Villainous Emperor (7)

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The Emperor planned to isolate Jiang Ruoyu and her mother, so that Jiang Ruoyu could rely solely on him, becoming a convenient tool in his hands.

The Emperor initially believed that Jiang Ruoyu’s mother would strongly oppose her leaving the palace for training. He was afraid of her unpredictable behavior, so he didn’t personally approach her. Instead, he sent Eunuch Wang, a trusted eunuch, as an intermediary.

Eunuch Wang was eloquent and prepared countless arguments before meeting Jiang Ruoyu’s mother. However, as soon as he mentioned sending Jiang Ruoyu outside for martial arts training, a glimmer of madness appeared in the eyes of that seemingly deranged woman. She decisively nodded in agreement.

Eunuch Wang, who had read countless people, suddenly realized that he seemed to misunderstand this insane woman.

He couldn’t quite pinpoint the specific trait at that moment; it had been too long since he felt this way. He only sensed audacity and trepidation—being the most smooth and cautious person, he couldn’t believe he had been staring at a woman for such a prolonged period of time.

After reporting the attitude of the insane woman to the Emperor, Eunuch Wang withdrew and the Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the woman was surprisingly sensible. He then made arrangements for Jiang Ruoyu to leave the temple one day earlier and personally sought her out after she had left.

No one knows what Jiang Ruoyu and the Emperor talked about. All they know is that the next morning she was quietly sent out of the palace by the Emperor, and shortly after, the Emperor entered the palace of Wang Guipin, the mother of Jiang Xin.

Upon receiving the Emperor’s subtle warning, “I promised sixteen to ensure the well-being of her mother,” Wang Guipin’s face stiffened. In the end, she abandoned her plans to deal with Tranquil Pavilion.

With the Emperor’s immense power, no one knew where Jiang Ruoyu was sent after spending half a month in Chongwen Academy, and nobody dared to ask.

After Jiang Ruoyu disappeared, Jiang Xin continued to live her previous life. The Emperor seemed to have no lingering grudges against her. Her beauty and talent spread day by day, making her a renowned princess in the capital known for her beauty and intelligence. She enjoyed the admiration and praise of men, lacking nothing in terms of beauty, status, or talent. She became the object of envy and imitation for all the noble ladies in the capital.

Moreover, Jiang Xin learned more about the methods of competing for favor from her mother.

She once wanted to take action against the person from Tranquil Pavilion, but her mother strictly prohibited her from doing so. It seemed that after Jiang Ruoyu’s disappearance, that woman became desolate and started reciting scriptures and fasting in front of the Goddess statue every day. She even shaved off her long hair.

Such a person would not become a rival for Jiang Xin and her mother, so Jiang Xin allowed her to be.

Since Jiang Ruoyu left the palace, the Emperor has been visiting a country estate every year in midsummer to pray for the well-being of the nation. Strangely enough, once the Emperor arrives at the estate, many problems troubling the country are resolved: sudden floods recede, droughts are relieved by refreshing rains, corrupt officials’ secret treasuries are exposed… Furthermore, when locust plagues occur in certain areas, countless magpies fly over and devour the locusts, leaving none behind.

The Emperor became increasingly convinced that Jiang Ruoyu, who lived and trained at the estate, was the “Emperor’s Companion’s Star.”

Over the years, Jiang Ruoyu endured various forms of high-pressure education arranged by the Emperor. She was slightly older for martial arts training, so she initially faced many difficulties and often had bruises on her body. The Emperor dedicated himself to molding her into a blade with a certain degree of independence, yet obedient to his commands. He enlisted a group of loyal guards and ministers to brainwash her…

If it were an ordinary six-year-old child, they might have truly become wholeheartedly devoted to the Emperor in such a high-pressure environment, or they would have been on the verge of collapse. However, Jiang Ruoyu persevered and never slackened for a single day. Though she rarely spoke, her interactions with others were meticulous and polite, just as Song Xu Yi had hoped. Slowly, she grew into a resolute and stunning girl.

Song Xu Yi watched Jiang Ruoyu’s growth with immense pride!

The Emperor believed he had isolated Jiang Ruoyu from the outside world, unaware that Song Xu Yi taught her at night, imparting correct values and perspectives. From time to time, Song Xu Yi even created dreams where Jiang Ruoyu could reunite with her mother…

In front of the Emperor, Jiang Ruoyu became a blade well-versed in military strategy, silent and exceptional in martial arts. In front of Song Xu Yi, however, she remained as talkative and reliant as before.

