Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 110: 106

"What are you doing here?"

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A youthful teenager with shoulder-length violet hair spoke as she looked at Rito alongside the two boys beside him with an incredulous expression. Her uncommon purple eyes attracted quite a bit of attention.

"Oh, Onee-san! Hello."

Rito smiled and waved his hand at Akiho, making her lips twitch as she spoke with a small pout.

"Hey, I told you not to call me Onee-san, right?"

She walked near him and bypassed the surrounded All Might and immediately rubbed Rito's hair fiercely.

"Yes, nice to meet you, too. Onee-san."

Seeing that her actions didn't bring any desirable change, Akiho let go of his head and pointed at him with an annoyed expression.

"You really know how to worry others! I thought you were still in the hospital, how come you are here?"

"Well, of course, I was discharged."

"I can see that!"

"Then why the question, Onee-san?"

"Just answer!"

"Fine, fine. I am here as a special group for troublemakers to get some training regarding discipline."

Rito explained sincerely while Shigeo's eyes shone in enlightenment and Child Emperor sported a weird expression.

"Well, you are a trouble maker."

Akiho gazed at Rito intently and moved around him, inspecting his body from head to toe before signing in relief.

"It's a relief that you are still alright. You dumbass, you made me and Haruna so worried for you!"

She knocked on top of his head lightly once again.

"Sorry about that, Onee-san."

Giving him a sidelong glance, she wanted to speak something before another voice cut in between.

"See? I told you to get a boyfriend. Now you have gone out of control and started flirting with a kid?"

Akiho sighed as she heard the voice and shook her head.

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Looking sideways, a tanned teenager with a voluptuous figure entered their view as her blonde hair was tied into a fluffy ponytail.

Seeing her face, Rito was reminded of a certain somebody while Akiho spoke up.

"Yeah, morning, Emiyo-chan."


The tanned figure waved her hand and quickly closed the distance as she immediately wrapped her hand around Akiho's neck and grinned.

"So? What you got here? A shy kid, a strong kid and a 'kid' kid?"

She spoke as she pointed at the three of them.

"Oh, will you stop this embarrassing act!"

Akiho immediately shook her off, making the newcomer pout and she finally looked at Rito and others.

"So? What's a bunch of kids doing in UA?"

"We got lost."

Rito explained once again with all sincerity as confusion flashed in Shigeo's eyes while Child Emperor felt that Rito was even more immature than himself. Not wanting to create any more understanding, Child Emperor spoke up.

"We are here on a special programme to take part in the extra-curricular activities of the first year students of hero class."


They both looked towards Child Emperor as he complacently licked his lollipop.

"I think that you really are lost."

"Or, he really must be a big troublemaker to lie in such a sincere manner."

Emiyo and Akiho offered their own thoughts as Child Emperor glared at Rito, only getting an indifferent shrug in return.

"So? You two know each other? Introduce me!"

Emiyo smiled and elbowed Akiho and spoke cheekily.

"Ugh, fine! Emiyo, this is Rito Yuuki, my younger sister's friend and classmate. Rito, Emiyo is my friend."

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"And rival."

Emiyo added and continued.

"So you study at Sainan Middle School? Then you must know my younger sister, too, right? She is suuuper popular."

Emiyo waved her hand in an exaggerated manner.

Finally, Rito felt the connection and spoke out with slight hesitation.

"Do you mean... Galk—Chiharu-san?"

"Yes! We look alike, right?"

Emiyo spoke with an excited smile. She turned out to be Chiharu's.... Galko's sister.

Elder Sister to be precise.

"Well, yeah."

Rito nodded and finally looked at Akiho.

"Onee-san? Aren't you getting late for your class?"

Akiho looked at her wristwatch and nodded with a sigh.

"Oh yeah! I'll be sure to visit you for an explanation! Don't you forget!"

Akiho spoke as she quickly left after leaving her statement.

"Yes, have a nice day."

Rito waved his hand.

"Rito-kun, you have a lot of friends?"

Shigeo asked with a lit expression and had a smile on his face.

Rito looked at him before nodding lightly.

"You can say so. What about you? Any friends back in your home?"

Shigeo's shoulders immediately slumped and he shook his head. But even then, his smile remained. It was as if he refused to stop smiling.

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"Well, whatever! You'll make some good friends and memories in B-City. I am sure of it."

Rito grinned and replied when Child Emperor spoke out.

"Um? What about her?"

He said while pointing at Emiyo.

"Hmm? Oh, I was just observing. Don't mind me." Emiyo shook her head and spoke with a straight face.


Rito spoke the question that kept on repeating inside the slightly bashful Shigeo and the annoyed Child Emperor.

"Well? You just called Aki-chan 'Onee-san', didn't you? You should know that we both are rivals."

Emiyo spoke with a smile.

"Ok... so?"

Rito asked out once again.

"I mean, she lost to me and entered the general department while I entered the Hero Department."

Emiyo spoke with a proud expression.

"Yeah, so?"

Emiyo spoke with an annoyed expression.

"You know her younger sister and mine, too, right?"

"Lady, get to the point!"

Rito spoke with an equally annoyed expression.

What the heck? How did he encounter such a strange girl right off the bat?!

"Tut, nothing!"

Emiyo stomped lightly before leaving with a huff.

"UA is filled with strange people."

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Child Emperor's statement earned both Rito's and Shigeo's nods. He then looked at Shigeo and Rito before speaking up.

"In the file, our quirks weren't mentioned. I have a super intellect. What about you guys?"

"I-I am a psychic."

Shigeo muttered, making both of them raise their eyebrows.

"Psychic? To get such attention after being a psychic, you must be exceptional. Do you know about the psychic sisters? Tatsumaki and Fubuki?"

Shigeo nodded and remained quiet about his quirk.

Rito also offered his piece.

"My quirk is related to physical strength. And yes, I know other quirk users like All Might."

Rito spoke and looked at Child Emperor with a smile. In reality, Child Emperor already knew about Rito's quirk of super strength because of his involvement in the case of sudden extraterrestrial movement in the city.

Soon, the crowd lessened but the trio and All Might had to keep on waiting for one more guest.

Finally, after standing by impatiently for ten minutes, a bald figure could be seen jogging towards them in a yellow jumpsuit.

"Wait, isn't he—"

Rito's eyes were wide open as his heart shook. It was his first time meeting this bored figure of destruction as he only had the fortune to give him a slightly entertaining fight when he was unconscious and berserk.

The current holder of the title— One Punch-Man.


Smilingly, he waved his hands covered in red gloves and quickly appeared in front of All Might and the others.

"I am sorry, I got distracted. So? Let's spar kid! I'm fired up!"

He immediately looked at Rito with burning gaze as his whole demeanor turned sharp as he raised his fist and extended towards Rito.

"Say what now?"



Since there is no specific name for Galko and her sister in canon, I have made my own names.

Chiharu— Galko-chan from Please tell me Galko-chan.

Emiyo— Galko's elder sister from Please tell me Galko-chan.

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