Villainous Poor Student (20)

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Song Xu Yi had no idea how things had proceeded to this point.

The familiar scent of He Siyu’s body lingered around the slightly intoxicating taste of plum wine on her lips, and the heat from He Siyu’s body passed through the thin shirt, seeming to melt Song Xu Yi slowly…

The presence of He Siyu is unprecedentedly strong in her eyes, and the implication of possession in her eyes is even more alarming.

Song Xu Yi’s body was hot and her hands and feet were weak, but He Siyu’s face was so beautiful that it made her heart tremble and her scent was something she had long been accustomed to, and Song Xu Yi was so confused that she couldn’t think of breaking away.

Song Xu Yi was extremely blushing.

She did not dare to look at He Siyu, who looked so seductive and sexy even with her breath, so she held her breath and closed her eyes tightly.

However, after closing her eyes, the touch of her body was even more intense, and Song Yi could clearly feel He Siyu’s breathing was incomparably hot, and her lips were rubbing and pecking at her lips…

Once or twice…

This feeling was too torturous.

“That’s enough for you…”

Song Xu Yi tried to break free but couldn’t, so she could only speak in a whisper. Her voice took on a crying tone, so soft that water seemed to drip out of it, “You’ve already kissed more than 20 times!”

“That’s enough?”

Suddenly a soft laugh of mirth came from her lips instead.

“Silly Xu Yi…”

He Siyu suddenly sighed out, her voice with obvious pleasure and doting, but her voice line was even more dull and low than usual listening to Song Xu Yi’s aching bones and pursing her lips tighter.

However, immediately afterwards, a pain came from Song Xu Yi’s lower lip, followed by a wet and sticky touch at the wound…

She… actually?!

The poor Song Xu Yi’s eyes widened in shock as she opened her mouth in pain, and the next moment she was invaded by He Siyu, who had been deliberately waiting…

Song Xu Yi was too dizzy to say how she felt.

It was only when she was caught in the waves and their breaths were intertwined that she understood the reason why He Siyu was laughing at her.

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Only now did she realize that kissing… was more than just touching lips…

It was clear that He Siyu had never had a relationship before, yet her kissing skills seemed to be innately superior, and poor Song Xu Yi was so weak that she wanted to faint, but He Siyu seemed to have seen through Song Xu Yi’s thoughts, and when Song Xu Yi couldn’t breathe, she would retreat a little, only to come back for another kiss when she thought she was safe…

Song Xu Yi didn’t know how long had passed before someone between them finally fainted.

However, that person was not Song Xu Yi.

He Siyu finally pecked Song Xu Yi’s cheek and laughed lowly, laughing so hard that Song Xu Yi wanted to explode on the spot, then she hugged Song Xu Yi’s neck contentedly and closed her eyes and fell asleep…

Song Xu Yi struggled a little, but the sleeping He Siyu seemed to frown, so Song Xu Yi didn’t dare to move again. She looked up at the sky and took small breaths, not even daring to breathe hard for fear of waking He Siyu up again.

Her lips were a little sore and would probably swell up tomorrow, her heart was still beating fast, and it took a long time before it slowly subsided…

Thinking back on the night, Song Xu Yi almost wanted to shed tears——

How had it developed into this?

Siyu said she liked her.

Then she kissed her…

Song Xu Yi’s mind recalled all the experiences she had had with He Siyu since she met her, but she could not imagine that He Siyu had such thoughts about her, and she felt so confused that she did not know what kind of attitude she should take to face He Siyu.

When the system saw Song Xu Yi’s pitiful look after being bullied, it appeared out of her mind and sighed, “I have long felt that He Siyu was not well intentioned, but I never thought that she would actually force you.”

Song Xu Yi’s eyes moved slightly, pursed her lips and spoke softly, “Actually, it doesn’t count as a forced kiss, because I didn’t even try to avoid it…”

“That’s because she pinpointed your heartache, she deliberately confused you!” The system plucked up its voice, sounding pained, “Don’t you forget the tasker’s rule, you can’t fall in love!”

Song Xu Yi hung her head and didn’t say another word.

She was actually not afraid of the so-called Tasker Rule, as the Lord God did not seem to be reliable, yet Song Xu Yi was reminded of her status as a Tasker.

——What kind of existence was this small world?

Was the He Siyu in front of her a human being or just a cold collection of data?


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Even though each world erases her memory of that most important person, will these memories come back when she finally comes out of the small world?

At that time, how would she be able to deal with herself?

Song Xu Yi knows her own character: every time she sets her mind on a goal, she goes for it wholeheartedly…

If she were to be with He Siyu, and He Siyu was just a passing visitor in a sea of people, how devastating would she be when she finally remembered all this…

The temperature on her cheeks cooled down a little, Song Xu Yi closed her eyes, gently pushed He Siyu away and went to her room to start packing her things.

There was really too much in between herself and He Siyu.

Her feelings are not something that her current self can afford to ask for.

It’s better to let He Siyu calm down!

He Siyu may have fallen in love with her because she has had too little contact with people, but after the two of them have separated she will calm down and perhaps let go of this thought.

Song Xu Yi wasn’t afraid that He Siyu wouldn’t be able to let her go: she remembered that He Siyu seemed to have fallen out of love once in high school, but she got over it quickly…

This time, He Siyu is a little older and probably won’t be as hurt.

Song Xu Yi escaped.