Although Jiang Ruoyu was aware that Song Xu Yi could hear her inner thoughts, she did not restrain herself. Over these years, Song Xu Yi had always been able to hear Jiang Ruoyu’s inner voice. Jiang Ruoyu shared all her feelings with Song Xu Yi. If there had to be a noticeable change, it would be that Jiang Ruoyu’s address for the Emperor shifted from “Father Emperor” to “Old Man Emperor,” while Jiang Ruoyu continued to grow day by day…

Time flew by, the life of an immortal was incredibly long, but in Song Xu Yi’s eyes, it felt like a mere instant as Jiang Ruoyu suddenly grew to be fourteen years old.

The fourteen-year-old girl had a beautiful nose, vermilion lips, and eyes like paintings. Under the deliberate cultivation of the Emperor, Jiang Ruoyu carried an aura of dignity befitting those in power. When she sat there, cold and serene, it seemed as if even the myriad flowers paled in comparison.

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In the capital city, Jiang Xin began looking for a husband at this age, but Jiang Ruoyu received her first command from the Emperor—to go to Guozhou and eliminate the remnants of the recently re-emerged Dong Kingdom rebellion.

Dong Kingdom was the motherland of Jiang Ruoyu’s mother, and usually, the person in charge of such a mission would avoid those with connections. Moreover, Jiang Ruoyu was still relatively inexperienced.

The Emperor also understood this, but he was extremely anxious, to the point where he abandoned his long-held principles.

During this period of time, every year when the Emperor came to the country estate to see Jiang Ruoyu, he would hear endless praises. Initially, the Emperor was pleased, thinking it was a testament to his discerning eye. However, as time went on, doubts arose in his heart…

As an Emperor who rose from a military background and had gained a reputation for his fierce nature, he immensely enjoyed the fear in the eyes of others when they saw him. However, when Jiang Ruoyu faced him, her gaze remained pure and unaffected, just like when she interacted with others. He couldn’t sense any control over her at all.

Therefore, after much consideration, the Emperor decided to assign Jiang Ruoyu a task: If she succeeded, it would prove that she had truly become a loyal dog to the Emperor, and he could entrust her with more power. But if Jiang Ruoyu showed favoritism towards the remnants of Dong Kingdom, then… the Emperor wouldn’t have only cultivated Jiang Ruoyu as a blade…

The Emperor had a well-calculated plan. However, when Jiang Ruoyu heard the Emperor stating her mission requirements, she remained cold and composed. She bowed to the Emperor, did not oppose, but only requested to first return to the palace to meet her mother before heading to Guozhou.

Naturally, the Emperor would fulfill Jiang Ruoyu’s small request.

Therefore, after eight years of separation, only meeting in dreams, Jiang Ruoyu once again saw her mother, Dong Rou.

She knew her mother was doing well. The Emperor had forgotten about Dong Rou’s existence over the years, but he hadn’t mistreated her either. However, the years in the Cold Palace had taken a toll on Dong Rou’s health, leaving her extremely weak and prone to illness.

But even so, knowing that it was thanks to the Goddess’s care that they could meet as mother and daughter in their dreams, Dong Rou devoted herself wholeheartedly to the Goddess, praying for Jiang Ruoyu’s well-being.

Upon hearing reports from spies about the intimate relationship between the mother and daughter, the Emperor was both happy and uneasy. He was happy that Jiang Ruoyu still cared about her mother, knowing that as long as he held Dong Rou’s life in his hands, Jiang Ruoyu would not betray him. However, he was uneasy because Dong Rou came from Dong Kingdom and with her influence, Jiang Ruoyu might genuinely show leniency towards Dong Kingdom…

Without delving into the Emperor’s internal struggle, news of Jiang Ruoyu’s return to the palace quickly spread throughout the entire palace.

Jiang Xin could hardly contain her excitement and immediately went to observe Jiang Ruoyu’s situation. As the daughter of a favored consort who maintained her influence, she naturally understood the Emperor’s temperament. In Jiang Xin’s imagination, Jiang Ruoyu, who was taken out by the Emperor for training alone, must be in a miserable state, even resembling the emaciated appearance of her mother, Dong Rou…

Recalling the grudge from the slap in Chongwen Academy before, Jiang Xin eagerly went to witness the spectacle. However, she never expected to see a Jiang Ruoyu who was so beautiful that she almost overshadowed those around her—

Jiang Xin’s provocations and hatred were like a passing breeze to Jiang Ruoyu, leaving no impression on her at all.

Even when Jiang Xin lost her composure and ordered the eunuchs to seize Jiang Ruoyu, Jiang Ruoyu effortlessly defeated them, her gaze remaining calm and unruffled…

That feeling made it seem as if all her resentment over the years was a joke.

