Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 2

Sainan Middle School

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"Hey, did you hear about Yuuki-san?"

"Who didn't? Almost everyone knows about his near-death encounter in the forest!"

"Sigh, why would he even risk his life?"

"You don't know? According to Yuuki-san himself, he went to the forest because he felt like someone was calling him!"

"Hah! Can he get any more stupid! Maybe playing around with girls has fried his brain!"

"You think it's funny? What if it really was how the events actually played out? What if someone.... or something had used their quirk to lure him in?"

The previous student became silent. The person who spoke these words didn't speak slowly and his words were heard by everyone in the classroom.

The expression of all the students couldn't help but turn terrified and scared.

"But the city should be protected, right?"

One of the girls asked in a small voice.

"Yeah, the city is protected by any physical attack, but what about the attacks affecting the conscious of a person."

The previous student spoke as his right hand was covered in a layer of rock and he punched out.

"Physical attacks are tangible and easy to detect. Psychic powers are still being studied!"

He was the class representative and he had a duty to keep everyone in his class safe.

"What I want to say is that we all shouldn't be hanging around the entertainment parks near the border of the city! We all may not have Yuuki-san's luck and may never see our family again!"

Everyone nodded at his words and the teacher had also arrived at this moment.


B City, Central Hospital.

In one of the wards of the hospital, a young boy could be seen looking outside the window with a pair of curious eyes.

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His golden brown eyes kept on shining as he saw the towering buildings and different cars racing down the street. Even his bed was embedded with some advanced technology.

He then proceeded to touch his own hair. They were a little spiky but soft at the same time. Under the sunlight, his brown hair skewed in favour of orange colour.

"Airi, show my full body image."

The boy spoke out and the small projector near the head of his bed gave off a blue light and a holographic image of his own body was presented in front of his face.

Of course, he was naked in the image.

But the boy did not mind it at all.

"Same... everything's same..."

The boy muttered and felt a little dizzy.

"Thank you, Airi. Close the projector."

The projector was turned off by itself and the room had sunk into silence once again.

The boy felt his throat run dry and he couldn't help but lick his lips. His eyes had turned expectant and he reached out his arms towards the empty space in front of him.

"S- System?"

The moment he spoke this word, a light green holographic image appeared a centimetre away from his extended arm.


[ System ]

Name: Rito Yuuki

Quirks: Luck Fall

KP: 156


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Drawing (C) (Sealed): A development skill. The more the user draw the better he will get. At a high level, the user can activate this skill and communicate with nature.


Rito's eyes almost teared up as he saw this tab in front of his eyes.

He then looked at the quirk option and felt a little startled.

"Isn't this from.... Boku No Hero Academia?"

He was originally from a place where the power of Anime and Manga was greater than that of a nuclear warhead. There were many outstanding Mangas in the history but Boku No Hero Academia swept away all the Hero Society Manga and competed with One-Punch Man for the title of the best Super Hero Manga.

Rito's throat felt dry all over again and he felt that he had seen his own face in some other manga.

"Yup... that's it, To Love-Ru!"

He felt oddly excited when he thought of such a cultured Manga. He was always teased in his school for having the same name as the protagonist of this manga.

He was called useless and pathetic in school because the protagonist of the manga couldn't decide the girl he loved and kept on delaying the decision.

But in his own eyes, Rito felt that the protagonist Rito was kind and considerate to the feelings of the girls around him. After all, even if the girls around him accepted being in the part of his Harem, he knew that he would be sacrificing some of the girl's happiness in this manner.

"But who knew the 'Super' fall of Rito is actually a quirk in this world."

Rito shook his head and closed the system.

Even if he had a quirk or not, he was fortunate enough to find a system that could travel with him to this world.

Yes! The system inside his body was contracted in his previous life, just before the accident that sent him into this world.

He decided to bury that bad experience deep inside his consciousness as he started to go through the original Rito's memories. It wasn't just memories, he also went through many emotions that he felt during his life and finally understood the true nature of the person.

Rito felt that he could even predict the original Rito's decisions if he was to encounter a similar situation he is facing right now.

"He would probably suck it up and try to live a better life once again."

Rito muttered.

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He took a deep breath and looked at his own injured body.

His right hand was completely broken and his left foot was chewed on. He even had a giant hole in his stomach and felt that he would've died if it wasn't for one of the S-Class Heroes arriving in time.

"That was one hellova' scary incident!"

Rito muttered. From his third person's perspective in the Original Rito's memories, he could easily see the pair of green eyes trying to charm him into the forest.

It wasn't a monster that lured him inside the forest, but a human!

Thinking of his extremely twisted smile, Rito couldn't help but feel a slight chill on the base of his neck.


The door to his ward opened up as a lithe figure rushed to his face and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Her large eyes looked pitiful and her short brown hairs alongside two long bangs near the side of her face made her look exceptionally cute.

Not only that, her naturally formed blushes on her cheeks looked quite prominent and enchanting. Her hands were holding the edges of his bed and she looked extremely concerned and worried about his health.

"Hey, Uraraka-san."

Rito smiled and nodded at her. He felt quite surprised by her sudden entrance, but he knew about a lot of girls because of the original body's memories.

"Are you feeling alright? Does it hurt right now?"

She looked at his legs and hands and started to sob silently.

"Hey, come on. This is a small injury. I will be standing back in no time."

Rito smiled and patted her head with his left hand. He could feel the warmth of her body and also felt that her hair was surprisingly soft.

Seeing Rito's natural smile, Ochaka Uraraka felt even worse. She couldn't stop crying.

After all, those two were hanging out yesterday and Rito had gone to buy some snacks for her. If he hadn't gone that time, he would still be safe.

Rito felt quite comforted when he saw her crying like that. He didn't feel happy because of her sadness, but he felt happy that he had just arrived in this world and there was already someone feeling so concerned about his safety.

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It was a new feeling for him and he completely ignored the fact that he wasn't the real Rito Yuuki of this world.

With a gentle smile on his face, Rito sighed and whispered slightly.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. I was feeling hungry, too. Don't cry anymore, alright. I am fine, aren't I?"

Uraraka heard his words and only nodded, but she still couldn't stop herself. She was a cheerful and open-minded girl with a lot of friends. But she hit it off with Rito because of his kind and gentle personality.

Even when both of them met because of a 'small' incident, she didn't mind it too much and quickly befriended him and started to hang out with him.

She really wouldn't know what to do if such a boy died because of her own mistake.

"How about you make it up to me? I am feeling hungry again, can you grab me some snacks from the vending machine?"

Rito finally tried this method to calm her down.

"Yes, sure thing!"

Ochaka immediately nodded and ran out of the room.

Meanwhile, he looked at the system once again and opened the shop menu of the system.

"I already have 156 Karma Points, this could be earned because this body is still alive and has caused a major shift in this world's Karma."

Rito muttered as he already knew a lot about the system from the introductory message when he contracted the system.

He looked at the shop tab and saw three different tabs.

One was Items tab, the other one was Skill Tabs and the last one was talents tab.

He gazed at the Items tab and the image shifted once again as a lot of items appeared in front of him.

He quickly organised his search and constricted it to healing items and found the item suitable for his current situation.

[ Love's Recovery: Stimulates the cells of the body to enhance the recovery of the body. Recovery Enhancement— 25%

Buy- Y/N

Price- 130 KP]

Rito thought for a while closed the tab. He wouldn't be buying this right now.

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