Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 108

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Walking inside the academy grounds, All Might quickly led the duo to the Medical Chamber of the academy. Unlike the medical office accessible to the students, this chamber was specifically built for teachers and other pro-heroes.

Walking inside the appropriately lit room that had its centre occupied by a large cylindrical container filled with viscous blue fluid alongside mechanical seats that had robotic arms built on their sides alongside raised metal bars.

The whole room was empty except for the three but the condition of the chamber allowed Rito to understand that this room was well maintained by the academy.

Finally wearing her white lab coat, Ryōko smiled at Rito and pointed at the cylindrical container.

"You have to undress and get inside that container."

Rito raised his brows and immediately backed off.

"Look, Mikado-Sensei, I am not getting naked in front of a man."

He pointed at All Might, who immediately chuckled in return.

"Don't worry, you are allowed to keep your underpants."

Rito shook his head and spoke up with a determined voice.

"I am sorry, it is full nude or no nude at all."

His words immediately cause black lines to appear on Ryōko's face while All Might's mouth twitched.

"Young Rito, I cannot leave this room unsupervised. Please try to understand."

Ryōko nodded at All Might's words.

"Don't worry, I will take care of supervision."

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Suddenly, the door behind them slid open as a raspy voice emerged. Looking back, the trio observed an old woman with her hair tied into a bun while her she walked towards them with with a kind smile, her eyes covered with large glasses.

"Recovery Girl..."

Ryōko narrowed her eyes and muttered lightly while Rito could hear a tinge of bitterness in her voice.

"Oh, Ryōko girl, you are here, too."

Recovery Girl nodded and looked at All Might.

"Don't we have to welcome another special guest? Why are you wasting your time here?"

All Might immediately nodded at Rito with a bright smile.

"Here you go, Young Rito. I will leave so you can undress without care."

It was Rito's time to feel defeated. This was the second time when his own sassy words were reversed back to him.

'Maybe I should stop taunting others... at least for today.'

He thought silently.

After All Might left, Recovery Girl looked at him up and down before speaking up.

"Why aren't you getting undressed?"

"I like swimming with clothes on."

"But you have to undress."

"No, I don't."

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"It is recommended."

"Where's the notice?"

Ryōko raised her brows at the snappy conversation between the duo. She finally sighed and spoke up.

"Rito, we are scanning your body for your own good. Just remove your shirt. You can enter the container in your pants."

Rito looked at Ryōko before giving Recovery Girl a stare and finally removed his shirt.

After his body went through the effect of removing the limiter to 68%, his stature had largely changed. His muscles were more defined and his skin grew tougher and elastic but the changes brought to his physique could only allow him to control 40% of his strength. The only way to utilise and go beyond his current limits was to transform into an Asura.

"Walk up the stairs, the container is already opened."

Ryōko spoke once again as Rito nodded and walked up a couple of stairs adjacent to the container that led Rito to the open area at the top of the cylinder.

"So? I just jump in? Shouldn't I be given some type of oxygen mask or something else?

Ryōko shook her head while Recovery Girl found a chair to sit on. Due to her old age, even standing had become a strenuous activity for her.

"You won't lose your breath after entering the container. Once you enter, be sure to intake the liquid, it will help you breathe."

Slightly stunned by her reply, Rito took off his shoes and jumped inside the container. Unlike his expectations, the liquid didn't splash but opposed to common sense, it tried to further suck him in akin to a quicksand.

Using a remote connected to the container, Ryōko shut down the container with a metal lid that had a thick rubber pipe attached on top of its structure to maintain the pressure inside the container.

The screen in front of Ryōko and recovery girl lit up as the data regarding Rito's physical structure and chemical composition started filling up the screen while the 2-D image of his scanned body could be seen on top of the screen.

Rito, on the other hand, felt unnaturally natural. He didn't have trouble breathing and he could even keep his eyes open. Not only that, he felt a light tingling sensation all over his body including his eyes but this sensation only made him blink.

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It didn't take long before the hatch beneath Rito opened up as the liquid was sucked in, while Rito slowly floated down and soon, felt himself land on the floor of the container.


The pressure was stabilised once again as the metal lid above him opened up and this time, the whole glass container started to move downwards, leaving Rito standing with a stunned expression.

This may be the first time that he was watching such a mechanical wonder except for Peke.

"Is it done?"

Rito spoke out as he touched his arms and felt the remaining liquid stuck to his body.

Not getting any reply, Rito looked towards Ryōko and Recovery Girl, who had lost themselves in the screen in front of them.

"What happened?"

Rito quickly tiptoed towards them and asked out once again.

"Oh! Nothing. It turns out that your hidden injuries are already resolved."

Ryōko shook her head as she looked at Recovery Girl.

"Kid, your quirk can is related to your transformation, right?"

Recovery Girl asked out as she silently looked at the data in front of her.

"Pretty much, yes. Can I get a towel?"

Rito nodded and asked out.

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Ryōko nodded and walked outside the chamber, leaving Recovery Girl and Rito alone.

"Rito, you should know that your quirk is a mixture of transformation and mutant type quirk."

Recovery Girl suddenly spoke out and continued.

"Your body is experiencing many changes that will prove to be positive and it will allow you to gain strength at your regular form. I know that you understand about your identity being sensitive.

So I hope that you will not resort to your transformation, not until things calm down."

Rito nodded and thanked her sincerely before she nodded and left.

The door slid open once again as Ryōko returned with a towel.

"Here you go. You can even use the locker room and change into the academy uniform until your clothes dry up."

She spoke as Rito took the towel from her hand before continuing.

"Did Recovery Girl say anything about your quirk?"

"Yes. I understand that my identity may endanger the people around me. So, I will try to not resort to using my quirk until I am pushed to the corner."


Ryōko nodded as Rito suddenly felt a strange sensation in his heart. As he moved towards his shirt, his wet foot slipped.


Rito felt that his real quirk really likes to make an unexpected entrance.

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