Villainous Prince (1)

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When Song Xu Yi woke up, she was wearing the helmet that had extracted her memories.

Her chest was empty as if something had suddenly been taken away from her, and there was a sudden and strange emptiness.

“What happened to me?” Song Xu Yi frowned, recalling her memories of the world she had just lived in. Although she remembered most of her experiences, everything was like a veil, too vague to contemplate.

“I think you’re a little uncomfortable now that your memories have been extracted!” The system’s voice was unprecedentedly soft and carefully sounded as if it had a hint of weakness in it, as it squirmed and walked to Song Xu Yi and hesitantly squatted down next to Song Xu Yi’s hand, rubbing against her palm.


Song Xu Yi didn’t expect the system to be so nice all of a sudden, so she let go of the slight weirdness in her heart and happily rubbed the system.

“Don’t worry, there will be no more accidents in the timeline this time, I will keep an eye on it” the system assured Song Xu Yi with conviction, and then looked up at Song Xu Yi: “But Xu Yi, you must remember the first rule of the taker’s code to never fall in love in the small world…”

Song Xu Yi yawned and gave a vague ‘mmm’ as she lay back down on the platform.

The system was a little anxious not to hear Song Xu Yi’s assurance, but on second thought the villain of this world seemed to be at odds with Song Xu Yi’s preferred sexual orientation so it let go and let Song Xu Yi go to the small world.

When Song Xu Yi woke up again, she found herself sleeping in a large, soft bed.

The sun outside the carved wooden window looked incomparably hot and the cicadas were chirping, and the cacophony of sounds made people feel hot and bored.

There was a tray of ice in front of the bed, and at the end of the bed stood two little girls with their heads hanging down and fanning themselves. The little girls were dressed in the same pink palace dress, and were about fourteen or fifteen years old, with clear, white faces.

Song Xu Yi took a look around the magnificent and ancient looking room and had a guess in her mind. Turning over and closing her eyes again, Song Xu Yi received the plot summary of this world.

As expected, this is an ancient world.

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Song Xu Yi’s country is called Lishui Kingdom, an ancient inland country with many rivers and lakes, and the hero, Song He, is the prince of Lishui Kingdom.

Song He loves the naive and beautiful Liu Rumeng, but she does not like Song He at first and is in love with Nie Qian Yu, the prince of the Wu Kingdom. In order to woo her, Song He begs the emperor to marry Liu Rumeng as the crown prince’s concubine, and with the intention of disturbing the internal affairs of the Wu Kingdom, he let Nie Qian Yu escape to the Wu Kingdom. When Liu Rumeng first married Song He, she hated him with a deep-seated hatred and was never kind to him.

Liu Rumeng is eventually moved by Song He’s series of actions and falls in love with him. The two were set to have a happy ending, but then the villain, Nie Qian Yu, started to make a mess of things. Soon after his return to the country, Nie Qian Yu is crowned Emperor of the Wu Kingdom. He changes his weak appearance and reforms the country’s internal shortcomings, and trains the army… The people of the Wu Kingdom are already brave and warlike, and under Nie Qian Yu’s leadership they soon become strong again, repeatedly invading the borders of the Lishui Kingdom.

However, Nie Qian Yu, who had been lurking in the Lishui Kingdom for many years, had long been aware of Song He’s character and had deduced his tactics, and before Song He could even get a firm foothold at the border, he was attacked by Nie Qian Yu.

After the news of Song He’s death reaches the Capital City of Lidu, Liu Rumeng chooses to follow Song He to the afterlife, ending her life with a white silk…


The world line had collapsed to such an extent that the Lord God had to send Song Xu Yi once again.

As for the identity of Song Xu Yi’s body at this time, the Lord God still adhered to the principle that high status is good for business and gave Song Xu Yi a more prominent identity – Song He’s half-sister, the First Princess of Lishui Kingdom.

Song Xu Yi arrived here not too early and not too late, in the second year after Song He arrived in Lishui Kingdom as a hostage.

This body is still a cannon fodder character in the plot summary.

