Villainous Poor Student (19)

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Song Xu Yi felt that she had reacquainted herself with He Siyu after her senior year.

Song Xu Yi used to look at He Siyu from the perspective of an elder and felt that He Siyu was an outstanding junior who had worked hard to get ahead, but after two semesters of being tutored by He Siyu, Song Xu Yi suddenly realised that He Siyu had grown up to be even more outstanding than she had imagined.

He Siyu is a very strong learner, and just after her freshman year, she found a mentor and joined her mentor’s studio to work with the graduate students on research, and He Siyu is very smart and has strong self-discipline and time management skills.

He Siyu was very gentle and meticulous in tutoring Song Xu Yi, who even had a feeling that even if it wasn’t herself, anyone who was tutored by He Siyu like this could get into a prestigious school.

The hot June day soon arrived.

Song Xu Yi did not expect to meet He Siyu, who was standing outside the examination hall, after she came out of the room.

He Siyu stood under a tree with a sun umbrella. The people around her were the parents and grandparents of the candidates, and He Siyu, who was so fair and beautiful that she almost glowed, stood in the crowd as if she carried a barrier of her own, completely separating her from the people next to her.

“Why are you here?” Song Xu Yi was somewhat surprised as she walked up to He Siyu, who, after seeing her come over, showed a smile on her cool face and naturally took the school bag in Song Xu Yi’s hand: “I came back to see you after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.”

“How did your exams go?”

“It’s not bad!” Song Xu Yi reviewed her test paper and went under the umbrella held by He Siyu.

She looked up at He Siyu’s delicate face and was a little happy, but this happiness was not the same as the general happiness of the past, like a small sprout suddenly bursting out from the bottom of her heart and swaying from side to side…

But Song Xu Yi did not notice the change in her state of mind as she looked at He Siyu’s slim collarbone and sighed lowly: “Why do you look thinner and thinner after not seeing you for two months?”

Naturally, He Siyu would not reveal that she had been working day and night in the lab for many days for this holiday.

“Xu Yi,” He Siyu took a deep breath to hide the longing in her heart and turned to look at Song Xu Yi, “I often have to return to the dorm late at night in the lab, and I’m afraid of disturbing my roommates too much, so I’m planning to rent a house next to the school.”

“That’s good,” Song Xu Yi nodded, “This way you can be more comfortable, and you can cook and treat yourself during your normal breaks, otherwise your good cooking skills would be wasted…”

“But,” He Siyu bit her lower lip and glanced at Song Xu Yi with a hesitant look, “The house I’m looking to rent is a two bedroom house with good lighting and convenient transportation, next to the Capital University of Finance and Economics, and only a 20 minute drive to my school. It’s just that it’s a bit expensive, and I’ve been a bit strapped financially lately, and I don’t want to ask Uncle He and Auntie Wang for money…”

Is Siyu here to ask her for money?

Song Xu Yi immediately patted He Siyu’s shoulder, “Don’t worry about the money, I can lend you as much as you want…”

Song Xu Yi’s personal account associated with the company’s charity fund, she rarely looked at it, but she knew that she already had a great deal of wealth today, conservatively estimated to be more than ten times as much as Song father’s, and the last thing Song Xu Yi needed today was money.

“I’m not asking you to borrow money,” He Siyu’s pitiful expression on her face froze, and she gave Song Xu Yi a complicated look, understanding that Song Xu Yi probably couldn’t understand her subtle hints, so she simply played it straight: “I want to share a house with you, don’t you want to study at the Capital University of Finance and Economics? It just so happens that the house is also close to your school…”


Song Xu Yi lowered her eyes and hesitated a little in her heart.

She really wanted to study at the University of Finance and Economics, but she didn’t have the quality to get in, and… Song Xu Yi didn’t know what was wrong with her, but she felt a little weird sharing a house with He Siyu, and she was inexplicably a little shy——

Seeing Song Xu Yi’s expression, He Siyu’s eyes became deeper, but her face curved up, gently softening her voice: “It’s okay if you don’t want to share a house with me, there is a senior who is in contanct with me recently, although I always feel that senior is eerie and a bit scary, but I have studied martial arts for so many years, it should be okay to share a house with him… “

“How can that be!”

Song Xu Yi frowned almost instantly, shaking her head disapprovingly.

Song Xu Yi admonished in a serious tone, “Siyu you’re so pretty, why aren’t you at all wary? In case that senior of yours doesn’t have good intentions towards you, although you are indeed very good at fighting, there are nasty tricks in this world…”

He Siyu did not say anything, but silently hung her head.

