Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 31

The planned family dinner was anything but harmonious. Even though the dinner was extremely delicious, the atmosphere was terrible as Mikan kept on eating without making any sound and didn't even look at Rito the whole time.

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"So, Lala. Why did you 'appear' in our bathroom."

Rito decided to speak up. Sometimes, misunderstandings should be cleared up quickly or they will keep on piling on top of each other and explode.

During the dinner, Lala was also eating the food with a happy smile. Even though the food wasn't comparable to her daily cuisine, she felt very relaxed when she ate with the siblings in front of her.

Even though she did not know why Rito's sister was angry at him, she had decided to help them mend their relationship. After all, she also had two younger sisters and she loved them deeply.

But the moment she heard Rito's question, her expression turned listless and she made a sad and pitiable face.

'Really now...'

Rito was somewhat speechless at Lala's antics. Even though she was quite cheerful, she wasn't a complete airhead as showed in the anime and was sensible enough to use her charm to get out of troublesome situations.

Alas, Rito didn't fell for her face since he had already inspected her body thoroughly and his resistance had been increased towards her charm.

Seeing the silent duo, Lala only sighed and started speaking about her experience.

"It's like this... I ran away from my home."

She stated and started eating the food silently.

'... that's it!'

Mikan almost shouted.

"Wait a minute... how did you even get inside our house?"

Mikan looked at Lala suspiciously.

Hearing her doubt, Lala's expression brightened once again and she looked super excited.

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"Ah~ I used my new invention Pyon-Pyon Wrap-kun! With that device, I was able to teleport randomly inside a radius of five hundred metres.!"

She started explaining her 'awesome' device to Mikan as she looked slightly sluggish. Even though Mikan was well-versed with the world of individuality a.k.a quirks, she could not believe Lala's claim of teleportation through a device.

Rito was engrossed at the scene because of Lala's current clothing. She was wearing his own pajamas.

Since Lala had well-endowed breasts, the upper part of Rito's nightshirt was wrapped tightly and the buttons of the nightshirt were threatening to pop out.

The back of the nightshirt was slightly lifted up to create a route for her dark red tail. Observing the tip of the tail moving and twitching, he found out that Lala really liked to talk about her new inventions.

But suddenly, he recalled a piece of information about the device.

"Oh, oh, and there is a machine I built at my home that can affect the emotions of a living being, that was a breakthrough—"

"Lala! The range of your device is 500 metres?"

Lala suddenly stopped and felt slightly depressed as she wasn't able to continue but Rito had interjected to discuss about her invention, so she was excited once again.

"Yeah! And it is not just measuring the flat surface, it also accounts for the factor of height and depth. If I didn't do that, I may be teleported in mid-air or get stuck underground."

Rito frowned at her words.

"You said that you ran away from your house and then used your device, right?"

Hearing his follow-up, Lala felt slightly confused while the expression of the nine-year-old Mikan changed. She was smart enough to hear the underlying implications of her brother's words.

"By any chance, were you getting followed or being pursued by someone?"

Rito finally spoke out. He was well aware of the current events and knew that she was being chased by her bodyguards, but he cannot simply state it and create suspicions in the minds of Mikan and Lala.

"Ah~ No. 21 and No. 22! Yeah, those two tried to take me back to my home, but I ran away from them."

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Lala spoke with an innocent expression and ate her food while Rito didn't have the heart to continue. He felt an ominous premonition.

In the world of Superheroes, where any suspicious activity in the night is highly taboo and now, this inventor had left her own bodyguard... no, her own alien bodyguard stranded in the vicinity.

The moment he figured out the implications, a window popped in front of his face.


Quest Initiated

Quest: Time to show who is the real hero!

Rank: S+

Lala Satalin Deviluke is being forced by her father to marry into another influential family to consolidate his own power in the galaxy. Unable to bear her unreasonable father, Lala ran away and coincidentally met you. Show her a different side of the world and prevent the other party from taking her away without her consent.

Time Period: 3 Days!

Rewards: ??

Additional Remarks: Create a soft spot in the inventor's heart!


The moment he read the quest, Rito almost coughed out blood.

Firstly, he would have prevented others from taking Lala away forcibly because he was truly interested in her.

Secondly, what's with the title of the quest! It was a fucking sentence.... a SENTENCE!!

And lastly, this was the third quest he had received in a day.

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The first quest gave the objective to befriend Tatsumaki.

The second quest gave the motivation to find the culprit for the death of the original body.

The third quest made him protect Lala.

Even though the three quests did not have any penalty for their default, it was observed by him that he really wanted to complete these tasks.

Even though he held resentment against Tatsumaki, it did not mean that she was completely wrong. Yes, she made an extreme move and Rito will avenge himself, but it also meant that he still wanted to interact with Tatsumaki.

The next quest was also important since he really wanted to destroy the villain with the green eyes who put the original Rito into the hospital. Rito did not feel pity for the original Rito since he had to die, too. The only reason he wanted to tear that bastard apart is because of the final image left by the original Rito in his memories.

And now the quest for the protection of Lala. He already knew the consequences and he was still ready to keep her here. He would be an idiot if he let this girl, whose smile can brighten an ugly day, go away.

"—y, Hey! Rito!"

Mikan bends over the table and looked at Rito. Her face suddenly passed through the translucent window of the system and almost gave Rito a heart attack!

"Uh... yeah?"

Rito asked and looked at her expression.

"You didn't listen to me again, right?"

Rito's expression stiffened as he matched Mikan's dark gaze and pouting face.

She sat back with a snort and whispered slightly.

"Stupid Rito!"

Meanwhile, Lala had already returned to her previous mood and ate the food in front of her with a satisfied expression.

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Alas, Rito couldn't enjoy the food as his mind was troubled with another quest... an S(+)-Rank Quest.


While the trio ate the food, an emergency meeting was set up by the director of the Hero Association in A City.

The top-level personnel of the association were destined to have a sleepless night tonight.

Meanwhile, Zastin was already feeling impatient. He looked at the green-haired brat floating alongside other heroes and pointed at her. He was already informed about the whole situation and how her highness made her great escape.

"Did you see a small robot with a big head floating near the area after her highness disappeared?"

Tatsumaki frowned at Zastin's words. She thought for a while and then shook her head.

"No, that girl left her clothes when she disappeared."

Zastin immediately frowned at her words.

"Show some respect when you mention her highness, you brat!"

The expression of other heroes in the area turned stiff as they all felt a slight chill.

Even Zastin felt something wrong and his whole body tensed up.

Meanwhile, Tatsumaki looked at Zastin with a dull gaze and spoke softly.

"I've had a long day... call me a brat once more and you won't live to see that... pink-haired brat!"

'Oh, Shit!'

The atmosphere turned tense as Zastin's expression turned cloudy. He immediately took out a handle placed on his back as a green energy blade emerged from the handle.

Tatsumaki's eyes turned cold as well and her whole body glowed green.

The surrounding heroes were destined to have a troublesome night, too.

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