Maka-sensei’s zealous education?

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As one would suspect, a classroom of the Private Seikadai Academy is fully equipped with A/Cs. Whether it is scorching hot summer or freezing cold winter, it always works to guarantee a proper educational environment for the students. Asking expensive school fees with a lot of families donating money on top of that, they have to do that, or they’ll get an angry mob; of parents.

Anyway, it’s been a few days after the end of summer break. ‘Summer heat’ wasn’t even a proper expression to describe this seething hell, but as long as you stay inside the classroom, not even a drop of sweat will build on your forehead. That being said, even the world’s best cooling system installed in Seikadai would not reach outside on the sports grounds.

“So hot…”

With the new school term having started, classes have been held just as one would suspect. And for a reason unbeknownst to me, I found myself in that very place, first thing in the morning. I was wearing the Seikadai High school division’s gym clothes, consisting of a plain half-sleeved shirt and half pants.


“Woah?! W-What is it?”

I suddenly heard a shocked voice behind me, making me jolt up in the shock. The person who appeared was—Maka-sensei.

“S-Saigi-kun…quite the bold appearance that is. At least wear a jersey…”

“You can’t make me wear that in this heat. Also, everyone is wearing this during gym class.”

In Seikadai, boys and girls wear the same gym clothes. Meaning that the girls currently had classes looking exactly like me, yet I am the bold one? Who’d be happy to see my bare arms and legs? Maka-sensei apparently…because she sure looks flustered.

“…These clothes really fit you, Maka-sensei.”

She was wearing a thin pink jersey top and bottom. Unlike the school’s jersey, it might seem plain, but it still got a stylish design.

Woah…even though she’s got two bulges sticking out, her entire body is slender and tall, making her look exceptionally sporty. Even though I know what’s inside her, her outer appearance is almost enough to fool me. Women really are scary.

“Your face tells me you’re thinking about something rude.”

“T-That’s not…”

“Well, that’s not important right now. I’m surprised you came out here.”

“I stopped counting how many times I was called somewhere by a teacher ever since grade school, and yet I never ignored it just once, you know?”

“That’s not something to brag about. Since you were a problem child since grade school, I assume there isn’t any teacher in this world who hasn’t had a problem with you.”

“You’ve been recorded in there as well, Maka-sensei.”

“That will probably be the case next year as well. I’m not satisfied with just calling once or twice.”

“There’s no promise that you will be our homeroom teacher next year as well, right?”



…Ummm, was she actually keen on doing just that? Well, knowing her, she would use whatever method possible to become my homeroom teacher again…

“Well, that is a story for the far future. We don’t have much time right now, so let’s begin.” Maka-sensei raised both hands up into the air, doing some stretches. “We barely have any time until the sports festival. You have to be ready and trained for that.”

“Ehhh? Aren’t the sports clubs the only ones really practicing for that?”

The sports festival of the Seikadai High school division is held during fall—Generally, fall is the time from September to November, so where the heck is fall in this scorching September heat?

“I won’t hear any complaints. If you show your skill during the sports festival, you’ll get popular, right?”

“That’s only the case for grade school students! Everyone’s just hoping for the sports festival to be over quickly!”

“The youth of today sure take it easy…How troublesome.”

“What do you mean youth?”

Weren’t you in the same grade as me only seven years ago? It might feel like the far future for us, but she should still have rather vivid memories of it.

“I properly got permission from the vice-principal. As step one of your rehabitalization program, you are supposed to gain some willpower by participating in various sports.”

“Why do I have to listen to complaints about my own body now?”

Madam, don’t give that person permission because of such a ridiculous reason! Our vice-principal is actually a cat fanatic, going around visiting various cat cafes under the nickname ‘Madam’. Nobody knows her real identity it seems, and I saw no reason to reveal it myself, but maybe she needs to be punished herself for once…

“Saigi-kun, let me teach you one thing. A sound mind in a sound body1, okay?”

“A healthy soul rests in a healthy body…?”

“Good work! It seems like you were properly studying!”

“Even I know something like that…”

Or so I say, but I was actually pretty nervous that I might have put a mistake in there. I was forced to experience these sudden English quizzes countless times now, and they’re still horribly bad for my heart.

“Now, once we’ve finished the preparations, let’s start with running. With one hour, we can run ten kilometers.”

“Ten?! that’s about the same distance as Miharu moves for a year!”

“I’ve ran that amount every day when I was your age, you know? Even after I quit the tennis club.”

“Well we are fundamentally different in that regard…”

From what I heard, Maka-sensei completely dominated the national Inter-High back when she was in the tennis club. And now she’s assigned as my personal trainer? God please help me.

Still, my protest was beautifully ignored like always, and after we both finished warming up, we started running. From my sports club friends, I heard the following. If you run around Seikadai’s high school division site, called the ‘outer circumference’, you get a distance of about one kilometer. Quite convenient to know how many kilometers you’ve run just by using this route.

“Um, Sensei? We’re taking the outer circumference route, right? How many rounds…?”

“Ten, of course. According to my calculations, we’ll be able to have some cooldown time and take a cold shower before classes.”

“Did you consider my endurance in your calculations?!”

It’s not like I’m terribly unathletic, but I’m no Maka-sensei either. The normal level who goes exercising once a month.

“Ten kilometers in one hour is pretty slow of a pace, you know? And also, we have to make the training a bit more tough on you, or the others will think we’re like a lovey-dovey couple running along the beach.”

“The people present at the sports grounds already had a ‘Ah, Saigi is done for’ expression.”

There’s quite a lot of people belonging to sports clubs who arrive at school early. The soccer club, baseball club, track-and-field club, or the tennis club, I spotted members of several of them. They all looked greatly intrigued as to why the school’s most popular teacher would grace them with her presence.

“It would be troublesome if they didn’t feel that way. Both for you and me. Otherwise we can’t tell them that they just have a misunderstanding about our relationship.”

“Then don’t say it so loudly…”

Although she is my so-called girlfriend teacher, and we’re not officially going out, there’s no debating that our relationship clearly goes against school rules, and morals even more. If they found out, we’d be in deep trouble, and it would be a hellish embarrassment.

“…Also, why are you so calm now, Maka-sensei?”

In the hallway of our flat, she was acting like a robot who’d need a good oil treatment.

“As soon as I arrive at school, I just naturally end up in my ‘Unobtainable Flower’ mode. I didn’t know that myself.”

“What a fortunate reaction that is…”

“Indeed, I can even seduce you with these proper-looking clothes. How is it?”

“………” I couldn’t help but glance over at Maka-sensei running next to me.

With every step she took, her well-endowed chest was shaking up and down in the thin jersey. Just seeing her run was erotic.

“Fufufu, right now, I can act like nothing is happening, while secretly educating this problem child here.”