Song Xu Yi looked at her like this and was speechless for a while, but only after she realized that even though He Siyu was a great student, she was still a student, and financial problems were indeed a big problem for her.

Song Xu Yi’s heart softened for a moment and she sighed and took He Siyu’s arm: “Alright, alright! Don’t think about that senior, I’ll live with you…”

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He Siyu pursed her lips and shook her head, her clear eyes looking at Song Xu Yi without blinking, “I don’t want to force you to——”

“No,” Song Xu Yi sighed and immediately answered, “I’m also busy with my company, and living in a dorm room would disturb others, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get into the University of Finance and Economics, and I’m afraid I’d be a drag to you… You love to clean and cook well, and I don’t seem to know how to do anything… “

Whether she can live there or not, she has to rent the housefirst, to ensure the safety of Siyu first! In the future, even if she rents the house, she may not be able to stay in it for a few days in accordance with her own virtue of travelling all the time…


“Then it’s settled!” He Siyu, however, seemed truly convinced by Song Xu Yi, looking up with a shy yet happy smile, “Xu Yi, don’t worry, you’ll definitely get in!”


He Siyu hung her head again and smiled as if she was embarrassed: “Between you and me, how can we say we’re dragging each other down? I’d love to do things for you…”

Originally, Song Xu Yi did not think much of the results, but seeing He Siyu’s anticipation of their future life together in a rented house, Song Xu Yi’s heart was a little more apprehensive, afraid that she would make a mistake and let He Siyu down…

Fortunately, after the results came out, Song Xu Yi still got into the University of Finance and Economics.

Song Xu Yi’s parents were overjoyed. They originally thought that Song Xu Yi would be able to get an ordinary undergraduate degree, but they did not expect that Song Xu Yi would be able to get into a university, and as it was Song Xu Yi’s 18th birthday at the end of August, Song Xu Yi’s parents decided to celebrate Song Xu Yi’s birthday by organising a very big banquet together.

He Siyu did not come home.

He Siyu had been too busy lately, spending all day in the lab and not coming back for the whole summer, so naturally she did not attend the party.

Song Xu Yi thought that He Siyu would not be as emotional as her parents, but when she sent a video to her in the evening, He Siyu was looking at Song Xu Yi and smiling in the video.

Song Xu Yi had never seen He Siyu so happy before. He Siyu’s beautiful face was overflowing with joy, and the red mole at the end of her eyes and her starry eyes were so beautiful that people dared not look at them.

Watching He Siyu’s happy smile in the video, Song Xu Yi unconsciously revealed a smile as well. Even though in her heart she thought it looked a bit silly for two people to smile at the computer screen like this, something sweet suddenly came out of her heart…

Song Xu Yi inexplicably began to look forward to the arrival of university life.

When the school season started in September, Song Xu Yi declined the escort of Song parents and arrived in the capital city alone.

As expected, Song Xu Yi had just stepped off the plane when she saw He Siyu waiting at the pick-up point.

He Siyu accompanied Song Xu Yi to register for school and then smiled as she took her back to their house.

The house she rented was only a five-minute walk from the Capital University of Finance and Economics and was in an extremely quiet neighbourhood.

The house was extremely well-lit and the furniture inside was new, seemingly recently replaced.

In the living room there is an oversized sofa filled with fluffy toys of all colours, and on the coffee table in front of the sofa there are many of Song Xu Yi’s favourite snacks, and a small white cat with blue eyes slithering around lazily strolling on the coffee table. The whole house has a warm light blue tone, with sunflowers in a vase, a bookshelf in front, a huge floor-to-ceiling window next to the bookshelf, and a spacious balcony with a small coffee table and two small wicker chairs…

The house suited Song Xu Yi’s aesthetic to a tee, and Song Xu Yi fell in love with it the moment she saw it——it seemed to be what Song Xu Yi’s subconscious home looked like.

Song Xu Yi didn’t hide her love for it, and when she entered, she jumped onto the big sofa, hugged the cat called ‘Xiao Bai’ and started inhaling it, while sighing comfortably towards He Siyu: “Siyu, I love this house so much… “

“No good,” the system looked at the little white cat in Song Xu Yi’s arms and inexplicably felt a bit of jealousy, speaking grimly, “My prototype is much cuter than it!”

“Your prototype is indeed cute,” remembering the system’s arrogant and cute little black cat prototype, Song Xu Yi did not refute the system’s words and nodded, “But your prototype won’t let me inhale it…”

The system made a rare silence.

Song Xu Yi rarely managed to silence the yin and yang system, and the smile on the corners of her mouth grew bigger as she was pleased with herself.

He Siyu, who had been watching Song Xu Yi’s expression until this point, sighed softly in relief.

