Maka-sensei’s redoing of the sports festival

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I heard light smacking sounds.

On the artificially created green ground, two female players were softly swinging their rackets.

“I never really watched a tennis match before, but this is pretty interesting alright. The longer the rally continues, the more nervous you get, and deciding another point with a serve ace makes them look really cool.”

“…Um, Saigi-kun?”

“Oh, wow! Did you see that, Maka-sensei? The ball barely made it past the net, and she still skillfully returned it!”

“I didn’t need to see it, this is my match after all, so I understand how amazing that was! Why do you have to dig up my dark past more and more?!”

“Dark past? Oh please.”

Maka-sensei is calling this very place—the English preparation room—her own ‘Castle’ after all. We’re currently watching a video on the tablet I borrowed from Miharu.

“So there’s actually videos left from your high school days. Miharu went as far as to dig them up.”

“From time to time, you really love disregarding my age and just wildly go on about teasing me. Still, where did she find this particular video?”

“Miharu found previous classmates of yours on various social networks, and managed to dig up a former member of the tennis club, who sent her a video they took themselves.”

“T-That woman…! What a blunder! Also, it seems I’ve underestimated Miharu-san’s actual investigation skill!”

Apparently, Maka-sensei already had an idea on who that person was. That reminds me, I only know Hiyori-sensei as an acquaintance of hers. She previously mentioned a famous doctor, but I didn’t ask for much detail in that regard.

“We received this data from them. From the pictures online, and Enri’s own supply, I couldn’t really judge, but a video like this sure shows how intense that was.”

“…And, how long are you going to make fun of me like this? Is this retaliation for suffering from my daily special training? A tit for tat?”

“Y-You’re wrong. This is just the preface, so to speak.”

“Quite the devilish preface if you ask me.” Maka-sensei glared at me.

“This is the real deal. I’ll be stepping out for a second.”

“…What is this?”

Ignoring Sensei’s question, I handed her a plastic, and stepped out of the preparation room. I stood stand-by outside, looking at my phone, when I received a message.

From Kuu. It said ‘Soon. I’m looking forward to it’. Soon what? But before I could reply, she sent me a picture of another cat. She’s probably on a walk right now.

“Hey hey, what is this?!”

Ohh, now that’s a great reaction. Though if she keeps screaming like that, she’ll ruin her Unobtainable Flower image.

“Saigi-kun, come right here this instant! Sensei has something to talk about!”

It’s been a while since I was called over this fiercely. Takes me back to when I was still a small Saigi-kun, and more rebellious. Either way, I carefully opened the door, checking that no irregularity was going on inside the room.

“…It’s fine. I’m properly wearing clothes. Yes, ‘clothes’…”

“Ah, it sure fits you, doesn’t it.”

“That’s not the problem here! Saigi-kun, depending on your answer, I will get very angry, and have you kneel down! Ah, you can use me as a cushion though. And, fall over before your legs fall asleep, okay.”

“Just when I thought you were giving me harsher punishment, it’s still as sweet as ever…”

Apparently, Maka-sensei really can’t be fully strict against me. Said Maka-sensei was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a dark blue collar, with an equally dark blue tennis skirt, revealing her dazzling thighs.She even held a tennis racket in one hand.

“Ahh, the size fits you perfectly I see. I’m glad I got your sizes from Tenka-san.”

“Tenka is involved in this too?! What did I do to deserve this?!”

“This is just a simple ‘Second Coming of the Tennis Queen’ plan, nothing more.”

“You clearly use the phrase ‘nothing more’ in the wrong way!”

Indeed, this will be added to the legendary saga—another story ending up in the legend of the Unobtainable Flower, Fujiki Maka-sensei.

“Looking at your face, I can tell that you’re thinking about something idiotic again. Saigi-kun? I can still laugh now, so you better give me a good explanation for this.”

“Your eyes certainly aren’t laughing anymore. But, this plan is necessary for everyone to end up with a smile.”

I took out a sheet of paper from my bag, putting it down on Maka-sensei’s desk.

“What is it now? A contest item proposal for the sports festival? Why do you have something like that on you? Responsible for the planning, Jinsho Karen…?”

A question mark appeared above Maka-sensei’s head, as she read through the document. Well, that was over in a mere second.

“Fujiki Maka-sensei (English teacher) vs Shinbou Enri (2nd year; Tennis club). Girls tennis exhibition match…Exhibition match?!”

“Yes. I had Karen-kaichou take care of the documents, and got the OK from Enri as well. I made the necessary groundwork—excuse me, properly asked the vice-principal.”

“Did you just say groundwork?! You already removed the necessary obstacles, is what you’re saying?!”

“See, don’t you remember the bloodless capitulation of Edo Castle? Back then, Katsu Kaishuu had a talk with Saigou Takamori, making him stop the attack on Edo Castle, but Katsu Kaishuu finished his preparations to turn Edo into scorched land, while putting pressure on Saigou from the outside. The discussion had already come to an end when they sat across each other.”

“Just as I thought.”

“The only problem was the tennis wear, but it seems like that worked out in the end. Glad to see that.”

“I’m not glad at all! You’re telling me to stand on the tennis court again?!”

“It’s just a short match that will end after ten minutes because of timely reasons. Originally, I wanted you to play a 5-set match with changing your clothes after every set. I’m sorry.”

“At the Women’s Tennis Grand Slam, they play three sets as well! Why are you even apologizing for that?!”

I wonder, what is this pleasant feeling? Is it because I can see Maka-sensei throwing retorts around like a mad man, after having suffered through her constant ridiculous advances?

“On top of having Jinsho-san setting the table, you even got the permission of the vice-principal…”

“Also, I don’t know why, but there’s already rumours going around on social networks, even though we haven’t announced anything.”

“That has to be your doing, right?! I can see your fingerprints everywhere!”

I wasn’t planning on hiding it anyway. After all, I want to keep the fact a secret that Miharu is the mastermind of this.

“Just to let you know, I haven’t swung the racket once ever since I stopped in high school. I cannot win against Shinbou-san like this…” Maka-sensei softly grabbed the racket.

Though the preparation room is filled with stuff here and there, it offers just enough space to swing it. Ohh…seeing her in person like this, she’s looking quite appropriate.

“Also, I wouldn’t be that much of a grown-up if I won against her, and if I lose, the students will get disillusioned—Aren’t there too many demerits for me?”

“T-That’s not the case. I think that showing everyone how cool you can be is enough of a merit for you. Though you should probably practice a bit to get back into the groove.”

“Seems like you’ve already decided on everything…”

Phew, the normal Maka-sensei would immediately see through our plan. She’s probably still a bit confused, accepting it without thinking too deeply about it. But with this, it will be a win-win for everyone.

Maka-sensei can show her good parts to the students.

Enri will be able to fully focus on the match with Maka-sensei, having no time to bother me.

Karen-kaichou won’t have to think about a new event, allowing her to focus on her other jobs.

The exhibition match will overrule the weird new rumours going on about me and Maka-sensei, giving Tenka-san some relief.

On top of that, if Maka-sensei starts practicing her tennis skills again, she won’t have time to bother with me, so I can evade more of that hellish training, additionally erasing any new potential rumours.