“What a wonderful situation for you.”

Running outside the school, we passed quite a lot of salarymen on their way to work, every single one of them showing expressions of shock with this beauty running past them, some even turning around.

“Well, outside is a bit dangerous, so I have to keep myself in check.”

“Wouldn’t this danger disappear if I just ran on my own?”

“You are indeed rather diligent, Saigi-kun, but you barely listen to what a teacher says to you, so you would probably just skip out on it. Not to mention that I really desired such morning training with Saigi-kun…!”

“…It’d be dangerous if you suddenly tripped, Sensei.”

She really is looking for any possible chance to be together with me. Well, not like I don’t exactly feel the same way. Though, I’d prefer drinking some tea at a nearby cafe rather than running like this.

“I have to seduce you as much as possible in this decisive time. You haven’t told SID about us, right?”

“It’s…a bit hard to tell them, I guess.”

This organization consisting of girls who all have feelings for me, the ‘It’s fine if I die Alliance’ or short SID. I haven’t told them about Maka-sensei becoming my girlfriend teacher.

“Then, they still think you’re free. When will they start their offensive again?”

“As of right now, nothing happened…might be because the new school term started though.”

“They must be preparing for the sports festival as well. Even if Muku-san had the time, she can’t just come here from the grade school division.”

“I’m pretty sure that even grade school students have to study after school starts again.”

“Well, there’s no need to tell them. A secret relationship like that only spices things up. And, since you’ve grown yourself, you’ve gotten better at handling them, right?”


Yet again, I lied…Even though I hate lies. But, I can’t tell her yet that the members of SID have actually kissed me…I mean, Maka-sensei was present when it happened with Miharu and Karen-kaichou, but she doesn’t know about Nui and Kuu…recently added even Shiya-chan.

“Oh…! Shit…!”

“Careful, Saigi-kun…!”

Remembering the kisses, I grew careless, and stumbled. With a crazy fast reaction, Maka-sensei supported my body from the side.

“Y-You have to be more careful! This body doesn’t belong to only you anymore!”

“Wouldn’t you say that to a pregnant woman…?”

Am I that fragile of a human being right now?

“If you’re not careful, not only the sports festival will be a failure, but also—Ah.”

“Eh, what happened—Ah.”

Maka-sensei looked in the opposite direction. And, when I traced after her gaze—

“Phew phew, MakaMaka and Saigi, you both sure are passionate this early.”

“H-Hiyori-sensei! This isn’t the time for that!”

Our school’s Japanese teacher, Renku Hiyori-sensei, gleefully danced as she teased us. She had her black hair cut short, a not-so-feminine shirt with a knee-length skirt. On her left hand, the usual mysterious ring shone. She had doubted our relationship from the early days already.

“I-I’m just trying to train Saigi-kun for the sports festival!”

“While sharing such a passionate embrace?”

“Saigi-kun is so small, I have to properly protect him, don’t I!” she commented, while still tightly embracing me.

I know I’m not the tallest person in my year, but calling me small…

“Also, Maka-sensei, you can let go of me now…”

Maka-sensei’s formidable 88cm bust was hitting me right in the head, transmitting heavenly softness, slowly burning away my reason.

“Ah…I-I’m sorry. I just felt that you would fall over if I let go now. You’re fine, right? No wounds anywhere?”

“I-I’m fine, so please.”

Maka-sensei grew a bit flustered as she let go of me. Seeing how she was slightly blushing, I judged that she must have been embarrassed after all. Will the Unobtainable Flower mode finally break, revealing the cutesy flustered Maka-chan behind?

“Hey hey, MakaMaka, aren’t you spoiling him a bit too much? Weren’t you tasked with his rehabilitation~”

“I’m not being spoiled at all. Maka-sensei is forcing me to run the outer circumference ten times.”

“Ten times? Isn’t that pretty normal~?”

“Ah, crap, I forgot you were also the sportive type!”

Back during her high school days, she was part of the swimming club, called ‘Seikadai’s Nautilus’.

“Exactly. Saigi-kun has been complaining this entire time.”

“Not good, not good~ The youth of today are severely lacking in physical exercise. If you don’t do some bunny-hopping over air chairs, sit-ups, or some harder training, you won’t grow any further than that.”

I’m not too familiar with sports and training and such, but the three training ways she just mentioned are all over the place, aren’t they?

“Ah, not good. We were in the middle of our jogging. Walking is fine, but stopping completely is counterproductive. Let’s go Saigi-kun, run towards tomorrow!”


I was hoping that our jogging would be cancelled because of Hiyori-sensei’s sudden entrance. From the looks of it, Maka-sensei was more than motivated—or does she need the training so that she can face me without being too embarrassed?

That in itself is quite the troublesome story, but it didn’t save me at all.

“Uuu…So sleepy…”

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“Hey, Sai-kun!”

During break-time—When I was resting my head on my desk, Amanashi Nui suddenly appeared in front of me.

“What is it, Nui? Sorry, but I don’t have the energy to play along with you.”

“You’re seriously tired, huh. But, no can do. Sleeping during class is my privilege alone, so having someone else steal a special trait of mine is not something I will allow, I shall let you know!”

“Privilege or special trait, huh…I don’t even have the strength to retort on it…”

“You totally are though? Ah, whatever, that’s not what I wanted to talk about.” Nui slapped both her hands on my desk, leaning forwards.

A gravure idol’s well-endowed chest was resting on my own desk during break-time.

“Is it true you were jogging with Maka-tea first thing in the morning? Better not be.”

“Didn’t take long, huh.”

“People think that you finally managed to break her, and have her listen to your orders, you know?”

“So I’m a lost cause, huh? Sensei just had me run ten kilometers as part of my rehabilitation…Though I gave up after half of it.”

As someone not part of a club, I barely do any sports in my free time, so five kilometers is the most I could manage.

“I do have a good amount of energy inside of me, but running ten kilometers? I’ll die for good.”

“Right? That’s why I can’t play along with you now.”

“Hmmm…So you really only went running with Maka-tea. Then it’s fine, I guess. Rather, I’m fine not getting wrapped in that at all.”

“What’s that supposed to mean…but yeah, you can just stay away.” I let out a sigh. “Having me train for the sports festival is just crazy…I’m not even part of a club.”

“Well, unless you’re not sporty, you probably won’t enjoy it. I’m just looking forward to the events.” Nui took out a folded paper out of her pocket. “Let’s see…Sai-kun, you’ll be participating in the 100m foot race, piggyback fight, and the 3rd three-legged race.”

“Ahh, that’s right.”

Now that she says it, right after the second term started, we decided on the events. A lot of students are participating in the 100m foot race, and because of my small stature, I tend to get chosen for the piggy back fight.

“You’re partnering with me in the three-legged race. When was this decided, can’t even decline and break free.”