“It’s good that you like it.” He Siyu stood aside and smiled at Song Xu Yi, answering softly, a dark light flowing under her eyes.

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——The image that had been on her mind for so long had finally appeared before her eyes: a warm home, home with her beloved Xu Yi.

Only He Siyu knew that she had been privately planning for this day ever since she found out last year that Song Xu Yi wanted to study at the Capital University of Finance and Economics.

He Siyu wasn’t actually poor, and her house wasn’t rented.

She had sold many practical patents over the years, and with the scholarships she had received over the years, even though she was not as well off as Song Xu Yi, she still had a considerable amount of savings.

He Siyu ran through all the neighbourhoods next to the University of Finance and Economics during the year, and then bought the house in rough condition.

No one knew Song Xu Yi’s preferences better than He Siyu, and no one understood Song Xu Yi’s goodness better than He Siyu: Song Xu Yi was so good that even though she didn’t notice it herself, He Siyu knew that there were already many people who had their eyes on Song Xu Yi in private…

For example, the children of Song father’s old friends, Mr. Zhao’s youngest son, and even… the genius research team leader of Song Xu Yi’s company.

But since Song Xu Yi hadn’t grown up before, these people didn’t have the face to take action even if they had the desire to do so, and now that Xu Yi was becoming more and more prominent, she had absolutely no advantage over these people, so all she could use was Xu Yi’s love for her face and the friendship between them over the years.

She had tried to let go of Xu Yi, but the distance and time had fermented the delusional thoughts in her heart, and on countless sleepless nights, He Siyu woke up from her dreams, dreaming of Song Xu Yi, who had done everything with her…

He Siyu knew that she had gone bad, perhaps as her stepfather He Biao had once insulted her: she was indeed a born stinker, bent on climbing up the ladder. However, the thought that Xu Yi would be with someone else caused endless jealousy and panic to well up in He Siyu’s heart, even to the point of wanting to break Xu Yi’s wings and hide her away where no one could see her, so that she could only look at herself with her heart full of…

And now it was her only chance——if she was any later, and Song Xu Yi had someone she liked in the future, she would be stuck in a dark swamp forever, with no relief for life.

So He Siyu carefully concealed her feelings in front of Song Xu Yi, and little by little she worked to make the rough house look like the one before her.

She took every precaution and step by step, and finally on this day, she abducted the girl she loved, back to her carefully prepared nest…

Song Xu Yi had originally rented the house with a dispensable mind, but after she had moved in, she couldn’t bear to move out——not only because everything in the house suited Song Xu Yi’s aesthetic, but also because she was so happy living with He Siyu!

He Siyu knew how to cook well, and every morning when Song Xu Yi woke up, He Siyu had prepared breakfast and helped Song Xu Yi with the clothes she would wear for the day.

By the time she returned at noon, He Siyu had already bought food and was cooking lunch, while Song Xu Yi was teasing her cat or giving He Siyu a hand… In the evening, after dinner, the two of them would take Xiao Bai for a walk along the boulevard together, the bright and beautiful He Siyu and the beautiful Song Xu Yi were two very different styles, yet the atmosphere between them was incomparably harmonious. No one seems to be able to get in between them…

Sometimes, when Song Xu Yi looked at He Siyu, who had a cold face next to her, a feeling would even faintly arise: if she were to stay in this world with He Siyu until she was old, perhaps this is how she would look…

This life lasted for half a month.

In order to adapt to the new university life and at the same time to complete the various procedures for the branch office in the capital, Song Xu Yi stayed in the capital for half a month, and only after the head of the hospital approved Song Xu Yi’s long leave of absence did Song Xu Yi start to work on the establishment of the branch office in the capital again.

Nowadays, OSN is almost known all over the world, but some competing companies have also emerged. In an environment where a hundred companies are competing, the only way to survive in the competitive business environment and be recognised by consumers is to keep a tight string on their back and keep trying to improve.

At the same time, a small, unknown company has started to apply for registration in the capital.

This small company started with only five founders, including He Siyu, and the registered capital was only a few tens of thousands of dollars invested by He Siyu, the rest of the founders were all school students like He Siyu, the rest of them only had the intention of playing around and gaining some experience to partner with He Siyu in research and development, only He Siyu knew the future direction and path of this small company.

He Siyu wants to build a car.

In recent years, He Siyu has been keeping an eye on the Xu Group’s developments. As private cars have been growing at a rapid pace over the years, and as the Xu Group relies on the machinery and equipment industry, many of its concepts and equipment are common to car building, the Xu Group published a company plan a few years ago: in the next few years, it will invest its major capital flow into car building.

