Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 109: 109

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A melodious moan escaped Ryōko's lips as she felt something soft on her left breast. Looking up, she found Rito looking back at her with his mouth full... with the tip of her breast.

If only it ended just like that.

His right hand placed firmly on her other breast as he could directly feel his warm hand and hot tongue twirled around her nipple. Meanwhile, his knee rubbed on her special place while her clothes also go messy due to Rito's liquid covered body.

Meeting Ryōko's gaze, Rito immediately tried to speak but his tongue flicked the nipple inside his mouth that he unconsciously refused to let go.


Another moan escaped as Rito finally came to be and immediately stood up.


Since he suddenly stood up, his right hand inside Ryōko's turtleneck sweater yanked up and actually tore her sweater, exposing her full breasts.

"Oh, shit."

Rito muttered as his gaze remained attracted to the voluminous mounds that jiggled lightly while her erect cherry tops itched his heart. Since Rito was already familiar with the various bed-related activities including the exotic ones, his mind immediately buzzed at the sight.

Enthralled, Rito did not even register Ryōko's glare and only focused his gaze once he saw a pair of arms hugging the beautiful breasts.

Gulping, he looked at Ryōko glaring at him and remained silent. What could he even say at this moment? Compliment her breasts?

He would definitely get smacked!

So choosing the most sensible option, Rito bowed down.

"I am sorry, Mikado-Sensei. It was definitely an accident!"

Ryōko slowly stood up but her hands still covered her breasts as her remaining upper body got exposed by her sweater tearing up in half. Even her brassiere was damaged.

"This is the second time."

"Yes, the same accident occurred twice. But it really isn't intentional."

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"I am finding it harder and harder to believe."

"Still, please believe me, Mikado-Sensei."

"You understand that this could be counted as a sexual assault, right?"

"But I really did not mean any of it. I slipped and fell."

"On top of me... again."

"Like I said..."

"Did you like what you see?"


Rito immediately stopped as cold sweat poured out of his forehead.

Ryōko narrowed her eyes and smiled coldly.

"What that a yes?"

"Eh? I don't know, Mikado-Sensei."

Rito gulped and shook his head.

Ryōko slowly walked towards Rito and observed his upper half intently, causing Rito to feel goosebumps. She then slowly moved around him while her hands covered her chest.

"You know, you are quite handsome. You don't have to fall on others. Just a simple question to ask a lady out would suffice.

Tearju might forgive you for your antics, but don't expect others to he so kind."

Ryōko leaned over Rito from behind as she whispered softly and blew into his ears, causing his body to shudder.

"M-Mikado-Sensei... thank you for your advice. Um... What are you doing?"

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Rito almost jumped as he felt her soft mounds pressing on his back while Ryōko's hands slowly crept towards Rito lower body.

"Shh, what are you so afraid of?"

Ryōko smiled and licked her lips as her hand finally grabbed... Rito's shirt.

"You don't mind me covering myself, do you?"

"No, not at all!"

Rito replied almost immediately and let Ryōko slowly take away his shirt as her hands grazed up his body.

Enjoying the feeling, he didn't find any reason to ask Ryōko to stop.

"Be a doll and don't look back. Well, there won't be anything that you haven't already seen, touched... or sucked."

Ryōko's hot breath tickled his ears and he nodded with a rare blush on his cheeks.

Hearing the sound of Ryōko wearing his shirt, Rito's heart finally started to calm down. Just a few moments ago, he had been treading on a very dangerous yet, enticing path. While he still didn't understand Ryōko's motivation to tease him in such a manner, he still kept his silence. He would be a colossal wastrel if he actually stopped such a sensual tease because of something as ridiculous as age-gap.

"Now then, I expect that you will keep your silence about violating me?"

Rito sighed as he suddenly felt a headache. Turning his head, he replied with an annoyed voice.

"Mikado-Sensei, like I said—"

Rito immediately stopped as his heart was set on a nefarious blaze once again. With almost all the top buttons opened, Ryōko's breasts threatened to literally burst out of his shirt while he could see two small toppings sticking out.

Meanwhile, Ryōko's white lab coat proved almost useless since it did not have any buttons on the upper region, due to her own modification while the collar was almost as wide as the gap of Rito's shirt, showing her deep valleys.

"You were saying?"

Seeing his expression, Ryōko couldn't help but chortle.

"Ah, as I said, I did not violate you, Mikado-Sensei. It was an accident."

Rito sighed and spread his hands.

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"Keep telling yourself the same thing." Ryōko smiled and slowly walked out as she immediately grabbed the collars of her lab coat and covered her front. While it was okay for her to dress in a slightly revealing blouse, she did feel embarrassed about her whole get-up.

As she walked especially slowly, Rito's eyes focused on her perky butt sticking out of her tight denim jeans.


The door slid open and Ryōko finally left Rito's gaze and he finally found a piece of black lacy cloth on the floor.

Her brassiere!

Rito almost leapt in shock.

Quickly picking it up, Rito felt a warm sensation flowing through his hands but he didn't dare revel in such a mellow feeling and quickly put it inside his pocket.

Walking out with the towel hanging on his neck, he quickly found All Might near the school gates and asked him for a change of clothes.


The students finally started entering the school as they immediately brightened up when they saw a bulky hero in a yellow suit standing with a huge smile on his face.

All Might!

The passionate students immediately clustered around him. No matter how many times the students saw him, they still felt surreal. After all, All Might, the symbol of peace, had decided to become a teacher in their school.


Standing alongside All Might was a young boy in UA's standard training outfit. Blue jumpsuit with white strips on shoulder and leg forming a vertical 'U.A'.

Rito touched the pocket of the jumpsuit and felt slightly stuffy as he sighed.

'What should I do with it? I can't throw it away. Why did Mikado-Sensei even leave it there in the first place?'

While his mind was filled with questions, his thoughts were broken when a timid voice called out for him.

"You are... Rito Yuuki-san, right?"

Looking ahead, Rito found a thin black-haired boy sporting a bowl cut standing in front of him. He was wearing a standard black-coloured middle school uniform and had a polite smile on his face.

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"You must be Shigeo Kageyama-san, right?"

Rito extended his hand and smiled politely.

Shaking his hand, Shigeo looked around and gripped the corner of his jacket.

"S-so this is UA High School..."

His eyes were slightly bright as this was his first time in such a rich city. After all, his expenses were covered by the Hero Association.

"You can call me Rito, Shigeo-san."

Rito spoke naturally as he felt a strange energy undulating out of his body.

Psychic energy!

"Thank you, Rito-san."

Shigeo nodded gratefully. His face kept a humble smile all the time as he looked at UA's glorious infrastructure.

"It is really well built."

Shigeo muttered to himself when a childish voice cut his thoughts.

"Of course it is. The school gate itself is built from the Accornium Alloy using a complicated chemical quirk."

Both Rito and Shigeo looked at the origin of the voice.

A brown-haired kid that looked even younger than Mikan spoke out as he held a lollipop in his hands and a black backpack remained hung on his back.

He was the self-claimed hero- Child Emperor.

As All Might greeted all the students, the three special students entitled to special heroes classes finally came face to face with each other.


New characters:

Shigeo Kageyama— Mob Psycho 100

Child Emperor— One Punch Man

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