Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 40

"Quickly clean this."

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"Hey! Don't use too much water."

"Don't make noise, it is still night and our salaries might get deducted if the residents complained."

"Sigh, those Pro-Heroes only know how to cause destruction. I think they should also be rated by the damage they leave after their rescue."

"Why are you even complaining? If it wasn't for Cementoss, it would've taken us the whole night to repair the roads. Because of him, we only need to direct our manpower in repairing this house."

The superior of the cleaning squad grunted and looked at a humanoid block of cement with slight awe in his eyes.

That person simply touched the cement and other materials prepared to reconstruct the road and all the materials moved towards the damaged road by itself. Meanwhile, the gaps of the roads started smoothening and by no time they became bowl-shaped.

This allowed efficient reparation of the road.

The block of cement clapped his arms to remove the wet cement on them but then ue realised that he was an embodiment of the cement and simply absorbed the small amount of the wet cement.

He was a Class-A hero, Cementoss!

Soon, the materials filled into the bowl-shaped holes and the material started to harden.

This was Cementoss quirk, Cement.

He could control anything related to cement or touched by cement and move them by his will.

This is also the reason why he is so valued in the Hero Association. Not only his quirk compatible with the task of capturing monsters and villains, but he can also take part in the process of repairing the damages.

Of course, for this extra contribution of working in the Cleaning Squad, he was paid a satisfying amount.

After completing the road, Cementoss walked towards the house and looked at the other workers. He had a small grey ponytail behind his... blockhead and he wore a sleeveless jacket and dark pants.

He waved his big squarish hand at the workers.

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"Let me help you."

The workers immediately nodded with a bright smile. They had already ordered the furniture similar to the original design of the house and even the painters were ready. The only thing delaying the whole process was the construction part and Cementoss could greatly help them.

"Sure, ah, wait. I forgot to tell you that All Might had asked for some changes in the original design."

A worker quickly took out Rito's original house's blueprints and marked a region.

"We need to add another bedroom here."

The architect of the group circled an area and looked at Cementoss.

Even though it doesn't look like it but Cementoss was actually a qualified architect. To maximise the usage of his quirk, he had immersed himself in years of research and had mastered architecture.

Cementoss immediately understood his words but his serious, blockish face showed a strange expression.

He looked at all the workers with all seriousness and then spoke out gravely.

"Even if you say All Might has approved of this... I need concrete evidence of his approval."

His eyes were intensely staring at all the workers' expression as their lips twitched continuously.

'Ah! He made a joke... what a sad pun!'

They all lamented for Cementoss while he failed to extract any extraordinary reaction from the group.

Feeling disappointed, Cementoss bypassed them and started the process of construction as the group remained quiet and helped him.

Nobody spoke of the matter of 'concrete' evidence.

'Maybe they felt embarrassed and didn't laugh out loud because of my hero status? Yeah, that must be it.'

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Meanwhile, Cementoss thought about the previous incident with all seriousness.


"Say 'Chuuu'!"

"Oh! Hell! No!"

Rito shouted loudly and immediately tried to run away from the pouty, wrinkled lips that slowly crept towards his face.

Before he could even stand up, a huge hand held his shoulders and pushed him on his chair, forcing him to sit once again.

"Young Rito, have a brave heart!"

All Might's encouraging words sounded while Rito's eyes widened in surprise and anger.

"Why don't you kiss her then—"


Rito's face turned pale as the slight amount of injuries he received because of his skill started to heal at a great pace while his other passive skill such as [Body Furnace] and [Agony Lover] finally subsided.

But he didn't go pale because of the rapid healing of his injury, it was because of the slightly wet and warm feeling on the side of his face.

His gaze turned to the old woman with a short stature and kind smile but in Rito's eyes, Recovery Girl's smile was anything but devil's.

He now missed Ryōko and truly felt that is was way easier to heal under her instructions.


Meanwhile, two existence in the room couldn't contain their laughter.

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It was the green-haired brat— Tatsumaki and the gullible robot— Peke.

"Tch! Stupid Robot! Stupid Brat! What are you laughing at? I am willing to bet that you two aren't even old enough to kiss someone else.

And you, Peke, do you even have the mouth to kiss someone?"

His words immediately caused the whole room to quieten down as all the Pro-Heroes including the three Aliens looked at Rito with wide eyes.

Even though Lala didn't understand Tatsumaki's height complex, she still had to comfort Peke as she was ready to fight it out with Rito.

Meanwhile, the other three Aliens knew full well about Tatsumaki's terror.


All Might's face changed and he immediately looked at Eraser Head.

"Aizawa! Quick!"

Before Tatsumaki could rage, her powers were completely oliberated temporarily while Aizawa's eyes glowed red.

"Hah! Give them back! Dammit!"

Tatsumaki raged as she looked at Rito with unconcealed rage.

"Hoh? Feeling angry, you green chibi?"

Rito walked and bent down. His face had an unconcealed expression of mockery as he looked into Tatsumaki's eyes.

Even though she did save him and had a great timing, he wasn't going to forget about her act of sending him down the memory lane. Some might say that he is being petty but Rito thought otherwise.

'Gotta show her that she cannot get away by screwing around with me.'

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'Green Chibi!'

Tears were streaming down the eyes of all the Pro-Heroes and Eraser Head, Aizawa Shōta felt like he was being tortured. He didn't dare close his eyes or Tatsumaki will rampage but he also couldn't control for long.

Meanwhile, a particular hero had taken a shine on Rito's boldness.

'Hmm, a striking appearance and a confident charm even if he is slightly injured. Courageous enough to take on Tatsumaki. Even though she cannot use her power, it takes the balls of the dragon to antagonise her. If he gets into the business of Pro-Heroes, I should definitely recruit him.'

Sweet Mask's eyes shone with brilliance.

"All Might, you guys should talk in a different room while I take care of this Chi— Tatsumaki."

Aizawa's face was contorted and he looked at All Might with a begging expression. All Might also felt a threat when he looked at Tatsumaki's impassive face.

"Sure thing, Eraser Head! Come, Young Rito!'

He immediately picked up Rito who was dangerously close to Tatsumaki and signalled Zastin and Amai Mask to follow him.

Lala also followed them with a grumbling Peke in her hands.

By now, she had changed into different clothes as the Hero Association didn't allow any kind of unauthorised mechanised suits.

Currently, she wore a simple blue jumpsuit with a special hole created for her tail.

After the group left, Aizawa couldn't hold it in and his eyes finally blinked for a second but the moment he opened his eyes, Tatsumaki was gone.

He looked at Zombieman who shook his head in response while the two aliens had a terrified expression as they personally saw Tatsumaki's expression a moment ago.

Her face perfectly expressed a famous saying: Calm before the Storm!

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