Villainous Zombie King (11)

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Song Xu Yi finally succumbed to the torrent of tears from Ye Shuiyu, finding herself grasping her hand and surrendering to a night shared on a single bed.

To the left of the pillow, Ye Shuiyu’s countenance lay in peaceful slumber, while on the right, Zhao Miaomiao exuded tranquility. Song Xu Yi, though utterly fatigued, found sleep eluding her entirely.

Desperately attempting to convince herself that Ye Shuiyu was merely a child, her resolve crumbled when confronted with her captivating, heart-racing visage. She could not deceive herself any longer as a fiery warmth spread from the hand she clutched, causing beads of sweat to form on her palm.

Observing Ye Shuiyu seemingly lost in deep sleep, Song Xu Yi bit her lip, discreetly retracting her hand and turning to face Zhao Miaomiao’s direction.

A soft exhale escaped her, her drowsiness returning, and just as she was about to sink into the realm of dreams, a presence pressed against her, encircling her waist and drawing her into an embrace.

Song Xu Yi felt as if struck by lightning, and any trace of drowsiness vanished in an instant.

Her body turned rigid, resembling a sculpture, as her subconscious urged her to break free. Yet, in her movements, Song Xu Yi hesitated: What if she woke up Ye Shuiyu and she started crying again? What would she do then?

Caught in this hesitation, Song Xu Yi dared not make a single move. Despite the heat enveloping her body and a thin layer of sweat forming on her back, her face flushed a deep red involuntarily due to embarrassment.

How did things come to this point?

Song Xu Yi couldn’t fathom it, no matter how hard she tried to understand.

The system, which had been busy with self-checks, sensed Song Xu Yi’s confusion and took a rare moment to come online again.

Perhaps after numerous hopes that ended in disappointment, the system felt as if it had hit rock bottom. Instead of taking pleasure in Song Xu Yi’s perplexity, it couldn’t help but console her aloud, “Actually, it’s not that bad!” The system spoke with a world-weary tone, saying, “Having a wife and child, a warm bed to come home to… You have a wife and child now. Since you can’t resist it, just accept it…”

“System!” Song Xu Yi widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe that the system would utter such words! She was on the verge of interrogating the system, “Have you forgotten the rule that I can’t fall in love?”

But as the words were about to leave her mouth, Song Xu Yi felt something odd. If she responded to the system, wouldn’t that confirm that she was indeed in love with Ye Shuiyu?

But she wasn’t in love with Ye Shuiyu…

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After some contemplation, Song Xu Yi ultimately chose not to express her thoughts. Even though the system’s words seemed exaggerated, she realized there was no other choice but to accept the situation.

Engrossed in her communication with the system, Song Xu Yi failed to notice that Ye Shuiyu, who had been sleeping behind her, suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a glint of red in her gaze…

Ye Shuiyu’s body behind her seemed to stiffen abruptly, and Song Xu Yi felt an inexplicable discomfort. Just as she was about to turn around, a wave of drowsiness surged over her. She yawned and fell asleep within moments.

With an astonished look in her eyes as she faced the system, Ye Shuiyu straightened up. She bent down and deeply gazed at Song Xu Yi, her expression filled with a hint of regret, before gently pinching Song Xu Yi’s cheek.

Frowning in her slumber, Song Xu Yi couldn’t bear the sensation. Ye Shuiyu pursed her lips but released her grip, slowly standing up.

There was a faint flicker of red light in her eyes, and her expression turned cold and distant, completely different from the girl who would cling to Song Xu Yi and act silly during the day.

Ye Shuiyu slowly walked towards the window, and suddenly, a large hole appeared in the floor-to-ceiling glass. Ye Shuiyu stepped onto the windowsill and raised her hand towards the outside.

Was the villain planning to jump off the building?

