Villainous Prince (2)

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Nie Qian Yu seemed to be unaccustomed to being touched and turned around without a trace when Song Xu Yi leaned over, “I am ashamed to say that my humble body has been favoured by the princess.”

But Song Xu Yi ignored his courtesy and pretended not to notice Nie Qian Yu’s avoidance and stepped forward to take his arm again, half forcing Nie Qian Yu forward, “This place really doesn’t suit you… You’re staying with me…”

Song Xu Yi had learned fighting skills in the previous world, and remembering the description of Nie Qian Yu’s strong martial arts skills in the later plot, she tried it out subtly, but it seemed that Nie Qian Yu did not have the same strong martial arts skills as in the later days, not even being able to break free when pinned down by Song Xu Yi, and could only purse his lips in a stoic manner——

After realising this, the smile on Song Xu Yi’s face became more genuine.

And the people around stared in awe at the way Song Xu Yi looked when she was holding Nie Qian Yu.

This princess is a pampered and indulgent girl who often has strange and bizarre ideas. When she sees something she likes, she wants it by all means, and everyone in the palace spoils her, but never does they imagine that she would want a man on a whim this time!

If it had been another eunuch, it would have been fine, but it was a sensitive hostage of an enemy kingdom, and such a person was not something that Song Xu Yi could just ask for at a word.

Song Xu Yi’s attendants tried to dissuade her, but when Song Xu Yi saw Nie Qian Yu, she was so enchanted that she didn’t even sit in the carriage anymore and took Nie Qian Yu’s hand to ask questions, and finally dragged Nie Qian Yu straight to her palace!

The people under her authority did not dare to stop her all the way through, and could only be thankful that no one dared to come out to see Song Xu Yi’s notorious reputation. After following Song Xu Yi back to the palace in fear, they hurriedly sent someone out to bring help——to the middle palace to invite Empress Wang.

The Empress was having dinner at the time and was so shocked to hear that her precious daughter had taken the risk of bringing a foreign boy into the palace that she stopped eating and rushed to her daughter’s palace in a hurry.

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The headache inducing chaotic daughter was sitting in a crouched position on a cushion in a manner not seen before and was looking at a teenager eating in front of her with a smile in her eyes.

When she saw Empress Wang coming, Song Xu Yi tilted her head towards her and gave a smile, her voice pleasantly shouting, “Empress Mother.”

When her daughter was a child, she was a good girl, but in recent years, she had a grumpy face, and when she meets her daughter, she is mostly cold-faced. However, at this moment, when she met Song Xu Yi’s smiling face, Empress Wang was stunned, and half of her anger was immediately gone.

“Xu Yi, I heard that you are going to keep the Prince of Wu Kingdom to stay in your palace?”

“There are so many good-looking people in the world,” Empress Wang took a deep breath and slowed down her voice, squatting down in front of Song Xu Yi and coaxing her in a long and serious voice: “Xu Yi is a good girl, Empress Mother will help you find some better-looking people to accompany you in the future.”

Song Xu Yi did not lose her temper as Empress Wang had expected.

With a smile still on her face, Song Xu Yi turned her head to look at Nie Qian Yu and said with a smile, “Mother, you should look at him first.”

The Empress then followed Song Xu Yi’s line of sight and looked at the young man’s flawless face, opening her mouth in mute silence.

Such a fine and beautiful face for a man or a woman is the ultimate craft of the heavens, and it would be rare for the heavens to make another one, let alone a few more beautiful than him!

No wonder her daughter is smitten.

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The Empress frowned.

“Mother, I am serious this time.” Empress Wang heard Song Xu Yi speak again in a soft voice: “I have repented carefully after seeing Prince Nie’s situation. I have been living in a honeypot and have done all sorts of ridiculous things in the past. From now on, I only want to take Prince Nie with me and reform my heart, and learn to be a responsible princess who works for the welfare of the people, so that I can be worthy of the people’s support…”

Empress Wang did not expect Song Xu Yi to say such words and gave her a surprised glance. Even Nie Qian Yu, who had been watching from the sidelines, raised her eyes to look at Song Xu Yi.

Even though her daughter looked very sincere, Empress Wang did not feel that her daughter, who had been passionate for three minutes, had the determination to put her words into practice, for after all, Song Xu Yi’s words were too distant, and this was a time when men were the most dominant, and the sects were divided, so it was extremely difficult for Song Xu Yi to put her words into practice.

The Empress’s heart immediately grew fonder of Nie Qian Yu: it was because of his presence that her daughter, who had always been capricious, had spoken so reliably, and perhaps it was not a bad thing to let Nie Qian Yu stay with her.


