Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 32

After eating the dinner, Rito helped Mikan clear up the table and also washed the dishes. After the chores were completed, Rito looked at Lala.

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"So, do you have any place where you can stay tonight?"

Lala, who was happily writing some stuff on a borrowed notebook stiffened slightly and slowly shook her head.

By this time, Mikan had already left for her bedroom as it was unhealthy for a young girl to stay up late at night.

Rito sat in front of Lala and kept gazing at her.

"So? Why did you run away?"

He did not want to inquire about such a topic in front of Mikan. After all, Mikan was still young and at an impressionable stage of her life and he didn't want her to be affected by Lala's reason for running away.

Before Lala could answer, a knock could be heard from the window in the kitchen.



The glass window made 'thuck' sound and Rito couldn't help but stretch out his neck, only to see a strange sight.

Outside the window, a small object with a round head and a pair of swirly eyes could be seen floating.

It had a big white head and was even wearing a coat with yellow collars and blue shirt alongside a red bow-tie in the middle.

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Hearing the continuous knocking on the window, even Lala looked out curiously and her expression immediately brightened.


Lala shot up and immediately opened the window before hugging the strange creature.

"Lala-sama, you shouldn't have run so far!"

A mechanical voice emerged from the creature. The strange thing was that the newcomer did not have any mouth or nose and even then, he could hear her voice.

'So she is Peke...'

Watching Anime and meeting in real life is extremely different. Seeing this super intelligent robot created a ripple inside his heart and he felt the whole experience slightly novel.

'But this is also a chance!'

If Rito played his cards right, he could finally clear all the misunderstanding that Lala wanted to create. Yes, Rito had already understood Lala's plan.

Even if she didn't have any bad intentions towards Rito, she still wanted to manipulate him and try to gain her freedom.

But Rito couldn't keep things that way. Firstly, if he let Lala cause more misunderstandings then there will be a lot of troubles in the future as her identity is extremely noble and not only Aliens from outer space, but also the government of the human race might see Rito as a thorn in their hearts.

Seeing that Lala wasn't willing to stop spoiling Peke and kept on hugging her made Rito sigh.

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"Lala? What is this thing?"

Rito also stood up and looked at Peke with a curious expression.

Showing her signature 'excited to talk about inventions' expression, Lala started to show off Peke.

"This? She is Peke! She is my personal wardrobe and is a super intelligent robot with a lot of functions—"

Before Lala could completely show-off Peke, she was interrupted by her robot Peke while Rito also frowned.

Just now, he felt a slight glimpse in his heart and his untrained perception flooded out unconsciously. Rito's body and spirit couldn't be considered normal anymore as he has already achieved a minor progress in breaking the natural limitations of his body. This achievement not only enhanced his physical attributes, but they also enhanced his spiritual and neural attributes, too.

His sense of smell, eyesight, hearing capabilities and other senses were enhanced while his perception and instincts also shot up.

This was the true capability of an SS-Rank Skill. The development was all-round, but there was one disadvantage.

The [Limit Breaker] did not enhance his vessel.

Usually, if Rito's physical attributes are increased then his physical body i.e. his vessel should have been strengthened, but that wasn't the case.

His vessel is represented by the quality of his body. Even if his muscles can explode with an inhuman strength, the composition of his muscle won't be able to handle the stress and trauma and will definitely break down.

"Lala-sama, I just felt an electromagnetic pulse reflecting off my surface."

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As Peke spoke out, Rito grabbed his head and immediately knelt on one knee. His head hung low, but his expression had already turned ugly and his face was covered in sweat.

His ears kept on stinging as he 'heard' the mechanical voice of Peke. His skin kept on sensing the touch of the air that was sent to his brain.

His eyes were dilated and they sent enlarged images to the brain.

All in all, his brain couldn't keep up with the sudden increase of the information sent back by the neuronal activity of his senses.

His head buzzed and he even had trouble breathing.

After his recovery, Rito had only placed his attention on his newfound physical capabilities, but now, he had unconsciously allowed his enhanced instincts and perception to let loose. Even though his body's quality had been increased slightly due to [Body Furnace], it was nowhere near the requirement to use the full limits of his enhanced perception.

"Peke! Quickly scan him."

Lala was also worried because of the sudden change and she immediately made Peke scan Rito's body.

Meanwhile, inside the branch of the Hero Association of the City, there was a particular kid that kept on yawning. Even though he was no older than 10 years, he still looked at the figures in front of him with indifference.

"Yawn~ Here you go... this is the latest location tracked. In the future, please refrain from disturbing me during my sleep. I need to grow healthy."

He walked up to All Might and gave him the tablet and quickly walked out of the office. The kid was still in his pajamas.

"Well... that went pretty quickly..."

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Zastin looked at the boy walking out of the room and his thoughts were unknown. He was still in a state of disbelief because the humans were capable of cracking their technology.

Even though Lala is a genius and she had invented a lot of exotic items, Peke was the peak of her current abilities. But now, there was a kid who could track down Peke in a matter of minutes.

"Alright, we have already located your princess. Let's move out!"

According to their plan, only two heroes would move out with Zastin while the others will remain in the branch office and keep an eye on the Zastin's subordinates.

A burly man with bright golden hair stepped out and flashed his bright teeth while another blonde man with extremely handsome features walked behind the burly man.

Yes! They were All Might and Sweet Mask.

Sweet Mask is the strongest A-Rank Hero. He sported short golden hair and had a lean built. As he looked at the bright golden hair of All Might, he suddenly felt a slight pang of guilt.

Sweet Mask is also known as the most beautiful Male Hero and he is proud of his charm. Similarly, he is also respectful to other strong heroes that have charming appearances, like All Might.

Even though All Might had a burly body and a squarish face, he had a charm of a true hero and could quickly calm down the distressed public.

As Sweet Mask looked at the two bangs of golden hair in 'V' shape, he touched his hair.

'All Might can already bring out the charm of blonde hair... I should change mine... blue sounds nice.'

Just like this, three people- two heroes and one alien moved out of the office.

Tonight is destined to be a long night.

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