The system’s heart skipped a beat. Despite not liking this woman with the face of a villain, after all, it was a life at stake. Fearful that Ye Shuiyu might actually jump, the system couldn’t help but call out within Song Xu Yi’s mind, trying to wake her up.

However, no matter how long the system called out, Song Xu Yi remained fast asleep.

Something’s not right!

Song Xu Yi has always been alert while sleeping. How could she sleep so deeply?

The system sensed the anomaly and looked back at Ye Shuiyu with caution. Meanwhile, outside the villa, countless dark figures swayed and emerged from the shadows, gathering together in the open space below.

Hundreds of zombies gathered, while fierce mutated birds flew in the sky. The surrounding buildings were filled with mutated creatures. It was a terrifying scene, resembling a hellish nightmare on Earth. However, the zombies and mutated creatures, who would usually be roaring and fighting, seemed subdued, making no sound.

What is happening here?

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The system’s gaze once again fell upon Ye Shuiyu.

The flickering red light in Ye Shuiyu’s eyes grew increasingly intense.

Facing the system’s wide-eyed stare, Ye Shuiyu lowered her hand, and the system clearly witnessed it: Along with Ye Shuiyu’s gesture, a visible trace of fear swept across the previously numb faces of the zombies below.

A low rumble emanated from Ye Shuiyu’s throat, a sound the system had only heard from zombies, a form of simple communication.

In unison, all the zombies knelt down. Birds landed on the ground, and beasts lowered their forelimbs. Every living being infected with the zombie virus displayed a submissive posture towards Ye Shuiyu, as if they were bowing before their king.

Why would Ye Shuiyu emit sounds like a zombie? And why do the zombies listen to her so obediently…

Is she still human?

Countless perplexing thoughts flashed through the system’s mind.

Yet, one truth slowly emerged in the system’s consciousness—

When zombies develop intelligence, they can appear just like humans.

The system recalled the original plot summary, which depicted a zombie onslaught that led to the downfall of the male and female protagonists. As it observed Ye Shuiyu commanding the zombies before it, all the pieces fell into place—

If anyone in the apocalypse could command all the zombies, aside from Ye Shuiyu standing right in front of it, the system couldn’t think of anyone else with such power.

Because Ye Shuiyu was not human, the system’s villain detection radar failed to identify her as a villain. After all, the system’s radar couldn’t detect non-human beings…

With this face she bore, Ye Shuiyu truly turned out to be the super villain unmentioned in the plot summary!

Should this matter be disclosed to Xu Yi?

The next morning, Song Xu Yi was awakened by the crying of Zhao Miaomiao, the little child.

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Zhao Miaomiao was being adorable and insisted that Song Xu Yi carry her to the restroom.

With a throbbing headache from Zhao Miaomiao’s crying, Song Xu Yi was about to groggily fulfill Zhao Miaomiao’s request when she noticed a hand reaching out from behind.

The owner of that hand heartlessly grabbed Zhao Miaomiao by the collar, meeting her gaze with icy coldness and spoke in a chilling tone, “I’ll take you!”

Initially reluctant, Zhao Miaomiao pouted as if on the verge of crying, and Song Xu Yi worried that she would start crying uncontrollably. Just as Song Xu Yi was about to get up, she noticed a flicker in Zhao Miaomiao’s eyes. Suddenly, she mechanically extended her hand towards Ye Shuiyu and said, “Sister, carry me!”

Song Xu Yi stared wide-eyed as Ye Shuiyu took Zhao Miaomiao to the restroom, her actions lacking gentleness.

The sound of running water in the restroom was loud, and Song Xu Yi couldn’t hear any noises from inside. When Ye Shuiyu emerged from the restroom with Zhao Miaomiao, it was evident that tears had been shed. Zhao Miaomiao appeared fearful but no longer continued to cry.

“What did Ye Shuiyu say to her?” Song Xu Yi marveled inwardly. Despite spending so much time trying to persuade Zhao Miaomiao, Ye Shuiyu managed to calm her down in such a short while.

