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Hey, everyone! I apologize for my absence this past few days. The previous site got permanently suspended and so has been busy moving everything to this new site and fixing links. I have already requested for Novelupdates to fix the affected links because of this. I apologize for the inconvenience caused, and happy reading!

Villainous Master (21)

Ning Jing Yu was initially filled with the urge to enter the room and obliterate the censer. But as she took a step forward, she realized that it was not the right time to express her true emotions to her disciple.

Deep in thought, she recognized that her disciple possessed a complex personality; sensitive yet resolute. Furthermore, it appeared that her disciple did not reciprocate Ning Jing Yu’s romantic feelings. Thus, revealing her heart could potentially harm their relationship in the long term.

Despite this, Ning Jing Yu couldn’t help but ponder whether it was appropriate to simply observe her disciple’s cultivation with a pure heart and no desires.

As Ning Jing Yu observed Song Xu Yi reciting sutras with a serious expression, she felt a blend of both amusement and irritation, experiencing a complex emotion that was new to her despite her long life.

Unaware of Ning Jing Yu’s presence, Song Xu Yi suddenly felt a chill down her spine and reflexively tightened her collar, thinking that her lack of sincerity might be the reason. Determined to make up for it, she resolved to recite the sutras more diligently that night, with the help of the Clear Mind Censer.

Finally finishing the sutras, Song Xu Yi felt a sense of clarity and inner peace. All worldly desires vanished, and she even took the opportunity to activate her inner energy until almost dawn.

The system, now in the form of a white veil, was pleased with Song Xu Yi’s pure heart and diligence. It was convinced that she would not fall in love with the villain in this world and crawled into bed to hibernate.

The night was quiet and peaceful, except for the faint sound of the window creaking as the wind passed through it.

A shadow materialized noiselessly at the foot of Song Xu Yi’s bed.

“Hmph!” Ning Jing Yu bowed her head to scrutinize Song Xu Yi’s sleeping visage. Her eyes flickered with a dark hue as she emitted a soft sneer. Her hand, as white as jade, extended and the Clear Mind Censer resting on the nightstand obediently flew into her grasp.

“So, you wish to cleanse your mind of desire and reject worldly beauty?” Ning Jing Yu remarked. “I shall not grant your wish!”

When Song Xu Yi woke up the next morning, she heard some news: Ning Jing Yu was going to begin secluded cultivation.

Though surprised by Ning Jing Yu’s sudden decision, Song Xu Yi considered the severe injury she had sustained in the Black Water Pool. Even though Ning Jing Yu appeared normal during the intervening time, there might be some hidden illness inside her. Perhaps Ning Jing Yu’s recent change in temperament was related to her experience in the Black Water Pool.

After the initial surprise, Song Xu Yi fully supported Ning Jing Yu’s decision to seclude herself.

“Master, please rest assured and enter seclusion,” Song Xu Yi stood at the door of Ning Jing Yu’s room, expressing her concern. “During this time, I will protect Fallen Cloud Peak and ensure that no worldly affairs will disturb you, Master.”

Song Xu Yi was very sincere, but Ning Jing Yu appeared indifferent, showing no trace of emotion on her face.

As Song Xu Yi reflected on the situation, she couldn’t help but feel that pleasing Ning Jing Yu had become increasingly difficult. With a sigh, she closed the door to Ning Jing Yu’s room.

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In that split second before the door shut completely, Song Xu Yi’s eyes met Ning Jing Yu’s. To her surprise, Ning Jing Yu’s lips curved slightly and her dark eyes seemed to glisten with satisfaction. Song Xu Yi couldn’t quite understand why.

As she stood there, feeling slightly uneasy, some other disciples approached her to discuss the upcoming expedition. Song Xu Yi pushed her unease aside and focused on the task at hand.

Although they called it an expedition, Song Xu Yi had a different goal in mind.

Song Xi, the female lead in this world, is still with the male lead and they now even have a child. However, with the new tyrannical Demon Lord and the ever-changing situation in the Demon Realm, Song Xu Yi decided to prioritize her mission and send the male and female leads, along with the Song family, to a safe place first. She planned to bring them back home when the storm had passed.