And finally—

“Maka-sensei, you mentioned that you liked playing tennis, right? Though participating in larger tournaments might be difficult, isn’t this interesting enough?”

“Saigi-kun…you planned all of this just for that?”

“Wouldn’t hurt to get a bit fired up for the sports festival, right?”

I want her to enjoy the sports festival as well. If she can play tennis, it shouldn’t be that bad of an idea for her.

“Seems like I said something unnecessary before. There’s no need for you to make me enjoy myself. Though I am happy you’re being that considerate.” Maka-sensei flashed a wry smile.

She probably must be holding back because she has to act like an adult now.

“You know, I want to see the former Queen of Tennis live in action, and not just on a video. I’m sure that you must look even more admirable like that.”

“O-Oh my…It’s been a long time since then…But, I really want to show Saigi-kun how cool I can be!”

Heh, easy. One small push, and she fell. With this, Miharu’s plan to make everyone happy is perfect.

“That being said, I will have to practice on the actual court as well…”

Ohh, seems like she’s getting motivated. Though I might have to step in if she gets too thorough with her training…Wait a second? I feel like, every time she’s been swinging the racket, I could see a black fabric beneath her tennis skirt…

“Maka-sensei? There was an underskirt in the paper bag, right?”

Basically, something like panties that are fine to be seen when someone is playing tennis.

“Ahh, I’m not wearing that. There’s only Saigi-kun and me here, so I might as well use this chance to show you what’s beneath.”

Maka-sensei yet again softy, but also sharply waved the racket, the movement of that just barely lifting up her skirt, revealing her black panties—Ah, it even has a small ribbon on it!

“Don’t do something like this just because I’m here! Didn’t you stop playing tennis because you hated the skirt fluttering around during the match!”

“The weak me from back then has died. I have been reborn, able to show it in front of Saigi-kun only.”

“I don’t know if I should be appreciative of that or not…”

That sure is an orichalucum mentally alright. I was supposed to be the one on top, but she’s slowly pushing me back.

“Nya nya~ What should we do today? Maybe some panties for show as service~?”

“…T-That’s…If the vice-principal were to see this, we won’t be able to deceive her anymore.”

Not good, she’s reversing the situation against me. Maka-sensei stopped swinging the racket, and instead used the grip of it to slowly push up the hem of her skirt. More and more of her white thighs flew into my view…

“…No can do. You have to wear an underskirt.”

“Kyaa, so honest! A flustered Saigi-kun is cute, but the boyfriend Saigi-kun is just as adorable!!”

Maka-sensei jumped at me to embrace me, kissing me on my forehead, cheek, and even on my lips. Was I too straight, and destroyed any reason she had left?! Still, seeing her happy was my goal to begin with, and if everyone else benefits from it, then that’s all that matters.

That being said, let’s jump to the day of the sports festival—

After the opening ceremony ended, the classes sat down on their respective blankets on the ground, waiting for their respective turns to arrive. Though, as long as you don’t leave school grounds, you can loiter around everywhere, so at least half of the class is nowhere to be found.

“Sai-kun, Sai-kun, it sure is hot today!”

Of course, as one would expect, Nui was sitting right next to me. Known for hating jerseys, Nui has the jersey top hanging over her shoulders, half-pants below that.

The sports festival basically works around two teams, red and white, fighting for points. Our class belongs to the white team, hence the white headband around Nui’s head. All the girls wore a headband in some way or another, but Nui was the orthodox type.

“Kaicho really was cool. I can’t imagine doing the speech at an opening ceremony like that.”

“She’s as popular as ever. After that hair color change incident, that only grew more excessive it seems.”

At our school’s sports festival, the student council president is the one responsible for the opening speech. I’m sure that the former president JK Maka-chan must have done one as well.”

“Oh, the 100m dash is about to start. You’re not taking part in the 50m dash, Nui?”

“I’m not allowed to take part in any sort of event that includes running. Maybe because my breasts would shake too much?”

“I-I don’t know? Anyway, I’m going.”

Trying my best not to stare at Nui’s chest, I got up, and made my way to the participant area.

“Ohhh! Mako! Onee-chan is cheering for you, so you better show me how cool you can be! You can’t cry just because you fall over, okay! You’re a boy after all!”

“Why is Shiya-chan here?!”

At the seats reserved for the guardians and families of the students, someone who should definitely not be there was screaming over at me. Her long chestnut-colored hair was styled up in waves. She had quite the gaudy amount of make-up put on, wearing a cutsew what revealed her shoulders, as well as a long-skirt below that. Being a childhood friend of mine, she, Keimi Shiya-chan, is a second year university student at Seikadai. As always, her fang was shining right into my face.

“I mean, I am something like a guardian to you and Haru, right? How could I miss out on this!”

“A-Ah, okay, thank you…”

At other schools, not many guardians apparently come for the high school sports festival, but at Seikadai, the amount of parents especially doesn’t go down much compared to grade or middle school. At our school, we have a lot of rich kids, so the parents are excessively protective.

Shiya-chan sure is standing out there…

“If you have my support, losing is not an option! Ah, I’m properly recording this, so keep that in mind!”


Seeing that I’m no athletic ace, I’d rather not have any embarrassing recordings left behind. I’ve seen what digging up a dark past can do to a human being just recently after all. But anyway, the 100m…100m…

—The time of standing-by was longer than the actual contest. Probably blessed with a lucky enemy, I managed to get first place. And with that, I managed to do my part, with the least amount of work.

Maybe the special training of Maka-sensei helped in that? Talking about her, I haven’t seen her yet. Maybe she’s busy with management and this sort of stuff. Have to make sure that I don’t miss her match with Enri though…should probably talk with her once before that.

“Makoto-san, seems like you managed to get the first place. If I remember correctly, your legs were pretty fast ever since you were younger.”

“Ah, Enri. You were in the red team, right. Are you participating in the foot race?”

Enri only wore the bottom part of her jersey, using the red hairband as her Alice band. Just as always, there was barely any bulge to see beneath the thin shirt. Some things never change, huh.

“…You might not be aware of it, but girls do realize the stare of boys.”

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“W-What might you be talking about? Ah, right. We need you for the tennis match later, so make sure not to get hurt, okay?”

“Quite the skillful attempt of deceiving me. Also, I am well aware of that. Weren’t you the person who set up the exhibition match? Let me thank you, you have granted me a chance, in more than one way…”

Fufufu, Enri let out a rather ominous-sounding laugh.

In more than one way? What other merit is there for her to play against the Fujiki Maka-sensei she admires that deeply? As advertisement for the tennis club? Well, whatever. I have the three-legged race to worry about, so I might as well go back to where Nui is.

“—Or maybe I should just stroll around for a bit.”

When I was about to make my way back to the class, Nui was busy talking with her female classmates. Now that I think about it, she mentioned she had a lot of these ‘at school only’ friends.

“Saigi Makoto, what are you loitering around like that?”

“Ah, Karen-kaichou.”

I ran into Karen-kaichou, who had her beautiful black hair bound up behind her head, using the white headband. Quite refreshing to see her with a different hairstyle.

