Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 23

"Haaa... haaa..."

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Rito took deep breaths as he found himself in a dangerous position once again.

His left hand had already found its way inside Ryōko's pink blouse and latched itself on her slightly skimpy purple brassiere. Meanwhile, his bandaged arm was clasped by a pair of thick and beautiful thighs. The rough bandage rubbed on the purple thongs as Ryōko's secret garden was almost revealed.

He was barely able to keep his head up, but his upper body was already covered by Ryōko's and her round and big butt was high up in the air. Her lab coat was threatening to fall off and from the viewpoint of a third person, one could see Ryōko's nice round back as her miniskirt was almost lifted, showing off two beautiful and smooth cheeks with a line of purple between them.

Ryōko and Rito were in an 'X' position with Ryōko on top of Rito.

Meanwhile, Ryōko was still processing everything. She had heard about a similar situation from Tearju, but it was truly surprising and embarrassing in real life.


A young voice coughed softly and broke both of them out of their thoughts. Rito was barely able to stretch his neck out and almost fainted once again when he saw the newcomer.

Sporting long brown hair and a cute yet evil smile, she was Mikan!

Ryōko also stood up immediately and corrected her dress with a slightly red face and quickly created a distance between Rito and herself. Standing near him was dangerous in many ways.

"Mikan Yuuki, right? I called you because of your elder brother."

Ryōko did not even mention the previous incident and spoke out naturally under the sibling's strange gaze.


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Even Ryōko couldn't handle their stare and coughed with slightly red cheeks. After all, she had accidentally shown a really bad image of herself to a young student.

Mikan looked at Rito with a questioning gaze. She was really shocked to see both of them is such a situation, but she also remembered that she was the one who had actually pushed Rito.

When she saw Rito's bandaged arm, her expression became worried once again and she also observed his clothes.

'These aren't what I prepared for him. Did something happen?'

Mikan was extremely confused and she waited for Rito's reply.

"Ahaha, that was very stupid of me!"

He laughed foolishly for a moment and then looked at Mikan in an extremely serious manner.

"I fell!"

Mikan's and Ryōko's eyes twitched and Mikan even looked at Ryōko's big and smooth breasts bulging out of her pink blouse.

"Yeah, you certainly fell! Now tell me about your arm!"

Hearing the hidden meaning in her sentence, Rito's eyes almost rolled up and he shouted internally.

'Where the hell did you learn to speak like that?'

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With an extremely awkward expression, Rito looked at his arm and then looked at Mikan glaring back at him.

He took a deep breath and his face turned even more tensed.

"I really fell down!"

He didn't even want to think of his previous experience, much less speak about it. Even though he understood that his past life has become a terrible problem inside his subconscious, he could do nothing about it but face it when the time is right.

Mikan's face twitched and her glare turned even more intense.

She then snorted and turned her face.

"Fine! Don't tell me!"

She then turned towards Ryōko and bowed her head.

"Mikado-Sensei, thank you for taking care of my idiot brother. You did right by calling me before sending him away."

This time even Ryōko had to agree with Mikan.

She knew that Rito had just been discharged in the morning and he was back on the bed by the afternoon. Leaving him alone was extremely dangerous and even Ryōko did not know what he will run into.

She shook her head and sat back on her chair and crossed her legs.

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"It's alright. I would definitely help my students."

The more she looked at Mikan and her serious expression, the more she liked the little girl. She had such a serious expression on her face that even made Ryōko amused by the fact that the foolishly laughing Rito was the Elder one out of the duo.

"Alright, I expect you to attend your classes from tomorrow, Rito-kun."

She spoke and started scribbling something on her notepad.

Rito and Mikan bowed once again and they walked out of the Medical Office.

Meanwhile, Ryōko started to note down the price of all the medicines she used to treat Rito and Tatsumaki. Her expression was full of joy and she kept on scribbling and even added some precious items in the price.

"Ah! This is life! Money flowing in like a river, Cutting down expenses using the subsidies of the government. I may have already become one of the richest women on Earth!"

She muttered with unconcealed joy.

Besides being a medical teacher in a school, she was also an employee of the government and was given high salary and extravagant compensation for her treatments to hero.

But she couldn't spend it all and come in limelight. After all, the whole reason she arrived at Earth was because of laying low.

She then thought back at Mikan glaring at a sweating Rito.

"This is also rewarding in its own manner."

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She leaned back and looked outside the window.

"I still need to tell Tearju about this situation. Maybe she will be able to make sense out of Rito's current condition."

If Ryōko could be said to be the greatest doctor of the galaxy then Tearju's expertise in biological sciences in the galaxy is comparable to none.

She has already reached the peak of the current limitations of the biotechnology and is simply waiting for a breakthrough.

Meanwhile, both Rito and Mikan were already walking through the corridor. They both were quiet as Mikan walked behind Rito and kept glaring at Rito.

Her expression was full of grievances but Rito did not speak anything. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, it was simply that he did not want to burden her little shoulders with his own experiences that had broken him once.

He had seen with his own eyes as his 'comrades' eyes turned dull as they were subject to various tortures to satisfy the sick need of many 'high paying' parties.

Whenever he looked at Mikan and thought about his experiences, he would shudder. He still felt that he was lucky enough to die early or else, he wouldn't be able to even think of living a normal life after his fortunate transmigration.

When he thought till here, his heart turned gratified as he felt lucky to have such a caring sister and loving friends. He also felt that Tearju's smile had a soothing effect on his mind and he was quite fortunate to meet her so quickly in real life.

As he was lost in his thoughts, they both had already reached the school gates, only to be stopped by a rough voice.

"Heh, if it isn't the quirkless idiot! How the hell did you find your way back to the school?!"

When Rito heard the voice, he internally groaned.

He had just faced such a serious threat after getting discharged, and now, the situation had turned similar once again!

'When can I go home?'

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