Villainous Emperor (8)

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Song Xu Yi’s ears turned red all of a sudden.

After contemplating for a moment, she decided to leave a physical body in Jiang Ruoyu’s embrace while her divine consciousness flew out of it. She made an effort to maintain a poker face as she turned her head and glanced at Jiang Ruoyu, saying, “For me, hurrying like this is just a waste of time. I’ll leave my body with you for now while I go and cultivate. You can awaken me when we arrive.”

Jiang Ruoyu’s originally bright smile in her pitch-black eyes visibly froze for a moment upon hearing Song Xu Yis words. The laughter in her gaze vanished instantly, replaced by a profound gaze directed at Song Xu Yi. “Sister, aren’t you worried that I might harm your body?”

Song Xu Yi waved her hand, avoiding Jiang Ruoyu’s gaze, and turned around, concealing her figure. “As long as you’re not mischievous, of course I trust you.”

After Song Xu Yi turned around, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Determined in her heart, she resolved to gradually pay attention to maintaining a certain distance from Jiang Ruoyu. However, she didn’t notice that Jiang Ruoyu behind her lowered her head, her eyes filled with a gloomy emotion.

Divine Sister was indeed correct: she had no interest in this physical body; what she truly desired to be close to was Divine Sister herself, not this soulless vessel.

Jiang Ruoyu didn’t know what had happened to her or when it started, but she constantly found herself longing to be near Divine Sister.

She realized this when she was seven years old. At that time, Jiang Ruoyu struggled to adapt to the intensity of her training. While practicing light-footed techniques, she took a risky shortcut and tried to leap from a wooden stake. However, she ended up falling off, causing a fright among those who witnessed it, despite her escaping unharmed.

Even the long-absent Divine Sister appeared before her bed that night, wearing a stern expression. “Ruoyu, you mustn’t be so impulsive…”

Divine Sister thought she was stunned and frightened, but only Jiang Ruoyu knew that, in that moment, she was suppressing her own guilty yet dark joy.

In the following years, Jiang Ruoyu constantly sought the Divine Sister’s attention by engaging in various dangerous activities that seemed flawless in their execution.

Jiang Ruoyu always understood that in this world, the things truly belonging to her were few and far between. Her previous life was like rolling in a muddy pit, sinking deeper and deeper. But after encountering the Divine Sister, it was as if she caught a glimpse of a beam of light in the dark night, and her life began to shine with brightness…

She couldn’t help but desire to possess the Divine Sister entirely, to forever hold onto that ray of light. Yet, she feared that the Divine Sister would perceive her mindset and find her disdainful. Ashamed yet unable to contain her secret delight, she desperately suppressed her longing until she realized that the Divine Sister seemed unable to hear her coveting…

Jiang Ruoyu breathed a sigh of relief. When she regained her senses, she couldn’t help but feel ashamed of her actions. The Divine Sister treated her so well, so how could she shamelessly attempt to monopolize her?

However, emotions cannot be restrained. Despite knowing rationally that she shouldn’t possess the Divine Sister, Jiang Ruoyu found herself becoming increasingly uncontrollable in her behavior…

She must have sensed something, right?

Jiang Ruoyu lifted her head and gazed heavily at the spot where Song Xu Yi had disappeared. Then she looked down at the lifeless body in her arms and tightened her grip on the reins.

She thought she should be panicking, feeling guilty. However, perhaps it was the confidence gained from countless tests over the years that led her to entertain a fleeting thought in her heart:

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If only the Divine Sister could be captured in her hands, just like this lifeless body!


Song Xu Yi didn’t know how much time had passed when she heard Jiang Ruoyu’s voice in her ears, saying, “Sister, it’s time to wake up!”

Song Xu Yi opened her eyes and found herself lying in a bed in an inn. Jiang Ruoyu stood at the bedside, her eyes shining brightly as she looked at her.

Having adjusted her mindset by now, Song Xu Yi noticed a hint of uneasiness hidden in Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes and asked directly, “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Ruoyu’s gaze dimmed, and she shook her head. But a thought echoed in Song Xu Yi’s ear, “Sister looks so beautiful when she’s asleep!”