In the end, Empress Wang, who loved her daughter with all her heart, was still convinced by Song Xu Yi, with a sigh and a complicated gaze, she rubbed Song Xu Yi’s head: “I will help you to pursue your father, you must remember these words you are saying now…”

As Empress Wang had expected, upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s request, the Emperor, who had always been known for his benevolence and generosity, could not help but rebuke her: “This is nonsense! What woman is as bold as she is? At such a young age, she has the audacity to keep a man in the palace…”

Empress Wang had planned to speak to the Emperor properly, but with the Emperor taking such a stand, as the first daughter of the Wang clan, who has been honored for generations, Empress Wang was not one to hold her tongue, and immediately blurted out, “Why, my Wang family’s bloodline, the only Princess of this dynasty, what’s wrong with wanting a man? Although Prince Nie’s status is a bit unique, there are always marriages between kingdoms, and in ancient times, princesses were sent out of the country to make peace, so let’s treat this time as if the Crown Prince of Wu had been sent over for marriage, won’t it show off our country’s prestige?”

“Ridiculous!” Without knowing which sentence had angered the Emperor, the Emperor’s eyes widened and veins sprouted on his forehead, his face fierce as if he could not bear to bite the Empress Wang.

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For so many years, the Emperor had constrained the clans but also relied on them. Even though he did not have a deep relationship with Empress Wang, he had always been polite and courteous to her and had a reputation for being gentle and generous outside, but this was the first time he had shown such an angry look.

The Emperor saw the fear in the Empress’s eyes.

He seemed to have suddenly realized what was happening and suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again the look under them had changed.

“It’s because I’ve lost my temper!” The Emperor sighed and his face returned to its usual gentle demeanour, “Xu Yi is also my daughter, I hope she will live a smooth life and not be subjected to criticism, as the old saying goes, concern leads to chaos, I lost my temper in my anxiety…”

“But you’re right,” the Emperor took Empress Wang’s hand, a dark light flashed under his eyes, but his face was a helpless smile: “Since Xu Yi likes it, I can only indulge her, let Prince Nie stay in Xu Yi’s palace! But although the Wu Kingdom is weak, in order to keep the mouths of the people shut, we will say that Prince Nie is seriously ill and is in Xu Yi’s palace to seek a divine doctor to recuperate from his injuries…”

When Empress Wang heard that the Emperor was thinking of Song Xu Yi in every way, she let go of her fears and smiled at the Emperor, “Your Majesty is still very considerate.”

The Emperor then smiled back, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Thus, with the tacit approval of the two highest-ranking bosses in the palace, Nie Qian Yu took up residence in Song Xu Yi’s palace. However, somehow, the news of Song Xu Yi’s robbery of Wu’s Prince leaked out and all sorts of nasty rumours flew around, resulting in the numerous accusations against Song Xu Yi, which made Empress Wang drop her favourite tea set and use her family’s power to squash the rumours, while Song Xu Yi’s reputation fell to the bottom for a while.

However, no matter how much turmoil there was in the outside world over this matter, all was quiet in Song Xu Yi’s palace.

She seemed intent on living up to her words, no longer throwing tantrums and punishing the palace eunuchs, taking Nie Qian Yu to school with her, listening to the tutors, completing her lessons carefully, and smiling when she saw the Emperor and Empress. Empress Wang was delighted to see this and felt that it was all Nie Qian Yu’s doing, so she rewarded her daughter with a large reward as well.

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From the beginning, after realising that it seemed impossible to refuse Song Xu Yi, Nie Qian Yu acted extremely submissive. He did not get close to anyone, lived in Song Xu Yi’s side hall, did not keep a single attendant by his side, smiled on his face and treated everyone equally, showing the image of a subservient and cautious prince.

Song Xu Yi didn’t know whether he was really like this or pretending to be, but for the sake of her plan to influence the villain, Song Xu Yi dutifully talked to Nie Qianyu every day about school, and then tried to bring the topic as close as possible to ‘mourning the hardships of people’s livelihood’ and ‘the people’s greatest suffering’. But Nie Qian Yu listened to Song Xu Yi, but seldom expressed his own views, only echoing Song Xu Yi. Song Xu Yi did not know whether he had listened to her or not.

It is only when faced with small animals that Nie Qian Yu shows a completely different state than usual. He seems to be extremely fond of them, the birds in the sky and the fish swimming in the pond stop him in his tracks, and seemingly by nature, the animals are extremely attached to him, clustering around him without any fear at all.

Seeing Nie Qian Yu’s expression, Song Xu Yi was not discouraged, knowing that it was not an easy process to convert this kind of villain whose three views had already been formed, but since Nie Qian Yu was now in her hands, Song Xu Yi put aside this piece of progress for the time being and began to plan her career in this world.

To improve the lives of the people, the prerequisite is the need to be close to them.

But a princess in a deep palace is not in a position to approach the people.

The time Song Xu Yi was expecting came 2 months later: as the 50th birthday of the Wang family head——the father of Empress Wang——was approaching, Song Xu Yi deliberately volunteered to go back to the Wang family compound to celebrate her grandfather’s birthday for her mother.

The author has something to say:

It turns out that…

Surprisingly, some little angels think that the double death of the small world is not HE…

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