Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 42

After an intense discussion and negotiation with the Hero Association, Zastin finally left the planet as he felt slightly distressed in his heart by the fact that he couldn't complete his lord's mission.

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'But, that four animals association is brazen enough to attack Princess? They probably have too good of a life to commit suicide.'

With a raging heart, one of the galaxy's best swordsman left the planet. On that very night, countless battleships were stationed near the space stations of the Earth.

With just a single command, Earth became a heavily fortified planet.

Meanwhile, Rito took Lala, Mikan and Peke back to his newly built house. Since the cleaning squad was there, Rito couldn't leave Mikan alone and had to wake up the poor soul once again to bring her alongside the group.

Just like that, Lala was settled into their house's new room and the group fell asleep. After all, Rito and Mikan also had school after a few hours.

Unknown to them, a flash of green could be seen near one of the windows of their house.


The dawn of the day receded as the morning sun finally rose up. The birds started chirping and soft winds blew. The day had started and many people woke up only to see their residence safe and sound.

In this world, no matter where you are, waking up to a safe environment is always better. With a better mood, aunties started to prepare food for their children and husbands, while students started to get ready for their school.

Of course, the world isn't fair and some people have better luck than others.

For example, a certain boy with short messy brown-hair sleeping on a fluffy mattress with an innocent look while his hands wrapped around a petite beauty.

It would have been fine but this kind of boy with such outrageous luck will definitely get struck by lightning one day.

After all, his arms wrapped around the green-haired petite beauty with an innocent face while a pair of legs straddled his hips and a pair of milky white arms hugged his chest from behind. Two white soft mounds squished on his back and were completely deformed, showcasing their softness.

Yes, any male bearing witness to this scene will curse the boy to his ninth generation while he will also lament his luck for marrying too quickly.

Rito's sleep was slightly interrupted as he felt a pair of hands moving up and down his chest.


He moved his hand as he felt the astonishing curves of the beautiful in front of him. Thin waist connected to a very curvy hip that led to a beautiful and perky ass. The texture was soft and when he grabbed at them, he felt a perky and bouncy touch.

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The moment Rito grabbed the buttocks in his sleep, almost immediately, he flew off and he was completely awakened.


Even though the house wasn't damaged, he still had a hard fall and he rubbed his head as he woke up.

"Hmm? You?"

Rito's eyes widened as he trembled slightly.

Wearing an extremely short pink shorts that curved around her round buttocks and a sleeveless tank top, Tatsumaki's eyes glowed with green rage as she floated mid-air.

Meanwhile, Lala had also woken up and her beautiful body was completely naked. Seeing her bountiful assets, Tatsumaki immediately used her telekinesis to cover her body with a blanket.

"What's going on?"

Mikan entered with her clothes covered by an apron. She had a spatula in her hands.

The moment she walked in, her heart skipped a beat and she was sent into a daze.

"Rito... didn't you get enough trouble tonight?"

Mikan wanted to smack the spatula on her Elder Brother's face but controlled herself.


Rito couldn't cope up with the situation. His brain had already short-circuited when he saw Tatsumaki in such a passion-evoking clothes. His eyes then trailed off to her waist and then her plump butt.


He looked at his hands and couldn't believe that those buttocks would feel so springy and soft.

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He then looked at Lala. Her innocent look alongside her half covered body caused a fistful of a nefarious ball of fire burn in his heart.

It felt like his heart was itching but sadly, he couldn't scratch the itch away.

" 'Eh?' Is that all you can say?"

The window of his room opened up and he suddenly felt weightless.


Rito's body flew off the room and the scene inside the room turned slightly awkward. Mikan knew about Lala and even though she only knew for a short time, she was well aware of her certain tendencies, like walking naked.

Even now, she was sleeping buck naked in Rito's bedroom without any care in the world.

But she didn't know Tatsumaki personally.

She tilted her head in confusion as she looked at the raging green beast.

"Um? Why are you here?"


Tatsumaki came back to reality as her rage lessened. She immediately stood on the bed and placed her hand on her wide hips.

"Me? I am here to stay, of course!"

She spoke as her voice turned arrogant.


Mikan and Lala looked at Tatsumaki with a shocked expression. Seeing their surprised reaction, Tatsumaki felt slightly happy. Her mood was uplifted and she forgot about the previous incident where Rito groped her butt.

No, she completely forgot about how she broke into his house and snuck into his room only to get groped in the morning.

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Lala looked at Tatsumaki seriously.

"Say, you didn't bath with Rito naked, did you?"

Tatsumaki's expression stiffened and she almost fell down.

Meanwhile, Mikan also had the same doubt in her mind.

Unconsciously, the trio had ignored the existence to whom this very room belonged, too.

Mikan even forgot that they were running late for school.


"Ouch! Huh—"

Rito wanted to stand up but his face immediately pushed into something soft while his nose could smell a soft and mellow fragrance.

He immediately used his hands to get up, only to grab onto two soft and squishy mounds.

"Huh? These are?"

He grabbed with his hands and immediately, a soft squeal could be heard.

His eyes opened as he found that he was covered in darkness while his mouth and nose were attached to an article of white clothing with blue stripes.

This is—

Before he could register the scene, the surroundings turned bright as the skirt covering his face was lifted and Uraraka stood up with a completely red face.


Rito murmured and the blush on Ochaco's face deepened.

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"I-I-I came to walk with you but you suddenly flew out of your house and... and... and..."

Ochaco waved her hands while she wanted to find a hole to cover her face.

Since Rito had been discharged, she came by his house to walk to the school together with him and Mikan, just like always.

But the moment she reached his house, Rito flew out of his room and immediately fell on Ochaco.

Even though she panicked when she saw Rito flying towards her, she wanted to use her quirk, alas, it was too late.

It was Rito, whose quirk came into play and by some miracle, Rito was able to get his face attached to Ochaco's underwear, the blue striped one.

"Oh, shit! Ochaco, come inside. I'll get ready within minutes."

Rito immediately shot inside his house and the house while Ochaco stood on his doorstep as she tried to calm her heart. The situation changed too suddenly.

When she thought of Rito's warm breath over her...., her face couldn't help but blush once again.


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