Villainous Emperor (6)

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Song Xu Yi only realized after waking up from her sleep that half a month had passed in the real world.

Although the Emperor had a military background, as the Emperor, he still needed to acquire some literary and intellectual skills. Remembering the words spoken by the Divine Goddess in his dream about the importance of “proper education,” the Emperor contemplated the fact that Jiang Ruoyu’s mother, who had been a talented and accomplished woman, had also been known for her literary prowess before the downfall of Dong Kingdom. It was possible that Jiang Ruoyu possessed a natural talent for learning.

Considering that Jiang Ruoyu had already reached the age of six, the Emperor decided to issue a decree allowing Jiang Ruoyu to enter the Chongwen Academy and study alongside the Imperial Princes and Princesses. This decision was made to demonstrate his care and concern for Jiang Ruoyu.

The Chongwen Academy had existed since ancient times as a place where the children of Princes and Ministers studied poetry, literature, and ceremonial rites. Women were initially not allowed inside. However, during the reign of the previous Emperor, a female class was established within the Chongwen Academy. Although the previous Emperor indulged in poetry and literature and neglected his official duties, he believed that the royal daughters should not remain illiterate. Thus, the female class was created within the Chongwen Academy.

Before the age of eight, both boys and girls studied together at the Chongwen Academy. After reaching the age of eight, they were separated. The boys focused on studying classics and governance, while the girls learned household management and proper etiquette.

Although the Emperor did not approve of many of the previous Emperor’s actions, he still saw the establishment of the female class in the Chongwen Academy as necessary.

Therefore, with a single decree, the Emperor ordered Jiang Ruoyu to enter the Chongwen Academy for her studies.

After hearing the Imperial Decree read by Eunuch Wang, it was surprising that even Mother agreed with the Emperor’s decision. She even stayed up all night to embroider a beautiful book bag for Jiang Ruoyu. However, Mother kept reminding Jiang Ruoyu, “Yu’er, you must hide your talent. You mustn’t let others know that you can remember things after reading them once, nor should you appear too intelligent…”

Jiang Ruoyu nodded, seeming to understand.

But because of her mother’s attitude, Jiang Ruoyu felt a greater sense of anticipation for this enrollment. Before going to sleep, she held onto the book bag her mother had made, reluctant to let it go. Despite the fear that the Divine Goddess sister would be annoyed, she couldn’t help but share this matter in her heart with her Divine Goddess sister.

Ever since Jiang Ruoyu learned that her Divine Goddess sister could hear her inner thoughts, she had been extremely restrained, not wanting to burden her Divine Goddess sister with her thoughts. However, during this period, she couldn’t help but miss her Divine Goddess sister. On one hand, she didn’t want to disturb her, but on the other hand, she couldn’t stop thinking about her…

But Jiang Ruoyu discovered that her longing couldn’t be conveyed because even though she missed her Divine Goddess sister every day, over half a month had passed, and her Divine Goddess sister had not appeared at all.

On the night before going to the Chongwen Academy, Jiang Ruoyu called out to her Divine Goddess sister in her heart, but her Divine Goddess sister did not appear. Despite feeling disappointed, the next morning, Jiang Ruoyu respectfully carried her book bag and went to the Chongwen Academy.

She arrived there early, before anyone else had come. Jiang Ruoyu took out pen and paper and earnestly began practicing calligraphy. Her mother had taught her how to read and write when she was awake. Her mother’s calligraphy of ornamental small regular script was very beautiful. Jiang Ruoyu knew how to write some characters, but because she didn’t have pen and paper in the Cold Palace, her handwriting was not pleasing.

Jiang Ruoyu focused on writing characters and didn’t notice that Princess Jiang Xin, the fifteenth princess, had quietly approached her from behind.

Jiang Xin had actually come specifically for Jiang Ruoyu this time.