“Well, my classmates seemed to be enjoying themselves, so I was just taking a stroll.”

“Even so, you have to be on standby with your class. Though I am on patrol

“You even gave the opening speech for the festival. Being the student council president is no easy work, huh.”

“The speech is just repeating the same thing over and over again, but it might be my last job as the student council president.”

“Huh? Isn’t the student council election happening after this?”

At Seikadai, this is the normal procedure.

“Doesn’t the current student council president barely take part in the election?”

“I should be used to this, but your skill to forget anything you don’t deem necessary is as impressive as ever. You even helped out with the election last year.”

“I was just acting in the shadows.”

“…Right after the election comes to an end, the current student council president gives a speech at the morning assembly, announcing their retirement. After that is the inheritance ceremony, but nobody but the members participate in this.”


Can’t even imagine what this inheritance ceremony looks like. Is it like these scenes on TV where they sign a contract? Probably not.

“Ah, do you not have to participate in anything? I don’t want to take away your time.”

“I just finished the 100m dash. All I have left in the morning is the three-legged race. In the afternoon it’s just the piggyback fight.”

“…Hm? Ah, I see. That reminds me, Amanashi Nui is—”


Out of the blue, Karen-kaichou collapsed on the ground, with no signs of getting up herself, her back and limbs shaking.

“K-Karen-kaichou?! What happened?! Wait a second, I’ll call for—”

Just as I was about to call for help, Karen-kaichou grabbed my leg.

“I-I’m fine…So…don’t call anybody.” Karen-kaichou tried to push herself up from the ground.

She had her face cast downwards, not allowing me to see her expression at all.

“It just felt like my abs were about to be twisted off.”

“Seriously, are you okay?!”

“D-Don’t mind it…I won’t die from just this…Oh right, I have to go back to patrolling…Kukuku…!”

“…? …?!”

Is she…laughing?

“Um, Kaichou? Is there something on my face? Or on my clothes?”

“A-Ah, no, nothing of that sort. Anyway, I have to return to my job. Saigi Makoto, be careful that you do not hurt yourself.”


What was that about, Karen-kaichou…? Was she always acting this suspiciously?

“Oh, Karen-chan already went away. I wanted to talk to her for a second.”

Shiya-chan appeared yet again. Summer break should end soon at university…does she really have that much free time?

“Ah, right right. Mako, the girls’ 50m dash is starting soon. You gotta see that.”

“Eh? Is someone I know participating?”

“What are you talking about? Did you not hear about it?” Shiya-chan grabbed my hand, and pulled me along.

We mixed in with the other guardians, able to watch the course on the ground freely.

“Ah look, look, Mako. Over there!”

“Isn’t that…Huh? Miharu…?”

Walking towards the starting line with an annoyed expression was none other than my own little sister. A white headband was used to bind up her usual ponytail. There’s only a few students who even use the jersey during their games, but Miharu was wearing the top right now. Rather, she opened the front of the jersey open, revealing her bare shoulders.

I mean, I’m not the person to judge, but at least wear your clothes properly during the sports festival…

“Weird…I’ve never seen Miharu participate in any running event throughout elementary and middle school…”

“Same here. But see, I told you you can’t miss it. I’ve seen you two participate in various games before, but they were all must-dos like tug of war or ball-throwing, and she wasn’t exactly motivated back then either, right?”

“I didn’t even know my little sister had a running-ability implemented in her.”

Normally, Miharu would participate in the events the furthest away from running during the sports festival like this.

“Is she going to be fine? She’s not going to get frowned at by her classmates, right?”

“Mako, you’re quite the worrywart, huh…Or not as much. You’re just spoiling Miharu all the time…Ah, it’s her turn now!” Shiya-chan pointed towards the track, where Miharu made her way to the starting line.

She’s still wearing the jersey like before. Is she even taking this serious?

“Look at the girl to her left, Mako. Isn’t she in the track-and-field club? Didn’t they all twist a towel into a headband? At least that’s what they did back during my time here.”

“Ehhh? So she’s even up against a professional now…?”

Still, I watched over her. With the sound of the gunshot, the eight first-year girls started running, and—Eh?

The person ending up on top after the start was without a doubt my little sister. With a speed like she was catapulted, she dashed, and only kept gaining more speed in the process. She had a proper form just like the girl from the track-and-field club next to her, and Miharu was even faster than her. The 50m ended in a flash, and Miharu ended up on top without getting even close to a photo finish.

“…S-Shiya-chan, did you see that?”

“I mean, I thought I was mishearing things when I heard about Haru participating in the 50m dash, but what was that? I didn’t know she was that fast on her feet?”

“Me neither. I knew that she was more clever than she looked…but she’s also good at sports?”

My little sister, who doesn’t even bother changing from her uniform, just straight lying down on the living room sofa? She came out on top with a battle against a track-and-field club? And said Miharu now had both her arms up as if to answer the insane cheering from her classmates, yet staying blank-faced.

I knew Miharu had a few friends here and there, but that’s not what I knew. Isn’t this sports festival a bit weird…?

Without anything else happening to strengthen my doubts, the program of the festival moved forward. The three-legged race event with Tenka-san came up rather quickly, but it equally ended as fast, with no major incident.

Lunch I spent together with Shiya-chan. The guardians and families would normally eat lunch together, but she probably doesn’t know anybody there, I figure. I wanted to check in on Miharu and Karen-kaichou, but I couldn’t get in contact with them.

“I thought the student council wasn’t related to the sports festival. She looked pretty busy.”

“Ahh, the student council seems to have derived into more miscellaneous work. I also did some jobs in the background before.”

“You were a loner back then, right, Shiya-chan?”

“I wasn’t that plain, okay! I had some friends!”

Back in high school, Shiya-chan had been the student council vice president. She only changed after her university debut, though everything before that is like a forbidden history.

“Rather than that, Mako, you only have the piggyback fight left, right? Aren’t you pretty bad with this rough stuff? Are you like a disposable pawn to get to the boss?”

“What kind of depressing strategy is that supposed to be…?”

We’re not pulling a full-fledged war here, okay.

“Ahh, I spotted Sai-kun being lovey-dovey with Shiya-paisen!”

“Eh, Nui?”

Though I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, Nui just ran towards me.

“Come here for a second, Sai-kun! We don’t have much time anymore!”

“Time? My match starts after the cheering battle though?”

“Who cares about that! Your team’s purpose is to get crushed by a strong one to gather sympathy from the audience!”

“We’re just cannon fodder?!”

So what Shiya-chan said was actually the truth?!

“Just come with me!”

“What is going on…”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but if you feel like crying just call your Shiya-oneechan to cheer you up!”

Being seen off by Shiya-chan, Nui pulled on my hand to enter the school building, running down the hallway.

“Now, Sai-kun! Get in, get in!”

“I won’t! This is the girls’ changing room, you know?!”

In the corner of the first floor of the school building, it was the forbidden room, no boy allowed to enter.

“It’s fine, this is the only time you’re allowed to enter!”

“I highly doubt that! I’ll be branded a pervert on top of being a rebellious problem child!”

