Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 111: Mended Relationship

"Eh? So I was tricked?"

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Saitama sighed and slumped his shoulders as he felt extremely burdened. When he thought of that sly attorney who called himself Yagi Miyai, he couldn't help but feel even more distressed.

He really shouldn't have signed the contract.

Saitama thought inwardly as he looked at Rito and two other kids preparing for their school activities.

"Might as well enjoy the show. I cannot back down now. Moreover...."

The moment he recalled his battle with crazed Rito, his blood would immediately start to boil. From the moment he grew overly powerful, only Rito had managed to push him far enough to resort to his secret technique: serious punch and more surprisingly, Rito actually survived!

That's right, even Saitama didn't have enough faith in Rito that he could survive his attack and Saitama was prepared to face the consequences of actually harming the life of an innocent to save the city.

But not only did he find a worthy opponent that could give him a good battle once he grows up, but he also found another potential opponent in the form of a blonde boy that seemed to have quite an affinity with this city.

"Sigh, so.... eh... yeah, So? All Might, right? What am I supposed to do?"

UA Academy was itself constructed with a size rivalling to an entire district. Aside from the academic campus and canteen, there was a swimming pool, training grounds with tall buildings constructed and also a faculty building.

Sporting a western superhero costume with a blue base and yellow strips alongside a touch of red, All Might smiled and gave Saitama a thumbs-up.

"Since it is your first day as a temporary teacher, why don't you try and observe the personality of the three of them through this training.

Those three assigned to you are extremely gifted in their own ways and their personalities will definitely become a crucial factor in bringing out their full potential."


Saitama smiled while he respected All Might internally. In the reports given to him, he was also presented with documents of his fellow S-Class Heroes. Of course, he was busy playing his new video game so he only gave a cursory look at the top few names which included All Might.

"Personally, huh?"

Saitama nodded deeply. Since he cannot spar and battle to his heart's content, he may as well try and find some satisfaction and enjoyment in the task at hand.

Looking towards Rito, Saitama observed that he was stretching his legs and doing warmup while an oddly familiar boy also wore a UA tracksuit and simply stood with an awkward expression.

Those dull eyes and that soft smile on his oval face made Saitama nostalgic.

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He thought before looking at the last one. Wearing a blue shirt and blue shorts, the brown-haired boy licked his 3rd lollipop and still kept his backpack on.

"Alright, gather around, kids! From today, there will be another group participating in our extracurricular activities. Please welcome them with open hearts as they will be your junior for a year."

All Might's voice boomed as the first year students gathered around sporting their hero outfit.

Rito also saw Emiyo in a grey, body-hugging outfit as her face was covered with open mouth helmet and her eyes covered by dark-grey glasses.

The trio stepped up and bowed towards their senior.

"Alright! We'll teach them well!"

A particular blonde boy with spiky hair spoke out as his facial structure leaned onto the video game characters. Especially his eyes round blue eyes. Flashing a huge grin at the trio, he raised his arms and flexed them, showcasing his biceps stretching his body tight, white-gold outfit.

"And this is Saitama, a new S-Class Hero."

All Might introduced Saitama as a commotion spread amongst the group of students.

"Uhm... without further ado, let's start with today's exercise. In total, the 20 of you will be divided into a group of four with each group consisting of five students.

The four will then compete against each other in a versus match where your objective is to incapacitate the opponent team"

All Might looked at them and walked towards Child Emperor and spread his arms.

"Meanwhile, I will help these three newcomers to get familiar with their quirks as they will also witness your strategies in a battle.


All Might asked out loud and the students immediately shouted.


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The team was quickly formed and some students stepped up to try and chat with this group of newcomer

"Heya! I am Hamara, nice to meet you." A black-haired boy stepped forward and extended his hand with a smile.

"Oh, I am Rito."

Child Emperor nodded and introduced himself.

"I am Child Emperor."

"Eh? Is that your real name?"

"My real identity doesn't matter. In the age group of 7-9 years, I am the Emperor."