“Ah…I-I remember.”

Kisou Tenka-san came strolling towards my desk as well, glaring at me with a face filled of complaints. Well, she’s always like this towards me.

“Probably because the height difference between the two of you is the smallest.”

“They decided without asking. I’ll remember their names, for eternity.”

“For eternity…”

Even while complaining, Tenka-san continued to tap on the keyboard attached to her smartphone. Looks like she’s writing curses or something.

Even within the girls, Tenka-san had the smallest stature. Probably comparable to me, which honestly kinda hurts. Still, the three-legged race with her…I feel like this is going to end badly…

“There’s even the full-on tug of war with everyone participating, and the giant ball game. You sure will be busy, Sai-kun.”

“I still don’t see a reason for me to get in shape for any of this…Oh right, what are you participating in, Nui?”

“I managed to avoid any match, and will put my everything into the cheerleading group!”

“Sounds like Nui~ For having been such a support character in middle school, you sure changed to being the energetic class clown, huh.”


“You were so much more plain, right. You suddenly ended up that stylish. I thought you were deceived by some shady business, but to think you would turn into a gravure idol.”

“You were thinking cruel stuff like that about me?!”

Now Nui glared over at Tenka-san, who gave her two cents as well.

“That reminds me, were you in Seikadai since grade school, Tenka-san?”

“I joined in middle school.”

“Ahh, I see. Well, unlike in high school, a lot of people transfer to Seikadai in middle school.”

“Ohh, Ten-chan, did you know that Maka-tea would be a teacher here at Seikadai? She had decided on her future path ever since university, didn’t she?”

“What…are you talking about?”

“I mean…aren’t you Maka-tea’s little sister? You seem like the clingy girl towards your Onee-chan, so I was wondering if you maybe transferred here because of that.” Nui spoke in a volume so that only the two of us could hear her.

I was shocked to see Nui so considerate, but in the first place—to think that she caught on to Maka-sensei and Tenka-san being sisters.

“N-Nui? Um…?”

“I didn’t tell her. How did she find out?”

“Eh, I mean, you and Maka-tea look like clones. Though I was only certain during that BBQ a while ago.”

“…Weird, Amanashi is supposed to be an idiot. That is my cognition of her.”

“Well, I mostly agree with that, but I guess she can be sharp during certain times as well.”

“Hey! I can perfectly hear you over here!”

“S-Sorry, Nui. But, why did you keep quiet even after finding out?”

“Even I can separate between things I should say, and things I shouldn’t. Even an idiot like me!”

“So you’re admitting that you’re an idiot after all…Well, Nui, if possible, can you…”

“I know I know. This Nui-chan will not speak of it, even if she gets whipped with a lash.”

“You sure you didn’t mean beheading…?”

“Not wrong in the context. But, it helps us a lot. Thank you, Amanashi.”

“Come on, Ten-chan, we are comrades who have slept in the same futon. Just call me NuiNui!”

Yet another annoying name came up. Things are just getting worse after we stayed over in that inn room, huh.

“NuiNui, you have to hide it for the sake of my older sister. It’s for her job after all.”

“It’s okay, I won’t do anything to trouble Maka-tea~ I love her after all. Rather, a kiss would be no problem for me~”

“The lips of my sister, stolen by my classmate…”

Tenka-san’s facial expression looks seriously complicated right now. Probably because Nui seems like the type to actually do it. Still, talking about kissing…makes me remember when Nui kissed me during summer break…

“Well, I’m not worried about a kiss either. InuInu2, looking forward to working with you.”


…Seems like the two of them get along pretty well, glad to see that.

“Ah, that reminds me Tenka-san, are you not going to join me in suffering from Maka-sensei’s tort—I mean training?”

“Not me. I’m busy, see.”

And with that, Tenka-san returned to her seat.

“That reminds me, I wonder if Ten-chan is doing some super busy part-time job. The clothes she was wearing back at the BBQ cost at least like 70-80 dollars.”

“Wow, so InuInu actually knows a bit about girls’ clothes?”

“Woof woof! I told you I’m not a dog! But, it’s true that I know a fair bit.”


It seems like my partner in the three-legged race, the little sister of my girlfriend teacher, actually has a secret. Well, in the off-chance that Tenka-san might get tortured by SID, I’ll just try to stay out of it this time.”

“Hey, Nuippi~ We gotta take measurements now!”

“Ah, right! Sorry, I have to get going.”

Yet again called by a weird name, Nui walked off towards a girl from our class. A girl overflowing with normie talent, and a part of the executive committee for the sports festival.

“Umm…yeah, should be fine.”

“Eh, what is?”

Nui gazed at me, and eventually nodded to herself. Not even answering my question, she just walked off towards that girl. It seems like not only Tenka-san has a secret to hide. Everyone sure seems busy…

The food of the cafeteria, brought to the students through generous donations, was as delicious as ever, much to my satisfaction. I even got to talk with a few male classmates of mine, so I recharged a bit of my energy. Though their main goal was to question me about Maka-sensei’s special training, trying to dig up every little piece of information. These bastards~

I did answer some nonsense here and there, stuff like this probably being the reason for me being honeymouthed.

“Hey, Saigi Makoto. Your necktie is getting loose again. You’re as sloppy as always, huh.”

“Ah, Karen-kaichou. Hello.”

Suddenly, Jinsho Karen-kaichou appeared in front of me, fixing my necktie with swift movement. Naturally, she was wearing the uniform as neatly as ever. She has to be an example for the other students after all.

“For crying out loud…Stealing my name when I’m this busy.”

Or so she said, but she looked a bit happy.

“Busy? Shouldn’t you have some free time from your studies?”

“Exactly. I should probably tell you about the results of the national mock exam—”

Because of this incident right before summer break where she went to school like a gal with blonde hair and sloppy clothes, her position as the student council president was in danger. In order to be able to attend Seikadai’s university with the help of her scholarship, she had to get a good rank at the national mock exam, on top of being the best of her class. She took the exam during summer break, and apparently the results for that came in—

“…Sorry. It seems like my efforts were still lacking…”


“I tried my best but…I only got 6th.”

“6th in the entire country?!”

“How could this happen…I always act all arrogant towards you, and this is what I get…I really deserve it…It seems like I have to give you some indecent service while wearing my nun uniform…”

“S-Seriously…?! Wait, not that! 6th place all over the country is amazing, isn’t it?! So much that just going to Seikadai’s university would be a waste!”

Seikadai is pretty prestigious in terms of ranking, but not top of the country by any means. With these results, she should be able to easily get into the best university.

“But, I was aiming to get the first place, and I couldn’t even get in the top 5, you know?”

“You’ve achieved more than enough already! You’re seriously amazing, Karen-kaichou! You’re a genius! A saint!”

