Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 5

Just like that, the duo stayed with Rito till evening before leaving. Uraraka was still flustered, but she managed to give Rito a cheerful smile before leaving. After all, she had her homework to do and she also needed to prepare herself and train her quirk for future events.

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Mikan, was the same. Although she left a little later, Rito was still worried about her living alone in their home, but she assured him and told him that their dad was already there to take care of Mikan for the time being.

Even though Rito knew that Mikan would be the one who would be actually taking care of their father, he was relieved to hear that she wouldn't be staying alone. Even though she had her own quirk and was capable enough to take care of her, he wouldn't want his baby sister to take such a high risk.

Meanwhile, Mikan also stunned Rito by her single whisper-like voice.

"I hope you get better soon.... Onii-Chan!"

She did not even wait for Rito to reply as she had already left the room, leaving Rito alone.

But even though he was alone, hearing his own sister calling him 'Onii-Chan' left him happy as the foolish expression emerged on his face once again.

"Ai, having such a cute sister is really a blessing!"

Rito smiled as he felt warm and leaned back, the setting sun left orange rays of light on his face, illuminating him in the slightly dark room.

"System, buy [Love's Recovery]."

The moment he spoke out, his Karma Points (KP) were reduced by 130, bringing him to a total of 26 while a small candy wrapped in a blue plastic wrapper appeared on his left palm.

The whole process did not even take a second and he looked at the candy in his hand.

He had already used this item in his previous life so he knew the effect of this potent candy and smiled lightly.

"It may only take a day to recover!"

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Broken bones, deep scars and even slight regeneration is possible by this potion.

Seeing that he wouldn't be disturbed for the time being, he placed one end of the wrapper between his teeth and used his left palm to unwrap the candy. The whole process took a little time as he was still in a very awkward position, but after a few moments, he took the candy-like potion in his hand and spit away the candy wrapper on the floor.

The potion itself looked quite beautiful and gave off a feeling of being a masterpiece. It was Luminescent Blue in color and gave off a slight glow in the dark room, looking very enchanting.

Rito didn't waste much time admiring the candy and placed it inside his mouth and gulped it quickly. The potion would've also worked if he kept it inside his mouth and waited for the effect to spread throughout his body slowly, but the problem was that the taste of the candy was terrible and he did not want to experience it again.

From his abdomen, Rito could feel wisps of cold energy spreading throughout his body and then disappearing. The process lasted for almost fifteen minutes as Rito kept on sensing the energy and felt hid mind getting refreshed and relaxed.

Previously, he couldn't even feel his legs, but now, with the usage of cold currents, he was at least able to sense the numbing sensation of his legs. He did not try to move his body rashly because he himself knew how injured he was.

"Now I need proper nourishment to facilitate cell enhancement."

Rito looked thoughtful. It was the most basic concept of energy conversion. He was well aware that the cellular activity of his body had risen greatly, but he also knew that if he didn't manage his time during this period of recovery, his condition might deteriorate even further.

After all, his body needed proper nutrition to keep up with the cellular activity of his body. His cells couldn't recover his injuries without converting the already present energy within his body. If there is no reserve of energy provided by digestion of food, then his cells might use the basic energy required for his sustenance and inadvertently harm him even more.

But even after understanding all this, Rito kept his calm because he had already faced this situation in his previous life and found a method to tackle it.

He immediately opened the system and opened the items section of the shop menu and found the solution.


Dick Bar: A highly nutritional bar filled with an extraordinary amount of proteins and minerals to facilitate intensive workouts. As the name suggests, this nutrition bar is made by the penises of various existences of the world.

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Buy: Y/N

Price: 25 KP


Even though Rito's expression darkened after reading the description of the item, he didn't mind it too much attention since this was the only item affordable by his budget.

He took a deep breath and bought it from the system.

Even though it was quite mysterious how such items are made out of nowhere, Rito felt that the Karma Points were actually some kind of energy that is utilised in return for the formation of the item.

Of course, he wouldn't completely believe this theory of his, but he felt that this was a pretty reliable assumption if he could find some relevant clues about the working of the system.

