Villainous Master (20)

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Song Xu Yi was taken aback by Ning Jing Yu’s words.

Ning Jing Yu’s behavior was highly unusual.

Rather than considering other possibilities, Song Xu Yi’s subconscious immediately thought about her mission: could it be that Ning Jing Yu had already resolved to embrace the demonic path, which is why she wanted to show Song Xu Yi the dark side of the immortal world and lead her down the path of evil?

Song Xu Yi lifted her head involuntarily. Ning Jing Yu’s eyes were beautifully shaped, with a hint of redness extending from the corners. They were dark and alluring, and when she looked at Song Xu Yi, her eyes narrowed unconsciously, and the dark color spread like a burning, hot flame.

Here it came again.

That strange feeling that Ning Jing Yu was trying to lure her!

Song Xu Yi’s cheeks flushed, and she immediately lowered her head.

She didn’t want Ning Jing Yu to walk down the path that everyone in the three realms would want to kill her for. Nor did she want to see the Demon Lord, who had caused chaos in the three realms and had been devoured by monsters in the Black Water Pool. With the Demon Clan leaderless, they wouldn’t be able to cause any trouble for a short time. Her primary task was to find a way to take care of Ning Jing Yu, this killing machine, and prevent her from completely falling into the demonic path.

If it were any other matter, Song Xu Yi wouldn’t be certain. However, after years of grooming Ning Jing Yu’s fur and being together, Song Xu Yi was confident that she could rectify Ning Jing Yu’s erroneous thoughts and help her lead a happy and peaceful life…

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“I don’t need it, Master,” Song Xu Yi responded after a brief moment of consideration.

Summoning her courage, she lifted her head to face Ning Jing Yu and spoke earnestly, “In this world, everything has its pros and cons. Although the rules and beliefs master taught me were not wrong in their inception, as time goes by, they become stagnant, which leads to problems. Instead of rejecting them entirely due to a single exception, we should continuously revise and improve them.”

Furthermore, Song Xu Yi gently tugged at Ning Jing Yu’s sleeve and added, “The most crucial thing for a person is to learn contentment. As a commoner, I consider myself blessed to have entered the immortal sect, met all the immortal ladies, and to have the privilege of being under master’s tutelage. My only desire is to be a good companion to master, cultivate diligently, and I’ve never dared to think beyond that.”

After a moment, Ning Jing Yu curved her lips and replied, “Very well, it’s admirable that you still want to stay by my side in the future.”

Song Xu Yi wasn’t sure, but she sensed a trace of bitterness in Ning Jing Yu’s smile. Before she could scrutinize her expression more closely, Ning Jing Yu turned and strode out of the room.

Is she angry?

Song Xu Yi furrowed her brow, feeling perplexed. She assumed that Ning Jing Yu would simply leave her room, but to her surprise, Ning Jing Yu paused in her tracks, cast an inscrutable gaze her way, and then pivoted, lying down on the bed. Ning Jing Yu propped her head up with one hand, closed her eyes firmly, and muttered, “I’m exhausted…”

But… this is my bed!

Glancing at Ning Jing Yu, Song Xu Yi beheld her alluring curves as if they were chiseled with care by a divine sculptor…

Despite not doing anything, Ning Jing Yu’s posture was already highly seductive.

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Song Xu Yi was the first to give up, with the words “fox spirit” inexplicably coming to mind. She both condemned herself for disrespecting her master and averted her gaze in embarrassment.

It was clear that Ning Jing Yu was doing it intentionally.

After reflecting for a moment, Song Xu Yi thought that she must have said something that upset Ning Jing Yu, causing her to deliberately torment her. As she wondered which sentence might have angered Ning Jing Yu, she resignedly lay down on the small couch beside her-

If Ning Jing Yu likes the bed so much, let her sleep on it!

Although she originally wanted to ponder why Ning Jing Yu was suddenly angry, after all the commotion, Song Xu Yi was too exhausted. She fell asleep almost as soon as she lay down…

In a daze, it felt like someone was pinching her cheeks. Song Xu Yi furrowed her brows and murmured, but for some reason, she couldn’t wake up… Fortunately, the person soon stopped pinching her face, and Song Xu Yi heard a regretful sigh before falling into a familiar embrace. The embrace was incredibly soft and comfortable, and in her dream, Song Xu Yi dreamed of sleeping on a cloud.

Unable to resist, Song Xu Yi rubbed against the cloud…

The person holding her suddenly tightened their embrace, and someone whispered through gritted teeth in her ear: “One day…”

What will happen one day?

The sound was so seductive that Song Xu Yi’s legs felt weak, and she instinctively wanted to keep listening, but the person stopped speaking. In a half-dreaming state, she became increasingly sleepy as the atmosphere became incredibly calming. Eventually, she stopped exploring the sound and drifted off into a deeper sleep.