Jiang Xin had seen Jiang Ruoyu last year when she accidentally wandered into the Cold Palace and saw the stunning Jiang Ruoyu. She couldn’t accept that a wild child from the Cold Palace could be more beautiful than her. She had been feeling somewhat gloomy until her mother sent a few Eunuchs to boost her ego, reassuring her that the wild child was destined to die in the Cold Palace and would never compete with her for the glory of being a princess. They convinced Jiang Xin that she was destined to be the most talented and beautiful princess of the Jiang Kingdom. Gradually, Jiang Xin let go of her resentment.

However, Jiang Xin didn’t expect that the Emperor would bring the child out of the Cold Palace!

Since hearing that the Emperor had acknowledged the wild child from the Cold Palace, she had been unhappy. But she didn’t dare to show her dissatisfaction in front of the Emperor. She had been thinking of finding an opportunity to teach that wild child a lesson. She hadn’t figured out how to punish the wild child yet, and now the wild child had entered the Chongwen Academy!

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Jiang Xin was overjoyed. After all, who didn’t know that the Chongwen Academy was her territory?

Despite Jiang Xin’s unruly behavior, she diligently studied poetry and literature. She started composing poems at the age of five and gained the Emperor’s favor. As a princess with no possibility of contending for the throne, both the princes and scholars were happy to befriend her. Jiang Xin was one of the most popular individuals in the Chongwen Academy.

Jiang Xin arrived early with the intention of isolating Jiang Ruoyu from her companions. However, she didn’t expect to find Jiang Ruoyu practicing calligraphy.

Immediately, Jiang Xin ordered a Eunuch to snatch Jiang Ruoyu’s writing.

Although Jiang Ruoyu resisted with all her might, Jiang Xin had brought six palace maids and Eunuchs, while Jiang Ruoyu had only one loyal and honest palace maid. She couldn’t possibly compete with Jiang Xin.

In the end, Jiang Ruoyu’s writing ended up in Jiang Xin’s hands. Jiang Xin glanced at Jiāng Ruoyu, examining her handwriting, and feigned surprise as she sighed, “Sixteenth sister is quite well-formed, but this name… it’s truly… unique!”

Jiang Xin laughed triumphantly as she pulled Jiang Ruoyu to the door. Every time a student arrived, she would grab them and make them look at the characters Jiang Ruoyu had written.

Those people were accustomed to playing with Jiang Xin and naturally understood her intentions. They began mocking and ridiculing Jiang Ruoyu’s handwriting. Even the scholar, after examining Jiang Ruoyu’s writing, made her sit at the back and tossed her a copybook.

This was only the beginning.

In the following days, Jiang Xin and some other students, led by her, started spreading rumors that Jiang Ruoyu was nothing more than a pretty face. They intentionally arranged for her to sit next to a stubborn prince, who “accidentally” cut off her hair and tore up the copybook she was about to present to the teacher.

Because Jiang Ruoyu was too restrained, under the deliberate influence of Jiang Xin and others, everyone came to know the Sixteenth Princess, brought out of the Cold Palace by the Emperor, as nothing more than an ornamental pillow. Even the scholar would say, “Princess Sixteen, a decayed wood that cannot be carved! Disrespectful to the teacher, not practicing copybooks, just an empty shell…”

Even the loyal and honest maidservant who accompanied Jiang Ruoyu couldn’t bear to see it and secretly urged Jiang Ruoyu to report the matter to the Emperor…

However, Jiang Ruoyu shook her head.

Jiang Ruoyu always remembered her mother’s teachings: not to engage with these people, not to attract the Emperor’s attention, and to endure if possible. Moreover, compared to the previous Eunuchs who had bullied her, these petty harassments were nothing. She could sense that some of the Eunuchs and maidservants were also afraid while mistreating her. Thinking of those Eunuchs who had been killed as scapegoats in the Cold Palace, even though she knew they didn’t deserve sympathy, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t want to see anyone else lose their life because of her.