Song Xu Yi choked and cleared her throat, struggling to control her expression. Although she knew Jiang Ruoyu had admired her since childhood, every time she heard such comments from her, Song Xu Yi found it somewhat difficult to adapt, especially now that Jiang Ruoyu had grown so beautiful and was praising her like this. It made Song Xu Yi feel particularly uneasy.

However, Jiang Ruoyu seemed oblivious to the fact that she had once again involuntarily revealed her inner thoughts. She continued, “Sister, you slept for quite a long time this time. I thought it would take you another two or three days to wake up. When I carried your body in just now, the innkeeper’s assistant kept sneaking glances at me. If you didn’t wake up tomorrow, I reckon I would be reported to the authorities…”

As she spoke, Jiang Ruoyu suddenly burst into laughter. “When the officials see your lifeless body, they would be incredibly frightened, I’m sure.”

Jiang Ruoyu continued to laugh, while Song Xu Yi belatedly realized the impropriety of her actions. Sometimes, when she focused too much on her cultivation, she would inadvertently forget about time. Time in the Divine Realm and the Mortal Realm did not synchronize, so a moment of absent-mindedness in the Divine Realm could result in several days passing in the Mortal Realm.

Such a situation would indeed bring trouble to Jiang Ruoyu.

“It was my negligence,” Song Xu Yi sighed, feeling that her previous panicked escape was indeed rather embarrassing. Since she had already figured out how she wanted to interact with Jiang Ruoyu in the future, Song Xu Yi no longer felt awkward. “I will stay by your side in the coming days.”

Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes visibly brightened for a moment.

In her heart, she exclaimed, “Sister is truly amazing!” However, she put on a hypocritical expression and spoke, “As the esteemed Divine Sister, you have many important matters to attend to. Though I am inexperienced, I understand the general situation. As for my own affairs…”

Listening to Jiang Ruoyu’s insincere words, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Subconsciously, she wanted to playfully tease Jiang Ruoyu. “Do you truly mean that?”

Jiang Ruoyu pouted her lips, her gaze flickering for a moment. However, she didn’t utter the words “it’s true” and instead pursed her lips and lowered her head.

Song Xu Yi, hearing Jiang Ruoyu’s inner thought of “Ah! Has she heard my inner thoughts again? How can she be so amazing…” joyfully curved her lips.


That night, Song Xu Yi and Jiang Ruoyu began studying matters related to the Divine Summoning.

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The majority of the people in Guozhou were originally citizens of the former Dong Kingdom. After the Emperor conquered Dong Kingdom, he relocated the people from several commanderies of Dong Kingdom to Guozhou . Disconnected from their homeland and with conflicting customs, these people didn’t have a good life in Guozhou. Faced with the harsh realities, they placed even more hope in the belief of gods and spirits.

They joined a popular underground organization called the “Hidden Moon Sect,” which worshiped the Divine Summoning. Although in Song Xu Yi’s impression, the Divine Summoning was a mindless entity that only knew how to devour, in the doctrine of the Hidden Moon Sect, the Divine Summoning had transformed into a Divine Goddess.

The Hidden Moon Sect claimed that every five years, the Divine Goddess would select a Saintess in the Mortal Realm and bestow her with certain divine powers. The Saintess would then guide and interpret the doctrine for the followers in the Mortal Realm. However, Jiang Ruoyu speculated that the true power of the Hidden Moon Sect lay in their high priest, Fu Sheng.

Now, the timing of Song Xu Yi and Jiang Ruoyu’s arrival happened to coincide with the selection of the new Saintess by the Hidden Moon Sect.

“Rumors say their Saintess possesses supernatural powers, capable of healing the dead and flesh from bones. She has gained the trust of the people. In certain areas of Guozhou, the commoners know about the current Saintess but are unaware of the current Emperor.” Since Song Xu Yi stayed around, Jiang Ruoyu’s mood seemed extremely elevated. Even though Jiang Ruoyu’s appearance didn’t quite match, there were moments when Song Xu Yi looked into Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes and couldn’t help but think of a puppy with moist eyes, longing for a bone.