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Upon returning to Xuan Shu Sect, Song Xu Yi had hoped that everything would be fine and the Three Realms would have at least a hundred years of peace, giving the male and female protagonists enough time to complete their mission before passing away. She had urged Ning Jing Yu not to cause chaos in the Three Realms, but the situation developed far beyond her expectations.

A new powerful Demon Lord appeared in the Demon Realm, who would come and go without a trace. The Demon Realm sent many spies to infiltrate the Immortal Realm, and it appeared that they had intentions of starting a war with them. The Immortal Realm decided to unite all the sects and hold a Demon-Suppressing Conference to strike first and suppress the Demon Clan’s arrogance, with Xuan Shu Sect leading the charge.

Song Xu Yi became extremely busy during this time of approaching danger, and in such an environment, she belatedly realized that Ning Jing Yu’s temperament had become even stranger.

Previously, Ning Jing Yu was easy to please, and Song Xu Yi thought her character was extremely pure. When she was in a bad mood, Song Xu Yi would express her trust and reliance on her, and Ning Jing Yu would easily be placated. However, recently, Ning Jing Yu had become more difficult to please. She would often get angry for no reason and then come over with a cold face, staring at her after at most an hour.

Sometimes, being stared at by Ning Jing Yu like this made Song Xu Yi feel like a heartless person, and Ning Jing Yu was a little girl who had been abandoned by her. This feeling was too strange!

Song Xu Yi pondered and came to the realization that Ning Jing Yu’s trust in her was likely due to the fact that she knew Ning Jing Yu’s true identity as a member of the Demon Clan, a secret that no one else in the world knew. Though she appreciated Ning Jing Yu’s openness with her, Song Xu Yi struggled with her own weak willpower, finding herself increasingly drawn to the temptation of becoming a demon like her master and even experiencing feelings of desire towards Ning Jing Yu.

She despised herself for her shallowness, but just as she was attempting to strengthen her resolve, the system that had adapted to her life as a magic tool introduced her to a device called the “Clear Mind Censer.” According to the system, the censer was enchanted with Buddhist mantras that automatically played scripture capable of clearing the mind and calming the heart. “If an ordinary person without spiritual power listens to these scriptures, they may immediately become a monk…” the system explained.

Intrigued, Song Xu Yi requested some Clear Mind Censers from practitioners leaving the mountain. Unexpectedly, Zeng Li learned of this and invited Song Xu Yi to her cave, where she saw dozens of the censers of various types. Zeng Li offered her one, hoping it would be helpful, but also lamented, “But if emotions were controllable, there wouldn’t have been so much love, hate, and resentment in the world for thousands of years!”

Song Xu Yi was unsure how to respond given Zeng Li’s relationship with the head of the sect, and in that moment, Liu Bi arrived. Song Xu Yi quickly picked a Clear Mind Censer and left, but not before noticing Liu Bi and Zeng Li deep in discussion. Liu Bi’s eyes were alight with joy as she repeatedly referred to Zeng Li as “sister,” while Zeng Li seemed relieved yet melancholic.

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Respecting Zeng Li’s emotional decisions, Song Xu Yi quietly listened to the scriptures at midnight for several days. She felt she had made great progress, relieved that she could finally face Ning Jing Yu without blushing or losing her composure.

However, she noticed that Ning Jing Yu’s mood had changed and was no longer as good as before.

She was well aware of her own feelings, but being a demon and Song Xu Yi’s master, she feared rejection from her disciple. Knowing that Song Xu Yi was fond of beauty, she planned to gradually allure her with her own appearance.

Ning Jing Yu believed that she had made some progress as her disciple would blush and avoid her gaze, but Song Xu Yi seemed to have reverted to her previous state these past few days. Ning Jing Yu couldn’t figure out what had happened.

Suddenly, a piece of news shook the Xuan Shu Sect – Zeng Li and Liu Bi had eloped together!

The sect leader was devastated and chose to seclude herself in grief, but Ning Jing Yu understood that her sorrow was not over the loss of her disciples, but her lover.

This event triggered an alarm in Ning Jing Yu’s heart. Remembering the man who troubled her in the mortal world, she went down the mountain with the intention to kill him.

However, she discovered that he had already gotten married and had a deep relationship with his wife. After some hesitation, Ning Jing Yu decided not to harm the man. She deliberately stayed for half a day, capturing the affectionate moments of the scholar and his wife using a memory stone. Late at night, she returned to the mountain gate.

Eager to show Song Xu Yi the memory stone, Ning Jing Yu checked her disciple’s condition using her spiritual sense. However, she was surprised to find Song Xu Yi sitting upright with a solemn expression.

In front of her was a censer, and she was quietly reciting the scripture from within it: “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form…”

Ning Jing Yu: “…?!”

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