Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 36

A formless energy kept on getting released from Rito's body as his sharp eyes kept on observing W-3.

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A slight feeling of pleasure kept on emerging from inside his body as Rito actively suppressed the side-effects of his skill.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Mikan's shout could be heard as she slowly walked downstairs.

The moment Rito heard Mikan's voice, his body tensed up and he immediately shot forward.

He couldn't waste time or else it will get even more complicated.

W-3 also took her combat stance and immediately punched out.

Her hand turned into a blur of white and blue and it gradually got close to Rito's head.

[Brain Wave]

His skill erupted in all its glory and her attack was predicted by Rito. Before the punch could crush his skull, his body dipped down and he immediately tackled W-3 using his shoulder.


W-3 was forced to retreat a few steps as her abdomen felt slightly painful.

Taking the chance, he immediately screamed at Lala.

"Take Mikan upstairs, Now!"

Even Mikan was surprised by Rito's shout and she immediately rushed down only to see a woman in skin-tight white clothes that had blue markings throughout the body and a pair of blue gauntlets on her hands.

"What's going on?"

Before she could complete her sentence, her body felt weightless and she felt someone hugging her body.

It was Lala!

She immediately picked up Mikan and took her upstairs. If she couldn't help Rito, she could at least protect his sister. Right now, her heart was filled with guilt.

'If only I hadn't acted so immature....'

By now, even she had also understood that there was a conspiracy against her family. Most likely, the unknown enemy wanted to kidnap Lala to use her as a chip against her father.


W-3 immediately disappeared from Rito's view as he suddenly felt a slight chill at his back. His eyes had gone bloodshot as he completely released his perception.

His neck tingled and he immediately turned his body, injuring his waist slightly as an uppercut was shot at W-3.

All this time, Rito had a feeling of danger coming off from the blue gauntlets and he decisively chose to evade them.

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This action also gave W-3 a chance to retreat safely.

The situation turned into a stalemate once again as both of them observed each other.

"Let go!"

Mikan screamed and struggled in Lala's hands. Her face was covered with tears. Even though she was young, her thoughts had matured quickly because she lived alone with Rito.

When she saw Rito's body giving of steam as he faced the woman, she had already understood that their house was under attack.

"I am sorry, but I can't put you in danger."

Lala's hold was tight. Unlike Humans, she had a strong physique and Mikan's struggle didn't stand a chance.

"It's... it's all because of you, right?"

Mikan looked at Lala as her bloodshot eyes stared into Lala's green eyes.

Unable to face Mikan, Lala could only avoid her gaze and whispered softly.

"I am sorry."

Mikan immediately bit on Lala's hand and increased her struggle.

"Let go! If you really feel sorry, help my big brother!"

Seeing that her struggle was completely pointless, she could only cry and look at Lala.

Her eyes were already desperate as she couldn't bear to see Rito get hurt again.


Tears started to form in the corner of Lala's eyes as she faced Mikan's desperate expression. She couldn't believe that because of her stupid actions, she had placed the siblings into such a danger.

Suddenly, an image of her, Rito and Mikan eating on one table emerged in her head and she couldn't help but compare Mikan to her own younger sisters.

"I will help him!"

Lala hugged Mikan tightly to calm her down as her dress started to morph once again. Her dark red tail was now covered in a blue leather while a white mask had covered half her face.

A small badge was placed on Mikan's head and a spherical barrier was created around her.

"Promise me that you will stay here."

Lala's hair was braided and the large cap on her head was gone. Meanwhile, two sharp, black blades were placed on the back of her forearms.

"Go, quickly help him!"

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Mikan immediately nodded and stood on the edge of her room. As she saw Lala leave, she couldn't help but look at their doorstep and quickly saw another battle taking place.


"Go die!"

Zastin slashed at the miniature figure as the green energy blade gave off a sharp light.


A small laugh could be heard from the small woman and she actually rotated mid-air and dodged the blade.

"Why are you after princess?"

If Zastin would've questioned someone else, they wouldn't have answered him, but the head of the team had certain rights.