“…What are you talking about, Saigi Makoto? Are you tired?”

“I’m trying to praise you here! Don’t just retort on it the one time I’m actually genuine!”

But anyway, that’s one worry off my back. I guess that she won’t have to worry about her scholarship anymore.

“Congratulations. I’m really glad.”

“I see…if you’re honestly saying it, then I’ll gladly take your praise. Ah, I’m busy, so can we move this until later?”

“Student council work?”

“The thing is, the ball-throwing event of the sports festival was cancelled. See, there’s this professional baseball player called Gosotsu Kiyo who moved here. Apparently, he’s got Seikadai roots. They were invited here as a surprise, going head-to-head with the current baseball club’s ace.”

“Ohh, that’s nice. Our baseball club is pretty weak, but I didn’t know someone from here actually managed to go pro.”

“Apparently, they honed their talent when they started attending university. However, said Gosotsu Kiyo happened to suffer from an injury. They wanted to pick up a littering cigarette, and strained their back.”

“I don’t know if I should show admiration or laugh about it…”

“Hence, we had to quickly think of another event, but we’re having a bit of trouble with that.”

“Hm? Isn’t that the job of the sports festival’s execution committee?”

“They are the busiest of us right now. Something irregular like this happening was outside of their expectations. Working against these sorts of troubles is the job of the student council president.”

“I-Is that so…? I sure think this is outside your range of obligations…”

“Well, the student council is student council, so I’m about to get buried in paperwork as well.”

“H-Huh? That sounds pretty bad to me though?”

“If you have any ideas as an event, let me know. Saigi Makoto, I know you’re good at moving in the shadows.”

“You’re bad mouthing me…”

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Karen-kaichou beautifully ignored my protest, and disappeared down the hallway as she mumbled to herself. Even though her term of office is already over, she’s working her hardest to work until the very end. Still, an event that can replace the appearance of a former professional player—not that easy to find anything. And even if I could move in the shadows to pull something, I’m too tired because of the whole training…

Even after summer break ended, forcing me to adjust to my normal school life again, and even if I have to suffer from that grotesque training, I can’t run away from my household chores. In the apartment of the flat we live in, it’s just Miharu and me. Our parents are working in the smuggling industry. They did come home over summer break once, but things got busy so they had to leave for overseas again. Both of us have gotten used to that over the years, not even missing our parents anymore.

Also, the thing about them being traffickers was a lie. Though I am a bit doubtful about their jobs.

“Summer break ended, and we went back to our daily lives…or so I want to think, but there’s so many events happening I can’t take a breather.”

“Gyaa! Another cat punch?! You damned Kagome! Miharu was about to summon Nobunagako-chan!”

“…At least the daily life in the Saigi Household has returned.”

Us two siblings have finished dinner, took a (separate) bath, and I was currently checking the food and supplies I had to buy tomorrow. Miharu on her part was rolling around on her special seat, the sofa in the living room. All the time she isn’t at school, she spends on that sofa. It’s a familiar scenery, but during last June, we got a new family member, a white-haired cat called Saigi Kagome, and the circumstances have changed ever so slightly.

After adopting her from the cat cafe, Kagome swiftly got used to our house, even acting like ‘So what if you’ve lived here for more than ten years? I’m here now’. On top of that, she’s apparently not too delighted about Miharu wasting away all my money on mobile games, delivering occasional cat punches in response. This white cat is teaching my dear little sister something very important.

“Come on, Miharu still has lots of points left on her Onii-chan card. Thanks to you, the pride of a mobile game addict is breaking in pieces.”

“If there’s still something left on that Onii-chan card, how about you give that back to Onii-chan?”

I wasn’t able to work part-time during summer break, yet also had no chances to use it either, so my wallet should have a good amount in there. Thinking about it, whenever I went out recently, that one certain adult insisted on paying for me, so I barely paid for anything since last spring…I gotta be careful, or I’ll get seriously dependent on this…

“Alright, I finished my shopping list for tomorrow…I’m tired today, so I’ll head to sleep. You better not stay up too long, okay?”

Miharu is the type to be active at night, so she barely sleeps anyway. Back in grade school, it was so much work to get her to bed. Now it feels nostalgic.

Slightly staggering from the exhaustion, I returned to my room, and collapsed on the bed.

“Ahhh. I might actually fall asleep at 10pm…”

In the end, I wasn’t able to sleep at school, and only got more tired after doing all the housework. Preparations for tomorrow? Yeah, not happening. I do have to learn some English though, or Maka-sensei will…Ahhh, but, I can’t move anymore…



Right as I was about to close my eyes, giving in to the sleepiness, I heard my little sister’s voice.

“D-Don’t scare me like that, Miharu…And why are you looking like that…?”

I only moved my head to gaze towards the door, and saw Miharu standing there while embracing her pillow. Just now, she was wearing a t-shirt and short pants, but now she wore a camisole top and white-pink striped panties.

“It was hot, so Miharu took them off. In the hallway.”

“I keep telling you not to keep your clothes lying around…”

I’m not asking you to wash your clothes, but at least take them off in the bath.

“Why not just put on the A/C if it’s too hot? But make sure that you’re not cooling down your body too much.”

“It’s fine. Onii-chan is plenty warm after all.”

“What does that even mean—Eh, what are you doing, Miharu?”

She walked towards my bed, threw the pillow on it, and laid down.

“We’ve been sleeping together lots before, why panic now?”

“I was just watching over you because you wouldn’t stop playing your games or playing around on your smartphone.”

These past few years, I had to get up early to take care of household chores, so I couldn’t put up with that anymore.

“Onii-chan, did you know? Using a beauty with her erotic breasts in plain sight as a hugging pillow, you will not only get horny, but you’ll also be sound asleep soon after.”

“Don’t make it sound like I know perfectly what you’re talking about. Also, I didn’t know about that, no.”

“Then—” Miharu rolled over to face me, clinging to me. “Here is your hugging pillow, feel free to use it. Once Miharu falls asleep, she will only wake up if Onii-chan is the one waking her, so you can use her however and as much as you want, okay?”

“Use in what way?!”

My dear sister, we don’t endorse any indecent topics like this in our household. Also, having a girl who has feelings for me, albeit being my little sister, sleeping in the same bed doesn’t count as cheating, right?

After all, a girlfriend is a girlfriend, right?

“Today, Miharu is in her little sister hugging pillow mode.”

“Did you really only put a tracking device on me?”

That phrase sure sounded like you were heading my thoughts, my little sister.

“Ah, Miharu. The string of your camisole is getting loose.”

“Hmm? Ah, you’re right. Also, are you the type of Onii-chan to not get excited by his little sister’s breasts?”

“I hope there’s no one like that out there.”