The first step in finding a safe place for the Song family was to purchase a house. Originally, Song Xu Yi planned to personally select a house. Coming from a wealthy family and having spent little money during her time at Fallen Cloud Peak, she had more than enough savings to buy a large mansion near the Xuan Shu Sect.

However, with Ning Jing Yu in seclusion, Song Xu Yi had promised to take care of Fallen Cloud. Therefore, she entrusted the task of buying a house to the other disciples.

The Xuan Shu Sect is home to many cultivators who invest in real estate outside of it, and an entire industry has even developed. The other disciples didn’t find this strange, and after understanding Song Xu Yi’s general plan, they left the mountain.

Once finished, Song Xu Yi practiced her swordsmanship for a while until night fell.

Though she didn’t want to admit it, Song Xu Yi felt a sense of relief in her heart after Ning Jing Yu went into seclusion. She finally had time to sort out her emotions and didn’t have to face his criminally tempting face every day!

When her master emerged from seclusion, she would be able to adjust her mentality and no longer covet his beauty.

After taking a quick and joyful shower, Song Xu Yi didn’t feel the need to use the Clear Mind Censer to recite sutras since she wasn’t being tempted by Ning Jing Yu. She finished washing up and went straight to bed.

However, that night, Song Xu Yi had a peculiar dream.

In the dream, she was still herself, but she never joined the Xuan Shu Sect. Instead, she grew up with her family until she was around ten years old. The mischievous boy next door, who used to scare her with bugs and was always unreasonable, moved away for some unknown reason, and a new family soon moved in.

This new family was that of a newly appointed official, and they were deeply in love, with their only daughter being the apple of their eye. On the first day, Song Xu Yi accompanied her parents to pay a visit to their new neighbors. As soon as she laid eyes on the daughter, she was completely captivated by her beauty. The girl was as beautiful as a jade sculpture, radiating a dazzling light, making it impossible for anyone to look away.

Song Xu Yi stole a quick glance at the girl, then another, but to her surprise, the girl met her gaze.

The girl’s eyes were clear and bright, and when she caught Song Xu Yi’s gaze, a small smile formed on her lips. That smile was like a ray of light shining through the snow, accentuating the girl’s already stunning features. Song Xu Yi was caught in the act and blushed in embarrassment.

The next day, the young woman sent over her homemade cloud pastry and sour plum soup.

Song Xu Yi really liked the beautiful and talented young woman. She thought about how the young woman was new to the area and not familiar with her surroundings, so she warmly invited her to go out and play together.

As the daughter of the richest family, Song Xu Yi had no shortage of money. She took the young woman to her family’s goldsmith shop and generously let her pick out whatever she wanted, promising to pay for it all.

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“Thank you so much, Xu Yi!” The young woman smiled at Song Xu Yi, her eyes bright and curved. Seeing the young woman smile at her like that made Song Xu Yi’s face turn red. The young woman was just too beautiful. If she smiled at her any more, Song Xu Yi was afraid she would give the whole shop to her as a gift!

The young woman perused the wares before settling on a pair of butterfly-shaped jade hairpins. Song Xu Yi also took a liking to them at first glance and thought to herself that the young woman truly had exquisite taste, even in her choice of purchases.

As they rode home in the carriage, the young woman, who had been sitting upright and proper, suddenly leaned over and smilingly pinned the jade hairpins on Song Xu Yi’s head. “Xu Yi, you look absolutely stunning with these hairpins!”

It turned out that the young woman had selected the hairpins specifically for Song Xu Yi!

The young woman exuded a pleasant fragrance and her pretty face was almost flawless from up close. As Song Xu Yi gazed into the young woman’s beautiful eyes, she couldn’t help but blush.

The young woman was just too kind to her!

After arriving home, Song Xu Yi indulged in the chestnut cakes the young woman had sent over and admired herself in the mirror wearing the jade hairpins. She furrowed her brow in distress, wondering how she could ever repay such a kind-hearted young woman.


“Xu Yi, Xu Yi…”

The sound of the system jolted Song Xu Yi awake. As she rose from her slumber, she noticed the radiant sun shining through the window. It was unusual for Song Xu Yi, whose biological clock was known for its precision, to sleep so soundly.