Now that the vehicles built by the Xu Group have started to be marketed, mainly in the mid-range price range, and have achieved good sales, the Xu Group has once again increased its capital investment…

He Siyu intended to use this as a breakthrough.

There is a saying that He Siyu acknowledges: in order to make trans-generational changes, one must first have trans-generational vision.

Unlike the current petrol cars, which emit exhaust fumes, pollute the environment and depend on people to steer them, He Siyu wants to develop an electric automatic control car that is completely human-free and reduces safety accidents——

Once such a car hits the market, it will be a big change to the whole world’s car landscape. Both high-grade and low-grade cars are better off seeking a way out, and the one that will be hit the hardest is Xu Hongjiang’s mid-range Xu’s car.

Song Xu Yi was unaware that He Siyu had privately started creating the company.

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Like any ordinary person who wants to look good in front of his or her crush, He Siyu wanted to make the best impression on Song Xu Yi, and as her small company was like an ant to a giant tree in front of Song Xu Yi, He Siyu did not want Song Xu Yi to know that she had started a company for the time being.

What’s more, He Siyu’s company was in trouble not long after it was started.

Research and development is a costly affair.

Unlike Song Xu Yi, who had met Mr. Zhao when she first started out, He Siyu’s initial capital for research and development soon ran out, and He Siyu had to ask for the contact numbers of several investors who were interested in investing in the direction of scientific research from her mentor, intending to convince them to invest their capital in the company.

However the process did not go well.

He Siyu’s concept just seemed too advanced at the moment, and He Siyu was too young and pretty. Investors generally thought that He Siyu was not capable of developing a new energy car, and there were even a few lecherous and underhanded ones who asked He Siyu, in words, to ‘devote himself to technology’, and he would invest in He Siyu as long as she committed herself to them——

Naturally, He Siyu did not pay any attention to these people. She wanted to take revenge on Xu Hongjiang, but she had already thought about it and was prepared for a long struggle.

But He Siyu could bear it, not so in the eyes of some people.

Li Qing has been secretly in love with He Siyu for six years. In her mind, He Siyu is proud, powerful and all-powerful, but her only flaw is that she is too blindly in love with Song Xu Yi.

Li Qing’s grades were not particularly impressive, but in order to catch up with He Siyu, she also enrolled in a school in the capital.

Li Qing could not understand Song Xu Yi’s attraction to He Siyu, and being jealous and hateful, Li Qing began to secretly follow Song Xu Yi and He Siyu, intending to imitate Song Xu Yi’s words and actions. She was also persistent, and as she couldn’t enter Song Xu Yi’s company, she squatted at the entrance, but she did occasionally make some ‘discoveries’——

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect the head of her research team at the head office to come over to the Beijing branch on business. This boy was also a young and talented man, not too far removed from Song Xu Yi’s age.

It was only when the other man said that he was thinking of Song Xu Yi that Song Xu Yi realised that the research team leader had come for her.

Song Xu Yi shook her head and refused him.

The research team leader was a little frustrated at hearing this, and finally asked Song Xu Yi to give her a hug as a way to end his unrequited love.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t bear to say no again and politely hugged the research team leader, but to her surprise, this image was captured by Li Qing who was crouching at the entrance of the company with her latest mobile phone and exposed it to He Siyu.

“She was able to get an internship at OSN, she must have gone through this man’s connections…” Li Qing held up the photo and showed it to He Siyu: even though the pixels of the photo were blurry, she could still recognize it as Song Xu Yi: “Siyu, she’s a woman who sees things differently, she’s not worthy of you …”

Before Li Qing could finish her sentence, it caught in her throat.

She looked into He Siyu’s eyes: He Siyu’s eyes did not have a trace of warmth, they were cold and harsh, as if they contained frost.

“Get lost!” He Siyu deleted the photos from the phone and threw it back to Li Qing, looking at Li Qing’s back as she stumbled and ran away, He Siyu pursed her lips, but her mood was not as calm as she showed:

Jealousy was like a bone-chilling worm, growing out of her body: the research team leader was young and talented, and he was also clean-looking, and Xu Yi had had a hard time poaching him from a small company, and he and Xu Yi had been friends all the way through, although Xu Yi had never been concerned with propriety and rarely acted outside the boundaries with the opposite sex…

The uneasy string in the heart is completely tense, as if it will break at any moment——

At the same time, Song Xu Yi also knew that He Siyu had opened a company and was soliciting investment.

It was Mr. Zhao who called to tell Song Xu Yi. Mr. Zhao was friends with an investor whom He Siyu had visited, and when he went to visit him, he saw He Siyu’s name on the cover of the plan in the trash.