Or so I retorted, but my gaze still wandered towards her chest. Because the string on her shoulder was about to fall loose, I could almost see one part very clearly. A slight bulge, and the pink spot on top of it.


I wonder, why am I getting a bit flustered at this? I’ve seen her breasts countless times already. Is it because I was confessed to, and kissed by her?

“What’re you acting all reserved for, Onii-chan? Miharu told you she’s in little sister mode right now. You can use your JK little sister as a hugging pillow, ain’t that the biggest thing ever for a siscon? Miharu bets all siscons in the world are crying tears of blood right now.”

“They can die of blood loss for all I care…”

But, I guess she’s right. If I think of her as my normal little sister, there should be no problems.

“Miharu, won’t you get hot if I hug you?”

“Wow, even now you think of the heat?”

“Leave me alone, okay?!”

“It’s just a joke. We can use the A/C however we want, our parents are paying after all.”

“…Will we ever be able to properly support our parents?”

“You can do it, Onii-chan!”

“You better help me out, Miharu?!”

She’s really keen on living under my umbrella for the rest of her life, huh.

“Well, it’s whatever. Just today, Miharu will be spoiled with that.”

“…I wonder about that.”

It’s most likely a blatant lie, no doubt, but sleeping with a hugging pillow might wash away all the exhaustion I gathered today. I can see half of her cleavage still, and when I direct my gaze downwards, her striped panties are in plain view, but she’s my little sister. I can’t get excited by this sight. Be cool, Saigi-kun.

“Good night, Onii-chan.”

“Yeah. Night, Miharu.”

I tenderly embraced her. Ahh, the softness of her chest hitting me is really comfortable…

“Good morning. Glad you made it, Saigi-kun.”

“G-Good morning…”

Sunday morning—the day where even clubs nor staff aren’t present at school, I for some reason was. Naturally, I was called here by Maka-sensei again, her wearing the familiar pink jersey, and me in gym clothes.

“Saigi-kun, your face sure looks glossy this morning.”

“I-I just had a good sleep because I was tired.”

I couldn’t tell her I was sleeping like a baby because of the hugging pillow.

“A-Also, doing training is fine and all, but do we really have to meet up on a Sunday as well?”

“We can’t help it, can we. We can only use this for today morning.”

“I never knew we had a facility like this on school grounds.”

Currently we were beneath the gym hall of the Seikadai High school division. Wherever I looked, I could see training machines, lining up next to each other. Basically, it was like a training room a sports club would use.

“Quite the formidable gym this is. To think we had something like this beneath our school.”

“I am registered at a gym as well, but the machines here are newer. That’s what you would expect from a rich private school like this, they know what to do with their money.”

“Ohh, even though our school’s sports clubs aren’t even that strong…Hm? You’re registered at a gym, Maka-sensei?”

“Teachers, especially younger ones have to battle their own endurance, so we have to always be physically fit.”

“Well, you’re just a workaholic, I think…” I commented, remembering the chaotic—excuse me, the impressive scene inside her private room.

Mountains of reference books were building up, notebooks written full with education plans and guidance advice and more. Depending on the person, this could really change the way we see her…

“Ah, recently it’s been for your sake as well, you know? Look at my waist here. It’s been pretty hard to maintain that.”

“N-No need to do a weird pose like that!”

Maka-sensei put both her hands on her waist, weirdly shaking her butt. Even with the jersey on top, I could see that her waist was really constricted. Just how do her innards fit in there?

“No, wait a second. You’re working every day, on top of visiting the gym…when exactly are you sleeping?”

“When am I sleeping, huh…How about you stay with me for 24 hours to watch over me?”

“N-No thank you! It seems like you’re back to your usual cheeky attitude!”

“The school is my home after all. If I’m here, I can become anyone I want.” Maka-sensei sent me a wink to finish off her words. “I’ve reserved it for now, so let’s begin quickly.”


Maka-sensei swiftly bound her brown hair up into a ponytail. Following that, she took off the jersey she was wearing.

“S-Sensei?! Why are you stripping like that?!”

“Getting this noisy even now when I take off my clothes, you sure are a cute one, Saigi-kun <3”

Beneath the jersey, she was wearing a tank-top, revealing almost all of her shoulders, chest, and even her navel. On top of that, spats that barely reach her knees. I could see the outline of her butt perfectly as she turned towards me.

“You don’t need to show me your well-trained body like that!”

“B-But…as your girlfriend teacher, I have to brag about my body so that you won’t leave me for a younger girl. Also, there’s a night plan allowing you to work out at night even on weekdays, costing you about 9328 yen a month.”

“Why are you always immediately spending the most money possible…”

Like the rent of the flat, or that R-15 video before.

“T-That’s not the case. I have to use the money for my work, and I don’t pay for anything but for Saigi-kun. That’s as important as living in itself to me. No Saigi No Life, right? Or NSNL for short”

“ No need to put an abbreviation on it.”

“Yes, that’s not the point right now. Apparently, the girls tennis club will be using this room once noon comes, weirdly enough, so we have to use the time we have.”

“Weirdly enough…they’re a sports club, so wouldn’t it make more sense for them to use it?”

Isn’t she technically a Senpai of the tennis club anyway? Ah, wasn’t she in the tennis club as well…

“Now, let’s start the training for good! It might not look like it, but I am the sportive type, so I can properly give you guidance as well. Don’t worry, just *gulp* leave it all to me.”


With Maka-sensei’s guidance, I sat down on top of a nearby mat, doing some light stretching.

“Saigi-kun, your body is too stiff. If you’re more flexible, you’re less likely to suffer any injuries, so you have to do some more light stretching.”

“My little sister is just as stiff, so I wanna blame our genes for that.”

“In her case, she’s just not moving enough. Also, don’t just mention another girl during our gym date.”

“This is a gym date?!”

Well at least she’s letting me know from the beginning, huh!

“Normal high school students don’t go on gym dates, right? We can do this because I’m an adult.”

“I rarely see any classmates go to the gym in the first place.”

Though I’m sure there are gyms with proper plans for high school students. Maybe the gravure idol Nui might be registered there. Most likely a countermeasure for when she eats too much again.

“Let’s start with some sit-ups, to train your muscles.”

“I see these often.”

I put my legs on the slope to keep them from moving, following Maka-sensei’s instructions.

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“Let’s take it slow, and do ten for now. Forget about counting, and just focus on your movement, as well as your breathing. Move your body up while breathing out, and take a deep breath when you go back.”

“You sure know your way with this. That’s what you’d expect from a previously sport-minded person.”

It’s my first time doing sit-ups with a machine like this.

“Oh…this…is pretty tough…”

“No forcing yourself. Sit-ups don’t have the biggest effect, but you have to take your time with this. You can go back for now.”

Under her guidance, I continued my sit-ups. I think doing ten should be pretty easy, but it still strains a body that’s not used to it.