Was it because Ning Jing Yu had secluded herself that she unconsciously let her guard down?

After getting out of bed, Song Xu Yi practiced her swordsmanship for a while and began to recollect the dream from the night before. Although she couldn’t comprehend why the studious scholar next door, who was always courteous in real life, transformed into an obnoxious brat in her dream, or why Ning Jing Yu became the young woman living in the house next door, she shrugged it off as a mere dream and didn’t dwell on it.

However, the dream persisted for several nights, with the bond between the Song Xu Yi in her dream and the young woman deepening over time. They became the closest of friends, sharing their deepest secrets while attending private schools, going on excursions and enjoying each other’s company. There was never a dull moment when they were together.

As they grew older, the young woman’s father was promoted and she became a celebrated genius in the capital, attracting suitors like bees to honey. Song Xu Yi, fearful that her innocent friend would be deceived by the playboys, resorted to inquiring about the suitors’ characters through their household servants.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t shake the feeling that the young woman in her dream was displeased whenever suitors were brought up. Whether it was just her imagination or not, she wasn’t sure.


Song Xu Yi was amazed that she had a dream like a serialized novel, with herself and Ning Jing Yu as the main characters. Was it possible that she subconsciously missed Ning Jing Yu after she secluded herself, leading to such a dream?

Although Song Xu Yi was bewildered, she didn’t take it seriously. After all, it was just a dream, and in it, she acted as a protector to Ning Jing Yu , already beginning to select a well-behaved partner for Ning Jing Yu… As Song Xu Yi recollected her dream, she secretly hoped to know who Ning Jing Yu would eventually marry.

As the dream progressed, Song Xu Yi finally selected the newly-promoted top scholar for the young woman next door. The top scholar was a handsome and gifted young man who frequently sent love poems to the young woman. Despite his youth, he had already entered the prestigious Hanlin Academy with a bright future.

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At Song Xu Yi’s urging, the young woman seemed to have developed feelings for the top scholar and agreed to secretly meet him with Song Xu Yi. However, to their surprise, when they saw the top scholar, he entered a brothel, and the sounds of obscenity immediately emanated from inside…

Song Xu Yi was left stunned, her anger flaring. She was about to enter the brothel and expose the top scholar’s true nature when the young woman grabbed her sleeve pitifully and with a pale face said, “Please, don’t.”

Song Xu Yi had a sudden realization that she had brought the young woman with her. If she rushed in recklessly, it would ruin the young woman’s reputation. She felt guilty and decided to take her back home.

The young woman looked pale and melancholic throughout the journey, and the more Song Xu Yi looked at her, the more remorseful she became. If it weren’t for her, the young woman wouldn’t have developed feelings for that top scholar. It was all her fault.

Feeling extremely guilty, Song Xu Yi thought that getting drunk could relieve her of her worries. After returning home, she secretly took the fine wine from her father’s collection and climbed through the young woman’s window.

However, Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that even in her dream, she was a lightweight drinker. After a single glass, her mind started to blur, even though she didn’t show any signs on her face.

The young woman across from her was unaware of Song Xu Yi’s condition. She held Song Xu Yi’s hand with tears in her eyes and said, “Xu Yi, many men are hypocrites. I don’t want to marry in the future. Let’s stay together as sisters for the rest of our lives, shall we?”

As Song Xu Yi gazed at the beauty under the lamp, her beauty seemed to grow with each passing moment. The young woman’s soft and plaintive pleas only added to her allure, and when Song Xu Yi saw the tear drop that clung to the corner of her eye, she felt her heart shatter.

Uncertain of what spell she was under, whether it was a desire to prevent the beauty from shedding more tears, or perhaps something more carnal, Song Xu Yi found herself unable to resist the urge to embrace and kiss the beauty. “I’ll do anything you ask, sister,” she whispered.

The fragrance of wine and woman blended together as they breathed in each other’s scents. In their dreams, they became entangled, and Song Xu Yi’s mind grew hazy. As she hugged the beauty, she felt a momentary stiffness, but then the young woman looked up at her shyly, her lip bitten and her face flushed with gentleness…

The young woman’s subservience stirred something within Song Xu Yi.