With that, his left palm had another item. It was a protein bar wrapped in black plastic with slightly red markings on the edges of the wrapper.

With the same process how he unwrapped the candy, Rito quickly unwrapped the protein bar and looked at the skin colored protein bar with a dark gaze.

Honestly, he was slightly repulsed by the fact that he would have to eat such a protein bar, but his stomach was already aching because of hunger.

Even though he ate a lot some time ago, because of the increased cellular activity, his stomach had already digested everything there is to digest. If he does not provide his body with nutrition, he felt that he wouls start to lose his own fat and muscles.

With twitching lips, Rito quickly chewed the protein bar and gulped it down before he could actually taste it. After all, he had a feeling that if he did taste it, he would have stepped on the path of no return.

"Rito Yuuki-kun, I am here to bring your dinner."

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The door of his room was opened by a nurse dressed in white clothes that stuck to her curvaceous body. Looking at her smiling face, Rito could tell that she was most likely an intern, after all, she looked only two or three years older than him.

"Hmm? What is this? Candy Wrapper?"

The nurse picked up the blue wrapper and looked at Rito with a reprimanding gaze.

"You are very lucky to survive, please focus on your health! You can all these junk foods when you recover fully!"

She threw the wrapper into the dustbin and found another black wrapper near his bed!

She looked at Rito, who was smiling awkwardly, and frowned!

"Please! Don't eat junk foods from now on. It's for your own good."

The nurse then helped Rito sit up and placed the food on a small table and put it on Rito's body. Since he had one of his hands injured, she was also tasked with helping him eat.

This time, Rito looked at the beautiful nurse carefully and found her very attractive. Long Blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Even the pair of spectacles on her face made her look even more enchanting.

This whole time, she kept on giving an 'Elder Sister' vibe. Unlike Mikan, who looked cute in everything she did, this girl in front of him looked graceful and kind in every action.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the nurse smiled that Rito did not try to fight back when she told her to stop eating sweets and junk foods.

She felt that most teenagers are usually rebellious and wouldn't easily listen to her. But as she looked at the obedient boy who kept gazing at her face silently, she felt relieved.

She took a spoonful of soup from the bowl and lightly blew over it to make it feel comfortable and warm and then brought it towards Rito's face.

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Unfortunately, she underestimated the power of her bust and the whole bowl was turned over after getting pushed by her bist covered in tight clothes.


Rito awakened from his dazed state as he felt an extremely hot liquid on his body.

Even the green-eyed nurse went into a panic.

Right now, she was already sitting on the side of the bed as she was going to feed the obedient boy in front of him, but when the hot soup fell all over his body and his expression fluctuated, she was panicked and the spoon in her hands fell on his left hand.

Rito was able to see the spoon falling on his left hand and tried to move it away. Since he was barely able to sit up once again because his body was undergoing quick recovery, he couldn't control his own reaction and his whole body moved suddenly towards his left, where the nurse was sitting.

Flustered, the nurse clutched his injured legs that caused an even more intense reaction and both of them fell on the floor.


Rito could only scream as his whole body was going through a heart-wrenching pain, but the nurse wasn't able to think clearly because somehow, her blouse was unbuttoned and the boy's left hand was stuck inside her black, lacey bra that looked quite erotic and showed a slight pink from the uncovered area.

Meanwhile, the left leg was stuck betweeh her legs and her skirt was pushed up, exposing the equally erotic panty that showed her skin from the silky transparent part of the undergarment.

Moreover, the soup also got her slightly wet as her panty slightly soaked and showed a small, puffy valley where Rito's knees kept on moving and pushing further.

As she felt her current situation, her beautiful face went beet red and she could only get away quickly.

Only after adjusting her clothes did she remember about Rito and her expression went pale when she looked at the unconscious boy whose left leg, which shouldn't be moved, was bent and his left hand had also turned slightly blue from the fall.

Her eyes started to tear as she felt extremely guilty. She immediately called for the doctors and even called her the only friend in the region and the dialled a number of a hero specialised in healing.

Unknown to her, Rito wasn't blaming her at all, he could only blame is unusual quirk— Luck Fall!

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