Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 37

A bone-crunching sound was heard as W-2 immediately fell on the pavement of Rito's house. Her body fell with a thud as her fingers twitched constantly.

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Her neck was completely crushed by Sweet Mask's brutal attack and her head was twisted in an odd direction.

Blood kept on leaking out of her mask and within a few moments, the facial area of her costume was covered in blood.


Both of the clones shouted at the same time and increased the intensity of their attacks.

While Zastin could parry her attacks, All Might couldn't let himself get scrapped by her corrosive weapons or it would be counterproductive. He kept on punching as close as he could with his back behind and gusts of wind flowed by the pure power of his attack.

Only this method could keep the woman away from All Might.

Before he could finish W-2, Sweet Mask stopped in his tracks as the communicator on his ears flashed.


"Yes, this is Sweet Mask."

He looked at W-2 with murderous intent, but his voice was completely calm. Not even his eyelids twitched as he saw blood pouring out of W-2's body.

—Sweet Mask, we are already getting reports from the civilians of the residential area? What is going on? Did the alien go back on his terms?

A dignified voice responded to Sweet Mask as he narrowed his eyes.

"It's nothing much, President. Some assaulters tried to stop us, most likely some Alien Organisation. Please try to quell the civilians' concerns, it will be finished shortly."

Sweet Mask immediately hung up and his knuckles cracked.

He looked at W-2 and veins popped on his face and neck, making him look fierce.



Before All Might could finish, a fist crushed W-2's head and her whole mask was flattened. The facial region of her suite was dyed in red blood while some white tissues emerged out of the tears on her mask.

Inside the mask, the leader's eyes turned cold and her expression turned ugly. This time, she felt that she overestimated herself and underestimated her enemies.

She immediately contacted W-3 to check her status when suddenly—

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A green light exploded and turned the night sky bright.

A slightly immature and irritated voice emerged from the source of light.

"Now, I am pissed!"

The light slowly receded and the figure of a green-haired girl emerged. Her body petite body was hugged by a tight black dress that split-off from the beginning of her thigh regions.

Even though her breasts were modest, the same thing couldn't be said about her well-toned thighs.

"Tatsumaki, don't kill them!"

All Might shouted quickly. If the situation allowed to reduce the number of casualties then he would decisively choose to capture his enemy instead of taking his enemy's life.

Tatsumaki looked at All Might and snorted.

"As soft as ever! Really, only a hero like you can gain so much contribution."

Tatsumaki snorted and waved her hands.

Immediately, one of the clones of the Leader started to twist and crush in a brutal fashion. First, her joints were twisted in the opposite direction while her bones stuck out her skin and tore through her white suit.


The clone screamed miserably while the other clone finally felt fear gripping her heart.

Slowly, the green light on the miserable clone's body compressed and her body turned into a big meatball.


While All Might almost exploded in anger, he couldn't take action against his own fellow hero and Zastin only stood beside him with a grim expression.

He thought back at how he argued with this green chilli and couldn't help but sweat slightly. He looked at his sword and gripped it tightly.

'I need more training!'

Meanwhile, Tatsumaki looked at All Might's expression and narrowed her eyes.

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"We only need to capture one of them, right?"

All Might's blue eyes were comparable to bright torches in the darkness. He looked at Tatsumaki and slowly nodded while he felt heavy in his heart.


He didn't have his signature smile on his face.

He knew well enough that taking pity on an Enemy is a foolish task and while his hands were drenched in blood, he didn't like mindless killing. Deep in his heart, he also felt slightly grateful towards Tatsumaki as she was decisive enough to reduce some of the problems.

Tatsumaki looked at the remaining clone of the Leader and asked lightly.

"Hey, are you thinking about your accomplice in the house?"

The leader immediately looked at Tatsumaki with hatred and terror in her eyes and didn't speak anything.

Tatsumaki snorted and slowly motioned her index finger to flick upwards.


A white body covered in green glow emerged and her body started to twist in front of the leader's eyes.

All Might immediately coughed and spoke up.

"You all wait outside while I go and take a look at the civilians inside."

Sweet Mask nodded naturally. Even though he was charming to the opposite sex, he didn't have the compassionate aura of All Might and he is the perfect person to calm down the terrified civilians.

"Tch, that guy isn't terrified at all, he kept his own in front of the alien."

Tatsumaki's voice floated near All Might's ears as he was slightly stunned. He nodded and walked inside the house.

"Wait, I will come too!"

Zastin immediately shouted and moved.

"Stay here!"

Tatsumaki's eyes flared in arrogance as she shouted. A Green Barrier was placed in front of the door.

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Zastin looked at Tatsumaki in anger.

"If you want me to keep you a company, I am more than happy to!"

Tatsumaki's eyes glowed gloriously and her hairs fluttered as she floated mid-air.


"Yes, President. The issue is under control. Please send the cleaning squad in half an hour."

Meanwhile, Sweet Mask conveyed the situation to the Headquarters.


"What the hell?!"

Rito had just made up his mind to beat the incapacitated W-3. Even if it isn't a righteous act, this crazy lady destroyed his house.

His arm bulged and his eyes flashed.


He immediately disappeared and jumped towards W-3, shocking Lala while Rito also got a shock as W-3's body flew up in the air and destroyed his ceilings.

But he was even more depressed that his fist only hit empty air.

With an annoyed expression, he stepped back and looked at Lala.

"So, Rich Lady? Any more lies?"

He felt extremely uncomfortable and he wasn't in the mood to hear any more lies.


Lala hung her head low.

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it."

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Rito immediately replied back. Hearing his snappy replies, Lala felt even sadder.

"Idiot Rito! What troublesome girl did you bring along!"

Mikan looked down from the hole created by W-3. As it turned out, her room was right above the kitchen, but now it was almost destroyed.

"Mikan! Don't move too much, step back. Lala, you come up, too."

Rito simply jumped up. By now, he did not feel the need to hide his enhanced strength from the two of them. After all, he was already the cast member of the current most viral video— Tatsumaki Smacked?! A fight between Two Brats!!

When he read the title, he really felt speechless.


With a single jump, he tapped on the edges of the destroyed floor while Lala actually flew up with a pair of black wings.


The moment Rito stepped on, the edges of the hole crumbled apart and he fell back as quickly as he jumped up.



Rito shook his head and stood up.

Mikan and Lala were stunned slightly.


A vein immediately popped on Mikan's forehead as her tear-stained face scrunched up.

"Stop trying to act like a circus monkey and use the stairs!"

She immediately shouted.

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