Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 39

Rito and Lala started talking about their own experiences on the situation. Lala also disclosed the actual process of her grand escapade while Rito only listened with a stunned heart.

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After almost 5 minutes, they both ran out of the things to discuss. After all, they had just met today and didn't know each other very well.

Rito gazed at his own room where Mikan was sleeping and steeled his heart.

"Hey, Lala. This may sound very stupid, but when I saw that woman crashing into the house, I really wanted to save you at that moment."

He laid back on the bed as his legs knocked on the edges.

Lala looked at him with confusion.

"But even if I have come to understand my own worth, it is still too early."

He narrowed his eyes and made a grabbing motion in the air, as if he wanted to cover the world with his fist.

What he said wasn't true. With his set of skills, he could grow very strong if given some more time. Even without any fighting experience, he was able to keep W-3, a professional fighter and master assassin, busy and bought some time.

What could've happened if his strength was completely consolidated and he had enough experience?

The answer is a crushing victory.

This wasn't arrogance but merely a fact.

"This may sound very selfish of me, but I think you shouldn't be in contact with me or my family... at least, not for a while."

He didn't know what the future holds for him, but he also understood the consequences of keeping the Princess of the Galaxy inside his own house.

After all, he has already witnessed the premiere and he was confident that the future troubles would only increase in difficulty.

When Lala heard his words, a sense of loss covered her heart as she looked at Rito's tired expression. No matter what she does, she cannot change the past and could only hope to redeem herself. That was actually her plan all along.

She truly planned to stay on Earth. It wasn't about her marriage anymore as her attitude was clear enough and there is no way her father can force her to marry someone if she is unwilling. After all, she was an intelligent girl with her own thinking and comprehension and would definitely come up with an idea.

But all her plans were brought to a stop when she heard Rito's words. The only person she wanted to redeem to was Rito. If even he doesn't want her around, how could she bring herself to stay here?

Immediately, her eyes glazed slightly and the corner of her eyes moistened. Her thoughts started to drift off and the surrounding scene changed.

She was standing inside a majestic hall that was. almost the size of a stadium. In front of her sat a dignified man with a handsome face while the pitch black throne beneath him let out a cruel shine. The throne had the heads of vicious dragons as the armrest while the back of the throne was lodged with myriad weapons.

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The whole was completely empty except for the Black-haired man and a small pink-haired girl that stood with her head hung low. Her small stature and round face looked extremely pretty and including her small and cute tail, she looked like an extremely beautiful doll.

Her hands held a small device... no, it was actually a small toy. A figurine of a girl in white clothes while black wings spread from her back.

The cute girl looked at the toy and finally spoke up. Her face turned slightly red as her heart felt excited thinking about showcasing her talent to the man.

"Papa, this is my new toy. Her name is pe—"

"Go Away."

The scene abruptly ended and Lala, who went down her memory lane had tears falling down her eyes. She quickly used her hand to wipe them off as she berated herself. Even she felt that she had been quite emotional today.

But she couldn't be blamed. She is forced to run away from her home while she also had to endure the pursuit of her own family and also had to survive a deadly conspiracy.

She looked back at Rito, who was still lost in his own thoughts.

She sighed sadly and felt that she really couldn't blame Rito for thinking of his own family.

She stood up and placed her hat on her head once again.

"I underst—"

"But, there is still this feeling eating my insides."

Before she could complete her sentence, Rito opened his eyes and saw a figure of a young boy smiling brightly in front of him.

The boy's stature was slightly small compared to his current size while the entirety of his body was riddled with scars, burns and even some abusive words.

And yet, that smile of his overshadowed all the unfair torture that the boy had to go through.

The boy's eyes looked straight into Rito's and he gave a big laugh.

"Rito! Always remember that we have already suffered the worst. Since our life can't get any worse, why don't we try to find our happiness in other people's happiness? If I could get out, I will try to live a life I am proud of. These scars will be my trophies that taught me the true nature of life and also made me cherish the bonds I create."

The boy's grin turned brighter, and he extended his fist towards Rito.

