Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 27

"What are you doing?"

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Rito asked with a strange face as he looked at Mikan undressing. She had already removed her top and her petite upper body only had a small white undergarment that covered her upper body.

Mikan tilted her head in confusion and spoke in a questioning manner.

"I am getting ready to take a bath?"

She couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy when she saw Rito's strange expression.

"Yeah? I will bath after you then."

Rito nodded and turned back.

"We are not bathing together?"

Mikan felt even more confused now. They usually bathed together. After all, the two siblings have been taking care for each other for a long time and they didn't feel that embarrassed being naked around each other, especially Mikan, who was still a little 'innocent' when it came to the things related to such intimate actions.

"No, I think I will bath alone today. After all, I got this and have to take extra care."

He pointed at his bandaged arm that kept on tingling as his body got even hotter... literally.

Seeing his arm, Mikan couldn't help but frown.

"How can you even bath like that. Let me help you was your back. Come on."

She spoke and took off her white undergarment and started undoing her skirt in front of Mikan.

Even though Rito wasn't embarrassed by seeing her naked or exposing his body or anything, he was simply more educated about certain matters.

"Believe me, I can take care of it, my cute little sister. How about you bath quickly and prepare delicious food for me? I am pretty hungry!"

He smiled and shook his head and rotated his arm.

"My arm is already healed and I didn't get enough time to remove the bandage, ao don't worry."

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Finally, under Rito's persuasion, Mikan nodded and Rito left before Mikan could completely undress. Well... there was nothing much to be hidden either way as Rito had already seen her naked almost every day.

The reason he asked Mikan to bath quickly was that his body was getting hotter and his injuries were healing at a quick pace. Even though the surface of his arm and legs were completely healed, there were many hidden injuries left inside his body that kept on sending numbing and tingling sensation.

Sweat was already covering his forehead and he felt his throat getting dry.

Not only that, due to his body constantly transforming and 'evolving' under the stress of injury, his digestive system was overworking and he really needed to eat something quickly.

"Should I make a run for the convenience store?"

Rito thought as he could buy some snacks and return and Mikan wouldn't even notice that he was gone.

But after some thinking, he denied the idea of leaving the house. Firstly, he was slightly paranoid that something bad would happen the moment he stepped outside the house, after all, his experience supported his theory and secondly, he didn't want to leave his sister defenseless in the middle of the night.

Even though there are various Pro-Heroes patrolling the area, nobody can guarantee absolute safety and he would regret his whole life if something happened to Mikan and he wasn't there to protect her.

"Alright, I will find something from the refrigerator!"

Even though he would only find some vegetable, it didn't matter as long as he could eat it.

With trembling footsteps, Rito walked near the refrigerator as his injuries were healed by a lot of amount and the effect of [Body Furnace] started to diminish.


"Keke... you look like someone who would get bullied in school because of your appearance..."

A slight whisper could be heard from the bushes nearby as Fumikage Tokoyami stopped in his tracks and his small red eyes narrowed. His expression had turned cautious and he started to retreat slightly.

He had a head of a black bird alongside a yellow beak that was curved downward at the end.

In a 'pre-individuality' society, he would definitely be criticised as a monster and would be even beaten to death.

But in this society, he had wonderful parents and he also had many friends. Not only that, he was quite popular among some girls with a 'classic' taste and his quirk also helped in his life.

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Besides, if a creepy whisper is heard during the night when you are all alone, common sense dictates, you make a run for the location with some people already hanging out.

Not only that, if he had heard a melodious voice whispering something, he would have at least stayed to listen, but this voice sounded like a creepy old man that barely left his basement and only emerged to the surface to hunt young boys like himself that were classified into a 'classic' beauty.

If the lizardman could hear his thoughts, he would have attacked immediately. For a young boy to have such thinking, the society has either advanced very quickly or there is something wrong with the boy himself.

The Lizardman never thought that maybe his approach was wrong all together.


Seeing that the boy was retreating, his eyes started to glow green as he slowly stepped out of the bush.

"Ne... ne... why don't you help me out?"

The moment Tokoyami looked into his eyes, his blood-red eyes gained a green tinge and he felt slightly dizzy. He felt a great threat and his intuition was screaming madly, he immediately thought of controlling his quirk and he did manage to activate it, but by that time, he lost his consciousness.

"Kekeke... we got five minutes, let's get you outside the border..."

His expression turned extremely joyful and licked his lips. He looked at the dark shadow-like substance emerging from the boy's body and didn't care much about that.

This was the speciality of his quirk.

The moment he hypnotises someone, he could command them to control their brain.

"Alright, start moving towards the city border."

He spoke with enthusiasm as he looked at the dark substance emerging out of the boy's body turning into an entity with a similar shape. It's crimson eyes looked demonic in the night.

Seeing such a quirk, the Villain's eyes turned bright.

"Ne... how can such a boy get a strong quirk like that? Maybe... you should really die under the attacks of monster..."

He suddenly cackled and his expression turned vicious and extreme.

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Suddenly, a sound from heard from the shadow-like quirk and it turned it's head and looked straight at the Villain.

The dark shadow was attached to Tokoyami's body through the navel region and the quirk itself had a physical existence.

"What are you looking at? I said, move out of the city borders!"

The Villain screamed and pointed.


The scene changed suddenly and the dark shadow expanded rapidly and covered Tokoyami's body. Its hand turned into shadow claws and his face was covered by a dark shadow with red-eye. Not only that, the shadow kept on expanding and yet, its malevolent eyes never lost the villain in its sight.


A low sound was heard once again and the 'boy' suddenly shot towards him and attacked.


This was the first time this has happened. The Lizardman wasn't prepared at all and ended up crashing into a tree.


As the shadow got closer, it came under the shade of the tree and blocked off the moonlight. The whole body seemed to disappear in the dark while the red eyes glowed violently and gazed at the scared Lizardman.


"This is—"

Tearju's expression was serious and all the previous goofing was cut-off.

"This shouldn't be possible. Theoretically, a quirk can change the composition of the body and there are many cases of the situation... but this... it isn't a quirk, but the composition of his body keeps on evolving at an unheard rate. Even though the end result doesn't change his species, but his neuronal activity, digestive function, muscle structure, bone structure... cardiac capacity... all of them are enhanced without destroying the integrity of the body..."

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Tearju couldn't believe all of this herself and if she didn't see it from her own eyes, then she might have actually laughed at Ryōko's words.

"What if it is a quirk that evolves the body or allows the stability of the body..."

Ryōko asked with some hidden meanings.

"No... in either of the cases, one quirk isn't enough or it is a combined quirk... or..."

Tearju didn't complete her words and she looked at Ryōko with worry in her eyes.

"The technology of this world isn't advance enough to do that and the results of this world is still at 'berserk' stage. If it isn't natural then his life may have already been affected..."

Ryōko sighed deeply and smiled bitterly.

"Do you think it's because of me?"

Tearju couldn't help but feel guilty as she recalled the cheerful smile on Rito's face before he was discharged.

"Maybe... maybe not..."

Ryōko couldn't make any assumptions and she could only pray that all of this is natural.

"Don't worry, I an taking him to medical chamber this weekend."

Tearju's eyes couldn't help but turn bright... but after a moment, she couldn't help but look at Ryōko.

Seeing her expression, Ryōko couldn't help but narrow her eyes and smile seductively.

"Don't worry, I will bring him back by the time of your 'date'."

Tearju immediately blushed and she gulped another glass of wine and shouted.


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