The kiss was chaotic, starting at the young woman’s forehead and working its way down to her wet eyes, her fair cheeks, her exquisite nose, and finally her moist and tender red lips…

As their lips met, Song Xu Yi’s head exploded with a “boom” and she jolted awake from her dream. Instinctively, she clutched her racing heart, trying to calm herself down.

But as the reality sank in, Song Xu Yi grew increasingly anxious. Why did she dream about kissing her master? Had her yearning for Ning Jing Yu seeped into her subconscious?


Song Xu Yi’s emotions were incredibly complex, filled with regret as she felt her thoughts becoming increasingly impure. Unbeknownst to her, Ning Jing Yu, who was supposed to be in closed-door cultivation in the adjacent room, was also awakened in the dark of night, her cheeks tinged with red and her eyes shining with surprising brightness.

Ning Jing Yu had absorbed the demon energy from the Dream Demon, granting her the ability to create dreams.

Not wanting Song Xu Yi to become too pure and chaste, Ning Jing Yu meticulously crafted a dream for her. In this dream, Song Xu Yi was the protagonist and could see people’s deepest desires.

Dreams had the power to amplify people’s desires, but Ning Jing Yu had not anticipated that in Song Xu Yi’s dream, she had created a perfect and warm home for herself. In the dream, she had parents who loved and spoiled her, and dear friends to keep her company as she lived a carefree and happy life.

Meanwhile, Song Xu Yi played the role of a protector in the dream, comforting and shielding herself from the harsh elements.

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Is this what Xu Yi desires?

The dream was not what Ning Jing Yu had anticipated, but it stirred something within her. She couldn’t help but be captivated by the idea of spending her life with Song Xu Yi in the dream…

However, what she didn’t expect was for Song Xu Yi to be arranging potential suitors for herself within the dream.

Could it be that Xu Yi truly had no feelings for her?

Ning Jing Yu’s anger burned, yet she couldn’t articulate it. She took matters into her own hands and proactively altered the dream, transforming the excellent scholar handpicked by Song Xu Yi into a lascivious pervert.

After altering the dream, Ning Jing Yu experienced a backlash as it was primarily controlled by Xu Yi’s will, leaving her weakened. Xu Yi, thinking that Ning Jing Yu was feeling guilty about the scholar, drank with her to console her.

Seizing the opportunity, Ning Jing Yu feigned helplessness to dissuade Xu Yi from arranging suitors for her. Yet, she couldn’t help wondering why Xu Yi personally attended to her if she had no feelings for her.

Even though she couldn’t understand Xu Yi’s restrained love, Ning Jing Yu was willing to take 99 steps as long as Xu Yi took one.

Recalling the way Song Xu Yi looked at her in the dream, Ning Jing Yu had an epiphany and curled her lips in silence, knowing how to keep Xu Yi by her side forever.

After Ning Jing Yu changed the dream, she suffered a sudden weakness due to the dream being primarily controlled by Xu Yi’s will.

Xu Yi, mistaking her reaction for guilt over the scholar, drank with her to alleviate her conscience.

Ning Jing Yu took advantage of the situation to play the role of a helpless victim. She only intended to halt Xu Yi’s efforts to find a suitor for her, but what she didn’t expect was for Xu Yi to kiss her…

Since the dream was mainly controlled by Xu Yi’s will, why would she personally kiss Ning Jing Yu if she had no feelings for her?

Although Ning Jing Yu didn’t understand why Xu Yi restrained her love, she was willing to take 99 steps if Xu Yi took just one.

Recalling the way Song Xu Yi gazed at her in the dream, Ning Jing Yu had an epiphany and silently curved her lips in the dark.

She realized she might know how to keep Xu Yi by her side forever.

Author’s note:

What Ning Jing Yu thought was Xu Yi’s dream: “She’s so beautiful! I want to do her in the dream from every angle!”

Xu Yi’s actual dream: “Waaah, she’s so beautiful! I want to give her a home to make her happy, and then hold hands and be good girlfriends…”

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