Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 29

A green-haired girl could be seen flying around the city with a resentful expression on her face. Her whole body was illuminated by a green glow and her pure green eyes could be seen spewing fire.

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From the moment she met the harbinger of misfortune, the brown-haired kid, her whole day has been nothing but a nightmare.

First, she is smashed into the ground with her head injured. Next, she had to listen to the lecture of All Might as he tried to communicate his ideals on to herself. Then, after everything was concluded for the day, she decided to let loose and relieve her frustrations, but her supposed Villain turned out to be a teenager who was hypnotised while his quirk started to go berserk.

Then again, she had to sit through the class of 'ideals' for a whole hour and this time All Might wasn't alone and she was also subject to some Legal Regulations this time.

"Whatever, I will find that brat and get even! Yeah! All of this happened because he bumped into me. Hmm, he said that he lived near the Social Response Facility."

Tatsumaki thought for a while before rejecting the idea of meeting the boy once again. She had already described him as the harbinger of misfortune and did not want to encounter him again and make her night even worse.

Just as she turned back to return to the accommodation provided by the Highschool, her body turned sluggish and she almost fell from her position.

In front of her stood two parties, one girl in pink clothes and a big hat while the other party consisted of two males clothed in a black suit and they had black sunglasses over their eyes.... during the night.

Yes! What concept is this? Wearing black sunglasses at night?

She didn't know why, but Tatsumaki felt a strange feeling from the three of them. As she observed them, her pupils constricted when she saw a tail emerging out of their back.

It wasn't that she hadn't seen any civilian with a quirk related to tail, but it was the shape of the tail itself.


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Before she could even rush towards the strange party, her eyes flashed when she saw the girl disappearing from her location, only leaving her clothes on the roof of the building.

The expression of the other party changed as they prepared to move out while Tatsumaki used her psychic energy to hold them in their place. She immediately closed her eyes while a ball of green light emerged from her head and flew off in a certain direction.

"Baudgg! Hdyjjjjs?"

The two immediately started screaming in a different language as the communication device on their ears was temporarily blocked off by Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki, showing her unreasonable self, couldn't help but snort coldly when she saw both of them screaming.

"I don't like people trying to act cool in front of me! Take off your glasses!"

Immediately, the two heads were smashed on the surface of the roof and she pulled them up once again. This time, they did not have their glasses on.


"Huuf~ Now that I think of it, Lala shouldn't be coming before I reach High School..."

Rito thought slightly and rested his body inside the warm water. He felt his exhaustion strip off his body and slowly dissolving under the water and his expression turned more relaxed. His whole body turned sluggish as he started to think his future plans.

"There are three major camps that control the society— Hero, Villain and Monsters.... no, I should add Aliens, too. Even though there are still one-two years left before Lala shows up and bring the whole community of Aliens into the big picture, there is already the threat of that Boros who wants find a worthy opponent...."

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"But that doesn't mean that every event will follow the same timeline. The actions of the monster may affect the Villains to attack early. Or the Alien organisation may also enter the world any moment. Nothing is sure. The advantage of knowing the events of the world cannot be applied."

As Rito thought, his mood kept getting bitter.

"Sachi.... man.... that brat shouldn't have made go down the memory trip again...."

A young figure emerged inside his heart as all the negativity affecting his mentality started to dissolve as a light statement kept on ringing inside his head.

'The world will always be unreasonable, Rito. But it depends on us if we let the cruelty of the world affect who we truly are.'

A relaxed smile appeared on his face, but teardrops started to form in the corner of his eyes.

"It is easier said than done, Sachi... Fuck!"

His eyes opened wide in anger and his left arm produced some heat as he slammed his fist in water.


The water inside the bathtub flew in the air and easily touched the ceiling of the bathroom due to the momentum of his punch. The level of water inside the bathtub had reduced as his body was completely exposed.

His glazed eyes stared at the water falling back into the bathtub as his eyes slowly widened in shock and astonishment.

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As the curtain of water fell back, a figure was gradually revealed.... a naked figure.

Long pink Hair and a pair of beautiful green eyes that shone brightly. Her milky smooth skin and her graceful neck were completely exposed.

But that wasn't all, her whole body slowly appeared in front of him. Slender shoulders that were followed by seductive collarbones. Her shapely breasts were full and big alongside light pink toppings.

Even though Rito couldn't see her butt, he could easily speculate that they would be as mind-boggling ad the rest of her body.

Her curvaceous waist was attached to a package of 'Thic thighs and long legs'.

Every part of her body redefined the meaning of Femme Fatale.


As if she wasn't perfect enough, a dark pink tail moved from her back and the end of her tail covered her sacred space that only added to her charm.


As if Rito wasn't engrossed enough, a little soldier saluted to the sacred space and represented the physical manifestation of Rito's appreciation towards her beauty.

Both of them looked into each other's eyes and then explored each other's body with their eyes.

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At this time, the water had mostly returned but it wasn't enough to cover the little soldier and both of them finally broke out of their state of 'observation'.



"Like I said, we are here on a secret mission that doesn't concern you."

The black-haired guy that was smashed by Tatsumaki shouted as he and his partner were surrounded by a group of strong people. He was exceptionally terrified of the green-haired girl floating in front of him.

"If you enter the atmosphere of Earth, it does concern us!"

A Blonde man stood forward as the representative of other Pro-Heroes and looked at the duo coldly.

Even though the duo had extraordinary strength, in face of these monsters, they were nothing but flies buzzing around and annoying them.

Meanwhile, the blonde companion with a black tail bit his lip as a transmitter embedded in his teeth was crushed and a distress signal was sent to outer space.

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