Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 38

Rito walked up the stairs with a slightly embarrassed expression. He wasn't embarrassed about falling off the floor, instead, he was embarrassed about his own situation.

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It has only been a week since he arrived in this world and this was his fourth near-death experience. Even though his strength had increased explosively, he did not get any time to actually focus on his own growth and he wasn't able to digest his gains.

Just like today, he first encountered Tatsumaki during the day and now, he could only fight passively using his instincts and reflexes to evade the attack of the enemy.

Not only that, but the circumstances around him had also forced him to take part in an unnecessary battle that belonged to a whole another level.

Suddenly, his senses tingled and he immediately shifted.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here— Huh?"

All Might wanted to pat Rito's shoulder and calm him down, but he suddenly shifted sideways.

All Might looked at the kid with a slightly strange expression and then his face showed even brighter emotions.

"Aren't you.... Yuuki Rito?"


They both looked at each other wordlessly.

"What is taking you so long?"

Even a kind and tolerant soul like Mikan will be completely annoyed if her house is destroyed and her sleep is interrupted in the middle of the night.

With veins popping out of her head, Mikan came out while Lala followed her. Even she did not want to agitate Mikan even more and stayed silent.

Her frown turned even more intense when she looked at All Might standing in her stairway.

"All... Might?"

All Might is a very famous pro-hero and is also known as the symbol of peace. Even Mikan knew about him since the internet is filled with his heroic rescues and battles against many villains and monster.

"What's going on?"

Mikan felt that things were slightly out of the hand if even one of the strongest Pro-Hero had arrived personally.

Rito sighed. Things were really out of hand. He brought Mikan, Lala and All Might to the destroyed living room as they sat on the couch while All Might stood in front of them.

"First of all, I would like to apologise to Young Rito for Tatsumaki's rude behaviour."

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All Might bowed his head and spoke sincerely. After the incident in the morning, he only saw Rito during the time when he came to pick Tatsumaki from Ryōko Mikado's office.

Rito narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"That behaviour cannot be considered rude, it was fatal."

"Cough, I truly apologise for that. It's just that Tatsumaki has a very... let's just say that she cannot place her trust in anyone."

All Might tried to clear Tatsumaki's name. After all, he had already seen the whole situation through the CCTV footage and already knew that Rito had tried to communicate with Tatsumaki but it backfired. But there was one thing that he couldn't understand, why would Rito try to communicate with Tatsumaki, after all, even if there is someone who doesn't know about All Might, he would definitely know to avoid Tatsumaki as her notorious reputation is spread worldwide.

"All Might, what's going on?"

Rito didn't want to indulge in this conversation and simply brought up the main topic.

"This is a little complicated, Young Rito."

All Might inadvertently looked at Lala and then gazed back at Rito, thinking about how he should approach the situation.

"All of this happened because of me."

Lala stood up and spoke quietly.

Both Rito and Mikan looked at Lala.

"Well, duh! Of course, we know that much."

Mikan shook her head. She couldn't understand why Lala would still think that they didn't know about the real troublemaker here.


Lala blushed and then started explaining the truth.

"In reality, I am not from Earth, I —"

"Haha, let's not talk about the past!"

All Might immediately cut into the conversation.

"Let her speak!"

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Rito and Mikan spoke at the same time.


If they both understood Lala's true origin, then according to the agreement, their memories would be definitely tampered with.

"Even if she doesn't tell us, it is quite obvious."

Rito suddenly spoke out.

He looked at Lala and gazed at the tail that was wrapped around her waist like a belt.

"If what she said is true, then among some other beings in outer space, her status should still be high. Assumed that Lala's claims are correct, she ran away from her household because of rejecting the marriage imposed on her. But is it really so easy to run away? The answer is, no! She must've needed assistance of an external source. If my guess is correct then your previous escort cum assaulter belonged to that external source, right?"

Lala nodded. Even though her identity was still a mystery, the process of her escape did require the help of another organisation.

'(In English) Oh My God! Young Rito, you have super strength and you are also very smart. Impressive!'

Even All Might was surprised by his deduction skills. Unknown to him, Rito only figured out the existence of an unknown organisation while the rest was already presented in a world famous anime in his previous life.

"Yes, all of this happened because of my immature behaviour. If I can, I will do anything to return your favor."

Lala's tail loosened up and she sighed. This time, she had messed up really bad.

"Well, I don't understand one thing."

Rito looked at Lala with a curious expression. This doubt has been troubling him since he met Tearju.

"Hmm? What is it?"

As Lala spoke, her outfit turned back to its previous state and a big hat was placed on her head once again.

"Why Earth?"

"Hmm? You mean why did I run to Earth? It's easy. Not only me, many—"

"That is enough!"

All Might cut in once again and this time, his voice was slightly grim.

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Rito looked at All Might and frowned while Lala also looked at All Might with a head full of questions.

"This kind of information is confidential and it is safe for you and your family if you don't hear it."

Hearing All Might's words, Rito's frown deepened.

"Tch, fine. Lala, come with me. I want to speak with her alone."

Rito walked outside the living room while he motioned Lala to follow him.

"Is it fine?"

Lala looked at All Might.

"Sure it is. This is my house. Mikan, go sleep in my bedroom."

This time, Mikan didn't grumble much and quickly went off. In a single moment, only All Might was left inside the living room while the other had already gone out.


Rito and Lala sat on Mikan's bed. Rito specifically chose Mikan's room because from this place, he could at least see All Might while the opposite was true, too.

Looking at Lala in front of him, he felt slightly annoyed.

"Lala, will you remove your hat for a moment?"

Rito smiled gently and looked at Lala.

"Uh? Sure!"

Lala immediately took off the Peke Hat and tilted her head in confusion.


A knuckle landed on the top of her head and she immediately held her head in pain while tears started to form in the corner of her eyes.

She immediately frowned and her cheeks puffed up.

"Hey! Why would you hit me?!"

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"Hah? You still want to ask such a stupid question?"

Rito looked at Lala strangely and then sighed.

"I know it feels bad to have someone else's will imposed on yourself. But if you really want to run, at least create a foolproof plan. Idiot!"

Rito immediately knuckled her head once again and a small bump formed on her head.

She held her head once again and looked at Rito angrily.

"Hey! Don't you dare hit Lala-sama!"

The Hat that was placed aside spoke up.

"You too! Even though you are a robot, couldn't you calculate a better plan?! What would have happened if those guys really caught Lala?"

Peke immediately quietened down in shame.

"Listen up! You want to live on Earth? Want to live on Earth happily? Want to make a career on Earth? It's fine with me! But at least stop causing such serious problems."

He looked at Lala fiercely, causing her to avert her eyes.

Seeing her state, Rito held himself from cracking up. After all, this version of Lala showed many emotions and looked quite different from the Lala of the anime.

'Now that I think of it. Lala shouldn't have run away from her house till I reached High School. Maybe something had occurred during that time.'

He looked at Lala and felt quite grateful that he got to know this wonderful Lala.

"Now that all the things have been cleared up, let me introduce myself once again! My name is Yuuki Rito, a prince who has the hobby of saving myriad Princesses of the galaxy."

He held his hand out and looked at Lala.


Lala was slightly surprised as she looked at the extended hand and then at the smiling boy.

Her expression brightened and she placed her hand on Rito's.

A beautiful smile emerged on her face and her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Nice to meet you! I am Lala Satalin Deviluke! One of the most beautiful Princess saved by you!"

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