Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 112: Yo

So, as you all have noticed, I haven't updated this novel for a few days. The main reason is that I was rereading the chapters and found these specific troubles.

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1) When Rito reincarnated, he went through a horrible death and yet in his new life, he simply smiled and asked to be fed by Mikan and Ochaco. In my opinion, due to my haste, I managed to butcher a good half of what could've been an amazing Rito.

2) The description of various events from my part was extremely shallow and while I admit that I tried to attract your interest by giving MC even more goodies from the system, the importance of various girls in his life is still quite vague.

3) Once again, I managed to butcher the parental relationship between the Mc and while I worked through this problem in the latest chapter, it was still forced.

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4) I also failed to correctly develop the Mc as a good and important character. As he went through a horrible death, he should've been going through a phase of depression/silence followed by loving his new life while feeling a tinge of guilt for original Rito. As you can see in the novel, I clearly wrote it in an astounding manner that confused all of you.

So, I will come to the main point.

If you wish for me to continue this novel, I will update it but I can guarantee that all of the readers will soon lose their interests.

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If you wish for a rewrite, then it may take some time.

I know, many of you will feel that it is the same dubious act of every other writer to request a rewrite and then dumping the novel but in my scenario, this isn't the case.

All the novels I discontinued always get a notification or it will show the sign 'completed'.

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Even my latest experiment— Lust Incarnate got a notice of me dropping that particular novel due to not being interested in writing that fanfic.

But this novel is different and that is why I am giving choice to the readers.

It is your call.

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In the comment section, I have posted two comments— Continue and Rewrite.

If you don't wish to comment then fine. But if you wish for your opinion to get noticed then like one of the comment and the result will be taken after 36 hours.

Once again, I am NOT discontinuing this novel.

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