Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 41

"Princess, Lord has been worried about you!"

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Zastin immediately spoke up as they entered the room. His face was slightly concerned as he was genuinely worried about Lala's safety.

Hearing his words, Lala smiled bitterly.

"He was worried about me or the benefits I will bring from the marriage?"

Lala looked into Zastin's eyes and chuckled. This time, not even a shred of the previous carelessness could be seen on her face and her self-deprecating expression showed her sadness.

"Lala-sama, this—"

Before Zastin could speak, Lala looked at Zastin and a sliver of pink spark flew off her eyes.

"Zastin Everluke, heed my command!"

A powerful pressure emerged out of Lala's body that not only shocked All Might and Sweet Mask but also Rito. After all, he had seen Lala's recklessness in the anime but this is the first time he felt such a special regal charm emerging out of Lala's body.

'True enough, this world is nothing like anime.'

Rito thought silently. Lala's sudden outburst cemented his decision that ye couldn't look at this world with his previous outlook.

Meanwhile, Zastin had already kneeled on one knee as he placed his sword down and hung his head low.

"This servant hears!"

He shouted.

Lala thought for a moment and snuck a glance at Rito's shocked face. She didn't know why but when she saw the astonished expression on Rito's face, her heart felt slightly happy and her mood couldn't help but uplift.

"I, Lala Satalin Deviluke, command you to take my personal army and wipe out the organisation that held malicious intentions towards me and the kingdom."

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"This servant obeys!"

Even though Zastin felt slightly strange, he was happy nonetheless. After all, this is the first time Lala has used her imperial decree and this progress made Zastin jubilant. He has been taking care of Lala ever since she was born and he only saw her kind and reckless nature.

But today, she finally showed a side befitting an Imperial Noble.

"I have taken a shine on this planet and have decided to stay here. Do you know what you should do?"

Lala asked Zastin. But this time, her aura had receded completely and her voice had returned to her previous happy nature.

Zastin immediately frowned but still nodded.

"This servant will increase the security of the planet. Any alien wanting to step insides the atmosphere must go through the Devilukes!"

Zastin stood up and placed his right fist on his left chest and hung his head.

Since Lala had given out an imperial decree, Zastin had to obey.

Even though Lala felt slightly bad for doing this to Zastin as she cared about her caretaker, too. She needed to show her determination and her very first command would do the trick.

Meanwhile, the three of them had slightly bulging eyes.

"Just like this?"

Rito couldn't help but ask out loud.

Lala turned back to him and showed a confused expression while she tilted her head.

"Of course, I am the Crown Princess after all."

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Hearing her words, Rito was slightly speechless.

'Then what was all the shit in anime? She is completely right, she is the crown princess and Zastin has to follow her commands unless her father interferes once again.'

Rito sighed as it was his turn to discuss things with the people from his planet.

"All Might, you don't have any problem with her living with me, now, do you?"

After witnessing Lala's might, Rito already had the initiative in his own hands.

Before All Might could speak, Sweet Mask's surprised voice was heard.

"What? Live with you?"

He didn't know much about the scenes taking place inside Rito's house.

Rito nodded at Sweet Mask's question, completely unaware that a green-haired chibi had already taken aim at him.

"You cannot do that! She is dangerous!"

It could be said that Sweet Mask was really different when it came to dealing with innocent civilians. He wouldn't use force and would always try to persuade them.

Seeing that All Might wasn't stopping him, Sweet Mask understood his intentions and decided to sway Rito's decision.

But at this moment, Rito grinned and rubbed the back of his head.

"I know it may sound childish, you know, after all, I am still a child but...

Even if it is dangerous, I have decided that Lala will stay with me!"

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He spoke up and looked at Lala, who had a different reaction.

Her eyes were slightly moist and her body felt warm. She also passed a careless grin at Rito and they both chuckled.

Meanwhile, Zastin was already glaring at Rito from Lala's behind.

Even though she had aimed at Rito, Tatsumaki couldn't go through her attack when she saw Rito's grin. She didn't need to be in the room as she is able to sense movements and emotions from far away.

In reality, she had already known that Rito did not have any malicious intention towards her but she was someone who had been through a lot of things.

In her suspicion, she did see Rito's deepest secret. It could be said that after seeing that particular image, Tatsumaki felt that what she had been through wasn't the worst after all.

But right now, she couldn't connect as to how Rito is still able to smile so brightly even when he has faced the worst.

'How does he do that?'

'Can I be as carefree as him?'

Such thought popped in her consciousness and the attack she had prepared was finally stopped.

She had already heard the conversation and suddenly had a strange thought.

"If he really isn't afraid of danger... maybe I could..."

Her eyes turned unreadable and she flew off.

Meanwhile, Sweet Mask felt his words were wasted as Rito remained stubborn.

Suddenly he had a thought and he looked at Lala and then Rito.

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'He has the balls of a dragon, might of a tiger and has a handsome face. Even though that princess is young, anybody can tell that she is bound to be more beautiful.'

'Maybe it is the fate of a beautiful boy to meet an equally beautiful girl. This way, they may represent a new generation of humans that are beautiful.'

As he kept on thinking, Sweet Mask's face turned even more bright.

'What if they are supposed to be the ancestors of a completely new phase of humanity where everyone is beautiful and ugliness doesn't exist.'

When he thought till here, even he didn't have the heart to stop Rito from living together with Lala.

If someone like Rito could read Sweet Mask's mind, they wi find that this sophisticated Hero with a high fanbase had a surprisingly simple mind.


Hey guys, with this, the first volume— First Toraburu is finally complete.

It has been so amazing to write this as I received a wonderful support from you guys.

With this, I would finally like to announce my already existing ******* page.


In case, the above link is censored, it is

www. p-a-t-r-e-o-n .com/ broughtwaorld

In any case, the target has already reached 15/100 and I would like if there is someone who is willing to support.

Of course, this is completely voluntary and the updates will remain the same.

Thank you all once again.

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