Hamara nodded with a weird expression and looked at Shigeo.

"Hey man, you are?"

He asked while extending his arm.

"Shigeo Kageyama."

Shigeo shook Hamara's hand with an especially bright expression.


Soon, Rito and other students were taken to the observation room while two teams started to use their quirks based on the surroundings and tried their best to make complete use of all the variables they could find.

While Child Emperor only held a look of indifference, Shigeo had a light smile as he felt this whole experience quite fresh and exciting.

Meanwhile, Rito was informed by All Might that his mother was waiting for him at the reception of the school.


Rito felt strange but still walked towards the reception area.

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The reception was quite spacious and was only occupied by two women. One was the receptionist while the other was a brown-haired woman with slightly red eyes as she sat with her heels thumping on the floor anxiously.

Pushing the glass door of the reception, Rito walked in and spoke with slight hesitation. When he looked at her anxious expression, he himself felt uncomfortable.

It didn't make him feel guilty or painful, this was a whole new territory of emotions that Rito had never in his entire lifetime stepped on.

He felt sad.

He didn't know why or could he explain the source of this sadness.

Just sad.


Rito's voice immediately attracted Ringo's attention and the moment her gaze landed on Rito, her eyes watered once again and she slowly moved towards him with a slightly quivering body.

Ok, now he was genuinely concerned as a normal human being.

"Are you okay?"

Before he could ask further, Ringo slowly trailed her hands and explored the entirety of his face before kneeling and pulling him into a deep embrace as her tears streamed down her cheeks quietly.

Stunned, Rito didn't know how to respond to such a sudden show of affection. As her son, he should definitely hug back, but he couldn't as he felt slightly guilty. After all, he still felt a little hesitant towards Ringo and Saibai.

"Are you okay, Mom? What happened?"

He asked once again as she started whispering: I am sorry, again and again. Her whispers laced with fear and anxiety while Rito only felt cold in her embrace.

"Take a deep breath, Mom. Please, calm down."

Rito spoke once again as he resorted to his [Brain Wave] to help her calm down quickly.

It turns out that Ringo almost lost her sanity when she found out that her own son was laying on Death's doorstep and she wasn't even there for him. Her guilt for not being available for Rito's support made her feel disgusted for her earlier self that only tried to carve out a better career.

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Only now did she understand that Mikan's and Rito's value far exceeded her thirst for world recognition and she couldn't help but keep on reliving the moment when Saibai honestly confessed everything.

"It's alright."

Sitting beside Ringo, who drank a mouthful of water, Rito spoke up with a complicated expression.

He wanted a mother, there was no doubt.

He didn't care if he gained a blood mother or not, he just wanted a mother.

All his previous life, his hate for his parents grew because of the desire to feel their warmth. But he was betrayed in his previous life and wasn't even fortunate enough to receive their cold shoulder. His parents simply sold him away.

In this life, after hearing Ringo confess everything, Rito personally felt Ringo's concern for 'Rito', making him feel complicated.

While his selfish side wanted to accept her concerns and finally feel the warmth of having someone care for you without expecting anything in return, his subconscious felt guilty because of understanding his true origins.

Accepting Ringo's affection turned out to be harder than accepting Mikan's concern.

While Ringo was sobbing and drinking, Rito spoke once again as he finally decided to be selfish. Feeling guilty won't help him in any way so he might as well get selfish.

Though he felt such actions quite hypocritical, he couldn't help himself.

"Mom, I'm alright so please don't blame yourself."

Rito placed his hand over Ringo's, squeezing them lightly.

"Sorry, so sorry. I am a terrible mother. While I used you two as an excuse to roam the world, I ended up forgetting both of your needs."

She sniffled and immediately picked up Rito's hand and kissed it while her tear stained lips turned the back of Rito's hand warm.

"I'm never leaving you two again. Never."

She whispered as she pulled Rito in a loving embrace once again.

'Sorry, Rito.'

Apologising to the soul of real Rito, wherever it may be, Rito finally accepted her mother's affection and reciprocated by hugging her back.

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