the decision, fearing that Li Sibai would turn into a zombie when he woke up. Reluctantly, they threw Li Sibai out of the dormitory. However, by a stroke of fate, Zhao Ningning saved him.

When Li Sibai regained consciousness, he discovered his newfound ability to control wind. From then on, he and Zhao Ningning embarked on a journey, venturing through various places. By absorbing crystalline cores from the zombies, they continuously enhanced their own powers. During this process, Li Sibai also fell in love with the kind-hearted and ambitious Zhao Ningning. As their strength grew, they eventually established a small survivor base. Determined, Li Sibai decided to propose to Zhao Ningning.

Everything seemed to be heading towards a positive direction, following the perfect ending set by the Lord God. However, since Song Xu Yi arrived, things naturally took a turn for the worse.

A sudden wave of zombies swept through the city, resulting in the collapse of several medium-sized survivor bases overnight. Zhao Ningning and Li Sibai fought valiantly against the zombies, but they ultimately couldn’t withstand the relentless tide of the undead, like an unstoppable flood…

After receiving the plot summary, Song Xu Yi also accessed the memories of the body:

As expected, much to Song Xu Yi’s anticipation, the true identity of this body belonged to a biologist. True to the nature of the Lord God, who always arranged things conveniently, Song Xu Yi happened to be the senior of the male protagonist, Li Sibai, in this world. She was a brilliant biologist, gaining international renown at a young age. Song Xu Yi’s presence in this body occurred in the later part of the plot, where the male and female leads joined forces to end the apocalypse. After establishing their base, they invited the genius biologist, Song Xu Yi, to study the zombie virus. The attitude towards her was extremely respectful. However, unexpectedly, the entire base was destroyed during a wave of zombies…

After understanding the plot summary, Song Xu Yi opened her eyes.

Outside the door, the zombies were increasingly relentless in their attacks, and their numbers continued to grow. Song Xu Yi had no idea how much longer this glass door would hold up.

However, Song Xu Yi’s name appeared in the later part of the plot summary, indicating that the original body wasn’t trapped in this small laboratory by the zombies.

How can she escape from this laboratory?

Song Xu Yi glanced around and finally noticed a small mass of flesh on a petri dish—it was the flesh of a zombie that the original body had risked her life to obtain.

Song Xu Yi recalled the research conducted by the original body: The zombies outside had already lost their sense of sight, and their eyes had become mere decorations. They tracked humans based on their extraordinary sense of smell…

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Was there any way to deceive the sense of smell of these zombies?


Song Xu Yi never expected her plan to succeed.

She reluctantly crushed the specimen of the zombie and smeared it onto her lab coat. She covered her head with the coat, then opened the door and rushed into the horde of zombies.

The intelligence of the zombies at this stage wasn’t as high as it would later become. Even though they could sense something unusual about Song Xu Yi’s scent, by the time their decaying brains reacted and they prepared to attack her, Song Xu Yi had already hopped into a car parked by the roadside.

For the mission at hand, Song Xu Yi decided to find the male and female leads to protect them and ensure their safety. At the same time, she would investigate the sudden outbreak of the zombie horde, which wasn’t present in the original plot summary.

The original body and the male and female leads were all students at University A. According to the plot summary, the two of them had recently left University A and were currently on their way to Jing City.

Zhao Ningning is from the city of Jing, and the two of them are heading towards Jing City. On one hand, they are searching for Zhao Ningning’s relatives, and on the other hand, Jing City being the capital, it offers the fastest establishment of a survivor base to ensure the well-being of everyone after the zombie outbreak.

Unfortunately, later Zhao Ningning discovered that her mother, who was her sole support, was tormented to death by superhumans within the survivor base. She never wanted to set foot in Jing City again.

But these are stories that come later. Currently, Zhao Ningning and Li Sibai should be on their way to Jing City.

Song Xu Yi drove the car, rushing to catch up, but the road was far from smooth. The road was occasionally damaged, with bodies lying in the middle…

Song Xu Yi was already feeling anxious, and had to leave the highway and take the rural roads. However, in the midst of chaos, Song Xu Yi encountered deceptive villagers…

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The villagers had placed inconspicuous shards of glass in the center of the road, and by the time Song Xu Yi noticed it, the car’s tires had already been punctured by the glass fragments.

Song Xu Yi’s body did not possess any awakened abilities, while there were nearly ten people on the other side. Song Xu Yi felt a pang of anxiety, but had no choice but to roll down the car window and offer several packs of instant noodles, hoping that the others would spare them in return.

However, the group remained skeptical and seemed unwilling to believe that Song Xu Yi could be so destitute. They flipped the car upside down.

After rummaging through the overturned vehicle and finding nothing, the searchers reluctantly approached a middle-aged man. With a rural accent, they explained Song Xu Yi’s situation in a rapid stream of words.

Yet, when the middle-aged man turned to look at Song Xu Yi, he burst into laughter.

Upon seeing the malicious smile on the man’s face, Song Xu Yi instinctively retreated into the car, intending to start the engine. However, before she could make a move, Song Xu Yi’s consciousness grew increasingly heavy and murky.

Surprisingly, the middle-aged man turned out to be a psychic ability user!

When Song Xu Yi regained consciousness, she found herself inside a hay shed. Sounds of the villagers drinking, eating meat, and playing rock-paper-scissors could be heard outside. Her body felt weighed down, as if something was pressing on her, while remnants of the dizziness from the psychic attack still lingered in her mind.

With great effort, Song Xu Yi lifted her head and found herself face to face with an impeccably beautiful visage. The woman’s skin was as flawless as jade, smooth and radiant without a visible pore. She had a delicate and petite nose, and her lips were rosy like cherry blossoms. Song Xu Yi had never believed that such a stunning woman could exist in the world until she saw her.

At that moment, the woman’s eyes were tightly shut, and her long eyelashes fluttered in sync with her breathing, resembling a small fan. Her tranquil and clear presence made her appear like a sleeping angel.

However, the angel was unaware that she was in an extremely dangerous situation.

Outside, the voices of the villagers continued to mock:

“The woman we found on the road is incredibly beautiful! Village Chief, how about she sleeps at your house tonight and mine tomorrow night… Sound good?”

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