She didn’t sympathize with these people, but she had promised her Divine Goddess sister to be a guardian for the people. Even though these maidservants and Eunuchs were like wild grass in the palace, they were still people. Jiang Ruoyu wanted to take this commitment to the extreme so that her Divine Goddess sister would realize that she was the most obedient and wouldn’t go to other children.

However, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t expect that this group of people would burn her book bag.

This was the first gift given to Jiang Ruoyu by her mother, and Jiang Ruoyu had always cherished it dearly…

Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes turned red, and she pushed Jiang Xin to the ground. Coincidentally, right at the moment when Jiang Ruoyu pushed Jiang Xin, the Emperor pushed open the door and walked in.

Jiang Ruoyu immediately understood everything: it was all planned by Jiang Xin in advance.

Seeing Jiang Xin sitting on the ground, silently shedding tears like a delicate flower, the Emperor was furious and directly slapped Jiang Ruoyu!

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The Emperor had a military background, and despite being weakened over the years by indulgence in wine and women, his strength was still formidable. With a powerful slap, blood was drawn from Jiang Ruoyu’s lip, and she fell to the ground.

The Emperor also didn’t expect his slap to have such great force, and a hint of unease was evident in his eyes. So when Jiang Ruoyu stood up and approached him again, the Emperor didn’t react in time and awkwardly spoke, “If you apologize to Jiang Xin, I will spare you…”

However, before the Emperor could finish his sentence, Jiang Ruoyu raised her hand and fiercely slapped Jiang Xin across the face, then immediately knelt down in silence!

This slap stunned everyone present. After all, Jiang Ruoyu had always been seen as someone who endured mistreatment without resistance. No one expected her to have the courage to strike Jiang Xin. As the Emperor looked at Jiang Ruoyu’s demeanor, he squinted his eyes, and the anger in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The Emperor summoned others for inquiries, and before long, the truth came to light. Jiang Xin had initially thought that the Emperor would feel sorry for her and wouldn’t thoroughly investigate the matter. However, she didn’t expect the Emperor to personally conduct the investigation. She stood there in a daze, unable to even cry out loud.

At the same time, the Emperor also became aware of all the hardships Jiang Ruoyu had endured during this time.

“You’re not as foolish as they say. You dared to strike in front of me,” the Emperor looked at Jiang Ruoyu for the first time. “They say you’re not foolish, but you were cowardly before…”

As Jiang Ruoyu had anticipated, in the end, the Emperor lightly passed over the incident. However, since there were no servants involved, he punished Jiang Xin to copy books three times and Jiang Ruoyu to repent in the Shrine of the Divine Goddess for three days. The punishment did not extend to others.

Others feared the chilling Shrine of the Divine Goddess, but for Jiang Ruoyu, it was an excellent place to go. She was feeling utterly miserable, and if she were to tell her mother everything, her mother would undoubtedly be saddened and blame herself. The only person Jiang Ruoyu could think of confiding in was her Divine Goddess sister.

As Jiang Ruoyu was escorted to the Shrine of the Divine Goddess by attendants, she caught sight of the Emperor’s gaze. In the Emperor’s eyes, there was a restrained gleam, clearly concealing calculations.

However, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t want to concern herself with such matters.

She felt utterly disheartened. She had intended to endure, but what she possessed was already so little, and those people, who clearly had so much, still insisted on taking away what little she had. In that moment, an endless surge of violence flooded her heart, and she even entertained the thought of destroying the world.

Jiang Ruoyu was astonished by her own thoughts.

In reality… she had much better ways to handle this situation.

After the people escorting her locked her inside the Shrine of the Divine Goddess, Jiang Ruoyu looked at the familiar temple and belatedly felt a profound sense of confusion: Did her Divine Goddess sister think she was disobedient and foolish in her approach, which was why she hadn’t come to see her during this time?

