Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 6

"Hmm? Where am I?"

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Rito opened his eyes as the early morning's Sun brightened his room.

He rubbed his eyes with one hand and scratched his chest with other and yawned loudly. He had slight tears forming in the corner of the eyes as his eyes weren't ready to face daylight.


His squinted eyes stiffened as he looked at his right hand trying to provide shade as he put it over his head.

"It's... healed?"

Rito felt he was in a dream.

A beautiful and clumsy nurse appeared in the form of an angel and smiled gently and filled his body with a warm and comfortable feeling. Her actions were graceful and made him dazed. Especially her eyes, those green eyes weren't common and easily attracted his attention.

But little did he know at that time that she was a big devil! She poured boiling oil on his body and made him fall off the cliff as she jumped over his head and tried to increase the velocity of the fall.

In the end, she even molested him by taking his hands and making him touch her erotically.

As Rito recalled the previous incident, his expression turned awkward as he finally realised that it wasn't a dream and the kind nurse was still a clumsy Angel!

He wasn't splashed by boiling oil but the hot soup that was prepared to nourish his body and he did not fall off the cliff but fell of his bed.

She also did not jump on him with malicious intent, but was forced to fall on him in her fluster and in the end, she wasn't molesting him but it was the other way around. After all, he had a legendary quirk— Luck Fall!

He was the one who had taken advantage of her busty body instead!

Thinking about the situation, he felt apologetic towards the pretty nurse with long blonde hair.

He then looked around and found that he was back in his previous room as the two plastic wrappers were still inside the dustbin and found nobody else. He was alone right now.

"Huff, in the manga, Rito would always get lucky when he fell, but why did I have to go through such a pain when my turn to experience the legendary moment arrived?"

He couldn't help but mutter to himself. Even though he was feeling good now, he still remembered the pain he felt before. His legs were screaming and his chest sent him messages to commit suicide since it would've been a better option than going through all that.

He inspected his legs and found them movable. When he tried to slide them slightly, he did feel an aching sensation spreading towards his ankle, but it was still bearable.

Taking a deep breath, he used his arms to support himself up and tried to move his legs out of the bed and touch the floor. His body was slightly bent leftwards as he was still trying to go through the motions slowly.

"Damn, it's too hard!"

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Rito gritted his teeth and finally placed his foot on the floor. He then slowly used his arms to position his body upwards and finally entered the normal sitting position on the edge of the bed.

"Anyway, this rate of recovery shouldn't belong to the potion alone. Did someone use a healing quirk on me?"

With his limited knowledge of this world, this was the best explanation he could come up with.

He took a deep breath as his chest puffed out a little and finally tried to stand. It wasn't that he was incredibly determined to make a full recovery as quickly as possible, but he was trying for a whole other reason.

Since yesterday, his body had only been consuming and digesting the nutrients to facilitate the recovery of his body quickly. But there was still one important process that Rito had to go through.

Yes, a student proficient in biology would understand that the three elementary processes of the digestive system are— Consumption, Digestion and Excretion.

And after a whole day of Consumption and Digestion, Rito was in need of some serious..... excretion....

His stomach was making ominous sounds and Rito felt even more urgent. The more urgent he felt, the quicker his determination grew to stand straight and walk towards the restroom attached with his room.

With a silent roar and fierce face, he tensed his muscles, tightened his thighs and stood up!

Yeah! He was able to stand in a single try!

"My luck isn't as bad as I was expecting!"

Since this body had gone through two accidents in two days, Rito felt that this body is cursed somehow. But now, a light feeling washed over him as he walked out of his bed still covered by the hospital gown that was slightly loose from behind and walked slowly towards the restroom.

His butt was clenched all the way and when he finally reached the door after a whole minute, he smiled gently and grabbed the doorknob to open the door.

Alas, this naive boy thought that his luck had gotten better, it was quite an unfortunate sight as an extremely ugly expression covered his handsome face after he found out that the door was locked from inside.

He tried to calm his emotions and knocked as politely as he could. After all, he understood more than anyone that disturbing someone in during their time in the restroom is extremely upsetting and unpleasant.



"Um, can you please.... you know.... come out quickly?"

He thought that maybe it was his father. After all, he still hasn't visited him yet. So he tried to speak as politely as he could.


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The sound of the flush could be heard outside and Rito sighed in relief. At least, he wouldn't have to wait too much!

As he waited, the person inside the restroom was already restless and panicked.

Her beautiful face was red once again and her green eyes had slight tears in the corner of her eyes!

'How come I am so unlucky!'

She wanted to shout, but she could only lament her fortune and quickly finished her business.

A few minutes ago, she was nursing on Rito as she was the person at fault for his condition worsening even more. Even if she had called for her friend and a pro-hero proficient in healing, she was still berated by her superiors.

She was also punished in the form that she wouldn't be given this month's salary and the bonus for the remaining year was cut off.