Song Xu Yi was heartbroken——such a brilliant Siyu had produced something from her heart, but it was actually treated so lightly by these investors.

However, He Siyu could not be reached on the phone this day, and when she returned it was already late at night.

The look on He Siyu’s face was somewhat cold, and her body still smelled faintly of alcohol. Seeing her like this, Song Xu Yi thought she was upset because she hadn’t pulled in an investment, so she couldn’t help but stand up and take He Siyu’s hand: “Siyu, I have something to tell you…”

What is it? Is it to tell her that she already has a boy she likes?

He Siyu looked at Song Xu Yi in front of her, her mind was full of the image of Song Xu Yi and that team leader hugging each other in the phone, and she closed her eyes in pain.

But Song Xu Yi thought that He Siyu had a headache because of the alcohol she had consumed, so she sighed and rubbed He Siyu’s temples, shoving the cheque into He Siyu’s hand.

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He Siyu did not take the cheque and opened her eyes to look at her quietly.

“This… you take this money,” He Siyu’s eyes were inexplicably palpitating, with eyes that looked like they were hiding a dark storm. Meeting He Siyu’s eyes, Song Xu Yi’s speech could not help but stutter more…

Should she say that she already knew that she was seeking investment? Siyu had such pride…


Song Xu Yi said ‘I’ for a long time, but did not make up her mind whether or not to pierce this layer of window paper.

He Siyu’s fist at her side became tighter as she gritted her teeth and stared at Song Xu Yi’s constantly opening and closing red lips, the storm in her eyes growing thicker, her heart throbbing in pain.

Was she so afraid to say it out loud? It was just to tell her that she had someone she liked…

The string in her mind was completely tensed at that moment!

He Siyu suddenly laughed out coldly and reached out to grab Song Xu Yi’s hand.

The force in He Siyu’s hand was so strong that Song Xu Yi struggled subconsciously, but could not break free——

“I gave you the chance to speak up.” Song Xu Yi heard He Siyu suddenly speak without thinking. He Siyu’s eyes had become extremely dark and aggressive, but her eyes contained a few tears, like a wounded lone wolf in the darkness…

When she saw such a He Siyu, Song Xu Yi’s heart subconsciously throbbed with pain.

“The actual fact that you can’t say it, then don’t say it in the future——” He Siyu pursed her lips again and then continued.

She seemed to have made up her mind about something and slowly lowered her head. Little by little, it got closer and closer to Song Xu Yi’s lips…

“You misunderstood!” Looking at the beautiful face that was getting closer, Song Xu Yi’s eyes widened, her heart gradually beat faster, her face suddenly turned red, but her mind was clear as never before, she understood that He Siyu seemed to have misunderstood something, and panicked and tried to shake the cheque in her hand: “I know that you are starting a business, and I want to invest in it for you——”

He Siyu’s movements stopped.

Song Xu Yi sighed with relief, like a dehydrated fish being put back into the sea, watching He Siyu’s gloomy eyes move over the cheque in her hand…

It seemed like a moment, but it also seemed like a long time had passed, when He Siyu finally let go of her grip on Song Xu Yi’s hands and silently took the cheque and put it in her school bag.

Song Xu Yi’s heart finally settled down and she took a few low breaths, shrinking back into the sofa without a trace, but the heat in her cheeks did not decrease in the slightest: what exactly does Siyu meant tonight…

With a ‘rip’, the zip of the schoolbag closed.

He Siyu once again turned around.

This time, her eyes returned to their previous brightness, but they were filled with a sentiment that made Song Xu Yi’s heart startle.

“You know, don’t you?”

He Siyu suddenly smiled and sat down on the sofa again, looking at Song Xu Yi who was trying hard to cower inward, reaching out and wrapping her arms around Song Xu Yi’s waist and bringing her gently, Song Xu Yi’s whole body fell into her arms…

“I like you, Xu Yi!”

He Siyu lowered her head and gazed earnestly into Song Xu Yi’s eyes. The faint taste of alcohol flowed between her lips and teeth, and Song Xu Yi felt as if her whole body was also a little smoky, her heart beating faster, as if she had suddenly lost the strength to resist, and subconsciously closed her eyes.

Looking at such a Song Xu Yi, He Siyu once again laughed lightly.

“What to do?” She sighed and reached out to touch Song Xu Yi’s face, a low murmur spilling out from her lips, “There is no way to repay the kindness of financial support, it seems like all that is left is to give my body in return——”


——He Siyu dropped her head towards the red lips she had been longing for for years, and kissed them gently…

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