Because of the richness and economic development of the country, the nobility gradually developed a fondness for clothes and beauty. The original body, like many girls of her age, also fell in love at first sight with Nie Qian Yu, who was as beautiful as a jade tree or a bright moon, but although Nie Qian Yu was cold and arrogant, he was only a son of the empire who could be stepped on by anyone.

The original body treated Nie Qian Yu with great affection and was determined to cultivate a relationship with him in order to make him her consort, taking him with her everywhere she went. Later, while following the original on a hunting trip, Nie Qian Yu was bitten by a poisonous snake in order to protect the Emperor, and with the original’s kind words, the Emperor gave Nie Qian Yu a residence and allowed Nie Qian Yu to leave the palace and arranged a job of repairing paperwork for him.

Nie Qian Yu moved into the residence given to him by the Emperor and began to recite poetry and to paint and calligraphy, and with his mesmerising face, he soon became the “most talented man in the world”, a favourite among noblewomen.

Everyone was paralysed by the phenomenon Nie Qian Yu was displaying, thinking he had lost his political ambition. After all, the people of the Wu Kingdom were known for their bravery and warrior prowess, so who would have thought that their Crown Prince would spend his days indulging in calligraphy and painting? What’s more, Nie Qian Yu’s physique was not as tall and lanky as that of a traditional Wu man; he was long and lean, more like the traditional literati of the Lishui Kingdom.

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The news of the change in the Crown Prince meant that Nie Qian Yu became the outcast of the Wu Kingdom. As if fearing trouble, Nie Qian Yu began to keep his doors closed and rarely went out, but his beautiful face still caused a lot of trouble for him, even though his intentions were known to the world, he was still the cause of much jealousy and fighting among noblewomen.

Who would have thought that the outcast Crown Prince, whose best prospect was to become the Princess’s consort, would have the ambition to unite the two kingdoms? And that he would single-handedly ignite a prolonged war between the two?

Fortunately, it has not yet come to that.


After receiving the information, Song Xu Yi opened her eyes as her mind settled on a plan for her time in this world.

At this time, Nie Qian Yu was twelve years old and Song Xu Yi was eleven.

Some years ago, there were voices in the court of Lishui Kingdom to attack the Wu Kingdom. The ruler of the Wu Kingdom was aware of this and knew that his country was vulnerable, so he immediately sent an envoy to Lishui Kingdom to pay a large amount of jewellery, horses and weapons to the kingdom and sent the Crown Prince Nie Qian Yu as a hostage.

No one knows how Nie Qian Yu spent the first few years of his life in Lishui, but it seems that he first appeared at the age of fifteen.

On that day, the new scholar was paraded through the streets, and many noble girls were crowding around the royal list to find a good match. The young man, dressed in white, who asked the scholar for advice and was told by the scholar about his ‘talent of Lidu’, and who looked a bit young and formal, captured the hearts of almost all the noble girls present.

Fortunately, the future face of Nie Qian Yu was still not much more than a young carrot head, living in a remote palace.

Song Xu Yi planned to check on Nie Qian Yu’s situation first, if she could take care of this trouble, everything after that would be much smoother.

“I want to go out for a walk.”

Thinking that it was dusk and the temperature outside had almost cooled down, Song Xu Yi straightened up and ordered the two palace maids beside her.

When she heard Song Xu Yi speak, a palace maid immediately left the door in fear and trepidation, followed by a line of people walking in with fans, towels, food and toys behind Song Xu Yi, and a step carriage already parked at the entrance.

For many years, the Lishui Kingdom has been growing, and the power of the clans are strong. The Emperor is determined to restrain the clans, and does not want the country to fall into the hands of one of them, even though there are many concubines in the palace, the Emperor has very few children, only three sons and one daughter, and all three sons were born to women of low status, while the only daughter, Song Xu Yi, was born to the Empress, who is the first daughter of the Wang family, from the highest clan.

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Even though the Emperor and the clans are scornful of each other, the Emperor is extremely fond of Song Xu Yi, his daughter, and the Empress also favours her daughter, so it can be said that the original body is loved by thousands in the palace, and even Prince Song He has to avoid her.