She bought a ticket to the central city overnight and hurried to the local branch without taking anyone with her.

While taking a nap on the plane, Song Xu Yi had a dream.

In the dream, Song Xu Yi was hiding in a corner looking at a woman whose face she could not see. Even though she could not see the woman’s face, Song Xu Yi knew that the woman was incomparably good.

In the dream, Song Xu Yi seemed to have had many chance encounters with that woman.


Was this her own memory or was it just an ordinary dream?

However, Song Xu Yi did not have the energy to think about it afterwards, she woke up with a splitting headache, it was the time to cool down, Song Xu Yi left the airport without an umbrella and got caught in the rain, she had a high fever the next day…

Song Xu Yi didn’t tell anyone but the local branch that she was going on this trip.

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Song Xu Yi did not expect to be sick either.

She lay in the hotel and slept for two days, eating the take-away food sent to her by the local staff. However, Song Xu Yi’s taste had been spoiled by He Siyu’s good cooking, and she felt that the take-away food tasted like wax, and she couldn’t help but think of He Siyu, her reverent and delighted look when she kissed her, the way she took care of her…

If it wasn’t for love, who would take such good care of a person and pay attention to her preferences?


“Xu Yi, you are in bad shape!”

On the third day Song Xu Yi was awakened by the system’s anxious voice.

Song Xu Yi also felt that something was wrong: her head was heavy, her mouth was bitter, and her brain hurt so much that it seemed like it was going to explode——

There was a knock at the door, and Song Xu Yi stood up, slipping on her slippers, and ran to the door, but just as she got up, the sky spun——

When Song Xu Yi woke up, it was already late afternoon.

She was in the hospital, her hand was on a drip, and she felt like she had been in a huge battle, all sticky and sweaty, but also much more comfortable.

There was a person sitting in front of the bed in the ward, and when she saw the cold, frosty face of He Siyu, Song Xu Yi felt that her whole body turned sour!

——The last person Song Xu Yi wanted to see today was He Siyu.

He Siyu did not look at Song Xu Yi.

She pursed her lips, put a pillow under Song Xu Yi’s waist, picked up a bowl and started feeding Song Xu Yi the congee…

The congee tasted soft and sticky, obviously freshly boiled by He Siyu, Song Xu Yi stole a glance and saw the greenish blackness under He Siyu’s eyes, she dropped her eyes sheepishly, and suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable in her heart——

The two of them were obviously the most compatible partners before, but now there was a stiff and awkward atmosphere between them, and they were worse than strangers…

After finishing the congee, Song Xu Yi’s drip bag was almost done, so the nurse came over and pulled out the needle and took out the mercury thermometer to take Song Xu Yi’s temperature, while looking at Song Xu Yi, she couldn’t help but sigh: “Why did you come to the hospital only after your fever reached over 40 degrees? Luckily your friend brought you here, otherwise you might have been burnt to a stupid state…”

“Your friend was on the verge of tears when she brought you here earlier-“

Song Xu Yi glanced at He Siyu: He Siyu was silent as she opened her laptop, still not looking at Song Xu Yi.

Song Xu Yi’s fever had gone down by now.

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The nurse told Song Xu Yi to observe the fever overnight and that she could be discharged the next morning if there was no problem.

Once the nurse left, the whole ward was quiet again.

He Siyu sat on the next bed, opened CAD and started to draw the parts needed for research and development…

The only sound that could be heard in the whole ward was He Siyu tapping on the keyboard.


Song Xu Yi lay on the bed and pursed her lips, feeling that the stalemate between the two could not continue like this, and finally took the lead in opening the conversation.

“Si, Siyu, why are you here?”

“Came to look for you,” He Siyu’s tapping on the keyboard stopped, but her eyes were still looking at the screen.

“I’m sorry,” said Song Xu Yi as the words came out naturally after opening her mouth, and she took a deep breath and hung her head, “I just couldn’t face the change in our relationship and wanted to compose myself…”

“Siuu, I think you may not have been in touch with enough people to mistake affection for love. Let’s all pretend that that night never happened, maybe you should try to reach out to more people…”

There was a long silence.

“I was drunk that night, so I did something irrational,” He Siyu said before speaking softly, her voice dark and low.

Song Xu Yi sighed with relief, thinking that He Siyu was ready to take this step down, when she was surprised to see He Siyu turn her head back and laugh coldly: “You thought I would answer like that, didn’t you?”

Song Xu Yi’s eyes widened: not only because of He Siyu’s words, but also because of He Siyu’s state at this moment——He Siyu was crying.

He Siyu’s pretty face was as pale as snow, her eyes were red, and her eyes were obviously filled with tears, but she still curled her lips towards her with difficulty, looking desperate and miserable…

Seeing such a miserable He Siyu, Song Xu Yi was heartbroken and even wanted to slap herself——she had actually let He Siyu shed tears because of her!

“Song Xu Yi, do you have a heart?”

He Siyu looked at Song Xu Yi’s appearance and closed her eyes, laughing out loud in self-deprecation, “Ever since high school, I’ve often dreamt of kissing you and even doing more excessive things to you in my dreams, you think this is me treating you like a sister?”

“Song Xu Yi,” the desperation in He Siyu’s eyes faded a little, and for the first time, she didn’t hide the dark, stubborn look in her eyes, “I can promise you anything else——”

“But… no one can talk me out of liking you, not even you!”

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