Jiang Xin returned to the palace in tears.

At this moment, she wished more than ever to disappear: Jiang Ruoyu was too dazzling. By simply standing there and doing nothing, she attracted everyone’s attention. Only when Jiang Ruoyu vanished from the palace walls could Jiang Xin regain her position as the most dazzling person.

Therefore, while Jiang Ruoyu enjoyed the rare opportunity to spend time with her mother, Jiang Xin began a hunger strike. After three days of fasting, Wang Guipin finally agreed to utilize the power of her maternal family, the Wang family, to help Jiang Xin kill Jiang Ruoyu. The condition was that Jiang Xin had to agree to marry someone she didn’t like, a certain scion of the Wang family…

Jiang Xin bit her lip and ultimately nodded.

Thus, with a military force entrusted by the Emperor and Wang family assassins tailing her, Jiang Ruoyu embarked on the journey to Guozhou.

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Even with fast horses, it would take over a month to reach Guozhou. Apart from Jiang Ruoyu leading the way, there was also another guard surnamed Wei whom the Emperor trusted, commanding the accompanying troops.

Song Xu Yi had been trying her best to minimize the disasters in Jiang Kingdom and improve the lives of the people over the years. Under Song Xu Yi’s efforts, the internal turmoil in Jiang Kingdom had improved significantly. However, Song Xu Yi’s efforts couldn’t overcome the Emperor’s militarism and blind expansion. Perhaps even the heavens were displeased with Jiang Kingdom’s prosperity, as natural disasters became frequent. Shortly after Jiang Ruoyu’s departure, seismic activity and an epidemic broke out in the southwestern region of Jiang Kingdom.

Song Xu Yi had no choice but to use her powers to reduce the aftershocks in the area while also controlling the spread of the epidemic.

It consumed a great deal of Song Xu Yi’s energy. Although she was concerned about Jiang Ruoyu’s situation, the urgent situation in the disaster-stricken area demanded her immediate attention. All of Song Xu Yi’s efforts were focused on alleviating the disaster in the southwest.

Over the years, Jiang Ruoyu had become accustomed to Song Xu Yi’s busyness and continued to confide her thoughts to Song Xu Yi as she had in the past.

“The Old Man Emperor thinks I don’t know about his schemes. But there is no bond whatsoever between the Dong Kingdom and our mother-daughter relationship. My mother has even said that since the day she entered the palace, she has been abandoned by Dong. So I can rest assured…”

“Jiang Xin cried because of me! Just as I expected, as long as I ignore her, she can’t stand it.”

“There is a tail following our group, but I don’t know which faction sent them, or maybe there are several factions following us. However, such an obvious presence won’t yield any significant findings. I discussed it with Commander Wei, and we plan to separate from the group first. I will go to Guozhou to gather information, and then act accordingly…”

When Song Xu Yi heard this inner thought, she was momentarily stunned. However, as she directed her consciousness towards Jiang Ruoyu, Jiang Ruoyu had already initiated her plan…

Jiang Ruoyu seemed to sense something and broke away from the main force, riding ahead on her horse. When Song Xu Yi looked over, she saw dark figures leaping down from the treetops in all directions, attacking Jiang Ruoyu.

Jiang Ruoyu clearly restrained her strength. She led this group of people to a cliff and put up a desperate fight. After battling with them for a while, it seemed that she was overwhelmed by the group and forced to fall off the cliff—

Meanwhile, Commander Wei and the others arrived belatedly and eliminated those who attacked Jiang Ruoyu.

Commander Wei was in a panic and sent troops to search below the cliff, appearing extremely anxious…

However, the cliff towered into the clouds, and beneath it, there was a turbulent river. Very few people who fell down had a chance of surviving.

Commander Wei’s convoy settled down at this location, seemingly single-minded in their search for Jiang Ruoyu…

And this news, through certain special channels, spread back to the capital and Guozhou.


When Jiang Ruoyu jumped off the cliff and saw the rope held by Song Xu Yi, who had been hiding on the cliff all along, and heard Song Xu Yi’s voice, she smiled brightly. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but sigh, not in a good mood. “You really gave me a scare…”

Jiang Ruoyu, however, swung around on the rope and landed on a small path that had already been identified near the edge of the cliff. Although her movements appeared incredibly graceful, the perilous act still caused Song Xu Yi to break out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but reveal her figure beside Jiang Ruoyu and grabbed her ear. “Ruoyu, you’re being reckless again!”

Song Xu Yi didn’t know when it started, but Jiang Ruoyu had developed a fondness for various thrilling and dangerous activities. Although it seemed like she made thorough preparations each time before carrying them out, Song Xu Yi would always feel extremely anxious watching her in such a state.