When she was bullied in the Cold Palace, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t cry. When she was teased by her classmates, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t cry. Even when the Emperor slapped her and knocked her down, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t cry. However, at this moment, as she gazed at the nearby yet seemingly distant statue of the Divine Goddess, tears uncontrollably streamed down Jiang Ruoyu’s face. She realized how useless she was, unable to hold back her tears whenever she felt wronged and caught sight of her Divine Goddess sister.

“Ah…” Initially, Jiang Ruoyu didn’t expect a response, but this time she heard a familiar sigh. The Divine Goddess sister she had longed for descended slowly from her divine seat and squatted in front of her once again. “Why so many tears?”

“I have been raining in the southern region of Jiang Kingdom during this time. Do you know Wind County? It used to be beautiful, like a picturesque landscape, but it has been suffering from drought for several months now. The people in Wind County are struggling to survive, and sorrow is widespread. I have seen many families who have sold their own flesh and blood for a mouthful of food, elderly people eating soil to sustain themselves, and many skeletons lying by the roadside, starved to death…”

Song Xu Yi narrated the painful scenes in Wind County, not dwelling too much on it, but rather intending to divert Jiang Ruoyu’s attention and make her understand the hardships of the common people, so as to prevent future grave mistakes. However, she didn’t expect that as Jiang Ruoyu listened, the tears in her eyes ceased, and she shyly tugged at Song Xu Yi’s clothes, burying her face in her embrace.

Jiang Ruoyu suddenly felt that she shouldn’t be shedding tears. In this world, there were so many people enduring deep hardships, and the Divine Goddess sister had so many in need of assistance. Instead of helping her, she felt that she was holding her back.

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“I didn’t intentionally avoid visiting you. I rained for too long, depleting my divine power, so I needed some time to rest.”

When Song Xu Yi saw that Jiang Ruoyu’s emotions had calmed down and wanted to ask her the reason for her tears, Jiang Ruoyu simply shook her head and buried her face even deeper into Song Xu Yi’s embrace. “I just missed the Divine Goddess sister too much!”

At this moment, Jiang Ruoyu realized that even the Divine Goddess sister was not all-powerful. She also had things she didn’t know and times when her divine power depleted. But after learning these things, Jiang Ruoyu found herself feeling even closer to the Divine Goddess sister.

Song Xu Yi looked at Jiang Ruoyu thoughtfully, but she didn’t press further and instead patted Jiang Ruoyu’s head, smiling. “I know you miss me a lot. You probably don’t know, but one’s yearning can turn into sweet clouds. When I wake up, the clouds around me have almost piled up into a mountain…”

Song Xu Yi was just trying to make Jiang Ruoyu laugh, but she didn’t expect Jiang Ruoyu to take it seriously. With her head hanging low, Jiang Ruoyu laughed happily. “Then I’ll think of Sister and let my thoughts form a towering mountain. So whenever Sister sees a mountain, she will think of me…”

Before Jiang Ruoyu could finish her sentence, her stomach began to growl loudly. Embarrassed, she covered her stomach, realizing that it was already past noon, and no one had come to bring her food during this time. Even the offerings on the altar had been cleared away…

Jiang Xin doesn’t have the ability to arrange these things; it must have been her mother who did it.

Jiang Ruoyu understood this in her heart, but at the moment, she didn’t have the means to confront Jiang Xin and the Noble Consort.

However, with Song Xu Yi there, how could she let Jiang Ruoyu go hungry?

In many places in the palace, there were altars dedicated to the Divine Goddess. Song Xu Yi opened her hand, and there appeared a plate of snacks as an offering…

After finishing the snacks, Jiang Ruoyu took out paper and pen to continue practicing calligraphy. After more than half a month of practice, her handwriting had become quite decent. However, due to the presence of Jiang Xin and others, her writings had never been presented before the teacher’s desk…

“Ruoyu, you’ve achieved such remarkable handwriting in such a short time. You’re truly amazing!” Under Song Xu Yi’s deliberate praise, Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes sparkled, and she practiced calligraphy even more diligently. Meanwhile, Song Xu Yi, using the excuse of cultivation, once again entered the statue of the goddess.