“Don’t sweat the small stuff and get in already!”

Nui pushed me inside, not leaving me any chance of escaping. Inside, I was greeted by several girls, luckily none of them in the middle of changing. Though that makes sense.

“Ah, Sensei, so you came.”

“Oh, Kuu? Why are you here?”

In the midst of these cheer girls, I spotted a small, cute girl, that normally shouldn’t be here. She was actually a Seikadai grade school student—Shinju Muku—Kuu. She had her hair tied up one side again, a white hairband with her. She wore a white top with no-sleeves, and a dark blue mini skirt. Basically, she was looking like a cheerleader.

“People from grade and middle school are also participating in this upcoming cheerleading battle. I will try my best, and cheer for Sensei!”

“I-Is that so? I had no idea.”

“I wanted to surprise Sensei, so I kept it a secret. Seems like it was a success~”

Ah, that’s what she meant by ‘Soon’, huh…

“You sure look cute, Kuu. Time to take a picture and send it to Kouko-sensei.”

“T-Thank you very much. My mother will be able to brag about it.”

Kuu clapped her hands together, and struck a cheerleader-like pose. Though, there was a high school student taking pictures of a grade school girl, in the girls’ changing room.

“Wah, Sai-kun! Pictures are great, but don’t forget the point of this!”

“There’s a reason for this? Oh yeah, why am I even here…?”

I feel like I’ve been gathering the gazes of the girls this whole time? Like they were evaluating me—aiming for something. Why are they grinning? Shiya-oneechan, I’m scared come pick me up.

The first event of the afternoon was the cheerleading battle. This was equally split up in white and red team, several tens of students performing. From what I’ve heard, and seen since I was here, it’s been a standard for cheerleading girls to show dance choreographies, and this year it was the same as well.

Naturally, the boys were watching this with great pleasure, and the girls were admiring the cute clothes and performances. Boys were equally performing, but as one would expect, they were not getting any attention. The boys from the white team were just trying their best not to bother the girls, dancing in one corner of the field.

“Pfft…hehehehe…T-This really does fit you…Saigi Makoto…!”

Once the performance of the red team ended, the cheering squad of the white team gathered at the scene. Next to the squad were several people acting as guidance, and one of them—was Karen-kaichou, holding her stomach as she laughed frantically.

“Kaichou…so you knew of this?”

“K-Kinda, yeah. But, I’m not related to the plotting of this, I’m just a bystander…hehehe!”

The always calm and collected Kaichou apparently couldn’t allow herself to laugh in front of other people. From the looks of it, she was trying really hard to contain her laughter.

“Ugh…how could this happen…!”

In the end, I was wearing the same as Nui and the others, a no-sleeve shirt with a mini skirt. Not to mention that, even though we’re the white team, I stook out like the sun with how yellow my clothes were. On top of that, I was forced to act as the vanguard, carrying the giant flag. On my head, I had a semi-long wig as well to finish off my female cross-dressing look—Yes indeed, I am currently looking like a girl!

“N-Nui, appearing in front of everyone like this is a bit…!”

“Sai-kun…so you’re so cute…why? How? I didn’t expect this at all. I was expecting for you to look a bit more…rough?” Nui was spacing out as she stared at me.

I really don’t like where this is going…

“Sensei looks like a beauty…I feel like a new door has opened for me…”

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“You as well, Kuu?! Leave that door closed, I beg you!”

If you have to, then laugh about me! I’d much rather prefer that!

Nui and Kuu were both looking at me, faces as red as tomatoes, their eyes intoxicated. Don’t tell me they’ve gotten attracted to a new charm of mine? Please, someone retort them.

“Saigi Makoto, you sure are popular. Pfft…hehe…I mean, a boy crossdressing as a girl during a cheerleading contest as a sure winner, and safe to happen. Acting embarrassed will only make it worse.”

“I’m fairly certain I’m the only one dressed as a girl right now though?!”

I’m actually worried that Karen-kaichou might die from laughing too hard.

“Kaicho, aren’t you normally against this sort of thing? You’re the most serious person out of all of us after all.”

“…Too close, Nui.” Still spacing out a bit, Nui approached me.

“I thought it would be a bit dull if there was only me as a cute girl, but it seems like I got a rival…Well, not a problem though.”

“It clearly is!”

“Ah, Sensei, it’s about to start. Make sure to stay in these clothes for a while, I want to take a picture. I’ll take as many as my storage and battery can handle.”

“You wish!”

Ahh, I can’t even think of a good retort with all this chaos.

[Following now will be the performance of the white team’s cheering squad. The leader of the squad is second-year Amanashi Nui-san. The flag-bearer is second-year Saiko-chan.]

“Saiko-chan?!” My eyes opened wide.

“I thought of that name! A countermeasure so that nobody can find out it’s you!”

“Why thank you?! Why didn’t you just take Makoto?! That name can be used for both boys and girls, right?!”

Does this gravure idol actually hate me…?

“Anyway, let’s go Saiko-chan! We’re both cute, so we gotta stand proudly! Wanna act all lesbian to get the audience fired up?”

“I don’t want to lose any more than this, so no thank you!”

Carrying the unexpectedly heavy flag, I stepped through the gate. Basically, as the job of being the flag-bearer, I have to carry this ridiculously flag, and that’s it. Periodically, I have to swing the flag a bit, but the girls dancing next to me will tell me of the timing, apparently. And because I didn’t need any practice, Nui could keep this a secret from me until today…this woman!

Seems like I’m not the only one quite proficient at working in the shadows. Everywhere in his world, darkness is spreading in the shadows.

“Kyaa, kyaa, Saiko-chan! Gyahahahaha, this is the best! Manasshi, good job! Seems like I got another little sister!”

“An older sister blood-related to Miharu…is this a yuri sister harem?”


My real little sister, and my older sister-like childhood friend are treating me like an object…Oh how glad I am that they are enjoying this, ha ha. There’s actually something I need to ask my little sister, but will I be able to uphold my position as an older brother after this?

As I was racking my head about this new-found problem, the music started—


Even though some third-years are participating in this, Nui, who ended up as the leader of this, was doing some energetic jumps, starting her dance.

“Nui-chaaan! You’re so cute!”

“Look at her breasts shake! That’s a gravure idol for you!”

“Kyaaa! That girl over there is so cute! Can I take her home?!”

“Isn’t that the lolicon killer who’s taken a liking to Saigi!”


Kuu sure is popular. But please, keep ignoring my presence.

“H-Hey hey, isn’t that Saiko-chan looking awfully like Saigi?”

“Ah crap, now that you say it…But, even if I know that it’s a boy, I still feel a bit weird…”

“Rather, knowing it’s a boy gets me even more excited.”


I wonder if my chastity will last safely until the end of the sports festival? I cannot have Maka-sensei see me like this. Though luckily, she seems to be busy behind the scenes. That is my only saving grace right now. I don’t even want to think what kind of disaster she would bring forth.

“Saigi-senpai, now!”

“Ah, yeah!”

A girl in my aid slapped me on the back, so I frantically waved the flag. Ugh…so heavy…this would be pretty harsh if I wasn’t a boy…!