“Goddess Sister, I won’t dare next time.” Jiang Ruoyu winced and turned to Song Xu Yi, pleading for forgiveness. While her words sought mercy, her eyes were filled with joy. “You finally came. It’s been sixteen days since you last visited me!”

“You’ve said that promise many times before,” Song Xu Yi said with a stern face. “Every time you say you won’t dare next time, but in reality, there’s nothing you don’t dare to do. You’re braver than anyone…”

However, as she said these words, looking at Jiang Ruoyu’s beautiful face, Song Xu Yi found it difficult to continue pinching her ear. She could only withdraw her hand, cover her face, and continue, “If there’s another time, I’ll tell your mother!”

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Jiang Ruoyu pursed her lips.

Song Xu Yi clearly heard a thought passing through Jiang Ruoyu’s mind, “My mother won’t control me, she wants me to live freely and carefree.” However, Jiang Ruoyu’s face displayed a sincere expression as she spoke, “I understand, Goddess Sister. There won’t be another time!”

“Jiang… Ruo… Yu!”

Song Xu Yi gritted her teeth and frowned, feeling that this child seemed to be getting less adorable during her rebellious phase. At that moment, Jiang Ruoyu seemed to realize that Song Xu Yi could hear her thoughts. She blinked uncomfortably, leaned closer, and grabbed Song Xu Yi’s arm, starting to act coquettishly.

“Goddess Sister, I didn’t mean to. I promise I won’t do dangerous things without permission in the future,” Jiang Ruoyu whispered, stealing a glance at Song Xu Yi. “But every time you’re not around, some things become uncontrollable, and I end up doing them on my own…”

“Goddess Sister, please make time to accompany me more in the future. I promise that when you’re with me, I will absolutely not engage in any dangerous activities…”

“Prove it!”

Song Xu Yi huffed in annoyance.

She had initially wanted to give Jiang Ruoyu a stern lesson, but after years of being together, this little troublemaker had already figured out Song Xu Yi’s temperament. She relied on her appearance to get away with things, clinging to Song Xu Yi’s arm and acting cute and spoiled. Looking at her beautiful face and anxious expression, Song Xu Yi couldn’t bring herself to get angry and let the matter slide.

“System, I just feel sorry for her in this state,” Song Xu Yi didn’t forget about the presence of the system, coughing awkwardly for some reason and feeling a bit guilty. “And it seems she has learned her lesson from the look of it, so I decided to forgive her.”

“Well, it’s not just because you think she learned her lesson,” the system looked at Song Xu Yi, who had a clingy and boneless person hanging onto her arm, and replied considerately, “It’s actually because of your ‘appearance lover’ attribute acting up. You can’t bear to punish her and even find her cute…”

The system considered itself considerate, always speaking from Song Xu Yi’s perspective. However, after finishing that sentence, it noticed that Song Xu Yi wasn’t responding to it. The system called out to Song Xu Yi several times, but Song Xu Yi pretended not to hear.

The system was somewhat puzzled and couldn’t understand the situation. In the end, it could only console itself by thinking, “Maybe it’s because the villain is going through puberty, so Xu Yi has also caught the unpredictable mood swings of adolescence.”

Song Xu Yi was struck by the system hitting a nerve, feeling somewhat embarrassed and angry. She couldn’t directly vent her anger at the system, so she pursed her lips and changed the topic.

“Given the current situation, what are your plans moving forward?”

“Then it depends on whether sister is willing to help me!” Jiang Ruoyu’s smiling eyes fell on Song Xu Yi. “Unlike our city, Guozhou is different. People in the city have insight and believe in sister, but Guozhou was once the Dong Kingdom’s, and Dong Kingdom, from top to bottom, believed in the ‘Divine Attractor.'”

“I heard that this group of rebels is using the ‘Divine Attractor’ as their leader, fabricating various miracles to attract followers and incite violence.”

“If sister is still angry with me and unwilling to assist, then I will personally dismantle their deceitful schemes one by one.” While saying this, Jiang Ruoyu tightly hugged Song Xu Yi’s arm, her eyes filled with anticipation. “If sister is willing to help me, that would be the best outcome! Those tricks of pretending to be gods and spirits surely cannot deceive sister’s discerning eyes.”

Song Xu Yi pursed her lips.

In fact, she wasn’t the first to come across the term ‘Divine Attractor.’

The “Divine Attractor” is an evil deity that emerged only in the past century. It is a formless and corrupt entity, unlike all naturally-born spiritual beings. The Divine Attractor can absorb all human malevolence and autonomously grow and develop rapidly.

