Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 14

After watching Akiho's quirk and understanding that Haruna's quirk was even more amazing, a certain feeling of crisis emerged inside his heart. He didn't know why he felt that way, but after thinking, he understood that it was because of Mikan's bullying case.

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Rito had no doubt that there are many more amazing quirks in this world and even mythical superpowers, but he also knew that many people would use this kind of power for their own selfish needs, which was only natural.

But Rito felt that there are also many sick and twisted people that take pleasure in hurting others and have no other objective whatsoever besides fulfilling their sick and twisted needs.

When he thought till here and recalled his own experiences, he felt a slight chill in his hear and his whole body shivered.

If he compared the abuses he went through and nearly having a mental breakdown, he felt that getting bullied was only comparable to an ant sting.

But the problem arose that he did not even have the power and means to resolve a small issue of bullying and help Mikan. And he had a feeling that the problems will only progressively grow to the point that if he doesn't have power, he would only end up losing everything once again and only see his loved ones getting hurt... Again!

To gain power quickly, he would need to fill the void in his foundation and to do that, he would require good quality resources which is only possible if he has the monetary funds, that is the Karma Points!

He had only found one method of earning Karma Points till now and it is completing the quests. But the quests itself show up without any sequence and show an erratic pattern.

This only proved that this method was somewhat unreliable.

The other method to know more about the ways of earning the Karma Points was to 'ask' the system itself through a certain function that he deeply felt repulsive to for various reasons... The Tutorial Function!

He took a deep breath and tried to curb his pride and looked at the Tutorial Function that brought him to various tabs. In particular, Rito's eyes were attracted to one particular tab— Guide to earn Karma Points.

After a moment of silence for his inner game spirit, he initiated the Tutorial.


A beautiful redhead with a flawless face and a petite body emerged as she smiled and looked towards Rito with cute and innocent eyes. her red hair was tied into a short ponytail and there was a small, golden colored moon-shaped ornament on the left side if her head.

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She was wearing an off-shoulder bright red dress that covered her whole body except for her beautiful and smooth collarbone alongside her pale white arms.

She pointed towards the section of the system which showed Karma Points and began the Tutorial.

[Karma Point or KP, in short, is the universal energy that lets the system create the equipments, skills and items for the user. It is also the basic form of energy that is utilised by the system to form the connection with the user.]

An ethereal voice emerged in his head as she continued.

[With that being said, it can be understood that the whole world is filled with Karma Points and it is also an unending source of Karma Points. But it cannot be utilised by the owner because of the word 'Karma']

[The status of Karma on this energy makes it so that only the Karma points created by the user can be utilised by the system to help the user achieve their goals.]

The screen changed once again and now the system showed the quest window.

[One of the methods of earning Karma Points is to complete the quests. Quests are the method by which the user can plunder the Karma of other living beings of this world and turn that Karma into Karma Points.]

The moment Rito heard this explanation, he felt that he had already understood the true method of earning Karma Points. It was never the quests! These quests were just a convenient mechanism of the system to earn Karma Points here and there.

The true function of the Quests were actually the skills derived from plundering the Karma!

The Tutorial did not wait as the voice continued.

[The second method to earn Karma Points is to plunder the lifelong accumulation of the Karma of the other beings living in the world. The lifelong accumulation of the Karma will then be converted into Karma Points and add to the user's stock.]

[In theory, the user gains Karma Points every second as the user kill and plunder the Karma of various unicellular organisms, but this amount is so tiny that it cannot form a single unit of Karma Point even in thousands of years!]

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Even though Rito did not need to hear more, he was now genuinely curious about the other method of earning Karma Points.

[The last major method of earning Karma Points is to create items and circulate it in the world. As these items make a difference in Karma of others, the user will benefit and gain Karma Points through the continuous stream of Karma attached to the equipments created.]

With that, the beautiful redheaded angel smiled and waved before disappearing.

"The last method is comparable to royalty payments..."

Rito murmured. 

But still, he gained another information from the system tutorial.

"There are other methods of earning Karma points... since non-living equipments can accumulate karma, then this should be possible."

He touched the bed and resisted his urge to test the theory.

With a sigh, he started a light workout and tried to keep his urges in check. His mind was focused.

Just like that, Mikan visited him again while Ochaco couldn't make it today. Most probably, she would be training her quirk. Meanwhile, Mikan brought him a bento once again and he ate it happily.

After Mikan left for their home, Tearju arrived in his room once again with an excited smile.

"Are you ready for your rehabilitation?~"

When Rito heard her, he felt strange since he had already performed an intense workout the previous night.

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Tearju took her silence as his uneasiness for the exercise as she smiled gently and explained that the exercises were basically simple stretching with some light bodybuilding alongside a supporter, that would be her.

Rito could only sigh and nod along as his rehabilitation began. Since he was recommended to rest for a week, he decided to play along and complete every exercise normally.

"Huff! You did great Rito-kun!"

When they returned back to the room, Tearju's forehead was covered in sweat and she wiped it off with an exhausted sigh.

Meanwhile, Rito had a hard time controlling the 'pleasure' bubbling inside of him and he only smiled stiffly.

Seeing his strange condition, Tearju couldn't help but frown. She felt that she had overdone with the part where Rito had to do some bodybuilding workout and now, he was feeling extremely uncomfortable and didn't want to tell her about it.

She tilted her head seriously and suddenly put her hand on his head to check his temperature.

She didn't know how or when, her centre of gravity tilted and her balance shook. Her hand, which was already near Rito, quickly grabbed on to his shoulder as he was pulled alongside Tearju in the fall.

Yes, it was Luck Fall!

"Hmm?... Sorry, Rito-kun, I grabbed onto you suddenly!"

The fall didn't her much, but she felt Rito's weight on her and quickly remembered his condition and apologized.


The window of the room was open to keep the room fresh. As a gust of wind entered the room, Tearju felt slight chill on her upper body.

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Meanwhile, Rito tried to calm his emotions as the fall broke his control and the pleasure coursing through his body had finally found a method to exert itself physically.

He tried to move when he suddenly heard Tearju's apology and it was at this moment he pulled his body.


A small clicking sound was heard as Rito's and Tearju's expression stiffened.

He looked down only to be holding her lacy white brassiere in one hand while his other hand was already covering her heavenly gates to the pleasure!

'When did it even get there?!'

Rito shouted internally as his hand moved unconsciously as he felt the softness and a little dampness on the surface of her equally lacy panties.

He immediately looked towards Tearju, only to see her watery eyes filled with blame as the corner of her eyes stared to tear up while her whole face was completely red. Her flushed skin even spread through her exposed, flawless breasts and the pink bud on top of her mounds turned a darker shade.


Rito wanted to explain, but his 'little' soldier answered with a salute and kissed her abdomen while its warmth still spread through Rito's clothes and made Tearju shudder.


Before he could explain, a swift palm smacked him down, but this caused his little soldier to be even more prominent.

The last thing he could think before losing his consciousness was to explain his innocence!

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