Blame the Villain – Chapter 191 • Little Panda

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18-23 minutes 18.06.2023


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Villainous Zombie King (10)

The next morning, when Song Xu Yi woke up, Ye Shuiyu was still sleeping by her side.

In the morning light, Ye Shuiyu appeared particularly mesmerizing. Her fair skin seemed almost ethereal, with the sunlight flickering upon her eyelashes. She resembled a flower on the verge of blooming, exuding a radiant charm.

However, upon closer inspection, Ye Shuiyu’s skin had an almost unnaturally pale complexion, reminiscent of someone who hadn’t been exposed to sunlight for a long time.

The moment of waking up in the morning is when a person’s willpower is at its weakest, especially for Song Xu Yi at this moment. Ye Shuiyu slept on a separate pillow and under a different blanket, but the distance between them wasn’t enough to raise Song Xu Yi’s vigilance. Having let go of her instinctive defenses, she couldn’t resist but to gaze at Ye Shuiyu and take her in.

“Before encountering Ye Shuiyu, I had never imagined that someone could captivate my aesthetic senses in such a profound way,” Song Xu Yi softly whispered to herself, expressing her admiration to the system, as she continued to admire Ye Shuiyu’s beauty.

The system remained offline for a while before finally emitting a faint “Mmm” sound. Strangely, the tone of the system sounded somewhat melancholic: “You’re good in every way, except for your tendency to judge based on appearances.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t pay much attention to the system’s words. She knew that the system had recently suffered a great setback for some unknown reason. It was busy conducting self-checks, often remaining in a dormant state and occasionally waking up. The system would mutter to itself, “This can’t be possible! Why can’t I detect it? She should clearly be the villain”…

However, when Song Xu Yi pressed the system for more information, it hesitated and refused to reveal the specific reasons.

After the system’s refusal, Song Xu Yi didn’t want to delve into its secrets. After all, no matter what, the system stood on the same side as her.

Moreover, after experiencing so many worlds, Song Xu Yi had come to consider the system as a friend. She didn’t want anything unexpected to happen to it. At present, Ye Shuiyu’s extraordinary abilities proved far more useful than the system’s. So, taking advantage of this time, the system could focus on troubleshooting and fixing its own malfunctions.

Having reached this point, Song Xu Yi decided not to disturb the system’s self-check any longer and let it go offline. Despite knowing that she should get up, her eyes involuntarily continued to admire Ye Shuiyu, observing her exquisite beauty and contemplating her experiences. In Song Xu Yi’s eyes, there was an undeniable hint of pity…

Just at that moment, Ye Shuiyu opened her eyes.

“Good morning, Xu Yi.”

Ye Shuiyu seemed somewhat dazed at first. She quietly gazed at Song Xu Yi without speaking. Witnessing the gentle blush on Song Xu Yi’s cheeks and the evasive look in her eyes, Ye Shuiyu’s own drowsy gaze gradually cleared. Her throat moved, and after a moment, she hoarsely greeted Song Xu Yi in a soft voice.

“Good morning!” Song Xu Yi averted her gaze from Ye Shuiyu, returned the greeting, and tried to act nonchalant as she got out of bed, stretching lazily. “I’ll freshen up first. You can come in later…”

As Song Xu Yi entered the bathroom, she immediately splashed water onto her face, letting out a sigh of relief.

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It was truly embarrassing!

Fortunately, Ye Shuiyu only possessed the memories and cognition of a seven-year-old. Hopefully, she couldn’t perceive Song Xu Yi’s desire for her beauty… right?


It took Song Xu Yi quite a while to gather her thoughts and build up some mental resilience. Afterward, she packed some food and clothes and, facing a group of concerned gazes, got back on the road once again.

Due to her own feelings of guilt, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice the apprehensive and fearful glances from the others when they looked at Ye Shuiyu.

However, her inner embarrassment reached its peak when they were alone together. Throughout the journey, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but secretly observe Ye Shuiyu’s reactions, fearing that Ye Shuiyu would see her as a weird aunt.

At first glance, Ye Shuiyu appeared seemingly normal, but after almost two hours on the road, Song Xu Yi sensed something was off. Ye Shuiyu was unusually quiet.

The previous Ye Shuiyu had been obedient and sensible, with a happy disposition. She cared for Song Xu Yi and tried every possible way to attract her attention, making cute and lively gestures to express her fondness for Song Xu Yi. However, the current Ye Shuiyu seemed to have lost that vibrant energy. Song Xu Yi stole several glances at her, and each time, Ye Shuiyu kept her head down, maintaining that posture without any variation.

What’s happened to her?

Song Xu Yi bit her lip tightly, feeling a sense of unease inexplicably creeping in. She couldn’t help but speak up and probe:

“Shuiyu, my memory is a bit fuzzy. How old are you this year?”