“Not much,” the system replied in a numb tone, sighing lightly. It calmly administered eye drops to Ye Shuiyu in front of Song Xu Yi. “She simply said that if Zhao Miaomiao continues to bother you and disturb your rest, she will throw her by the roadside to feed the zombies.”

After wrestling with the decision all night, the system ultimately decided not to disclose to Song Xu Yi that Ye Shuiyu was a zombie, at least for the time being.

After all, Song Xu Yi’s current ability allowed her to help others but not protect herself. She wanted to successfully find the male and female leads in Jing City, and in many aspects, she relied on Ye Shuiyu. The system was also well aware of Song Xu Yi’s personality. If she knew Ye Shuiyu was the villain, Song Xu Yi would likely reveal her vulnerabilities in front of her.

In any case, for now, Ye Shuiyu had no ill intentions towards Song Xu Yi. Even when she was angry at her yesterday, she merely pulled at her cheek. It was better to stick with Ye Shuiyu and reveal the truth to Song Xu Yi when they arrived in Jing City.

Since it was highly likely that the two of them would become enemies in the future, the system naturally had to lay the groundwork for their eventual split. It wouldn’t assist Ye Shuiyu in hiding her behavior of intimidating the little girl as a means to frighten her.

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect Ye Shuiyu to threaten a young girl in such a manner, and it was somewhat ironic.

But upon careful consideration, it wasn’t surprising. After all, Ye Shuiyu currently believed she was only ten years old, and a ten-year-old wouldn’t naturally come up with the most tactful words to coax Zhao Miaomiao.

Due to the rush, Song Xu Yi didn’t have much time to console Zhao Miaomiao. Shortly after waking up, they got in the car and continued their journey.

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Song Xu Yi initially thought that the morning incident had passed, but throughout the day, Zhao Miaomiao remained unusually quiet. If she wanted to do something, her gaze would immediately turn to Ye Shuiyu.

“Shuiyu, can I go pee? I don’t need Mommy to accompany me.”

“Shuiyu, can I have a drink? I don’t need Mommy to unscrew the bottle cap. If you do it, it’s enough…”


As Zhao Miaomiao got off the car once again to use the restroom, Song Xu Yi sighed and decided to have a conversation with Ye Shuiyu.

“What is it like being ten years old, Shuiyu?” Song Xu Yi opened up with a safe topic, slowly guiding the conversation.

“I started helping my dad at his research institute. He said he has a way to bring Mom back,” Ye Shuiyu, as always, shared everything with Song Xu Yi, but she kept her head lowered, hiding her expression. Song Xu Yi couldn’t see her face. “But, I’m sorry, Xu Yi. I promised my dad that I wouldn’t tell anyone else about his research…”

How could a ten-year-old child help at a research institute?

Song Xu Yi furrowed her brow, studying Ye Shuiyu for a moment. For some reason, a sense of foreboding suddenly welled up inside her.

But since Ye Shuiyu didn’t speak, Song Xu Yi couldn’t press for more answers.

Just then, Zhao Miaomiao returned from the restroom, and Song Xu Yi remembered her initial intention for asking the question.

After thinking for a moment, Song Xu Yi decided to approach it from Zhao Miaomiao’s perspective. She smiled gently at Zhao Miaomiao and said, “Miaomiao seems to be afraid of Shuiyu?”

Song Xu Yi’s original intention was to let Ye Shuiyu know about Zhao Miaomiao’s fear and hopefully say something soothing to calm her down. However, contrary to Song Xu Yi’s expectations, Ye Shuiyu glanced at Zhao Miaomiao but remained silent. On the other hand, Zhao Miaomiao, upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s words, widened her eyes in fear and her voice became teary. “No, I don’t! I really don’t fear Sister Shuiyu…”

“I… I love Sister Shuiyu the most!”

The author has something to say:

Little girl, if you’re being threatened, just blink your eyes.

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