The male protagonist anticipated that the Divine Attractor would become a catastrophe, so he seized the opportunity to capture it before it fully formed. The reason why Jiang Bai had descended to the mortal realm to undergo trials and repair his divine soul was because he had imprisoned the Divine Attractor in the Soul-Sealing Tower, damaging its foundation.

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that there were still folk beliefs and offerings related to the Divine Attractor.

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Although the Divine Attractor is currently confined within the Soul-Sealing Tower, such offerings still pose a hidden danger.

Moreover, these individuals who offer devotion to the Divine Attractor may possess unpredictable means. Concerned about Jiang Ruoyu’s well-being, Song Xu Yi ultimately agreed: “I’ll accompany you on this journey.”

Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes immediately lit up.

She pulled Song Xu Yi out of the small path, and it was evident that Jiang Ruoyu had made preparations in advance. At the end of the path, there was already a horse waiting. Jiang Ruoyu let out a whistle, and the horse came running over.

There was a package placed on the horse. Song Xu Yi initially thought it contained something important. However, when Jiang Ruoyu unfolded it and looked inside, it turned out to be women’s clothing and accessories.

“Sister can’t be floating in the air all the time,” Jiang Ruoyu leaned closer to Song Xu Yi, a slight curve appearing on her lips. As she gazed into Song Xu Yi’s eyes with great focus, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease in the depths of Jiang Ruoyu’s dark eyes. She felt there was something hidden within them, but inexplicably, Song Xu Yi couldn’t hear Jiang Ruoyu’s thoughts.

“I understand!” Song Xu Yi made an effort to appear composed as she turned around and, in the blink of an eye, changed into the robe that Jiang Ruoyu had prepared.

When Song Xu Yi turned around, Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes brightened, and she smiled at Song Xu Yi, saying, “Sister, you look so beautiful like this!” She had always been sweet-tongued. She pulled the horse forward and gestured for Song Xu Yi to mount first, adding, “Sister looks beautiful on any day.”

Song Xu Yi sighed inwardly. Despite her efforts to maintain the dignified demeanor of a goddess when facing Jiang Ruoyu, Jiang Ruoyu’s mother, Dong Rou, was not a talkative person. How did she raise Jiang Ruoyu, a chatty little girl who couldn’t stop talking whenever she was around?

Song Xu Yi even missed the shy and timid Jiang Ruoyu from years ago.

It had been a long time since Song Xu Yi had ridden a horse, and she didn’t want to control the reins. So she sat in the back half of the horse, allowing Jiang Ruoyu to sit in front.

Without Jiang Ruoyu’s constant chatter, Song Xu Yi’s thoughts quickly wandered. She thought about the possibility of news about “Jiang Ruoyu’s disappearance” reaching the court, and how the Emperor might keep it secret from Dong Rou. Song Xu Yi closed her eyes again, giving Dong Rou a dream, and checked the situation of the disaster in the southwest. She saw the male lead, Jiang Bai, appearing in the midst of the disaster and rallying the people to rebuild their homes. Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and opened her eyes.

At that moment, Song Xu Yi noticed that the horse had stopped, although she didn’t know when.

She met Jiang Ruoyu’s gaze, the same gaze that made Song Xu Yi feel somewhat uncomfortable, yet she still couldn’t hear any of Jiang Ruoyu’s thoughts.

Jiang Ruoyu pouted, her eyes showing a hint of grievance. She cautiously spoke up, “Sister, sitting in the front is uncomfortable for me. Can we switch positions?”

Song Xu Yi didn’t notice anything amiss and moved to the front. It was only when Jiang Ruoyu leaned over from behind to control the reins, almost enveloping Song Xu Yi in her embrace, that Song Xu Yi realized something was off.

Fortunately, Song Xu Yi was a goddess at the moment and could manipulate her body to become slightly thinner, avoiding physical contact. However, this made it even more apparent that Jiang Ruoyu was embracing her completely.

Song Xu Yi was extremely uncomfortable in this position. Over the years, although Jiang Ruoyu often leaned on Song Xu Yi, it was usually just holding onto her sleeve, never as intimate as it was now…

It was at this moment that Song Xu Yi realized—Jiang Ruoyu had grown into a young woman.

She tried her best to ignore the strangeness in her heart, closing her eyes and focusing on meditation. However, as luck would have it, Jiang Ruoyu’s voice suddenly appeared in Song Xu Yi’s ear, tinged with a hint of shyness:

“Sister, you smell so nice, and you’re so soft…”

The author has something to say:

Song Xu Yi: …?!

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