Villainous Poor Student (18)

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In the small mountain village, there were no other rooms available for a while, so He Siyu and Song Xu Yi slept in the same room again this night.

The two of them had already gotten used to sleeping together, but this night, Song Xu Yi couldn’t fall asleep at first, and the image of herself holding He Siyu on her hands and knees when she woke up that morning kept coming back to her mind, but she didn’t dare to disturb He Siyu, who had travelled, so Song Xu Yi could only hold the corner of the quilt to control her breathing rate, close her eyes and sleep rigidly, trying to imagine herself as a senseless corpse…

She didn’t know how long it had been before a sigh came from next to her, and He Siyu turned around and rubbed Song Xu Yi’s head, hugging her waist harder.

“Get some sleep! We have a long journey tomorrow.”

He Siyu’s voice was a little muffled, with some sleepy lethargy, and Song Xu Yi could feel the vibrations in He Siyu’s chest when she made the sound. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, and her cheeks subconsciously flushed at the sound of He Siyu’s voice…

The familiar scent of He Siyu’s body lingered beside her, and Song Xu Yi’s mind felt dizzy as the heat surged through her, and she could only be thankful that it was late at night and He Siyu could not see her tomato-like cheeks.

“Siyu is such a kind child” Song Xu Yi was inexplicably a little nervous talking to the system: “She knew I couldn’t relax so she deliberately gave me a head pat, she’s usually such a disciplined sleeper——”

The system said “huh” and sneered, and when Song Xu Yi heard this tone, she knew it didn’t want to chat properly. Remembering the time at the beach when the system righteously condemned her for hugging He Siyu and reuniting with her, Song Xu Yi thought that perhaps the system needed to calm down, and once again blacked out the system.

However, with the system’s jest, the tension in Song Xu Yi’s heart finally subsided a little, and she yawned sleepily, her sleepiness surging, and she didn’t know when she fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, Song Xu Yi felt a little warm and moved her arm, only to be met with a smooth touch of skin…

Song Xu Yi opened her eyes and realised that she had unknowingly slept with He Siyu in an embrace. He Siyu’s eyes were tightly closed, and she still looked like she was sleeping soundly.

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He Siyu’s lapels were a little loose, revealing the peaks and valleys at the tip of the iceberg…

Her brain was hot again. The remaining sleepiness instantly dissipated, and before the heat got to her face and He Siyu could see something was wrong, Song Xu Yi rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom.

Little did Song Xu Yi know: shortly after she entered the bathroom, the ‘sleeping’ He Siyu opened her eyes.

He Siyu’s eyes were clear, where was her sleepiness?

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the closed bathroom door with a complicated look.

The last time she lost a bet, she got Xu Yi’s distancing.

This time…

He Siyu pursed her lips: there was absolutely no way she could be too hasty again!

Song Xu Yi followed He Siyu back home after she finished packing her things.

He Siyu had just got her driving licence but was driving very smoothly. Song Xu Yi took another nap in the passenger seat and woke up to find herself back at Huacheng.

Huacheng was busy with its daily work and Song Xu Yi was about to be a senior in high school next semester. Even though Song Xu Yi did not intend to put much effort into her studies in this world, she still wanted to get into a better university for the sake of her parents’ wish. Therefore, in order to have enough time for her senior year, Song Xu Yi recruited a few more people over the summer and distributed some of her own work.

After the two of them resumed their relationship, He Siyu and Song Xu Yi’s pattern of getting along with each other in the past two months was reversed: He Siyu would come to Song Xu Yi’s company to help out whenever she could, bringing some of Song Xu Yi’s favourite drinks or snacks with her, and being a hardworking person, she was never idle after she arrived, helping out with the work that she could…

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It wasn’t long before everyone knew that Song Xu Yi had a pretty little sister who didn’t look like a real person who often came to play with her, and she was so hardworking and diligent that everyone in the company liked her.

It must be said that with He Siyu’s help, Song Xu Yi’s work has become much easier.

During this period of time, Song Xu Yi didn’t know what was wrong with her, every morning she would even develop a kind of anticipation, the thought of seeing He Siyu today made Song Xu Yi’s mood suddenly become happy.

When the system looked at such a Song Xu Yi, it couldn’t help but speak out once again, “Don’t you think you’re in a very wrong state?”

“It’s because Siyu is pretty!” Song Xu Yi’s reply was very justified: “Pretty people always make me feel happy.”

The system once again said “huh”, it had never seen Song Xu Yi in such a state before, but in its heart it was not sure whether Song Xu Yi was in love or not, and was afraid of being blacked out by Song Xu Yi, so it forcibly resisted the urge to complain, and planned to observe the situation again before making a decision.

Soon, both He Siyu and Song Xu Yi started school.

He Siyu’s school is in the capital, the best engineering school in the country, and is more than 2,000 km away from Huacheng.