While Song Xu Yi unconsciously wandered in her thoughts, Jiang Ruoyu continued happily, “I discussed it with General Wei, and now happens to be the time for the selection of the new Saintess in Guozhou. I plan to infiltrate the selection team and gather information about the Hidden Moon Sect.”

“That will depend on Sister Goddess then,” Jiang Ruoyu looked at Song Xu Yi with anticipation in her eyes, “After all, their miracles are completely fabricated, but Sister Goddess can help me display extraordinary abilities.”

Song Xu Yi was momentarily stunned, then quickly averted her gaze from Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes.

Jiang Ruoyu’s gaze was too radiant. Whenever her enchanting face revealed an expectant expression, Song Xu Yi’s heart would soften, as if refusing any request from Jiang Ruoyu would be a sin.

In the past, Song Xu Yi would have indulged Jiang Ruoyu’s coquettish behavior, but now Jiang Ruoyu is no longer a child.

Jiang Ruoyu is exceptionally clever and shrewd. Now she is gradually gaining power, and Song Xu Yi doesn’t want her to feel that her own will can be manipulated by her.

Although realizing this now seems a bit late, it is never too late to mend the fold, especially since Jiang Ruoyu is still growing. It is still possible to create some distance between them.

“If I agree to assist you, I will never go back on my word,” Song Xu Yi calmly spoke.

Jiang Ruoyu has always been sensitive to Song Xu Yi’s emotions.

She keenly sensed Song Xu Yi’s avoidance and her face froze. Her eyes stared fixedly at Song Xu Yi, filled with grievances and incomprehension. For a brief moment, Song Xu Yi even felt as if those watery eyes of the puppy had transformed into the fierce eyes of a wolf cub on the grassland, a gaze that was immensely unsettling…

However, in the next instant, Jiang Ruoyu lowered her head.

“I understand. Thank you, Sister Goddess.”

Jiang Ruoyu’s voice sounded extremely obedient and respectful. Yet, her inner voice echoed softly in Song Xu Yi’s ears, “Did I do something wrong? Sister Goddess seems to be a little mad at me…”

As Song Xu Yi listened to Jiang Ruoyu’s pitiful tone, she almost exhausted all her self-control to restrain the urge to comfort her. She closed her eyes and sat down, beginning to meditate.

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It was late at night, and while immortals had no need for sleep, Jiang Ruoyu was still a mortal. However, Jiang Ruoyu seemed to have no sleepiness at all. From time to time, she would open her eyes and look at Song Xu Yi, and her inner voice would occasionally echo in Song Xu Yi’s ears, “General Wei once told me that to win women’s hearts, you must praise their beauty, say they are fragrant and soft. I was actually extremely afraid on this journey, afraid that Sister Goddess wouldn’t help me. That’s why I deliberately flattered you a bit…”

“Yes, Sister Goddess is a celestial being from the heavens, naturally different from ordinary women. I suppose my words might have displeased Sister Goddess.”

“I never intended to make Sister Goddess angry. The kindness and guidance you have given me are like a rebirth. How could I possibly upset Sister Goddess…”

The young girl’s inner voice echoed in Song Xu Yi’s ears, sentence by sentence.

Song Xu Yi’s expression also softened slightly. It seemed that Jiang Ruoyu hadn’t lost her fear of her… It was just her own misunderstanding.

With these thoughts in mind, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but use a sleep-inducing technique to make Jiang Ruoyu fall asleep, as she kept tossing and turning.

The next morning, when Jiang Ruoyu looked at Song Xu Yi, her gaze was indeed not as uninhibited as the day before.

She secretly glanced at Song Xu Yi several times before mustering up the courage to respectfully approach her. Her expression was as obedient and cautious as when she was a child. “Sister Goddess, when shall we set off?”