“Come on, Saigi-kun, you can do it. Aim for this part here!”


H-How deft…! When I lifted up my upper body, the point my head was aiming for…were her breasts! Hence, my face was directly buried in her 88cm chest. Not to mention, the tank top being super thin—and no bra?! So after I die from the ten sit-ups, I arrive at paradise?

“Ahnn~ you’re touching them too much, Saigi-kun…”


I tried to fall back with my upper body, but Sensei grabbed my head, pushing it even further against her breasts.

“You can’t do that, Saigi-kun. Panicking during your training will only hurt your body. You have to slowly go back, okay?”


She talked about breathing and whatever, but how could I even gasp for air with this overwhelming pressure on my face! Eventually, Maka-sensei freed me from this heavenly hell, and I collapsed on the machine.

“Then, let’s move on to the next. Is there anything you’d like to test?”

“You sure go at your own pace…Well, the bench press might be interesting—”


“N-No…? Why?”

“You might hurt yourself if you try to lift anything heavy.”

“I think that every training harbors the danger of getting injured though…”

In the end, I was forced to use whatever Mrs. Overprotective aka Maka-sensei told me to. An exercise bike, a chest press, leg exercises—Moving on to do some training at a machine I didn’t even know the names of.

“Haa…Huff…E-Every single one is tough…Why don’t our clubs end up top-class with all this stuff here?”

“You really are doubtful in the weirdest places. Just because you have good equipment doesn’t mean you end up strong, you know.” Maka-sensei grinned at me.

Even though she was doing the same training as me, or even more, she wasn’t out of breath in the slightest.

“Here, time to wipe off your sweat.”

“…I have nothing else to be desired here.”

Maka-sensei wiped off the sweat off my face. I still can’t tell if she’s strict or considerate.

“Don’t worry, even I won’t be playing around during our training. Guaranteed utmost safety, and only then we can be lovey-dovey.”

“You’re not even trying to use ‘educating me’ as an excuse anymore!”

“But, but…we’ve started dating now, so this isn’t the time to get flustered anymore. I want to be even more lovey-dovey touchy-kissy-feely.”

Maka-sensei softly embraced my head, kindly kissing me on my cheek.

“S-Sensei, you’re starting to lose your restraint…”

“We’ll properly continue the training. I want you to show some great results at the sports festival after all.”

Or so she said, as she even softly kissed me on the lips. We’ve kissed countless times until now, but a sneak attack like that still is troublesome…


“Wah, Maka-sensei?!”

I fell over onto a nearby mat, together with Sensei. Embraced by her from behind, I was in a soft lock.

“W-What kind of training is this?”

“You get ten points if you can escape from this. Judo ground fighting or wrestling apparently uses up a lot of endurance, so this could turn into some proper training as well.”

“What’s the meaning of the gym then?!”

I tried to resist a bit, but my arms and upper body were in a perfect lock, not allowing me much movement. I really think that I should have the upper hand in terms of weight. Yet, Sensei is weighing down like a stone on me…She’s good!

“Ahh…being able to hug Saigi-kun like this on a sunday morning, what bliss…”

“How is this a hug?! You’re almost choking me!”

Also, because she’s moving her body up and down, her soft breasts keep hitting the back of my head. The soft breasts of this beautiful teacher are attacking me!

“Fufufufu…Trying to wriggle your way out won’t work…you can’t escape this hell…”

“What kind of development is this…!”

Maka-sensei changed her position yet again, approaching her head towards me. With a distance away where we could feel each other’s breaths—


I took Maka-sensei by surprise, stretching out my neck to kiss her on the lips. The unbelievable softness of her lips was directly transmitted onto mine. Getting even more aggressive, the sound of passionate kissing filled the room.

“Mmm…Fuu…Mmm <3”

Maka-sensei’s body started to twitch in pleasure, as I could feel her lock on me softening. Now’s my chance…!

I took the opportunity to escape from her arms, as I took my distance.

“Huff…that was dangerous…”

“S-Saigi-kun…to think that you would escape my deadlock with a kiss…You left me all sticky now…”

“Phrasing, Sensei, phrasing!”

“Oh my…I didn’t expect Saigi-kun to be so good in bed…Now I’m getting excited for the future…”

“I don’t want to know about the fantasies blooming up in your head, thank you.”

“Leaving that aside…I’m an adult, Saigi-kun, so I won’t be beaten that easily.”


This time, Maka-sensei embraced me from the front, after closing the distance between as with crazy speed. She quickly grabbed my cheeks, and pressed her lips on mine, assaulting me with a row of short, yet passionate kisses.

Well, I guessed as much. Although a girlfriend teacher is a rather vague relationship, we’re still going out. Though, we’ve been kissing even before that…


“W-What kind of training is this—Mm!”

“You will find yourself having trouble breathing if your heart beat is accelerating. This probably has the same effect of mountain-climbing training.”


I mean, my heart is beating really fast this very moment, but…

“Fufu, with this, you’ll be fit for the sports festival.”

“…This wasn’t any training at all. Also, I really don’t want to participate actively anyway…”

“I want you to have fun, Saigi-kun. You might not think too much of it but you only have two sports festivals left in your life, you hear?”

“You’re making it sound like such a big deal…”

It’s true that there won’t be any sports festivals at university, and although some companies have intern-festivals like that, it probably can’t compare to a school sports festival…Still, why is Maka-sensei so adamant on it…Ah, in the past, she probably couldn’t enjoy the festival herself because of her rank as the Unobtainable Flower…That’s why she came back to Seikadai, to live through all the things she missed in her own high school career…

“This might turn into a precious memory… you know?”


Maka-sensei pulled away her lips for a second, and after taking a deep breath—approached with them again. I closed my eyes, and prepared myself for the kiss, when—

I heard footsteps in the distance—wait, footsteps?! I thought my heart would leap out of my chest, at the same time as the door to the training room opened.

“Very well, it seems like I am the most motivated again!”

A single female student stood in the door.


“What do you mean ‘ugh’!”

Seeing who it was, I let out a groan. She had long, golden hair, with an Alice band. At Seikadai, coloring your hair wasn’t forbidden, but they would only allow it up to brown or black. Blonde or golden hair would immediately be called out, receiving punishment. Just like what happened with Jinsho Karen. Meaning that, for her to still be here with her hair, it was her natural color.

“Makoto-san, why are you in a place like this?”


Her name was Shinbou Enri. Someone I knew since elementary. We’re not exactly close or anything, but I know that she has foreign blood in her—as well as a special ‘connection’.

“Ah, apologies. it seems like the time for the tennis club to use this room has arrived.”

H-Huh? Maka-sensei is wearing the jersey already? Also, she looks a bit dissatisfied that she had to separate from me…? When did she… Then again, I expected nothing less from the person who kept her real personality a secret for years.