"Hey, Rito! Don't you dream about getting your freedom? Tell me! What kind of life do you want to live."

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Rito looked straight into the eyes of the young boy and he narrowed his eyes slightly. His nose soured and his lips trembled slightly.

"I want to live a life where I am not forced to bow my head again."

His sudden outburst caught Lala off-guard and she almost fell down the big hole in the floor.

Rito looked at Lala with his red eyes and spoke up.

"Then again, why don't you simply live with me?"


Lala was surprised and she couldn't cope up with the situation.

"Didn't you ask me to not bother you and your family again?"

Lala asked slowly. Her thoughts churned and she felt that things weren't taking their natural course.

'All this time, Papa never came to play with me. Even Mama is always busy and couldn't meet me. I wasn't allowed to go out and could only play with the toys I made. But...'

Rito heard Lala's question and nodded.

"That was very weak of me. Hur hur, if I can't even get strong enough to maintain the dignity of my house guest, what's the use of my life?"

Rito smiled and stood up.

"So, what do you say? Didn't you want to stay away from your house? Then live here. This is as good as any other place, right?"


Lala slowly stepped backwards. She was feeling a completely different emotion and she felt slightly scared.


'Young Girl!'

All Might immediately prepared himself to catch Lala but a hand wrapped around her boneless waist and pulled her forward.

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Her body was completely pressed on Rito's body and her face was dangerously close to Rito. Seeing his smiling expression, Lala couldn't find a shred of tiredness.

"So? It's settled. You are living with us."

Lala wanted to say something when suddenly, the edges of the hole crumbled apart further and the cracks reached their foothold.


They both immediately fell while they remained pressed against each other.

"Young Rito! Young Girl!"

With a blue blur, All Might reached them and grabbed both of them together in his arms.


The scene turned strange immediately. After all, All Might was carrying Rito and Lala in a princess carry while Lala's body was pushed against Rito's and he could easily feel the two soft mounds on his chest. Meanwhile, due to the fall, the position of his hands shifted slightly and they found their way to Lala's plump butt.

Even though he really had the heart to tease her, he couldn't do it in front of All Might. After all, the sights of their embarrassed expression shouldn't be leaked to outsiders.

Even Rito didn't notice this unconscious change about himself.

He started to exude a confident charm ever so slightly and he didn't even mind being assertive to Lala.

If he could make the comparison, he would probably laugh out loud.

In the original Anime, it was Lala who had forced her way into Rito's house while this time, the roles had changed and Rito was the dominant one.

All Might put both of them down while their hug broke apart.

Rito looked at All Might for a small moment and then smiled.

"So, when are you guys going to get my house fixed?"

He looked at the destroyed kitchen with a human-sized hole that belonged to W-3.

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"Oh? It will be repaired within three hours. The Cleaning Squad was already been called."

All Might replied without giving much thought.

"Ok. Be sure to get them to make another room. I have a house guest living with me from now on."

Rito laughed and All Might suddenly felt an ominous premonition spreading inside his heart.


A/N: I am going to be honest here. Previously, I had decided to send Lala away and then bring her back in the third volume, but then I changed my plan because that sounded extremely pathetic. If I made Rito send Lala away, no matter how reasonable it looks like, to me, personally, it feels weak.

I wrote this novel with a heart to create a better, stronger Rito and this is what's going to happen.

Either way, even if his choice of keeping Lala with herself is quite illogical, it should be understood that neither Rito or me as an author are completely perfect.

Lastly, I have seen many people saying that his past looks a bit forced.

I am going to answer that all together.

Please do not judge Rito's character based on the slight glimpse of his past. I want to create a certain character and his past is necessary.

It was also a life lesson for me that I shouldn't judge a person based on his past but his present efforts.

And this is what I've been trying to incorporate into this novel.

Notice: Aside from One Punch Man, to Love-Ru and BNH, there will be some other mangas like Sensei What are you doing here? or Amano Megumi Wa... something something.

You understand the gist, right?

And for the new novel, I have already gotten an idea and it will be a hentai genre.

I think I will be able to start writing it after the exams.

Thank you for all the love and support you have given this novel.

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