Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 26

"Alright! We are home!"

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Rito wanted to laugh loudly as he stood in front of his door with Mikan in his arms. She had long buried her face into his chest as slight smoke could be seen rising out of her head.

"Hey, Mikan! Let's go inside."

He slowly put her down as she nodded and hung her head low. The difference between their heights wasn't that much since both of them were pretty young at this moment and Rito had just entered the stage of his growth spurt.

Quickly, the duo entered their house and Rito finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'll go prepare the bath first."

Mikan spoke softly before skipping away quickly like a frightened rabbit. Her whole face was completely red and she didn't know how to describe her situation right now. She quickly wanted to get away from her Idiot Brother.

Rito smiled looking at her back and went back to his room. The moment he saw his bed, he felt a wave of exhaustion coursing throughout his body and he slumped on the bed.

"Oh well! Might as well check the items!"

Rito immediately opened the skills menu in his shop. He started searching for a specific skill in lower ranks and quickly filtered his result. But even after filtering his search list, the number of skills were uncountable and took him a lot of time before he found the skill he was after.

His mouth showed a sly smile and he then took out the small bottle from his pocket. This was the bottle of the medicine given by Ryōko.

"System, I want to convert it into Karma Points."

Rito spoke as he took one pill in his palm and placed the bottle on his bed.

In front of him, the system started to show various numbers and the word 'Calculating' kept on flashing again and again.


Calculation Complete


Basan Petal x1

Mouth of Living Metal x1

Minok's Virus

Current Effect: The poisonous medication is highly reactive against the muscle tissue and increases the pace of muscular regeneration.

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Karma Points Derived: 435


Rito's expression became full of joy and he quickly counted the number of pills. There was a total of seven of these bad boys. This meant that he could gain a total of 3045 KP.

To him, this was a big number currently.

Without giving any further thoughts, he quickly converted all the pills into KP and then made three purchases.

2 Skills and 1 Item.

Yes, that's right! Due to his current situation, he was able to buy 2 skills.



Body Furnace (Passive)

Rank: EX

The injuries of the body act as a fuel to remove the impurities of the body and solidify the constitution of the body, thereby increasing the quality of the body as a whole.

Caution: If the body is fatally injured then the user must maintain a healthy nutritional level of the body or the user's foundation may get damaged.

Requirements to purchase: Completely damage a limb of the user's body.(Complete)

Price: 0 KP

Pain Killer (Active)

Rank: I

The more the body is injured, the quicker the body heals. The skill is limited by the rank and there is a limit to the extent of the healing of the skill. This skill can only be used on oneself.

Price: 1900 KP


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Love Love's Love: An item created by the mythical Love Love. This item allows the healing of internal injuries at a quick speed. This item is blessed by the grace of Love Love and removes the hidden trauma inside the body.

Note: This item can only be consumed once.

Price: 1500 KP


After he had completed the purchase, his KP went back to the low number of 146 while he had two additional skills and another item inside his inventory.

"Ritooo! The bath is prepared!"

Mikan's voice could be heard from downstairs as Rito shot up from his bed. He smiled happily since his skill [Body Furnace] was already reacting to his injuries and his body's temperature had started to rise.

"Pain Killer!"

Even though he did not need to speak the name of his skill, he felt that it was pretty cool if he did it alone.

The moment he activated [Pain Killer], his body started to glow a red light as his right arm and his legs started to tingle slightly.

When Rito felt the tingling sensation of his legs, he couldn't help but frown.

'Didn't they say that my legs were completely healed?'

He couldn't help but lose his trust from the doctors of the hospital and he opened his inventory and took out a pink bottle with an image of woman blowing a kiss on the surface of the bottle.

Meanwhile, the contents of the bottle were purplish in color.

"Might as well!"

Rito muttered and gulped the contents as he placed the empty bottle inside his inventory. He couldn't help but block his mouth to curb his urge of vomiting.

The contents were extremely offensive to his tastebud while the whole potion was odourless.

"Hey! Are you coming or not?"

Mikan's voice reached up once again and Rito immediately replied.


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He didn't need to use a skill to calm his anger towards the extremely disgusting potion and quickly walked down the stairs. Honestly, after ingesting the potion, his legs were trembling slightly, but a cool energy kept on moving around his body.

But the cooling sensation did not stop the rise in temperature of his body and his skin was already warm by now.

This was the physical effect of removing the impurities while his injuries were present.

It only took a moment to realise that the skill [Body Furnace] was extremely broken. Since the skill did not heal the injuries, this meant that until he himself heals his injuries, his body will keep on removing the impurities and the quality of his body will keep on rising.

Of course, at some point, the level of injury inflicted will need to be increased as the quality of his body rises.

When he thought till here, his expression suddenly turned ugly and another thought emerged in his mind.

"[Pain Killer] uses the injuries as the factor to heal the body, [Agony Lover] turns the pain from injury into a pleasurable emotion, [Brain Wave] allows me to suppress the pleasure derived from the injuries and finally, [Body Furnace] used the injuries to increase the quality of my body....."

The more he thought, the serious his expression became. He was slightly tempted, but his heart and body screamed against rational thoughts.

"No.... I can never go down that road...."

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and went towards the bathroom only to get shocked once again.


The housing area had three convenience stores nearby as they formed a triangular formation.

Near the Convenience Store that was slightly closer to the boundary of the city, a man with lizard's head squatted behind a tree and kept on gazing at the entrance of the convenience store with a twisted expression on his face.

"Come on... come on... the babies will love you... quickly come out..."

He kept on muttering as his eyes were glowing a green light. Meanwhile, a person could even see a tent formed in his pants as he kept on gulping his saliva. His whole figure shuddered continuously and his hands were already gripping his clothes tightly.

"Ahhh~ Control yourself... I need to control... hehe, came out after all this time."

Meanwhile, a young boy that had his head mutated into a black bird's came out of the convenience store with a plastic bag in his hands.


"And then he grabbed me right here! Right here!"

Tearju spoke with a sidelong glance and a red face. She placed her glass on the table and placed both of her hands on her bountiful breasts and started massaging them in front of Ryōko.

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"Not only that but he also almost slipped a finger inside me!"

She spoke with distress and immediately gulped another glass of wine.

"Oh, then why are you going to his house this weekend."

Ryōko took a light sip and chuckled as she leaned back on her couch. She was already wearing a casual hotpants that barely covered her thighs while she wore a small, loose black top with an open neck and strings.

Her breasts continued to jiggle as she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"That- he- he forced me! Yeah!"

Tearju was completely different when she was drunk. She was like a kid that had been caught red-handed and tried to make excuses.

Seeing her blushing face, Ryōko chuckled and asked with a smile.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I take away his weekend, right?"

She looked at Tearju with an amused expression as Tearju felt slightly stunned after hearing Ryōko's words.

"Wait, wait, what? Why would you? Did he touch you too?"

The moment Ryōko heard Tearju's doubt, Ryōko felt slightly speechless. But a blush crept up her face nonetheless. She also couldn't help but think that Tearju might have been touched by Rito a lot of time or else she would have nerver assumed such an embarrassing situation in the first place.

"Ah! I knew it! That little guy has no boundaries! Who does he think he is?"

She spoke with grievance and she did not know herself why she felt in such a manner.

She had a sour expression and gulped down another glass.

"Sigh, look at this."

Ryōko took out a small device placed on the side of the couch and placed it on the table.

Tearju looked at the device with a confused expression.

"Rito got into another accident, this is the report."

Ryōko spoke lightly but Tearju's eyes widened in shock and surprise and immediately picked up the device.

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