“Still…Makoto…Enri…Saigi-kun, you have a lot of female friends. I feel pathetic as your homeroom teacher not being aware of any of this.”


Not good. Maka-sensei is smiling, but her eyes aren’t. If this was a manga, she’d have this angry mark on her head.

“Fu…Fujiki-sensei! Did Makoto-san do anything rude again? I apologize!”

“Why am I the bad guy immediately?”

“Keep quiet! Since we’re talking about you, you were needlessly repulsive towards Sensei, right! I heard that you would be receiving a rehabilitation program, but I guess that your roots will never change!”

“Same to you, Enri, I can see that you’ve sworn eternal allegiance towards teachers….”

Exactly, this is the connection—her being my natural enemy. Enri has this diligent touch to her, and takes everything a teacher says as the one truth. Basically, her way of thinking is the exact opposite of mine. Or rather, the me from a while ago. We’ve clashed countless times since elementary, her ending up an existence even I can’t ignore if she’s around me.

It still puzzles me to this day that we somehow ended up on first-name basis. If I remember correctly, she was one to call me ‘Makoto-san’ first. We didn’t see each other for a while, probably because I stopped rebelling against teachers, giving her no reason to scold me.

“I can see that you’ve not changed. Also, you might not be aware of it, but Fujiki-sensei is actually the former ace of the tennis club, and even stood at the top of the national Inter-High! This is the proof!”

“Wah…! What did you bring here, Shinbou-san?!”

Shown on the phone screen Enri pushed towards my face, I could spot a JK Maka-chan tennis player version. It’s the picture of her I’ve seen online, wearing a pink tennis top, with a white skirt.

“It’s the best possible shot of Fujiki-sensei. I’ve kept this as a treasure!”

“…That reminds me, wasn’t your father some higher-up of a popular newspaper company?”

She used her father to get her hands on the picture—oddly pure, yet also schematic.

“S-Stop it. My high school days are long in the past now. You know how I won once, and then retired.”

“Now that you say it, Sensei’s retirement has remained as the greatest mystery of the tennis club…but that is fine! That only helped in building the legend about Fujiki-sensei, who disappeared after her overwhelming win…! Nobody would complain about this.”

“Well, she probably had her own reason for retiring.”

“It’s perfectly fine, Fujiki-sensei. What Japanese people like us love are Yoshitsune, Nobunaga, Ryouma. We admire heroes with willpower and resolution. Even us Kouhais here in the tennis club cannot hide this admiration towards Sensei either…!”

“Are you sure about that willpower part?”

“Keep quiet, Makoto-san! Don’t ruin the reality I’ve built up for myself!”

“Ehh…I think you’re better off not glorifying people for nothing…?”

“Saigi-kun is right, you know? I’m not some eminent figure.”

“Indeed you aren’t! To me, you are like a hero! I respect you more than anybody else in the tennis club. There sadly exists no video in the clubroom anymore, but I managed to grasp all the different recordings from various TV channels, converted them to 4k, and secured them all safely on a server.”

“Your love is pretty heavy, you know?!”

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There’s a lot of passionate fans on school grounds, but Enri is even worse than them, huh. Maybe I should have her meet Shiya-chan in the near future…

“…N-Not good. I should have made sure all of the recordings were erased, but to think that she would go so far as to get them from the TV…” Maka-sensei was muttering to herself.

So she’s the reason all recordings are gone. She really is thorough.

“I’ve heard you’ve been tasked with Makoto-san’s rehabilitation ever since spring, Fujiki-sensei. It must be a troublesome job…Makoto-san looks innocent, but his mental resistance towards teachers is something I can only compare to the strongest animal on earth. I’ve warned him about it ever since we have gotten acquainted in elementary, but you see how much that helped. Just why aren’t you listening to me?”

“I don’t remember having any reason to actually listen to you…”

What is she even to me?

“That is not the case, Shinbou-san. It’s true that I was tasked with his education and his guidance, but he isn’t just repulsive for no reason. It seems like a lot of teachers doing the wrong thing in the past have triggered his distrust.”

“Fujiki-sensei, you really are too kind…A-Ah, don’t tell me, you were seduced by Makoto-san?! He’s a master at talking people into doing his business!”

“N-Now that you say it…The way he uses his mouth does feel goo—No, I am not naive enough to be seduced by a student.” Maka-sensei puffed out her chest as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Just what exactly was she about to say, right there…?

“I-Is that so? Makoto-san is not necessarily a bad man, but his ability against teachers cannot be underestimated…”

“Against teachers…Hm? I was glaring pretty badly at you before, and you still didn’t think of me as bad?”

“No, I did. But that’s only towards teachers, at least from my experience.”

“I-Is that so…”

Well, I’m not shocked to find out that Enri actually hated me.

“Also, Fujiki-sensei! The thing is…A-A few months back, there was the weird story of Makoto-san inducing a wall-slam with you, so what exactly where you thinking, Makoto-san!”

“Could you stop changing the flow of the story only so that you can bad mouth me again?”

Didn’t you literally just talk to Maka-sensei?

“T-That’s right. But, I have to say that I can’t appreciate the two of you ending up alone! There’s even a topic going around in the club! Even if it’s a groundless rumour, the more there are, the more credibility they gain!”



I unconsciously met eyes with Sensei. Yeah, this could end up annoying. Maybe we’re better off rethinking this whole jogging and gym date thing. From the looks of it, Maka-sensei was thinking the same, putting her hand on her slender jaw, as she started thinking.

“Thank you for telling me, Shinbou-san, I will be more careful in the future.”

“N-No, don’t be. It’s all Makoto-san’s fault for being so defiant.”


Enri isn’t exactly wrong or anything. But, Maka-sensei looked a bit lonely. She probably enjoyed these special lessons and training a lot. I wonder if she ever got to really enjoy herself back when she was in high school? If possible, I want to help her in finding what she has lost.

Huff…today was quite the day. Leaving aside the training in the morning, I had special lessons on physical education, as well as sports festival practice.

“Right as you get home, a sigh. You lose your happy energy, making the mood heavy.”

“…Why are you here, Tenka-san?”

Right as I got home, my classmate greeted me, in my own home’s living room. Seeing that she was still wearing the school uniform, she came here before she went home.

“Onii-chan, welcome home~ Miharu’s hoping for some extra meat later~”

“You do that every single day.”

Rarely enough, Miharu didn’t monopolize her position on the sofa, but sat in front of the table. On top of said table was her laptop, with the two of them looking at the screen.

“You remember that Tenka-san is your Senpai, Miharu?”

“I came here with some business, and I’m in her care.”

“Miharu is taking care of someone? Is this a different timeline?”