“Saiko-chan, over here!”

“Sensei-chan, let’s dance together!”

“Woah?! Nui, Kuu!”

Both of them suddenly clung to me, pulling me into the middle of all the other dancing girls. Ahhh, the place gathering the most attention…?! I can feel all the passionate gazes directed at me…! Please, let this end soon!


T-This is bad…! I can’t run any more like this…! Running at full speed for a longer time really is bad for my heart. I dashed through the hallway, and when I made it up the stairs another floor, my legs finally gave in. T-This is it…I have to end my life now or I will suffer eternal embarrassment…!

“Saigi-kun, over here!”


My hand was pulled, forcing me to run again. I really thought I couldn’t run anymore, but my legs carried me another ten meters—

“In here, hurry!”


The room I jumped inside was—the English preparation room. As for the person who pulled me inside—Maka-sensei—swiftly closed the door, and locked it.

“Sai-kun, where are you! Don’t run away now! I’ll chase you to the depths of hell!”

“Sensei, you can’t underestimate my legs after going on a daily cat search!”

Past the door, I heard footsteps.

“…Seems like they’re gone. But, we can’t relax just yet, Saigi-kun.”

“Y-You’re right…You really saved me, Maka-sensei.”

Maka-sensei had me sit down on a chair, pulling over a chair from her desk to equally sit down.

“Weren’t there even more people than just Amanashi-san and Muku-san…?”

“Ah, yes. Right after the cheerleading battle ended, they all came chasing after me…”

Indeed, I am still looking like Saiko-chan. I was planning on returning to the girls changing room to change back to Saigi-kun, but Nui and Kuu said that ‘Using the Girls Changing Room is Prohibited’. They wanted to take pictures of my current appearance, but sadly, I wasn’t a big fan of that. I’m sure that the majority of people already took pictures and videos during the actual event, but I didn’t want this to turn into an even worse event for my dark past.

“—Anyway. Nui and Kuu should have been tired from the battle, but they kept chasing me all over the place…You really saved me.”

“Saiko…Saigi-kun, you must be tired as well. Here, have some cold barley tea.”

Maka-sensei handed me a two litres bottle filled with barley tea. Ahh…delicious…it washes away all my exhaustion from the cheerleading battle.

“…Huh? Sensei, you’ve already changed, huh.”

I realized just now. She was wearing the pink jersey from before, but I could see the tennis clothes beneath the opened zipper. Below, she was wearing a dark blue skirt.

“Yes, I was just about to finish changing.”

Maka-sensei took off the jersey top, turning into tennis player Maka-chan.

“I headed back to the preparation room, when I heard Amanashi-san’s voice, and immediately grasped the circumstances.”

“I see, so you happened to hear her voice…”

Or in other words, she used this as a development to lock me in.

“It’s not a big deal. But still, I’m glad…I can’t have Saigi-kun—No, Saiko-chan be sullied by anyone else!”

“I thought so?!”

Just when I hoped she didn’t have any interest in Saiko-chan after she stayed that calm! How could I be this naive?!

“Saiko-chan, you’re great! You’re the best! I really feel like praising Amanashi-san for the first time ever! To think she put this plan into action! Ahh, girl Saigi-kun is so cute! To think that I had an interest like this! Saiko-chan!”


I barely managed to avoid Maka-sensei, who suddenly jumped at me. I should be running low on energy, but I guess that humans really can go past their limits if their lives are in danger.

“That’s Saigi-kun for you, not letting your guard down at all.”

“Of course. These are the fruits of your training.”

“Fufufu, you can’t run away anymore. I already have the spoils of war.”


Maka-sensei took out her smartphone from her jersey pocket, and started to take pictures.

“Ahh, this is the best…since I’m your girlfriend teacher, I should be allowed to take pictures…I’m glad I bought a phone that can take 4K pictures! I have 2TB left of storage on my drive, so I’m going to thoroughly capture your beauty!”

“Some people love buying needlessly high-spec phones I see!”

Use your allowance and salary for something better, okay?

“Ah, wait a second. The makeup is a bit too generous. Must have been done by Amanashi-san, right?”

“It’s true that Nui took care of the makeup…but what are you on about?”

“Saigi-kun originally was a cutie already, so natural makeup should have been more than enough, so it’s slightly annoying. But, you’re cute, so it’s fine! Cuteness is justice!”

“I hear a lot of the word cute in there!”

That’s gotta be in the top 5 words a boy really isn’t happy about hearing, especially from a girl.

“I’ll go fix your makeup, so let me take a video after that. Coincidentally, I found a video camera.”

“Isn’t that for the sports festival?!”

I hope nobody is missing that…Still, using such high quality to film memories of my soon-to-be dark history…I don’t like it. How could this happen…I managed to escape from Nui and the others, only to arrive straight in hell…

“This is the perfect warm-up for the exhibition match. Saigi-kun, try to run away, I will follow you wherever.”

“No, I didn’t want you to enjoy yourself in that kind of sense…Ah!”

Maka-sensei jumped at me like a tiger aiming for its prey. I-I won’t be able to evade her for long in this narrow space. That being said, if I tried to open the door, my back to her, I’ll end up her prey for sure…!

“Then, let’s get this over with!”

“Why do you keep acting like the last boss—Woah?!”

Once again evading Maka-sensei’s approach, I accidentally bumped into the desk with the bottle on top of it.



Maka-sensei barely managed to catch me before I hit my head on the ground.

“You don’t have to be so desperate, you know? This still hurts me.”

“Weren’t you just as serious, Maka-sensei…Wait, over there! It’ll fall over!”

Maka-sensei was still holding onto me, with her back exposed to the contents of the bottle, falling onto her.

“Hmmm…I’m honestly a bit afraid to check what my back looks like.” Maka-sensei said as she lifted her body up again, turning her back towards me.

Ahh, this is worse than I thought…there’s one big stain on her white shirt.

“I-It’s fine. Removing a barley tea stain is not that big of a deal! Miharu often got stains on her clothes, so I know my way around it!”

“The exhibition match is in 30 minutes, will that be enough?”


I don’t have the necessary tools here, so that ain’t happening.

“We should have prepared a change of clothes just in case…”

“That’s a waste of money for just a ten minute exhibition match. I guess I can only borrow some tennis wear from the tennis club.”

“H-Hm…but the size of the girls might be a bit…”

Maka-sensei is a grown woman after all, and also—

“Ahnn~ Saigi-kun, where are you looking~?”

“I-I’m sorry…But, I doubt you will find fitting clothes at the tennis club,” I said while avoiding my gaze from her well-endowed chest.

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“Normally, would they really use the clothes for the actual match while training? I doubt that they have some clothes at school.”

“I wonder what kind of clothes Shinbou-san will be wearing…?”

“Probably something flashy she wouldn’t be wearing during an official match. She really likes to stand out after all.”

“She’s unexpectedly calculative”

“Not unexpectedly, this has always been the case.”

I see, so Maka-sensei didn’t figure out Enri’s real personality yet.

“She’s been like that ever since grade school. Getting really close with the girls from her class, always in high spirits during class, and even applied as the class representative.”