But with the rapid development of technology nowadays, laptops already have a video function, and when she and He Siyu parted, Song Xu Yi didn’t feel so sad.

Instead, He Siyu wrote a long list for Song Xu Yi, telling her the addresses of several pastries she liked to eat, reminding her of some bad habits in her daily life, and even organising Song Xu Yi’s wardrobe to match her clothes, so that Song Xu Yi would not have to spend time matching her own clothes every day…

It was only at this time that Song Xu Yi realised in a trance that He Siyu had infiltrated every aspect of her life.

But Song Xu Yi did not feel that this was a deliberate attempt by someone, she was just proud to have such a good friend in He Siyu.

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Looking at Song Xu Yi like this, the system began to wonder in its heart: if Xu Yi had her heart set on something, then her state seemed too calm, perhaps… she had really guessed wrong?


Song Xu Yi was not aware of the system’s tangled thoughts.

This semester, Song Xu Yi went back to school much more frequently and began to take part in the college entrance exam revision. She already had a foundation from her previous life, and after asking He Siyu a few times about the topics, He Siyu offered to help Song Xu Yi answer questions by video in later years, and Song Xu Yi, thinking of her friendship with He Siyu, agreed to do so.

With the video tutoring of the provincial top student in the college entrance examination, Song Xu Yi soon began to rank among the best in the school.

The body of Song Xu Yi is now slowly growing, unlike He Siyu’s bright and beautiful, Song Xu Yi has a gentle and friendly temperament, is a beautiful and elegant look, and she goes to an elite school, in the past Song Xu Yi was rarely seen in school, but now Song Xu Yi often comes to school, which is full of all kinds of playboys, when they see such a Song Xu Yi, they naturally start to have bad intentions.

The first day a boy in the class group suddenly added Song Xu Yi, Song Xu Yi at first did not take it seriously, thinking it was another lying classmate, but unexpectedly every morning and evening, as soon as he saw Song Xu Yi online, the other party would send over a large paragraph of “Are you there?”

Once Song Xu Yi replied to him, the other party would reply with a bunch of nonsense: how much money he had at home, what new shoes he had bought, asking Song Xu Yi to go out…

He would even try to video call Song Xu Yi from time to time, and would block Song Xu Yi on the road…

Song Xu Yi was so annoyed that this boy interrupted her video study plan with He Siyu several times. In the end, in order to avoid harassment, Song Xu Yi remained invisible even when she was online, and made an appointment with He Siyu to make up for her video study at 9pm every night.

However, when she asked, Song Xu Yi was a bit embarrassed to reveal the situation: after all, she wanted to save face, and thought that the boy might stop one day, so she just said she had something to do and didn’t reveal more.

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However, within a few days, Song Xu Yi found out that the boy had suddenly suffered retribution: his photos of being in love with several girls at the same time were posted on the school board, and rumours about the boy were spread all over the school, so the boy was humiliated and took a long leave of absence for a few months, and naturally, he had no face to harass Song Xu Yi again.

Song Xu Yi was relieved and felt that the matter had come to an end. When she talked to He Siyu at night, she couldn’t help but talk about the incident and commented, “It’s true that in this world evil people have evil rewards.”

He Siyu listened attentively to Song XuYi’s disgusting stories about the boy who had been pestering her, and narrowed her eyes slightly, a glint of gloom passing through them, but she nodded in agreement with Song XuYi’s words, “Indeed, it’s fortunate that he got his karma…”

He Siyu didn’t show any difference, as she finished teaching Song Xu Yi the problems as she always did, and hung up the video with her face straight as usual.

When she saw the screen go dark and could no longer see Song Xu Yi’s beautiful face that haunted her, she thought about the disgusting incident that Song Xu Yi had told her about when that boy had pestered her, He Siyu opened her folder and uploaded the evidence of that boy’s hit-and-run accident onto the forum…

Originally, she thought that the boy was just an ordinary harasser, but she didn’t expect him to harass Xu Yi so much, so don’t blame her for being unkind!

Although the hit-and-run incident was suppressed by the boy’s parents, the incident left a trail once it happened, and the boy was stupid enough to share the evidence on his small account.

He Siyu followed the information and clicked into the boy’s profile, and found that each of the boy’s posts had a certain account that leaves a comment and a like, and He Siyu clicked into the account and found a series of evidence in the album…

The boy in the small account boasted of his ‘great achievements’ in a gloating tone, and even though he had deleted the evidence long ago, He Siyu had saved the screenshots before.

One could imagine that when the news of the hit-and-run came out and public opinion started to fester, the school would definitely not leave the boy behind.

After all, He Siyu never believed in karma.

As she watched the post that had been posted go viral once again, He Siyu narrowed her eyes slightly: rather than expecting vain karma, she was more willing to take revenge herself and let the villain get the punishment he deserved!

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