Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 43

Mikan had already started preparing bento for herself and Rito while he ran to his bedroom, only to witness a beautiful sight of the casually dressed Tatsumaki and blanket-rolled Lala.

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From what it looked like, they were actually having a pleasant conversation. Even though his mind was filled with various questions about Tatsumaki's intrusion, he wasn't in the mood to ask them now.

"Ah! Pervert, you are back. Fine, I know you have many questions, I am willing to tell you if—"

Tatsumaki had a smug expression as she looked at the hurried Rito, misunderstanding that he was slightly panicked because of her own presence, alas, her words were cut short by Rito.

"Green Chibi, I will deal with you later! I gotta get ready!"

Rito pointed and shouted at Tatsumaki as he quickly took out his uniform and took off his pajamas in front of both of them.

Since they had already bathed together, Lala didn't feel embarrassed looking at Rito's body once again but Tatsumaki was a different case.

He had already slid his arms in the sleeves while he quickly stuck the pants only to feel his body weightless once again.

"Oi, you crazy Chi—"

With a flash of green, a half-dressed Rito was thrown out of his house, where Ochaco was trying to calm her heart.

Alas, her heart was destined to ride a rollercoaster today.


"Huff, huff, Rito, run slowly!"

Mikan shouted as she ran as fast as her small legs could carry.

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"I gotta reach in time! It's already been a week since I attended my classes."

Rito wasn't far off as he kept his speed in control. After all, Ochaco and Mikan weren't as fit as he was.

'We're gonna get late this way.'

Rito lamented.

To him, a school had a special meaning since he wasn't able to attend such a place in his previous life. Now, he didn't want to miss the opportunity once again due to a stupid chibi.

'I'll get her for this one, too.'

He swore in his mind and looked at Ochaco's and Mikan's exhausted faces.

'No choice left!'

His face showed a determined expression as he slowed down for Ochaco and Mikan to catch-up to him and then, without saying anything, he immediately picked them up.

Since he couldn't carry both of them in a princess carry, he chose the next best option.

"Wait, Rito! What—"

"R-R-Rito-kun! This—"

He picked both of them by an arm each. His arms wrapped around their abdomen and easily picked them up.

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"No time for chit chat!"

His eyes held unnatural seriousness as his tone turned grave.

'Was he so excited about going school before?'

Ochaco couldn't help but recall that Rito had quite a lax nature when it came to school. After all, they even ditched the class sometimes.

"I'm going full power! Keep a hold of your skirt, Uraraka-san!"

Rito wasn't afraid about Mikan getting exposed because she had decided to wear her shorts today.



Nothing else could be heard as the wind whistled through the group. Long gone was the need of hiding his power as he had also registered his quirk during the previous night's events.

After all, his power was glaringly obvious. Being able to smash Tatsumaki while also being able to hold his own against W-3.

This caused the other Pro-Heroes to see a rising potential within Rito.

His hair fluttered and he immediately bypassed the other students that were getting late.

From afar, a trail of wind could be seen followed by the screams of two young girls.

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"Idiot Ritoooooooooo!"


If it wasn't for Rito holding them personally, they would have fallen off long ago.

Meanwhile, inside Rito's bedroom.

Since Rito was gone, Tatsumaki dispelled her powers as the blanket on Lala immediately rolled down, showcasing her young and bouncy body.

Lala didn't care much since Tatsumaki was a girl, too.

She stretched her arms which made her milky white, and shapely breasts with pink toppings to jiggle slightly, causing black lines to cover Tatsumaki's face.

"You are Tatsu...maki, right? Rito's already gone? What should we do now?"

Lala tilted her head with an innocent expression that broke Tatsumaki out of her reverie. Her gaze turned away from those envious breasts and looked at Lala's face.

"I don't know. I was supposed to teach in high school but they cancelled that. They said they will call me. So, what do you want to do?"

Tatsumaki was equally puzzled.

Surprisingly, these two house guests sharing the same bed had an equally dull mind when it came to making decisions.

Even though Lala showed her regal brilliance, it was a very rare occasion. It didn't take her long to gain back her carefree and bouncy attitude.

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Lala smiled and shook her head.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

She asked back.

Tatsumaki: "..."

Today is bound to be a long day.


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