Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 22

Rito felt like he had just experienced the most terrible horror house. He had already woken up, but he still kept his eyes closed and tried to cherish the peace found in complete and utter silence.

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After a few moments, he opened his eyes slightly and looked at his surroundings. Since he hadn't opened his eyes fully, the room was blurred and he could also make out a figure in white with short brownish hair scribbling something down. He couldn't see the object she was scribbling on, but he felt that she was the owner of the warm hands that helped him calm down.

But deep down, he felt that he already knew this person.

He gulped and tried to moisten his dry throat and then looked at his bandaged arm. He could move it now without causing any pain.

"What the hell happened?"

He muttered under his breath. But his voice was noticed by the figure in white.

She immediately turned her chair around and looked at Rito with concern.

"Are you alright now?"

She stood up and walked near his bed and sat at the edges of his bed.

Rito's eyes widened slightly when he finally recognised the figure.

"You are.... Mikado-Sensei?"

He asked aloud and moved his eyes to observe the surroundings clearly.

"This is the school's medical office?"

He muttered and finally looked at Ryōko Mikado. He wanted to ask many things and also thank her for helping him and Mikan. He wanted to chat with her to know more about her.

But after his encounter with Tatsumaki, his whole view had changed. He finally understood that he wasn't in any anime that the girl would just speak some 'Tsundere' stuff and let him go.

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He acted suspiciously and got his punishment. But he still harboured resentment towards Tatsumaki. Unlike his mind reading, Tatsumaki actually made him go through his nightmare once again. No matter how unreasonable a person is, this act of suddenly reading a person's mind is simply inhumane.

When he thought till here, a pang of deep guilt found its way inside his heart and got rooted in it. He should have never read Mikan's mind!

Even if she didn't know about it, he finally understood how disgusting this feeling is and he really wanted to slap himself as hard as he could to actually do such a repulsive thing to his own sister.

Seeing his troubled expression, Ryōko sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright. You are safe now."

She spoke as gently as she could and also rubbed his back slightly to make him feel comfortable.

Rito looked at Ryōko and saw her green eyes.

'Green eyes again?'

Even though such a colour for eyes should be rare, he had already met three beautiful women with green eyes.

Seeing his strange expression, Ryōko smiled and asked softly.

"Is there something wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Rito broke out of his thoughts and shook his head in a reserved manner. He chose not to look at her directly and hung his head low.

"No, it's nothing. Thank You for healing me."

Even though he was seriously hurt, he knew better and didn't ask about Tatsumaki or how he got here. In this world, it isn't being an Alien Migrant and Ryōko Mikado would have gone through a lot of troubles to conceal her identity.

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He wouldn't simply speak out in the open that he knew she was an extraterrestrial lifeform.

Who knows what he will suffer then?

"It's not a problem. I am your teacher and it is my responsibility to help you."

She smiled lightly and stood up. She then went to her table and took out a bottle of pills.

"Here, eat this every night before sleeping. Your arm is still in a critical condition. Even though I don't know what could've caused such a damage, but this will keep your body stabilised and your arm can recover quickly. Oh, I would also recommend that you do not overexert your arm, alright?"

She spoke as she handed him a small bottle filled with light blue pills.

"Yes, thank you!"

Rito nodded and held the bottle with his left arm. Only then he noticed that his clothes were changed.

"Um, Mikado-Sensei, my clothes..."

He spoke and looked at Ryōko with a confused expression.

Seeing his expression, Ryōko smiled slyly and stuck her tongue out gently.

"I changed your clothes... why, do you want me to do that again?"

She asked with squinted eyes as her index finger touched her pink lips.

Rito was enchanted by the scene for a moment before quickly shaking his head.

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"I also wanted to thank you for taking care of my sister, Mikan."

Ryōko had just walked near her chair when Rito spoke up suddenly.

"You don't have to thank me. Just like you, Mikan Yuuki is my student, too and I will definitely help her."

She smiled and pointed at Rito's arm.

"Even though it doesn't hurt, I have seen the true situation of your arm. I think that you may have accidentally awakened your quirk. I would say that you shouldn't use that power, but that won't be happening. So, I need you to meet me outside U.A. Highschool this Saturday 10 in the morning, understood?"

Rito nodded after hearing her words.

"Yes, I will be on time."


Ryōko nodded and sat back with a satisfied expression, leaving Rito to his own devices.

"Can I go now?"

It was quite awkward for him to stay like this in the medical office.

"Sure thing." Ryōko nodded.

Rito stood up and felt his body. He wasn't feeling pain anymore so it was easy for him to walk normally.

"Oh, right! I heard that you have done some indecent thing with my friend, Tearju. Is that right?"

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Ryōko suddenly spoke up and her face had a chilling smile.

Rito immediately stopped in his tracks and slowly turned back to look at Ryōko's chilling expression.

She stood up once again and slowly walked towards Rito. Each step made his heart pound.

"Ah.. that, that wasn't intentional!"

Rito shivered and spoke out quickly.


Ryōko suddenly laughed as she covered her mouth with her hand.

She then looked at Rito with a natural smile and placed her hand on his head.

"I am just joking, Rito-kun. By the way, I did not inform your injuries to Tearju or else she would've have left her duty and rushed here in no time."

"Ah, thank you!"

Rito once again nodded as Ryōko suddenly knocked his head gently.

"You don't have to thank me every time."

It was this moment, the door behind Rito slid open and a rushing figure knocked into him, causing him to fall.

"Oh, I have a bad feeling!"

Rito screamed in his heart as he only wished for this day to end as quickly as possible.

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