“In about half an hour!” Song Xu Yi glanced at Jiang Ruoyu, only to see her lower her head even more.

“Then I’ll go prepare some things first.” After receiving Song Xu Yi’s answer, Jiang Ruoyu replied in a low voice and left the inn.

When half an hour had passed, Song Xu Yi walked out of the inn and saw Jiang Ruoyu pulling up a small carriage in front of the inn.

“This way, Sister can focus on cultivating,” Jiang Ruoyu said, her head lowered. After Song Xu Yi boarded the carriage, she took a seat on the driver’s bench.

She seemed to understand that Song Xu Yi didn’t want to be too close to her at the moment. She let Song Xu Yi sit inside the carriage while she remained outside to drive.

Throughout the journey, Jiang Ruoyu’s face remained tense, without displaying any smiles.

By the end of the day, Song Xu Yi hadn’t heard any more scattered thoughts from Jiang Ruoyu. It seemed that Jiang Ruoyu was truly focused on the journey.

At the beginning, Song Xu Yi was immersed in her cultivation and didn’t notice anything unusual. However, as evening approached, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel uneasy the more she thought about it.

Through the carriage curtain, Song Xu Yi watched Jiang Ruoyu’s straight back as she drove the carriage. She recalled Jiang Ruoyu’s lowered gaze throughout the day and belatedly realized that she might have frightened the child too much.

After some contemplation, Song Xu Yi couldn’t hold back any longer and spoke up, “In the future, don’t learn those scattered flattering words from General Wei. They are not proper conversations—”

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Jiang Ruoyu seemed to have been attentive to the movements inside the carriage. Upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s words, she immediately stopped the carriage and looked over with a surprised expression.

After clearly understanding Song Xu Yi’s words, Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes visibly brightened. She seemed like she wanted to smile but also feared being disliked by Song Xu Yi, so she forcefully maintained a serious expression and nodded almost like a pecking chicken, “I understand. I will listen to whatever you say, Sister.”

“And I promised you that I would assist you, and I will never go back on my word,” Song Xu Yi looked at Jiang Ruoyu’s pitiful appearance, sighed, and involuntarily softened her tone, “You don’t need to be so reserved in front of me. If you want to smile, then go ahead and smile!”

Only then did Jiang Ruoyu laugh out loud.

Seeing Jiang Ruoyu’s smile return, Song Xu Yi also felt relieved. However, thinking of her own plans, Song Xu Yi still spoke half-truths and half-lies from her heart, “Just remember to be mindful in the future and not act recklessly. Sometimes, it’s better to do nothing than to do too much…”

“I understand. Thank you for the guidance, Sister Goddess. I will keep it in mind,” Jiang Ruoyu bit her lower lip and seemed somewhat shy as she smiled.

Afterward, the carriage resumed its journey, and once again, Jiang Ruoyu’s inner voice echoed in Song Xu Yi’s ears.

“Sister Goddess is truly kind. She always teaches me to do the right things. I will never speak nonsense to her again!”

“Perhaps I should read the words of the sages a few more times and learn how to talk to people.”

“I must remember Sister Goddess’s words today…”

Song Xu Yi was very satisfied with Jiang Ruoyu’s current state. This was the kind of relationship she envisioned between them—both mentor and friend. Jiang Ruoyu was close to her, yet maintained a basic reverence towards her.

However, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice Jiang Ruoyu’s hand tightly clenched at her side outside the carriage curtain, and a hint of gloom flickered in her eyes.

How could I forget it?

Jiang Ruoyu felt that she would remember the lesson of this day for her entire life. She had always known that Sister Goddess treated her extremely well, and it was this exceptional treatment that had given rise to her delusion. She had yielded to her inner desires and couldn’t help but try to get even closer to Sister Goddess.

However, it was a complete failure.

For the first time, she realized that there was an insurmountable gap between her and Sister Goddess. As long as Sister Goddess wished, she could sever their connection at any time.

She had to endure…

The author has something to say:

Jiang Ruoyu: My obedience and submission are real.

However— I want you to be my wife.

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