“Seven,” Ye Shuiyu answered softly.

Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. So far, Ye Shuiyu’s condition seemed alright. At least she hadn’t rejected communication with Song Xu Yi.

“What were you doing when you were seven, Shuiyu?” Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but continue her probing. “To be honest, I’ve already forgotten the memories of when I was seven. I truly envy you at this age…”

After saying that, Song Xu Yi herself paused for a moment.

After traversing through so many worlds, it had been a long time since Song Xu Yi recalled memories of her original world. On one hand, it was because Song Xu Yi gradually realized her self-worth during the process of crossing over. On the other hand…

Song Xu Yi was actually a bit confused herself. It seemed that as she traveled through each world, she had lost the initial sense of confusion. Her spirit with each world became enriched and determined, as if she had found a foundation. But Song Xu Yi couldn’t quite grasp the reason for this change in her state of mind.

Song Xu Yi bit her lip tightly, something fleeting crossed her mind, and just then, the silent Ye Shuiyu suddenly spoke up: “Xu Yi, you’re so kind. I’m sure your seven-year-old self must have been very happy…”

“Does that mean you’re feeling unhappy, Shuiyu?” Song Xu Yi gathered her scattered thoughts, parked the car, and turned her head to look at Ye Shuiyu.

Ye Shuiyu lowered her head, avoiding Song Xu Yi’s gaze.

“It’s not that I’m unhappy. I know that my grandparents are good to me, but… I want to be with my father more.” After a moment, Ye Shuiyu replied softly, furrowing her brows slightly. “My dad was so devastated when my mom passed away. If I’m not there with him, I don’t think he can handle it…”

Song Xu Yi understood the reason behind Ye Shuiyu’s low spirits. After losing her mother, Ye Shuiyu’s grandparents, for some unknown reason, kept her away from her father.

Song Xu Yi wasn’t aware of the details of the story or how to comfort Ye Shuiyu, who felt down and worried about her father. Although these events belonged to the past, Ye Shuiyu still keenly felt the sadness of being separated from her father.

Song Xu Yi sighed, unable to fully empathize and unsure of how to console Ye Shuiyu. For the time being, her only plan was to divert Ye Shuiyu’s attention as much as possible and make her happier.

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With this in mind, Song Xu Yi began to actively inquire about powerful zombies or mutated creatures in their surroundings, as well as if there were any people in need of assistance. True to her expectations, Ye Shuiyu’s attention was shifted, and she focused on answering the questions posed by Song Xu Yi.

It was at this moment that Song Xu Yi noticed the remarkable ability of Ye Shuiyu’s powers. Ye Shuiyu’s psychic energy converged into a vast web that covered everything within a mile radius. Any changes in the beings enveloped by the web could be sensed by her.

The zombies and mutated creatures, which were gradually becoming more formidable, were swiftly detected by Ye Shuiyu and subsequently eradicated. Before long, Ye Shuiyu had collected another large batch of crystal nuclei.

Song Xu Yi witnessed Ye Shuiyu’s prowess in battling the zombies and mutated creatures.

Unlike the cute and harmless appearance she displayed in front of Song Xu Yi, when fighting against zombies, Ye Shuiyu’s eyes turned cold, exuding an icy aura that seemed to emanate from the depths of her being. She resembled an emotionless reaper, harvesting the lives of all her enemies.

This was a side of Ye Shuiyu that Song Xu Yi was unfamiliar with.

Seeing Ye Shuiyu in this state, an inexplicable sense of discordance arose within Song Xu Yi. She instinctively felt a tremor of fear and an urge to escape…

But this was Ye Shuiyu.

The past few days of being together had made it impossible for Song Xu Yi to view Ye Shuiyu with wariness. Overcoming her instinctual fear, Song Xu Yi even found solace in Ye Shuiyu’s transformation: in the process of annihilating zombies, Ye Shuiyu could dilute her sadness and channel all her troubles onto the undead and mutated beasts.

In the end, if these zombies and mutated beasts were allowed to continue proliferating, they would undoubtedly become a major threat to humanity in the future. Ye Shuiyu’s actions could be seen as a preventative measure.

As expected by Song Xu Yi, after killing the mutated beasts and zombies, she praised Ye Shuiyu with bright eyes, saying things like, “You’re amazing, Shuiyu!” or “How can you be so beautiful and talented, Shuiyu?” Although Ye Shuiyu appeared somewhat shy and her ears turned slightly red, her eyes noticeably brightened, and her lips curved into a faint smile…

With Song Xu Yi’s deliberate encouragement, Ye Shuiyu’s mood finally improved. Time passed quickly, and two days went by. Ye Shuiyu’s memories reached the age of nine. According to Ye Shuiyu’s account, at the age of nine, she once again returned to her father’s side. However, her father didn’t have much time to spend with her because he seemed to be engrossed in a significant research project.

