Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 3

While Rito laid on his bed as he waited patiently for Ochaka to bring him something nice to eat, Rito was visited by another guest.

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"Geez, Ritooo! This is too much!!"

A small girl shot towards him and hugged his only available arm as tears streamed down her face. Her long brown hair had an unorthodox hairstyle as a small part of hair was tied above her head and looked like a sprout of grass.

Her watery, golden brown ears were slightly red and there were dark bags under her eyes.

She kept nuzzling her face and hugged his arm tighter as she kept on changing his name alongside other honorifics.

"Stupid Rito, Idiot Rito... Stupid Rito, Idiot Rito..."

Seeing her clothes, Rito understood that she had arrived straight from her school.

Her white shirt alongside a forest green skirt looked extremely beautiful and she was also wearing a red bracelet on her left wrist.

Seeing her in such a condition, Rito felt deeply hurt. He obviously did not know her, but he remembered her from his memories and found out that she was this body's sister.

Mikan Yuuki!

When he saw her crying out loud and hugging him with all her power, Rito felt slightly envious. He knew that she was showing concern for the already departed Rito and he was someone else that had no participation in her life.

'He' himself wasn't there to take care of her, but he became the recipient of her affection, this made him feel extremely complicated.

"If someone found out that I had died in my previous life, will they cry for me?"

Rito considered this question seriously and felt that it was impossible.

After all, he did not grow under the care of his parents. He was violated and abused on a daily basis by his owner and he felt that only his owner will show the expression of slight disappointment.

"Why the hell would you even hang out near the border of the city, Stupid Rito Idiot Rito!"

Mikan kept on muttering and tightened her grip as she saw the state of his legs. Her tears didn't stop for a single moment and when Rito made an eye-contact with her, he felt extremely guilty.

Even though she had nothing to do with him previously, she was showing her affection now and he was insensitive enough to think about his own pathetic excuse of a life.

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"Damnit it, get yourself together. You have already experienced things that some normal kids won't even have nightmares about. So what if you died, didn't you get this new life as a compensation."

Rito berated himself in his heart and immediately brought his head closer and put his chin on Mikan's head.

Since his body wasn't in the most optimal condition, he could only perform this awkward gesture as to 'hug' his crying sister and let her know that he was completely fine.

He nudged her head by his chin and brought her closer and she also closed her eyes and stopped speaking for a while as she felt the warmth of his hand passing through her cheeks.

"It's alright, Mikan. I am here. It's gonna be okay!"

His calm and soothing words allowed Mikan to feel slightly calm as she simply snorted softly and kept her head buried.

"Rito Yuuki.... thank you for giving me this life. I am able to escape that hellhole and arrive at this paradise.... never again am I going to think about those nightmares. That is all in the past."

As Rito comforted Mikan, he also calmed himself down.

Even if he experienced hell in his previous life, he didn't breakdown from the tortures, so it was quite evident that he did not need other people's comforting to calm his own emotions.

"Hmm? What if this body's original owner transmigrated to my real body?"

Rito thought for a moment before issuing a silent prayer for his counterpart if this scenario was true and forgot all about it.

He couldn't care for the departed, as he did not k ow him personally. But he was thankful to him as he gained a friend and a sister the moment he arrived in this world.

Meanwhile, he kept on speaking to Mikan softly.

"Hey, don't worry, your Onii-Chan is here, remember?"

These words felt like he was telling this to himself as well as Mikan.

He was Mikan's Elder Brother!

Seeing that Mikan was still holding onto him, Rito did not stop her and enjoyed the warmth of the relationship he had with him.

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He had closed his eyes sometimes ago, he felt that sprouting hair under his chin and felt a little ticklish.

"Ai, Mikan is hurting me."

Rito spoke out loud and sighed.

His words immediately broke Mikan out of her reverie and she immediately faced up with an anxious expression.

Since Rito's chin was above her head, he actually got hurt when she immediately tried to pull her head up, but he kept quiet about it. The last thing he wanted to do was to make his cute sister feel guilty.

"What? What did I do?"

Mikan immediately exclaimed and grabbed his palm with both of her hand and looked on with a nervous expression.

'Hais, too cute.... maybe this is the Legendary 'Imouto Cuteness' effect?'

In many Mangas of his previous life, he had seen the extraordinary cuteness of the various protagonist's younger sisters. It isn't a normal level of cuteness, they look cute and beautiful in every expression they put on and bring out the natural feeling of protectiveness.

Rito lamented internally as he felt moved by his 'own' sister's appearance and tried to calm his emotion once again.

He grinned at her appearance and spoke with a light tone to help her feel better.

"Sigh, Mikan, your hairs are tickling me too much!"

He spoke with the most serious expression he could form.

Mikan's head blanked for a moment before her face blushed and her tears started to form once again.

"Huh? This is different from the script!"

This time it was Rito's turn to get his mind blanked for a moment.

According to the Mangas he had read in his previous life, he was absolutely sure that such a remark would cause Mikan to feel embarrassed and she will be pouting and glaring as she would be using her power 'Imouto Cuteness' to her utmost capability.

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But he didn't know that he was truly an Idiot and this was a real-life situation and not a Manga.

"I-I was worried sick for you.... I couldn't sleep last night and even dad had to stop his work. We were all worried about you because you did the foolish thing and you even want to joke about such a thing."

She kept on sobbing and spoke as her voice teared up. Her small stature made her look even more pitiable and when he looked at her standing and crying as she wiped away her tears from her hands, he felt guilty.

Very Guilty!

"Don't you get it.... we... were... worried... about... YOU!!!"

Mikan couldn't help but feel angry and she shouted out as her red eyes made contact with Rito's eyes.

Before Mikan could say anything, Rito did what he could do in his condition and immediately grabbed one of her hands near his palms and pulled her into his chest.

Since he was lying down on a bed, Mikan's eye level was the same as Rito's and she easily fell on his chest.

Startled by such a sudden movement, she tried to struggle away, but then stopped immediately as she felt a warm hand on her head that kept on caressing her hair from top to bottom and soft whispers of apology.

"I shouldn't have made you worried. I am sorry!"

"I will stay out of trouble from now on."

"Please forgive me, Mikan!"

Mikan had already melted under his caress and she had her hands on his chest as her tears stained his hospital gown.

She sniffled and spoke lightly and refused to look at him in the face.

"Hmph! As long as you keep your word, I will be fine!"

She spoke lightly and closed her eyes kept her head on his chest for a while longer before she started to clean her face with her hands.

"Here, let me help!"

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Rito spoke out as he picked up the hand towel placed near his bed and used it to wipe Mikan's tears and her mucus running down her nose.

Having such a treatment from her once 'Immature' and 'Clumsy' brother she felt deeply for, her expression brightened and her cheeks formed deep blushed.

"See, you look better when you feel embarrassed!"

Rito smiled kindly and chuckled as he patted her head and ran his fingers through that sprout hairstyle of her's.

This time, Mikan did not speak anything and just snorted before sitting near him and started tending for him.

She had brought apples from the house to feed Rito and immediately opened up the extra bento she had prepared for Rito.

"You will be feeding me, won't you?"

Rito smiled as he looked into her eyes with expectations. He always wanted to be fed food by someone cute and embarrassed like Mikan.

"Che, Fine!"

Her blushes deepened and she took the chopsticks and picked up a small portion of rice and brought it near Rito's face.

"Aren't you going to say 'say aaahhhhh' !?"

Rito felt like teasing her once more.

"Eat it!"


Rito didn't try to tease his angry sister for the remaining day.

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