Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 15


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"50... huff!"

Rito got up from the floor as his body was covered in sweat! He took a towel placed on his nightstand and wiped his face. It has already been seven weeks and his health had recovered. But because of his daily workout for a whole weak and his ability to turn pain into literal pleasure, he had earned quite a benefit and he had already shifted from the upper inclined push-ups to low-decline push-ups and normal push-ups, a set of fifty each every day!

He looked outside the window and found that it was still dawn and most of the people inside the hospital would still be sleeping.

"Today I will be discharged, huh!"

He muttered. He wouldn't lie if he said that he would be disappointed by the fact he wouldn't be able to see Tearju on a daily basis. Even though they both had many 'falling' incidents the past week, they got even closer and started treating each other as friends.

Even Tearju had opened up to him quite a bit and whenever his hands slipped inside her clothes as his erratic quirk activated, she wouldn't go all overboard with her reaction and will be able to deal with the situation with a simple flustered and shy expression, which Rito loved to watch.

Even though he felt guilty that he had taken quite an undue advantage of the beautiful blonde, he couldn't do anything as he couldn't control his quirk at all. Instead, Tearju would be the one to lament whenever they were together about her unlucky life and how she was the one who had affected Rito and shown her embarrassing sight to him.

Not only that, aside from Haruna, Ochaco and Mikan, he was also visited by Akiho once again as she spoke that she was simply passing by. But she did not forget to give him the pass to enter the U.A. High School during the Annual Sports Festival that would be taking place in a month.

But his biggest surprise was the result of his training!


Limit Breaker (SS): This skill allows the user to break free from the shackles placed on the body by mother nature. The skill is dependent on the potential of the body and the only limit to this skill is the body of the user itself.

Caution: As the user progressively breakthrough its limits, the user also needs to accommodate the strength by training the body or it will create adverse side-effects.

Progress: 1%

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Even though he only progressed in [Limit Breaker] by only 1%, he was very happy and excited. It was because he finally understood the true value of his skill.

Rito recalled the feeling he had when he broke through his limitations yesterday. The whole memory was still vivid and he still felt excited in his heart when he recalled the feeling.

The moment he broke through his limitation, a warm current moved inside his body as he felt slightly lighter, stronger, quicker, more flexible and the most important thing, he felt more instinctual.

He couldn't completely describe the feeling as he felt all his senses and pores open up and his mind felt incomparably clear. Even though it was just for a moment, he could still differentiate that his mental reaction was better than his previous record.

Yes! An all-round development!

This was the most broken part of the skill. And the only downside to Rito was that he had to keep on training intensely if he wanted to break through and progress even further.

But with such a result, Rito was completely

motivated to train without stopping.

He took a deep breath and started changing out of his hospital gown into a clean set of clothes that Mikan brought for him during yesterday's visit.

Quickly, he changed into a pair of blue denim and a black, half-sleeve t-shirt with a picture of white colored guitar imprinted on the back and a hand gesture of 'rock' imprinted on the front of his shirt.

Honestly, even if he was very satisfied with happily chatting with Tearju every day, he still wanted to go out. After all, this world is truly filled with mysterious quirks, dangerous monsters and 'justified' villains and Rito wanted to experience all of it.

Since he was unfortunate enough to experience a monster, the accident did not diminish his curiosity at all.

Just like that, under Rito's expectant gaze, the sun finally rose up.... after an hour. Not only that, he had to wait for almost two hours before Tearju arrived with his forms.

In the meantime, Rito had already decided to watch the television. He did not even need to move his hands to change the channel as he could easily command the Television with his voice using the virtual assistant— Aria, as a link.

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After a much-anticipated wait, the room was pushed open and a beautiful blonde nurse with a bust figure and a pair of emerald green eyes entered the room with a small smile on her face.

She was Tearju Lunatique!

The morning sunshine reflected on her beautiful face and created a golden hue in her emerald green eyes.

"Morning!~ Feeling refreshed?!"

She asked as she sat on her usual seat with a holographic clipboard in her hand that showed Rito's vital signs.

"You have already recovered completely. So, you will be getting discharged today."

She placed the clipboard aside and put her elbows on her thighs as she put her forearms up to support her head when she gazed at Rito.

"What? Trying to memorise my face to help you get through when you miss me?"

Rito grinned slightly and touched the back of his head. With the age difference between them, he would have never been able to crack such a joke, knowing the fact that it has only been a week since they both have met each other. But now, after slipping his hands through different kinds of brassiere she wore to work, their relationship had opened up and they were slightly more casual.

Tearju frowned at his words and averted her eyes and looked downwards.

"No... it's just that... it was nice having you around..."

She sighed and sat normally as her back turned straight and her breasts puffed up, threatening to break free from her clothes.

She took the clipboard and placed it in front of Rito.

"You have to place your thumb on the tab of signature and you will be officially discharged."

Even though she felt slightly disappointed, she was still glad that Rito could get healthy again.

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Rito nodded and placed his thumb and concluded the forms.

"Oh that's right, didn't you tell me that you asked your friend in the school to look out for Mikan?"

Rito asked suddenly.

Tearju tilted her head and nodded.

"Yeah, we both know each other for quite a while and she told me that she had already taken care of the bullies."

"Hmm, can you tell me who she is? I would like to thank her personally. I really didn't know how to handle the situation in the correct manner and you and your friend has really helped me out."

Rito asked sincerely. He truly felt that he may have ended up doing something illegal to the kids if they kept on bullying Mikan. The most usual action would be scaring them, but if that didn't work and he had to assault a bunch of kids then he might end up escalating the situation as the grown-ups will definitely be involved.

"Oh, sure! Her name is Mikado Ryōko, she is the school doctor."

Tearju smiled and introduced.

"Hee? Mikado-Sensei? Hmm, understood. I will go thank her during the recess!"

Rito smiled and nodded.

"Well then, I guess, I will be leaving. I hope that I can meet you outside the hospital, too!"

Tearju stood up with a gentle smile, but this caused Rito to panic. He was slightly aware that she had her own problems and she wouldn't have much time to meet him again. Even though his thoughts were a little selfish, what else could he do?

"Wait!..... How about you visit my house for dinner?!"

Rito immediately shouted that caused Tearju to stop in her tracks.

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Tearju's eyes gained spirit and her smile became even more enchanting as she turned back to see Rito's flustered expression.

Suddenly, a thought came to her mind.

'He isn't my patient anymore.... so I can return the favour, right?'

She looked into Rito's eyes and her own eyes squinted slightly.

"Oh? Why are you asking me, Rito? Are you sure that you aren't going to be the one to miss me?"

Even though Rito felt that her smile was comparable to an angel's, he was surprised to see her mischievous side. He also gained confidence and stood up from his bed and quickly wrote down his address on a piece of paper from a notepad.

"Of course, if I could, I would have hired you all for myself!"

He laughed foolishly and handed her the piece of paper.

Meanwhile, Tearju's face had already gone red, evidently, she wasn't used to playing around with boys younger than her.

With a shy expression, she quickly wrote her email on another piece of paper and quickly walked away.

"Don't forget to visit this weekend! I will be the one to cook!"

Rito spoke in a slightly raised voice and Tearju started to walk away even quicker.

He smiled at his own victory and quickly kept the piece of paper in his pocket. He did not have a mobile phone on him as it was destroyed when he was attacked.

He felt that he hadn't only grown physically but mentally, too. After all, he wouldn't have been able to flirt with someone so beautiful like Tearju if he hadn't 'gone' through her body personally.

With a happy smile, he walked out of the hospital room as he was free from his status of a bedridden patient.

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