"Do you even need to ask? A princess of the galaxy is a hot commodity and she actually dared to run away from all the protection given to her? It would be a waste to not use this opportunity."

A blue dagger emerged in her hands and she parried Zastin's sword.

"Hah? Do you think your organisation can face the emperor's wrath?"

He let go of his sword as a scaled-scorpion tail emerged from his back and wrapped around the miniature's foot and smacked her on the ground.


"Heh! Only a bodyguard! If you would've been from the personal squad, then it would've been troublesome."

A white blur emerged from the hole in the ground and the leader's glowing hand almost touched his Zastin's face.

Meanwhile, All Might was also having some troubles.

If it would've been a slightly open area, then he would only need one single attack to take care of the unknown enemy, but now, they were fighting in the residential area and he had to hold back.


He punched out as shockwaves were formed and a huge gust of wind was blown towards the incoming barrage of arrows.

Just like All Might, the other copy of the leader also had a headache.

She couldn't get close to All Might and could only use long-range attacks only to get deflected every time.

But she didn't know that W-2 was having the most trouble.

'The information is completely wrong. His strength easily belongs to the top 5 of S-Class Heroes.'


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W-2 suddenly retreated as a hand slashed at her. Yes, Sweet Mask was so strong that the slashes made by his hand were easy enough to cut the enemy apart. Her abdomen was also full of blood because she let her guard down.

"Get out of my way."

Sweet Mask's muscle was bulging as veins popped out of every corner of her body, including his face.

Seeing such a ferocious aura and malevolent expression, W-2 was genuinely scared.

Suddenly, Sweet Mask's attention was caught by a yellow fur that wasn't dyed by her blood.

"Hah? You are actually a monster?"

Sweet Mask's eyes instantly turned bloodshot and a huge pressure emerged from his body.


Being subjected to such a pressure, W-2 couldn't help but step back.

"And you have the gall to stand in front of me?"


In an unimaginable speed, Sweet Mask appeared behind W-2 and punched at her neck.



Rito looked at W-3 in front of her and felt the condition of his own body.

Even though he was slightly injured because of the unnatural movement of his waist, his body was only getting pressured because of all the raw power coursing throughout his body.


A metallic sound was heard and a white blur slashed at W-3 from behind.


W-3 immediately jumped sideways and a black dagger passed through her previous position.

Before giving any chance to W-3, Lala immediately used her hand on the ground to jump sideways and two pointed daggers emerged out of her white boots.


Her legs immediately slammed on W-3's head.


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A laugh could be heard and a blue rope was launched from the opening of her gauntlets, immediately tying down Lala's legs.

This rope was different from other corroded weapons. Since it was a tool of capture, the team did not apply the acid on the rope but added something else.


Lala's body immediately fell numb as her legs were given an electric shot.


The whole process happened within moments and Lala fell onto the ground with a dazed face.

"Package Recei—"

Before W-3 could touch Lala, she felt a bout of dizziness and a hard fist suddenly slammed onto her face.

In front of Lala's dazed eyes, a figure stood proudly as steam continuously emerged from his body.

"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to take care of Mikan!"

Even though Rito scolded Lala, she didn't mind it at all and only felt slightly warm. A concerned face alongside a warm heart.

If the situation wasn't such a mess and her body wasn't numb, Lala was sure that she would've hugged Rito immediately.

Her clothes slightly sparkled and she finally felt her strength getting restored.

"I placed a shield on her, don't worry! I came here to help you."

Lala stood up groggily.

"What a heartwarming scene! But now, I am pissed!"

A white blur immediately moved through the hole and a blue fist was almost at Rito's face.

His eyes widened in surprise and his surroundings slowed down. Due to his enhanced perception, he could even hear the low sizzling sound from the gauntlet and he knew that he would die if this fist touched his face.

"Am I going to die again?"

Just as the thought emerged, the original blue fist was covered by a green glow and an irritated voice could be heard.

"You are pissed? Don't make me laugh! I am the one going through an overnight!"

W-3's figure started to float in front of Rito's dazed eyes as his body was covered in cold sweat.

"I am the one who is pissed!"

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