Song Xu Yi looked at the growing number of crystals in her car and felt numb all over.

She had initially feared that Ye Shuiyu would be harmed, but Song Xu Yi realized she had worried too much. Even after killing so many zombies and mutated beasts, Ye Shuiyu’s expression remained unchanged…

Finally, Song Xu Yi began to believe Ye Shuiyu’s words. She realized that on the first day they met, when Ye Shuiyu felt unwell, it was likely due to the chocolate she had given her.

While it may sound strange to be allergic to chocolate, it wasn’t entirely impossible. Song Xu Yi had been a doctor and knew that there were various reasons for allergies in this world.

By the evening of the third day, aside from annihilating zombies and mutated beasts, Ye Shuiyu made another discovery. In a locked house, she found a four-year-old girl on the verge of starvation.

The little girl was barely hanging on, emaciated and covered in filth. When Ye Shuiyu brought her to the car, she devoured the food that Song Xu Yi handed her, almost wolfing it down. Then, with teary, misty eyes, she looked up at Song Xu Yi, grabbing onto her sleeve.

Song Xu Yi recognized the familiar dependence in the little girl’s eyes and felt a wave of ominous premonition. And in the next moment, Song Xu Yi’s premonition became reality. The little girl looked at Song Xu Yi and uttered a fragile cry, “Mommy!”

At this point, Song Xu Yi had to admit that her awakened abilities and healing powers might be related to it. They carried a strong affinity, not only with this little girl but also with the other children who had been held hostage by Wang Xi’s group. Some of the younger ones would also call Song Xu Yi “Mommy.”

The child in front of her was indeed a four-year-old girl. She was dirty all over and heavily relied on Song Xu Yi. If she moved even a little away from Song Xu Yi, she would start crying uncontrollably.

Using Ye Shuiyu’s abilities, Song Xu Yi found a lake for the little girl to take a bath and changed her clothes. Although the girl had become thin due to hunger, she remained incredibly cute.

Song Xu Yi wanted the little girl to start calling her “Auntie,” but the girl stubbornly refused. Every time Song Xu Yi mentioned it, the girl would cry inconsolably. Song Xu Yi had no choice but to temporarily agree.

By now, it was already evening, and driving for the whole day had been exhausting. When Ye Shuiyu mentioned a clean house ahead, Song Xu Yi drove the car to the location she indicated.

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After spending these two days together, Song Xu Yi also realized that Ye Shuiyu had relatively high expectations when it came to living conditions. In Song Xu Yi’s mind, a place to spend the night would simply require a bed. However, Ye Shuiyu had different preferences. The houses she chose were of good architectural style, luxurious, and comfortable on the inside.

Just like the previous nights, Song Xu Yi arrived at the destination pointed out by Ye Shuiyu, and indeed, it was a row of nice villas.

Song Xu Yi parked the car in front of the foremost villa.

In the face of Ye Shuiyu’s metal-based abilities, all the door locks and security measures seemed meaningless. Song Xu Yi carried the little girl she had found, named Zhao Miaomiao, and entered the room.

This villa was probably used by a wealthy person for vacations, as it had excellent security measures. Inside the house, apart from some dust, there were abundant supplies, and there were no other zombies present.

Upon entering the room, Zhao Miaomiao started crying again, expressing her fear that all of this was just a dream and that she would wake up and not see Song Xu Yi. Song Xu Yi felt compassion in her heart and comforted her for a long time before finally soothing Zhao Miaomiao. Worried that Zhao Miaomiao might feel scared, Song Xu Yi thought for a moment and dragged a sofa from another room to place it at the edge of the bed, creating a barrier. This way, Zhao Miaomiao could sleep on the bed.

Finally, Zhao Miaomiao held Song Xu Yi’s right hand and fell asleep peacefully.

In the past two days, Song Xu Yi would practice her abilities before going to bed. After Ye Shuiyu brought back a large number of crystal nuclei and used them on Song Xu Yi several times, Song Xu Yi no longer held back and started using crystal nuclei to enhance her abilities.

However, on this day, Song Xu Yi was simply too tired. Taking care of a child was more exhausting than fighting a battle.

On this day, all Song Xu Yi wanted was to go to sleep early.

Song Xu Yi quickly entered the bathroom and took a hasty shower, all the while feeling relieved. Thankfully, Ye Shuiyu wasn’t a real child—Ye Shuiyu had never made her feel as exhausted as Zhao Miaomiao did.

However, as luck would have it, just when Song Xu Yi thought she had nothing to worry about, she stepped out of the bathroom and saw Ye Shuiyu sitting at the bedside, pouting and looking unhappy, holding a pillow and blanket.