“That is something recommendable for a child, but living just according to calculations…Well, not much away from me, though.”

“I wonder about that…”

I mean, she has been acting as the Unobtainable Flower ever since grade school. She’s similar to Enri, in a way.

“But, nothing to do now. You brought the same jersey as always, so you will have to go out with that.”

“That won’t do. It’s not a normal match, but an exhibition match, an important event for the sports festival. If Shinbou-san is going to be flashy, I can’t just appear in a jersey.”

Now that she says it, she might be right about that. The exhibition match is unrelated to the battle of team red and white, something to get the students excited. The match in itself is still a secret from the audience anyway. Only a few related people know that Maka-sensei will be participating. Will our plan really break apart now…?

“If Maka-sensei is going to participate, that alone will get the students fired up, I think…But I guess that a jersey will look pale against Enri’s flashiness.”

“If I was a student, I’d probably be bored.”

“Figures…Ah, wait a second! You have to hurry and take that off, or your underwear will get stained as well!”


I ignored Maka-sensei’s confusion, and just urged her to take off the clothes.

“Fu…Ah, so you were properly wearing an underskirt. With this, your underwear should be fine…Your bra…is black, so I can’t really tell.”

“Back at the inn, you were really hesitant about taking my clothes off, but now you went full throttle, huh…”


T-That’s right…what am I doing?! I just took off her clothes like it was the obvious thing to do!

“I-I wasn’t planning on…! That was just an accident!”

“Being stripped by Saigi-kun, I can’t fully tell if I’m happy or embarrassed…”

“You don’t need to make it look so complicated! Just be embarrassed! No before that, just stop me!”

“Ah, you’re the type to get more excited when you have some resistance?”

“That’s not what I meant! For now, just put on the jersey again!”

I turned around, and luckily Maka-sensei didn’t tease me any further, just obediently putting on the jersey. But, the problem only starts now.

“I guess having someone else bring it here won’t be fast enough…”

“I’m fairly certain that even Ama*on can’t deliver it in time.”

The program was moving along normally, so there was barely any time left until the exhibition match.

“…Can’t help it. I guess I have to give in to my fate.”

Maka-sensei let out a sigh, and tapped me on the shoulder.

“Saigi-kun, you went to plan all of this. Just as everyone deserves to enjoy this, I have to equally enjoy myself, or there’s no meaning to this.”

“Eh? Maka-sensei?”

“I told you a while ago, right? I felt like I forgot something here at this school, so I came back here as a teacher. Now that I came back, I have to enjoy myself.”

“Y-Yes…I want you to have fun as well, Sensei…but what are you planning on doing?”

“Just a secret~ I want you to be happy as well, so just look forward to when it starts~”


Maka-sensei gave me a cute wink. J-Just what did she think of?

“That being said, this is the shining treasure of this year’s sports festival! The secret event will begin! Live-commentator will be me, Manasshi, Amanashi Nui here! And, my partner I am sure most of you are fairly familiar with!”

“What do you mean fairly? Anyway, I don’t know why I was pulled here, but I will equally be a live-commentator, student council president Jinsho Karen. Treat me well.”


Sitting in the tent next to the tennis court were Nui and Karen-kaichou. It was already announced that the exhibition match would be happening on the tennis court, so quite a number of students were patiently waiting.

The tennis court was in one corner of the sports grounds, surrounded by a large fence, but today said fence was moved to allow better view during the game.

“Sensei, Sensei, I’m looking forward to the exhibition.”

“Ahh, yeah.”

Through the arrangement of Karen-kaichou, we were allowed to stay in the commentary tent as well. Thankfully, we were saved from the severe sunlight sizzling outside. All you need is a reliable Senpai, that’s a life lesson for you all.

Kuu was still wearing the cheerleading outfit from before. She’s not planning on going home like this, is she? Either way, Nui and I had changed back, so I wasn’t Saiko-chan anymore. I’m glad I made it back to being Saigi-kun without awakening to something weird.

“Well, everybody could tell what we were planning as we made you gather here at the tennis court, so let’s get this baby started! In the blue corner, belonging to the girls tennis club, we have the nouveau riche and high handed young lady—Shinbouuu Eeenriiiii! Let’s get this fired up!”

“I’m neither a nouveau riche nor high-handed! Amanashi-san, are you unable to conduct a proper introduction?!”

Listen, Enri. Asking something of Nui is like asking a white shark to go vegan. So I retorted inside my head, as Enri stepped out onto the court. She wore a white bench coat, looking like she was hot.

“I am a member of the girls tennis club, and the student council’s treasurer, Shinbou Enri!” Enri announced broadly, taking off her bench coat.

Following that, the audience let out voices of admiration.

“Ohhh! Player Enri shows us her real clothes! A goth—no, a sweet lolita look! She looks like Alice in Wonderland, with frilly clothes, and a cute skirt! Did I see some panties there? All that’s left is the usual rich lady laugh! Come one, ho ho ho ho!”

“…Can you not force some awful cliché on me, Amanashi-san?”

Enri looked awfully displeased for a second, but quickly regained her smile, and waved at the audience. However, looking at the dress and apron she was wearing, she really looked like Alice in Wonderland. Her skirt naturally was short enough that one small motion would reveal her panties, though I’m sure she’s wearing an underskirt.

“The domineering rich lady, depending on the world even a female knight, just like Shinbou Enri, has decided on proper clothing for this event it seems!”

“What are you talking about now, Amanashi Nui? Also, what is Shinbou even wearing…To think that our treasurer loved standing out this much.”

Well, I’m sure that Enri hasn’t been acting like this in the student council, so who could blame Karen-kaichou for being surprised.

“Next—in the red corner! The opponent for Shinbou Karen—Mysterious player X! Neither I know nor anybody else, just who will it be?!”

Another player appeared on the tennis court. Wearing a bench coat, with a hood on top, not allowing anybody to see their face. The students were all guessing wildly on who it might be.

“Now, it is time to find out! Please show yourself~!”

Together with Nui’s idiotic comments, X threw off the bench coat. After a second of silence—

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! The ground felt like it was shaking with how much the audience reacted.

“M-Maka-tea?! N-No, is this…JK Maka-chan?!”

With Nui’s announcement, the surroundings grew even more intense.


“Maka-chansensei…? S-She’s wearing her uniform…from high school!”

Even Kuu was flabbergasted. And so was I. I did know that Maka-sensei would be participating in this, but not looking like this, not to mention with her hair the same as usual. She wore Seikadai High school division’s uniform, made up of a white blazer and blouse, with a ribbon on her chest. Beneath that was the black miniskirt, and her bare, dazzling legs. I saw her wearing these clothes before, but to think she would be wearing this in front of such a large audience like this. I had no idea she kept these clothes in the English preparation room…Just what was she planning with this…?

“Wow, who could have anticipated this, Kaicho! To think that Makka-tea would appear here as JK Maka-chan! The place exploded at this sudden development!”

“W-What is Fujiki-sensei doing…To think she would bring out these clothes again…”

“Hm? Kaicho, what do you mean with ‘again’?”

“N-Nothing. She’s right though, getting this event fired up is very important.”