“Maybe the Onii-chan Positioning System (OPS) isn’t enough. How about Miharu sets up a 360° camera system in your room that’s compatible with it?”

“Hold your horses! My privacy is already crumbling away! Also, you actually had cameras set up?!”

“Miharu is joking. The president would scold me if I went that far. Even Kuu-chan. And if Kuu-chan hated me, Miharu would seriously die.”

“So you’re weak against Kuu, Miharu…”

Miharu is already horribly ignorant, but even being spoiled by a fellow little sister-type, huh.

“But seriously, what are you doing here, Tenka-san?”

If I remember correctly, wasn’t she interested in the intelligence network of Miharu?

“I’m having her make a necessary app for my job. Something I can’t get, not sold on the market.”

“Hmmm…Wait, your job? A part-time job?”

“Don’t mind it, no big deal at all. Annual income, only about eight million yen.”


That’s a joke, right? I don’t know if I should laugh, or seriously ask her about it.

“Ten-chansenpai’s order is a bit annoying, but it doesn’t take too long with the OPS, and Miharu gets a high appearance fee.”

“If you get that, then how about you stop using my money on your mobile games? Ah right, I almost forgot about the tea.”

“Miharu already brought some. Onii-chan’s secret ‘Black tea even an English man can’t wait for’.”

“Hold on?! I asked dad for this when he was in India!”

“So you’re saying, Saigi, it would be a waste of me to drink it?”

“Ah, no, not that. I’m just saying that you have to be careful with it, to draw out the best flavor—Hmm??? Miharu made tea? Not with a tea bag, but with actual tea leaves?”

I took the tea cup in front of Miharu, and took a sip. Not minding the indirect kiss at all.

“Huh…it’s just fine?”

“Looking up the recipe online, even Miharu can do it.”


She just recently learned how to boil water, and yet…My baby-like little sister is growing…Ah, I’m crying!

“Ah, eh? Saigi, you’re crying? Where’s the sad episode?”

“Don’t mind him, Ten-chansenpai. Onii-chan is probably thinking something rude again.”

That’s exactly right, but what older brother doesn’t cry because of such an event.

“N-Now, Tenka-san, just take your time, I’ll go to my room—”

“Wait. I also have business with you, Saigi.”

“Eh, me…?” I stopped right in my tracks, sitting on the sofa.

“…But, is it fine for Miharu to hear that?”

“This is Mii’s domain. Hiding anything, in vain.”

“Well, you’re not wrong about that. Miharu will just loiter around then. Not like Ten-chansenpai is a rival.” Miharu commented as she sat down next to me, lying sideways.

Because she was still wearing her uniform, her skirt was lifted up to blatantly show me her white panties, but my little sister’s underwear would not take away my attention of course. I wash it everyday after all.

“The story is simple. About Onee-chan, get me.”

“Eh? Um…what about Miharu?”

“I told her. It would be better for Mii to know. She would eventually find out if I visit this flat so many times. And she’s using the security cameras.”

“I really don’t think she’s gotten that far to use security cameras.”

…Right? I mean, she’s acting like she wasn’t listening anyway, playing on her game while being mindful of Kagome. Nui already caught on to Maka-sensei and Tenka-san being sisters, so it’s only a matter of time until SID eventually finds out.

“And, about Onee-chan. I had Mii look up something about her.”

“About Maka-sensei?”

“Recently, there’s been some talk going around. A passionate guidance going on with a certain problem child. The boys are jealous. The girls, talkative. I feel, a bit of danger.”


Though her way of talking has been a bit confusing recently, I perfectly got the gist of it now. Sure matches the time, after Enri just mentioned it a bit ago.

“Is there some other talk between me and Maka-sensei going around…?”

“Nothing like that. Just wishy-washy right now.”


So this is the main reason for her visit today…Well, she really is a siscon, so she would want to avoid any weird rumours that could end up hurting her beloved older sister. She did passionately warn me about that before.

“So you’re saying that Sensei is loosening her touch on my guidance?”

“My older sister doesn’t stop once she starts running. I will fight her before it gets worse.”


Even Enri told Maka-sensei to be careful and behave so that there won’t be any misunderstandings happening.

“Quite troublesome…honestly, I’d be more than happy to have this hellish training stop. Even more so if there’s weird rumours going around which could give demerits to her.”

Yet, just despairing about it won’t solve anything.

“I also have to think about an event for the sports festival after Karen-kaichou asked me. Not to mention that Enri got her eyes on me again, so I have to be wary of her. Why can’t there be only one problem at a time?”

“There can never be. That being said, I’m counting on you to take care of it, Saigi.”

“So you’re pushing it all onto me…?”

I mean, they’re all somewhat related to me. With a teacher and student having an immoral relationship, everyone takes damage from that, so the answer is already decided.

“Onii-chan, Onii-chan. If you have too many tasks bothering you, you have to make a list, and deal with them all in order. Otherwise you’ll get buried if you try it all at once.”

“That’s actually pretty logical, but I somehow can’t accept that.”

Especially from my corrupted and lazy little sister. No, I guess I should give up on trying to get her away from being a half shut-in. Since I got the OPS on me now, I guess I can only respond to Tenka-san’s expectations…

“Basically, you have to avoid Fujiki-sensei spending time with you, think up a fitting event for the sports festival, and think of some countermeasures against this Enri person.”

You make it sound pretty simple, but that’s about it.”

I swiftly explained the circumstances involving Enri. And how she admires Maka-sensei.

“I see, so the ace of the tennis club, as well as the request of the student council president. Sounds like you’ve turned into a proper normie. But yeah, she also talked to Miharu before. About making sure that you’re properly getting educated or something.”

“Sounds like something Enri would say. I guess I really am on the being educated end.”

“How about you swiftly take care of that? Let’s see…”

“Ah, Miharu! There’s something else!”

“Hm? What?”

“Ah, well…about the special training with Maka-sensei, I’d like to keep it that way, or else it’ll end up as mental poison for her. I want her to have some merit from the sports festival if possible.”

“You sure have a lot of requests, Onii-chan. But, that makes sense.”

Miharu glanced over at Tenka-san, who nodded along with my words. For this girl with her twintails, her older sister’s happiness is the most important. And I don’t want to see a sad Maka-sensei.

“No, this might actually be doable. We have to give Fujiki-sensei some motivation for other stuff. A ‘Worthwhile Milking’ you could call it. You sure think about some crazy stuff, Onii-chan…”

“H-Hey, Miharu! I’m not trying to do anything weird! I’m just trying to make everyone happy, and thinking of a method to achieve that.”

“Miharu has a method where everyone gets happy, a win-win situation, you know?”

“Y-You do? Really?”

I unconsciously looked at Tenka-san, who shook her head at me. Just what exactly did my little sister think of now?

1 Sentence was English in the original.

2 Inu = Dog

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