For the past two days, Ye Shuiyu had been sleeping in the adjacent room alone, and Song Xu Yi never expected Ye Shuiyu to suddenly pay her another visit.

Observing Ye Shuiyu in this state, Song Xu Yi’s weary mind belatedly recalled something: It seemed that Ye Shuiyu had become somewhat displeased ever since Song Xu Yi started bathing Zhao Miaomiao…

Had the sight of Song Xu Yi interacting with Zhao Miaomiao triggered something within Ye Shuiyu, causing her to yearn for her own mother again?

As Song Xu Yi recalled the previous incident when Ye Shuiyu wanted to sleep together and the image of her beautiful face, she felt a headache coming on. Song Xu Yi was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to control herself when faced with Ye Shuiyu’s captivating visage. However, she couldn’t figure out how to explain her own sexual orientation to Ye Shuiyu.

Just then, Zhao Miaomiao, who was sleeping, started crying once again. Without thinking, Song Xu Yi instinctively ran over to comfort Zhao Miaomiao.

Though Zhao Miaomiao didn’t wake up, she grabbed hold of Song Xu Yi’s right hand, refusing to let go, while listening to Song Xu Yi’s familiar voice.

Unable to free her hand without potentially startling Zhao Miaomiao awake, Song Xu Yi sat at the bedside. With one hand held by Zhao Miaomiao, she turned to Ye Shuiyu and asked, “Shuiyu, is there something you need from me?”

Ye Shuiyu’s gaze, however, fell upon Song Xu Yi’s arm being held by Zhao Miaomiao, and tears slowly welled up in her eyes.

Why are you crying again?

Song Xu Yi was completely flustered. After comforting little Zhao Miaomiao, she had to rack her brain to console Ye Shuiyu, the grown-up.

“Shuiyu, what’s happening to you? If you don’t want to tell me, it’s truly heartbreaking. Then just cry it out…”

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Song Xu Yi’s intention was to encourage Shuiyu not to suppress her sadness and learn to find relief within herself. Perhaps, after crying it out and calming down, Shuiyu wouldn’t feel so distressed.

Surprisingly, those words had a magical effect. Ye Shuiyu stopped her tears instead.


Song Xu Yi widened her eyes and looked at Ye Shuiyu, only to see her pouting and staring back with an inflated cheek.

“Xu Yi, you’re biased!”

“How am I biased?” Song Xu Yi furrowed her brow, puzzled by Ye Shuiyu’s sudden accusation.

“You still won’t admit it!” Ye Shuiyu wiped her tears haphazardly, glaring at Song Xu Yi with frustration.

“When I called you ‘Mom,’ you never agreed! But when Zhao Miaomiao cried, you immediately agreed to her!”

“You fed Zhao Miaomiao so much food, and lately, you’ve been using the excuse that I’ve grown up to brush me off, but you won’t feed me!”

“You were so focused on Zhao Miaomiao throughout the journey, you didn’t even look at me once…”

Song Xu Yi had never considered that Ye Shuiyu would be bothered by these things.

However, upon closer reflection, it didn’t seem so surprising that Ye Shuiyu would care about such matters, considering she still saw herself as only nine years old.

But she clearly wasn’t just nine years old…

Song Xu Yi found herself in a dilemma, experiencing the challenges of being a mother of two children. Her mind was in complete chaos, and she had no idea how to approach the situation.

Meanwhile, Ye Shuiyu continued speaking, “Also, Xu Yi, you’ve never helped me take a bath! And you never let me feel the breeze when I need to relieve myself…”

As Ye Shuiyu was about to say something else, Song Xu Yi couldn’t bear to listen any longer. She quickly reached over and covered her mouth.

“Oh, heavens, please stop talking,” Song Xu Yi thought desperately. “If you continue, I’m certain that in two weeks, you’ll want to live on a different planet…”

Seeing Ye Shuiyu furrowing her brow, appearing unsatisfied and seemingly wanting to continue, Song Xu Yi covered her face in agony and spoke in a humble tone, “Shuiyu, tell me! How can I make it up to you…”

“To be honest, no matter how you try to make it up to me, it won’t change the fact that you hurt me.”

Ye Shuiyu finally changed the topic, furrowing her brow and emphasizing, “If you continue ignoring me tomorrow just like today, I will cry just like today, and you won’t be able to console me…”

“But you’re Xu Yi, so I’m willing to forgive you once.” Ye Shuiyu wiped away her tears and looked at the remaining half of the bed occupied by Song Xu Yi. Her tone became resolute, “I also want to sleep with you, just like with Zhao Miaomiao!”

“Holding hands and all!”

The author has something to say:


Oops, the flag fell, and a few hundred words are missing. I can only update it next Saturday.

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