Now that I think about it, didn’t Karen-kaichou see JK Maka-chan before…

“Oh, we’ve received some crucial information. Maka-tea…Fujiki Maka-sensei has apparently won the girls tennis Inter-High back when she was a student at Seikadai’s high school!”

Where did you get that info from? You got some information broker?

“Then she should be able to hold a good fight against a current tennis club member! Personally, I hope that Maka-tea comes out on top! Maka-tea belongs to me after all!”

No, she’s my girlfriend teacher—not like I could say that though.

“Either way, let’s begin the exhibition match of Fujiki Maka-sensei vs Shinbou Enri! Everyone, can I hear your excitement?!”

Surprisingly, Nui did a really good job. Is she an aspiring commentator?

“Um, Sensei? Is this really fine for Maka-chansensei to be wearing this? Won’t she get scolded by the higher-ups?”

“…Well, it’s just a play, so the higher-ups should be overlooking this.”

A young girl showed her worry for a 24-year old female teacher. Though she has a point, what is Maka-sensei thinking? Appearing in her former JK style…Though it was more than enough to counter Enri’s sweet lolita look.

“Gyaaaa! Maka-sensei is so cute! What’s with that JK style, it totally fits her!”

“Maka-sensei, look over here!”

“Oh no…not even JKs like us could hope to win against her…”


H-Hm…Having other male students see Maka-sensei in her school uniform like this sure is making me feel complicated. Not to mention that the girls are really loving this as well.

“Hey, Maka-tea! Are you wearing normal panties beneath that skirt~?”


N-Nui, why would you ask that…?!

“I’ll leave that up to your imagination!”


Seeing Maka-sensei’s smile as a response, I was shocked. Looking around me, I was the only one reacting like that, with the rest of the audience roaring in admiration.

“Is Maka-chansensei throwing her life away?”

“…Who knows. She does love giving special service…”

A grade school student showed worry towards a 24-year old teacher yet again.

“Sorry for causing a ruckus like this, Shinbou-san. Let’s begin, shall we.”

“Ugh…what wonderful clothing…I’m so envious…”

Enri seemed happy seeing Maka-sensei in these clothes, but she seemed to have complicated feelings as well. She wanted to stand out with the sweet lolita look, but she got one-upped by a normal school uniform after all.

“Haaa…Since Onii-chan and Kuu-chan are here, it should be fine for Miharu to stay as well, right.”

“…Sure you can, but don’t stand out too much.”

Miharu snuck inside the tent like a shadow. According to her user’s manual, she is weak to UV light after all…Can’t have her stay out in the sun for too long.

“That reminds me, what happened for you to participate in the event before?”

As I asked Miharu, Maka-sensei and Enri were doing a light warm-up.

“Ah, Miharu-oneechan was really cool. I could brag to my classmates that you are my Onee-chan.”

“Seems like the two of you are having different reactions as always. Miharu wants Onii-chan to praise her a bit more. Saiko-chan, come back.”

“Saiko-chan died. Anyway, what was that about?”

“Hey, Kaichou-san. That Shinbou-senpai girl is the treasurer of the student council, right? Is she going to enter the student council president election?”

“Hm? I didn’t expect you to be interested in that, Saigi Miharu. Though, I’m fairly certain that’s the case.”

Karen-kaichou pushed the microphone away to answer.

“She probably wanted to participate in this exhibition match to get her face known for the future election?”

“Using the sports festival, you can gain insane popularity. Another candidate I fought against last year was the leader of the cheering squad. For getting your face known, an exhibition match like this must be even more effective.”

“I see…”

Now that I think about it, when I talked to Enri about the exhibition, she gave an immediate response. Probably in hindsight for the election. She really is calculative, that girl.

“Hmm…Miharu never played tennis before.”

“Eh? Miharu, you want to stand out like that? I mean, you’re not the biggest fan of that, right?”

“Miharu-oneechan hates the effort of standing out, right.”

“That’s Kuu-chan for you. You know Miharu very well. I’m sure there’s other ways to stand out…”

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So Miharu wasn’t just feeling like participating a bit in the sports festival?

“Miharu, what are you—”

“Ah, it’s starting, Onii-chan.”


Enri, in her flashy clothing, made her way towards Maka-sensei, trusting her racket at her.

“Fujiki-sensei, it’s been a long time since you were playing like this, and I am currently still active, so I humbly offer the first serve to you!”

“Oh my, thank you. I will gladly accept that.”

Maka-sensei nodded with a smile, and accepted the ball from Enri.

“Then, let’s begin.”

Maka-sensei dribbled the ball a bit. I’ve seen that before on certain matches. Apparently, Maka-sensei was practicing on some court the last few days. Though she was too embarrassed so she didn’t want me to see.


With a slightly groan, Maka-sense threw the ball up high, slamming it over to Enri’s side at high speed, following the line of the court barely.

“Maka-sensei ain’t holding back at all, huh?!”

Enri did try to react, but the racket she waved at the ball didn’t make it in time.

“Woah…Maka-chansensei is so cool…”

Even Kuu is showing admiration towards Maka-sensei…So were the other students, as they watched this in silence.

“…Woaaah, what just happened?! That serve was like Maka-tea had returned back to her JK times!”

“That teacher…Does she not know the word discretion…?”

Nui was fired up as one could see, while Karen-kaichou gave a calm comment. I gotta see, that’s a nice combo.

“To think that you would send me such a powerful serve…I let down my guard!”

“Ohh, is it time for Enri-chan to get aggressive like the personality she has!?”

“Amanashi-san! Stop putting words in my mouth! Ahh, I’m losing concentration!”

Woah, been a while since I saw Enri agitated like this.

“Hm…seems like Shinbou-senpai’s calculations were interrupted.”

“Enri probably wanted to stand out more than Maka-sensei, but she got one-upped.”

I answered Miharu, once again gazed over at the court with Maka-sensei. Now that I look at it, Maka-sensei’s skirt wasn’t waving too much. She probably fixed it a bit, because she really hated it so much that she wanted to retire as a tennis player.

“Now, this time it’s player Enri’s serve! Will we be able to see inside Maka-sensei’s skirt?!”

“Amanashi Nui, your goal of this is changing.”

Karen-kaichou…do your best with these retorts.

After Enri dribbled a bit, she threw up the ball into the air, and slammed it down.


It was just as much of a sharp serve as Maka-sensei delivered before, but Sensei managed to return it. Enri’s reaction was a bit delayed, the ball passing by her in a flash.

“Ohhhh, a return ace this time! Maka-tea sure ain’t holding back!”

“That return sure was dirty. Shinbou must have been hampered by the previous service ace already…”

I mean yeah, that was some amazing return.

“Fu fu fu…”

Look at Maka-sensei, with her shit-eating grin. And just when I thought the students would be a bit perplexed at this, they were even more excited.

“Now, it’s Maka-sensei’s serve again! By the way, in order to end this game quickly, we have set up a special rule!”

“Wouldn’t you explain that first thing…?”

Karen-kaichou, you can’t ask for common sense with Nui. Maybe making her a caster was a bad idea after all.