Song Xu Yi had no intention of cultivating. She planned to have a dream conversation with the Emperor to find out what had happened.

To Song Xu Yi’s surprise, when she entered the Emperor’s dream, the Emperor seemed to know that Song Xu Yi would come, with a look of anticipation on his face.

“Goddess, I had the Sixteen locked up in the temple just to let you see,” the Emperor smiled broadly. “And you have indeed come!”

Song Xu Yi didn’t know what the Emperor had up his sleeve. She frowned but remained silent, while the Emperor continued talking to himself, seemingly oblivious to her presence: “No wonder the Goddess took an interest in the Sixteen. Although this child is not likable, there’s a certain fierceness in her character…”

Before Song Xu Yi had a chance to inquire, the Emperor spilled the beans about what had happened during this period.

“Sixteen reminds me of my youth,” the Emperor said, then sighed. “I finally understand why she is called the ‘Emperor’s Companion.’ The regions are plagued by constant chaos and rebellion, and the capable generals are all out there fighting. I need a weapon!” The Emperor’s tone sounded immensely pleased. “A blade that can slay traitors yet possesses enough dignity.”

“Goddess, forgive me if it sounds laughable, but the other Imperial Princes and Princesses are truly weak. They only know how to vie for favor within this small circle, trying to please me, yet they are smooth and fearful on the outside…”

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“Ordinary Princesses could be forgiven for this behavior,” the Emperor narrowed his eyes. “But Sixteen is different. She is the Emperor’s Companion, born to assist me in enjoying eternal life and flourishing lands.”

“Moreover, her mother has no influential relatives. Prior to Sixteen, a little bit of petty gain was enough to attract her like a moth to a flame…”

The Emperor, accustomed to having his own way throughout his life, naturally did not perceive the cold glint in Song Xu Yi’s eyes as she gazed at him. He was delighted to showcase his envisioned plans to Song Xu Yi, knowing that she was the Guardian Goddess.

It must be said that this Emperor had some skills to maintain his position for so many years, such as having strong opinions when it came to personnel appointments.

However, he overlooked one thing in all his calculations: even if one is a deity, they can still have their own selfish motives.

Song Xu Yi’s selfishness was focused on Jiang Ruoyu.

Yet, despite her personal motives, Song Xu Yi listened to the Emperor’s weighing of pros and cons without uttering a word.

The Emperor used Jiang Ruoyu as a weapon, but if we consider it the other way around, Jiang Ruoyu could also use the Emperor as her tempering.

The plan arranged by the Emperor easily nurtured people into being useless. In his vision, Jiang Ruoyu only needed to recognize the words in books; there was no need for her to deeply understand profound principles. He wanted to take Jiang Ruoyu out of the study room and send her to learn equestrianism and martial arts, making her a blade that was most handy and only listened to the Emperor’s words.

If it were the previous Jiang Ruoyu, she would likely have fulfilled the Emperor’s wish. However, the current Jiang Ruoyu…

Song Xu Yi didn’t know where her confidence came from, but she was certain that Jiang Ruoyu would not become the cold, mechanical blade as planned by the Emperor. Jiang Ruoyu would have her own principles.

However, going out to learn equestrianism and martial arts was the best option for the present Jiang Ruoyu. She could avoid the other Princes and Princesses and learn self-defense methods effectively.

“Then let’s wait and see!”

In the end, Song Xu Yi silently acquiesced to the Emperor’s words, giving him a meaningful glance. The Emperor was immersed in the joyful territory he had planned and did not notice the profound meaning in Song Xu Yi’s eyes.

One day, the Emperor would deeply regret his actions!

The author has something to say:

Awooo, with over 3,000 words during the day, I’ve reached 8,000 today.

I’ve put my life on the line.

Tomorrow, let’s see if I can reach 6,000.

TL. Edited Jiang Ruoyu’s age in this chapter. She’s suppose to be six not sixteen.

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