Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 28

"Quick! Run!"

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"How can there be a villain attack?!"

"Fuck! This is B City for God's sake!"


A dark bird like monster smashed its arms on the road, causing the air to burst outward from the impact while the road itself cracked in a web-like pattern.

The surrounding civilians felt a chill when they saw the crimson-eyes of the dark shadow under the moonlight.


A person shouted and started to run away in fear.

As if the shout worked as some sort of trigger, the beast roared loudly and jumped towards the fleeing person.

High in the air, it extended its arms and slammed towards the terrified civilian.


The person barely made out of the point of impact, but still got hit by the exploding air and couldn't stop himself from flying back. He had already lost his consciousness as the whites of his eyes remained while his while body smashed on the road and started to rotate forward as his body got even more injured.


The dark shadow looked at the unconscious civilian and slowly started to walk towards him. Meanwhile, all the surrounding people were stunned in fear and couldn't even move.

The moment he went ahead to grab the unconscious person, the dark shadow slammed its hand towards the right, only to feel his body 'stop' and 'unresponsive' to its command.


The dark shadow couldn't help but roar in rage as the civilians felt their legs go soft and they fell on the ground with a fearful expression.

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"Tch! Why the hell are you making so much noise?!"

A cute voice sounded and a green glow covered the body of the dark shadow. In front of its crimson eyes floated a petite figure with flowing green hair and glowing green eyes. Her hands were crossed and she looked at the dark shadow with ridicule.

She was Rank-3 S-Class Hero: Tornado Tatsumaki!

Feeling the ridicule in her eyes, the dark shadow fell silent as it eerily looked into Tatsumaki's green eyes.


Slowly, the body of the dark shadow grew even larger as it slowly moved its body under extreme pressure.


The light in Tatsumaki's eyes changed as her ridicule turned into disgust.

"A villain like you trying to resist... me?"

Tatsumaki's hand started to glow intensely as the road started to crack and large rocks were pulled out of the road.

"Try this!"

She threw five rocks around the size of a mini-van at the dark shadow. The speed of the rocks was inhumane and even the dark shadow felt the impact!


The dark shadow slammed on the road and web-like cracks were etched with the point of impact as its origin. Its red eyes started to glow intensely as the right hand started to change its shape and turned into a pitch black shadow sword.

Meanwhile, a black fog started to emerge from the body of dark shadow.


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Hearing the sound of the black gas and noticing the change in its body, Tatsumaki's eyes turned colder and she swiped her hand as a boulder comparable to a truck was pulled out of the sidewalk and shot towards the body of the dark shadow.


The boulder crumbled from the impact while the dark shadow was further pushed into the road and a hole of its shape was made on the surface of the road.

"Hmph! Matter solved!"

Tatsumaki snorted with a smug feeling coursing through her heart. During the daytime, she had gone through some distasteful experience and this fight was able to cheer her up.


It was at this time Tatsumaki heard the same sound once again and found an overwhelming amount of black gas emerging out of the hole and the surroundings started to turn dark.

Most of the civilians had already run far away while there were some extremely injured people still in the vicinity.

Slowly, the whole area turned completely dark while the moonlight was also blocked. In this pitch-black domain, only Tatsumaki's glowing figure could be seen.

But the situation didn't stay the same for long as she was able to witness two sources of bright red light floating out of the ground.

She knew that these were the eyes of the beast and she immediately expanded her senses to the extreme and started to feel rage bubbling inside her heart. Seeing the cold red eyes made her recall something disgusting.

She immediately felt two objects shooting towards her and she immediately created a spherical barrier around herself.


The impact was extremely harsh and Tatsumaki felt her body tremble slightly.

"Hmm? So that's it! The darker it gets, the stronger this Villain becomes.... then—"

Her hair started to whip around and the splits of her dress floated upwards. Her whole body glowed green intensely and the shine kept on getting brighter and brighter... like a miniature sun.

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The body of the dark shadow was visible once again as it roared in rage and its body grew smaller visibly.

When an S-Rank gets serious, it is hard to defend!


"Shit... shit... SHIT!"

A man with a head of a lizard ran through the streets with an unsightly expression. His green eyes showed a crazy expression while he kept on running without looking back.

Whenever he thought of those red sinister eyes, he would feel a chill in his heart.

"I will find him... surely... I will definitely find him..."

He kept on muttering like a crazy person and ran even when he was out of breaths.

"Hehehe... such a prey... too much!"

Sometimes he would scream while sometimes he would laugh with a crazy expression.


His face turned hesitant.

"I won't have any targets today..."

He could only speak gloomily as he knew that the attack from that dark shadow would have already alerted a lot of heroes and they would be patrolling the city seriously.


"What is this?"

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Rito's body was covered in sweat while there was even some sticky substance attached to his body. Meanwhile, the numbing sensation of his injuries healing and the warm sensation of his body getting better had already dissipated.

Seeing his condition, Mikan's face twitched and she couldn't help but ask in concern.

"Are you really fine? Don't lie to me!"

She immediately put her hand on his sweaty forehead and did find that his temperature was normal.

"I'm fine! Believe in me, alright? Ok! I will go get a bath."

Rito stood up with a sigh as he looked at the screen in front of him.


Quest Initiated.

Quest: Payback!

Rank: A

Your body has already recovered completely and it is stronger than it ever was. Now is the best time to find the culprits of your injuries and return the favour.

Time Period: 5 Days.

Rewards: Item Scroll(A) x1, ??


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