The original’s temper was not good, and those who served around her were all a bit trembling.

Song Xu Yi sighed in her heart and looked at the silent group of people around her, and was in no hurry to change the persona of the original, so she got into the step carriage and started to saunter around the palace. The people waiting in the palace heard the news of Song Xu Yi’s trip and retreated, and no one else was seen on the roads Song Xu Yi passed.

The two eunuchs who were walking in front of the road were in distress.

Song Xu Yi seemed to be aimless, but in fact she was subconsciously heading in the direction where Nie Qian Yu lived, and the further she went, the more remote the road became, and the ruined walls and weeds even began to appear around them.

The two eunuchs were trembling with fear that they would be punished by Song Xu Yi if they were slow, and were sweating profusely, when they saw a young man dressed in black lying on one of the palace walls, thinking that he was probably a young eunuch from one of the cold palaces, they naturally shouted out, “Over there, come and give us a hand!”

A nest of sparrows flew up from the wall, and the black shadow’s body seemed to stiffen for a long time before he slowly walked up to Song Xu Yi with his head lowered, and together with the two eunuchs, they silently brushed away the weeds to make way.

The black shadow was not very tall, about one and a half metres tall, and looked very thin.

Song Xu Yi was completely lost when she arrived at this area, and thinking that the black shadow should be familiar with the road, she asked in a voice, “Do you know where the hostage from the Wu Kingdom lives? The salt-free fruits they brought over from the Wu Kingdom are extremely delicious, so I would like to ask him to see if there are any left?”

The black shadow’s hands moved with a start.

“The princess is asking you a question! Are you mute?” The eunuch next to him began to speak again.

“I am Nie Qian Yu of the Wu Kingdom.”

The black shadow was silent for a moment before turning around, raising his head and bowing towards Song Xu Yi: “Greetings, Princess…”

Song Xu Yi’s eyes widened, not expecting Nie Qian Yu to be right in front of her, and what made Song Xu Yi even more astonished was Nie Qian Yu’s appearance——

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The sunset cast an orange glow across the sky, casting a gilded hue on Nie Qian Yu’s entire body. The black-clad boy with slightly dishevelled hair had a straight back, his features were impeccably delicate, his eyes seemed to be crushed with stars, especially the red mole at the end of his eyes, which gave his entire body an androgynous beauty, making him look even more exquisite…

Song Xu Yi understood why the original kept chasing after Nie Qian Yu! Before meeting Nie Qian Yu, Song Xu Yi had never imagined that anyone could be so good looking!

And judging from the surroundings, Nie Qian Yu’s residence was probably in extremely poor condition too…

No wonder Nie Qian Yu later attacked the Lishui Kingdom!

Song Xu Yi knew that people in the palace were always trying to overtake each other and that Nie Qian Yu’s life in the palace was probably not easy… but she never thought that Nie Qian Yu’s life would be so bad that he would have to mend the walls himself…

Song Xu Yi thought for a moment that if she were in his position, she would not be able to handle it…

Fortunately, Nie Qian Yu had not been here long enough to atone for it on her own.

“Salt-free fruits only grow once a year and are extremely difficult to preserve, so I don’t have much left here…” Nie Qian Yu was not condescending and once again arched his hand towards Song Xu Yi.

Song Xu Yi, however, smiled.

“I didn’t travel in vain,” Song Xu Yi met Nie Qian Yu’s slightly confused eyes, her eyes completed a crescent moon, she smiled very happily, jumped down from the step carriage amidst the exclaims of the eunuchs and palace maids, ran quickly to Nie Qian Yu and took his hand: “I found a beautiful little brother. “

“Prince Nie, come back to the palace with me! I’ll raise you from now on…”

Song Xu Yi was determined to keep Nie Qian Yu by her side, with her watchful eye and good education and good food and wine, she didn’t believe that Nie Qian Yu would turn out to be as dark and vengeful as he was in the original storyline!

The author something to say:

Little Nie’s real name is Nie Qian Yu.

Xu Yi does not know she is female at the moment, so she is uniformly referred to as ‘he’ instead.

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