Meanwhile, Maka-sensei once again sent out an insanely fast serve, but Enri managed to return it, and the rally started. This tennis match is actually pretty interesting, whether Maka-sensei comes out on top, or Enri. Maybe because of their high skill, but just watching is fun.

“Watching it from here is a bit difficult, so let’s move over there, you two.”

I pulled the hands of Miharu and Kuu, moving next to Nui and Kaichou. In the meantime, the rally continued as energetically as before—


Suddenly, Maka-sensei’s reaction was a bit delayed, as her return landed right into the net. The game swiftly resumed with Enri’s serve. Though she managed to return it, her movement was clearly a bit more sloppy from before.

“Ohh, Maka-tea is being pushed back! Is the current tennis club ace Enri stronger after all?!”

“I guess she can’t win against an actual JK in terms of endurance.”

For just a second, Maka-sensei threw a harsh glare at Karen-kaichou. At the same time, while her view was off—

“Ah back-hand?! Maka-tea, what a charming play! How cunning!”

Leaving aside Nui’s commentary, Maka-sensei got a good spike in there, taking a point home.

“Maka-chansensei seems like she’s gotten a bit irritated from that comment. How childish.”

A young girl is criticizing a 24-year old female teacher.

“Hmpf, Miharu hoped that Fujiki-sensei would stomp Shinbou-senpai into the ground more. Maybe she’s being mindful about something~?”

“Miharu? Do you have a grudge towards Enri or something?”

“No way. No grudges or anything. I just wouldn’t want her to stand out too much here~”


What kind of demerit would Enri standing out here have for Miharu?

“Ahh, Maka-chansensei got a point stolen!”

“Eh? Ah, you’re right.”

In the corner of my eye, Enri had just decided the rally with a shot, leaving Maka-sensei clearly frustrated. For a while now, she’s not been doing too well. Just as Kuu mentioned, she was getting irritated.

“It’s starting from here, Shinbou-san. I’m sorry, but I won’t hold back!”

Maka-sensei tightened her expression, pointing the racket at Enri. The audience let out a roar of excitement, as more and more students gathered. Aren’t we getting close to the entire school now? Probably because it didn’t end up as a one-sided match.

“Maka-sensei, you can do it!”


When I called out to her, her shot ended up in the exact opposite direction, a clear out. I wonder…is her long break from tennis really the reason why she’s not performing at her best right now?

As every year, the sports festival ended safely. Sadly, our white team suffered a defeat of a small margin, but it’s not like I cared about it all too much anyway. Though the winners are probably pretty happy about it.

“Is there anyone who hasn’t taken their juice yet? We have some sweets at the teacher’s desk, so take them with you!”

The winners celebrate, with the losers getting a consolation prize, as our homeroom teacher handed out juice and sweets. A familiar scenery at Seikadai’s sports festival. As the closing ceremony came to an end, and we returned back to the classroom, cold juice and sweets were waiting for us. Though they all must cost a thousand yen each, it probably is a light expense for the sake of the students.

“To think that you’d waste your money like this…”

“Hey hey, what are you muttering to yourself, Saiko-chan?”

“Can’t you just come to school as Saiko-chan from now on?”

“Hey, Saiko…the thing is, I actually had a thing for you before…!”

“The class had been calm before, but now it’s getting exciting.”

I knew this would probably happen, but the news spread rather quickly…

“Maka-tea, Maka-tea, Maka-teaaaa! I love youuu!”

“A-Amanashi-san, calm down.”

Quite a few female students had gathered at the teacher’s desk, surrounding Maka-sensei. Especially noisy was Nui, naturally. Seems like her high tension continued from her commentator time.

“But, Maka-tea, that was so close! Just one more point!”

“Couldn’t help it. I had a long break, and Shinbou-san is aiming for the naturals after all.”

Maka-sensei calmly reacted t o Nui’s consolation. Just as Nui had hinted at, the Maka-sensei vs Enri exhibition match ended in the win of Enri. It was a severe back and forth, but at the very last, Enri managed to come out on top. The match kept going for about 10 minutes, and the rule was that the game will end after that very time limit, but the students were too fired up to end it that quickly.

Ironically, the match turned into more of a climax than the final event.

“It was a good fight. Shinbou-san probably held back a bit to make it look like more of a fight, I wonder?”

“I see~ Enrin looked really serious, though? Maka-tea’s serves were crazy as well.”

Enrin? Nui, you never even talked with Enri before, right?

“Rather than that, Maka-sensei! These clothes! They really caught me by surprise!”

“They fit you so well, I couldn’t believe it!”

“I wanna see some pictures of Sensei in her prime! Though it could probably decimate my confidence in a heartbeat…”

Naturally, Maka-sensei had already changed back to her jersey.

“Since it was an exhibition, I wanted to go all the way. I remembered I had the uniform with me, but maybe I overdid it?”

The female students all had their own set of responses for that of course.

“That’s not the case!”


“It felt as natural as breathing!”


“How much will you pay to sell these clothes?”

And so on. Whoever that last guy was, I don’t even want to know what you would do with these clothes. Also, what do you mean you had them just by pure chance, Maka-sensei?

“She’ll probably be scolded by the vice-principal later on.”


Hearing a voice suddenly appear next to me, I twitched in surprise. Wearing a jersey, Tenka-san stood next to me, sipping on some juice as expressionless as ever.

“I got called right after the match, by her that is. She was called out by the vice-principal, grinning.”


I didn’t expect her to be thrown out, but I guess a teacher can’t just appear in front of the students while wearing their past uniform. Madam—The vice-principal does love her some cats, but she can be quite scary as well.

“Also, you will be scolded as well, Saigi. By Onee-chan.”

“Why me?!”

Thanks to Maka-sensei’s training, I placed first in the 100m dash, and brought the white team to victory during the piggyback fight as well.

“Because you were watching from that special seat, Saigi-kun, I got distracted. You were even enjoying yourself with Miharu-san and Kuu-san, so that only annoyed me even more!”

“Your Sensei imitation is way too good!”

I know that Tenka-san and Maka-sensei are almost identical twins, but even the voice and way of talking is just…

“A-Ahh, so her movement suffered because of me after all.”

“You better be prepared, though it might sound weird coming from me. She’ll probably let out the frustration from being scolded by the vice-principal.”

“Yeah, I figured as much…”

I’m tired today, so I’ll just run away for today, yeah.

“Maka-sensei looked like she was enjoying herself. Her eyes look different from this morning, and the students started seeing her differently as well.”

“Yeah, I’m happy to see that.”

Both Tenka-san and I nodded, gazing at Maka-sensei. Sensei probably came to school, feeling like a student before an important exam. She probably wanted everyone to be able to talk on the same line, and not afraid from her Unobtainable Flower mode. Is that a good thing?

—Of course it is!

Having been a repulsive and rebellious little brat for years, I can tell. Teachers looking down on students are not worth anything. Naturally, Maka-sensei wasn’t actually doing that, but she still lived in a different world from us.

But now, things are different. Maka-sensei could enjoy her student life alongside the actual students of hers, and this new student life I’m really looking forward to. That’s why—I’m sure I will fall in love with Sensei more and more from now on.

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