But she was still relieved as she looked at Rito's sleeping face. After all, any price and punishment would've been worthy to save someone whose life she had endangered herself.

As she kept on looking at his face, her thoughts started to drift apart and most of her time was spent doing nothing until she was brought out of her reverie due to slight sensation from her private parts, urging her to relieve herself.

"I have to pee... but who will watch after him?"

She was caught in a dilemma.

But she couldn't delay for much longer and quickly walked inside the attached restroom.

Since her clothes were slightly complicated, she took a moment to unzip her skirt and sat down with a curious expression.

"How did he even undo my clothes?"

Sometimes, it was even hard for her to remove her clothes, but surprisingly, Rito's hand easily slithered inside her blouse and exposed her breast and undergarments. It was still fortunate that there was no one else around them or it would've been a disaster.

As she let go of herself, she felt that she had heard some sound from the room but she ignored it.

But after a minute, as she was going to pull up her skirt, the door was suddenly knocked, almost giving her a heart attack.



"Um, can you please.... you know.... come out quickly?"

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Her expression faltered and then she started blushing once again as she pulled the flush and started putting on clothes. She did not know how to face him as she had already recognised his voice.

'Ai, too unlucky!'

She quickly washed her hand and opened the door with an embarrassed expression.

Who wouldn't be embarrassed in such a situation? Especially, a beautiful girl like her!

"Ah! Sorry for yesterday!"

As Rito saw the person coming out with a red face, he thought that he was still embarrassed about him touching her in an appropriate manner and he immediately bowed his head and apologized.

This action caused her to be flustered as she stepped out of the restroom to stop his actions, but Rito was in a hurry!

He did not hear her and immediately entered the restroom and closed the door, causing her to feel dejected and guilty.

She blamed herself for his sudden action!

"He doesn't want to talk to me at all? Maybe he is still angry with me about yesterday.... But why did he apologize?"

She fell into her own thought.

But she knew one thing that she still had to apologise to the boy. Then, if he didn't want to forgive her, she would understand and accept his decision.


Rito had a pleasant expression as he returned to his bed to rest for some time. He was completely relieved! When he walked out, he did not see the pretty nurse and felt that she was still angry and had already left.

He could only smile wryly about that! After all, he still couldn't control his quirk!

He simply laid on his bed with his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He was simply waiting for Mikan, Ochaco and Sairenji to visit him once again. After all, he had already experienced the feeling of beautiful girls spoiling him and he wanted to have this feeling like this once again.

As he lost himself in his thoughts, the door to his room was opened and the previous nurse came with his breakfast this time. Unlike yesterday, she had a neutral expression and she didn't immediately bring his breakfast to him but placed it on the nightstand beside his bed.

"Does she want me to eat myself this time?"

Rito felt that this reaction is natural. After all, he did put his hand in her brassiere.

But to Rito's shock, the beautiful nurse kneeled and placed her head on the floor.

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"I am extremely sorry that you went through so much pain because of me last night! I would understand that if you don't want to see me and don't require my services anymore."

As she performed the action, her back and big butt were placed right in front of Rito's eyes as he was amazed by her body. He did not mean anything, but he couldn't stop himself from looking at her back, which was covered by her golden hair.

After speaking, the nurse stood up and started to walk towards the door.

Rito finally came to be and had an awkward expression. He thought for a moment before calling out to the nurse.

"Um... nurse-san, I think you misunderstood something..."

His voice stopped the nurse in her action as her body trembled lightly.

Rito couldn't see her face, but she had tears streaming down her face right now. This was the second time she had caused such a disaster to someone younger than her and her kind heart couldn't take it at all.

She waited for his words and stood with her back facing Rito.

Rito saw that she wasn't turning back and spoke out.

"It wasn't your fault! You were extremely caring to me yesterday. But we are only humans and we are entitled to cause accidents. So, I would like for you to nurse me back to my health once again."

Rito meant every word he said. If humans don't commit mistakes, then who will? God?

Humans were the puppets made of imperfections and every human deserved a chance to be salvaged, and the person who committed the mistake was already kind and caring to him, so he didn't have any doubt that she should be given another chance.

Of course, he also knew that it wasn't completely her fault, but he did not know how to explain and felt that making her believe that she could be given another chance is the most optimal method currently.

Hearing his words, the nurse started to sob loudly and she walked towards the breakfast placed on the nightstand.

Her head was bowed all the time and her bangs had covered her face, so Rito couldn't see her expression.

As she sat with the breakfast, Rito thought that he should at least introduce himself after what they both have been through.

"Hello, nurse-san, my name is Rito Yuuki! I will be in your care!"

Even though he knew that she would already know his name since he was a patient, he still introduced himself personally.

As he spoke out, the blonde nurse finally looked into his eyes with her watery green eyes as tears stains could be seen on her beautiful face.

"Hello, Yuuki-kun, I am Tearju Lunatique, nice to meet you."

As she spoke, she used her empty hand to remove her glasses and wiped her tears and showed a happy smile.

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